Leonard responded with a smile, and then left the greenhouse.

After leaving the greenhouse, a black hole appeared next to Leonard and sucked the small group of roots into it.

Della grass is similar to potatoes, and the rhizomes can be cut into pieces and used as seeds.

The magical seed bag also recognized this kind of seed, and Fu put it away without hesitation.

After confirming that there was no problem with the roots, Leonard put the bag of fertilizer that eliminated the smell back into the dormitory, and then found Professor Flitwick in the Charms Professor's office.

He didn't lie to Professor Sproud, he did intend to ask Professor Flitwick a question.

Regarding the use of spells, Leonard felt that he needed to ask the former dueling champion for advice.

Professor Flitwick is a goblin, but unlike the goblin who is greedy for money, Professor Flitwick is more interested in magic, and is known to be kind and patient with students.

In front of the Charms professor's office, Leonard knocked on the door, and pushed the door open after hearing a shrill "Come in".

"Hello, Professor, I have a question I want to ask you." Leonard got straight to the point as soon as he entered the door.

"Oh, you are Mr. Wilhelm from Hufflepuff, feel free to ask any questions." Professor Flitwick said enthusiastically.

"I want to ask some questions about the use of spells." Leonard showed a kind and simple image that a Hufflepuff student should have.

Except for Snape, the professors at Hogwarts are very kind, and it would be nice to have a good relationship.

For example, when Snape wants to sue him for being black, a group of professors who have a good sense of him will question him.

Whether Dumbledore believed Snape or not, he had to do the other professors a little face.

"A question about the spell? Just ask, as long as I know something, I will answer it for you." Teacher Flitwick accepted the invitation Leonard to sit down and want something to drink?"

"Don't bother professor, it's just some simple questions, I'll leave after I finish asking, I have other questions to ask other professors." Leonard smiled shyly.

"You are very studious, which is very good." Professor Flitwick was a little curious, "But I think I can answer most of the questions. What questions make you plan to ask other professors?

As the Dean of La Wen Keluo College, Professor Flitwick felt that he was knowledgeable enough.

"It's about the Transfiguration Curse." Leonard acted like a simple-minded young man who didn't know much about the world.

"Transfiguration Curse, well, although I'm pretty good at it, I have to admit that Professor McGonagall's answer is more helpful to you when it comes to related questions."

Professor Flitwick nodded, "Then let's talk about your problem with spells. Are you using spells?"

Leonard nodded, "When I was practicing the fluorescent spell, I realized that the fluorescent spell that suddenly lights up in the dark can temporarily blind people, so I'm thinking that other spells should be more effective when used on different occasions."

"It's a very good idea. I'm glad you can think of this." Professor Flitwick said with a smile, "But this is not actually a question of Charms."

"Doesn't it count?" Leonard didn't have to act now, he was really puzzled.

"That's right, Charms is more theoretical, that is, it allows you to understand a magic and learn it, and then release it through different methods and methods."

Professor Flitwick poured himself a cup of tea, "Although the use of spells you mentioned is actually related to Charms, the main content should be learned in the Defense Against the Dark Arts class.

"Defense Against the Dark Arts?" Leonard's expression became a little strange.

"Yes, but it doesn't matter, since you asked me, I will give relevant answers, after all..."

Flitwick paused, "Professor Quirrell seems to be a little uncomfortable with the daily life in Hogwarts... probably because he has been running outside for a while, and some habits have not changed.

It seemed that Professor Flitwick found Quirrell suspicious.

In fact, all professors should feel suspicious of him. What use is there for a professor who only reads every day? He doesn't teach others seriously at all.

Even Snape, whom Leonard disliked the most, at least his teaching quality was fine.

It was suspected that Dumbledore had let Quirrell in on purpose.

"Forget about him, let's talk about spells." Professor Flitwick picked up his wand, "The use of spells is a very flexible thing."

"Wingardim Leviosa"

The teacup floated up.

"This is the floating spell, and it will use very light and easily affected feathers as the target of the spell at the beginning, and it will gradually become heavier later on.

Professor Flitwick said in detail, "But this is just a psychological hint to the students. It is difficult to affect this magic within the normal weight range. Using this magic to lift a feather is no different from lifting a person."

As the professor pointed his wand at Leonard, he planned to give him a more intimate experience.

"Wait..." Leonard was taken aback and tried to stop it, but Professor Flitwick, as a professor of Charms, cast spells at an unbelievably fast speed.

Before Leonard could stop it, a levitating spell hit him.

Leonard's first reaction was that it was too bad, Professor Flitwick's action was too decisive, and the Levitation Curse is a very simple magic, which was almost instantaneous when taught by Flitwick.

The loyal ancient sprout swayed and neutralized the floating spell before Leonard could react.

Unlike the magic of Repentance, which would be counterattacked if it was broken, the Levitation Curse was only immune.

But even immunity was enough to surprise Professor Flitwick.

The atmosphere gradually became awkward.

Leonard suddenly felt that the magic defense of the ancient sprouts was a bit clumsy.

For example, the sudden activation at this time made Professor Flitwick's demonstration a bit awkward.

"Sorry, Professor, I..." Leonard subconsciously wanted to find a reason to fool him, but he didn't expect Professor Flitwick, who was opposite, to make a suspicious voice.

"Is this ancient magic?"

A certain secret in his body was revealed, and Leonard was stunned.

Is this ancient magic something very common and bad street stuff?

Leonard was confused for a moment.

"Unexpectedly, I thought this talent was lost among wizards, and even people like Dumbledore couldn't sense the power of ancient magic." 733 Flitwick stood up, gasping in amazement.

"Sorry Professor...I don't quite understand." Leonard decided to play dumb.

Anyway, he really doesn't understand ancient magic, it's all caused by ancient sprouts.

"You have the power of ancient magic in your body, which is an unparalleled talent." Flitwick sighed.

"Professor, do you know much about this power?" Leonard asked tentatively.

"Of course, because I also have this kind of power." Professor Flitwick raised his wand slightly, and the arc of Risi Silver White flickered away.

Although it was only for a moment, Leonard clearly felt the silver white power that belonged to ancient magic, and even the ancient buds raised their heads.

But something is wrong, Professor Flitwick's power is somewhat different from his own, maybe it is his own reason, but it may also be the professor's reason.

This difference reminded Leonard, he planned not to mention the ruins with Professor Flitwick for the time being.

"Professor, is there anything special about this type of magic?" Leonard asked.

"To be honest, I don't know. There is no mention of this kind of power in various books. I just guessed from a few words that there should have been wizards who mastered ancient magic in the long history."

Flitwick sighed, "I'm a little too excited. This kind of magic is powerful. It can be seen that you are a good boy. Don't abuse it, understand?"

"Uh...Understood." The "good boy" Leonard, who was thinking about killing others all day long, nodded. .

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