Hogwarts: My Plants Have Billions Of Evil Points

Chapter 43: Voldemort Scared Away

Voldemort's performance without the slightest deviation completely fell into Leonard's eyes.

"Is this the magic field of vision? It's really convenient, all traces of magic within the field of vision can't be hidden." Leonard looked playfully at the crazy Voldemort in the room and showed a mischievous smile.

A wizard of Voldemort's level could feel the gaze of a magical vision, and Dumbledore could probably do the same by analogy.

Leonard quickly turned off his magic vision, and stopped provoking Voldemort so as not to annoy him.

Dogs who are in a hurry can jump over walls, and if Voldemort is in a hurry, maybe he will open the killing ring and kill a group of people.

The moment Leonard closed his magic vision, Voldemort suddenly relaxed, and he felt the terrifying vision with ancient power disappear.

What exactly is that?

Voldemort felt a little uneasy, and seeing Quirrell, who was still moaning under the torture of the curse, was even more angry.

"Get up!" With a roar, Quirrell was thrown from the bed by the surging magic power, and fell heavily to the ground.

Quirrell was stunned by the fall, and after he realized it, his heart was filled with deep sorrow and grievance.

It took him eight lifetimes of bad luck to meet such a boss who controlled his life and death. Apart from torturing him with curses and ordering him every day, he abused him.

Can this day pass?

But Quirrell doesn't want to die yet, so even though his back is sore now, he still has to bow respectfully to the poisonous snake on the ground.

"Please calm down, my master, what instructions do you have?" Quirrell asked cautiously.

"It's not safe here. Someone seems to be paying attention here. Let's leave as soon as possible, and the attack on Gringotts is on the agenda." Voldemort jumped onto Quirrell's body. "Get out of here immediately."

"...Yes, my master." Although he was full of doubts in his heart, Quirrell didn't dare to show the slightest expression. He packed his luggage quickly and left the room with Voldemort.

At this time, Leonard was standing at the door of the room, with his ear on the door, listening quietly to the movement from the corridor.

The magic vision just now obviously alarmed Voldemort. According to Leonard's inference, there are only two possible ways for Voldemort to behave at this time, either immediately start looking for the existence that is watching him, or leave here immediately.

Combining Voldemort's actual situation and his performance under the magic vision, Leonard felt that the second possibility was more likely, so he kept paying attention to the movement outside the door, and sure enough, he heard the door of Quirrell's room rattling, followed by moving heavy objects The voice passed by the door.

Leonard listened silently to the footsteps, and waited until the footsteps reached the stairs before opening the door and poking his head out. Sure enough, he saw Quirrell flashing past the stairs carrying the suitcase.

"Sure enough, I was scared away." Leonard let out a long sigh of relief, then turned his head and closed the door.

With one less "friend" who went shopping at night, Leonard felt that going out during this period of time would be easier.

"It's a pleasant surprise. I didn't expect the effect of this magic vision to be so powerful. But Voldemort's list is too small. Quirrell's performance is almost like running away." Leonard rubbed his chin with some doubts .

If Leonard feels the eyes of others, his first reaction is to find out the other party, even if he is not in a good state, he must set up a trap to hide the other party.

Isn't this gesture of running away in a hurry revealing his weakness? This will instead lead to the pursuit of spies.

Thinking of this, Leonard froze for a moment, his eyes serious.

"Could this be Voldemort's idea? To lure out those who were spying on him and kill him quietly?" Leonard fell into groundless speculation, and the more he thought about it, the more likely it was.

Little did he know that the staring power of the magic vision had a heavy ancient magical aura, which made Voldemort think that some terrible existence was staring at him, so he panicked and planned to escape.

Voldemort didn't mean to set a trap at all, the main reason was that he was okay with bullying Quirrell now, but it wasn't enough to deal with an old and experienced old wizard.

The current him is not the Dark Lord who shocked the situation back then, but just a remnant soul huddled in the body of a poisonous snake.

This was a harmless misunderstanding, the only effect was to make Leonard more wary of Voldemort and plant a seed in his heart.

"Absolutely don't play tricks with such a powerful dark wizard, and don't take chances. What you want is to crush him with majestic strength."

Leonard was firm in his heart, and he longed for his own botanical garden even more.

With a healthy and well-circulated botanical garden, he can have a steady stream of magical plants, so that he will not be afraid whether it is a one-on-one or a group fight.

So what if there are many others? As long as he had enough seeds, it would be no problem to cast beans into soldiers. A bunch of seeds would be thrown out, and a group of strengthened deadly magical plants would stand up.

With such power, what if there is an ambush on the opposite side? Isn't it easy to crush?

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