Hogwarts: My Plants Have Billions Of Evil Points

Chapter 37 Leonard: Get Expelled For Bad Grades

"Just call me Harry." Harry Potter smiled excitedly. "I still can't believe it, but I actually walked into the world of magic!"

Then he began to talk about what he had seen and heard in Diagon Alley.

It wasn't important for Harry Potter to find Leonard, he just wanted to find someone his age to share his joyful emotions with.

Leonard patiently listened to Harry Potter rambling about what he had seen and heard in Diagon Alley, which was also mixed with yearning and love for the wizarding world.

Listening to what Harry Potter said, Leonard had the illusion of listening to someone else read a perfect composition, which made Leonard a little drowsy.

Suddenly, a chill ran across Leonard's spine like a poisonous snake, making his hairs stand on end without the slightest sense of sleepiness.

This feeling is probably like the feeling of a sniper rifle on the forehead.

This is a kind of induction that Leonard has learned in his previous life, and when someone unabashedly releases malice towards him, it will arouse his reaction.

Generally speaking, the more terrifying the enemy, the more intense his reaction will be.

For example, aiming at him with a sniper rifle and aiming at him with a small pistol are definitely two different feelings.

But now his feeling is very strong, Voldemort should be the only one present who can give him this feeling, right? He is looking over here?

The feeling came and went quickly, like a casual glance.

Leonard looked at Quirinus Quirrell out of the corner of his eye, and found that he was lowering his head, his lips were moving, as if he was whispering something.

"Master, do I need to use the Imperius Curse to control that boy, so that I should be able to get close to Harry Potter and have a chance to kill Harry Potter easily."

Quirinus Quirrell's eyes shone with cruelty. He had been abused a bit recently, and he really wanted to find someone to torture and vent.

"Stupid, I've said it all, don't take any action against Harry Potter at this time, it will only increase the possibility of my being exposed!"

Voldemort's roar came directly into Quirrell's mind, the sound pricking his nerves like a pinprick.

"Hold... I'm sorry, my master, your ignorant servant didn't understand what you mean." Quirrell lowered his head in pain, his body trembling slightly, and he kept begging for Voldemort's forgiveness.


Is that guy cramp?

Leonard looked calmly at Quirrell, who was trembling like he stepped on a switch, and complained in his heart.

Fortunately, that sense of danger disappeared, and it seemed that Quirrell or Voldemort had no intention of doing anything to him, a passer-by, so he could rest assured for the time being.

This made Leonard heave a sigh of relief, and Harry Potter's thoughts were still in his ears when he came back to his senses.

Leonard: ...

Boy, you can really tell.

Leonard took a deep breath, and responded to Harry Potter's words with a smile, trying to appear as a child who was curious about the title "Savior".

It wasn't until Harry Potter invited him to eat ice cream at the soda shop in Diagon Alley that he refused him aloud.

"Sorry, I still have some things to do." Leonard paused. "I'm going to practice magic."

"Practice magic?" Harry Potter looked at Leonard ignorantly, his eyes full of clear stupidity not stained by knowledge.

"Yeah, I'm worried that I will be expelled from Hogwarts if I don't perform well at Hogwarts, so I have to prepare in advance." Seeing Harry Potter's suddenly frightened expression, Leonard almost didn't laugh out loud.

Put a little pressure on this savior, find something for him to do, come to chat with him and ask him to hang out if you have nothing to do.

Leonard believed that what he said would put a lot of pressure on Harry Potter, leaving him with no time to care about other things.

No one is more afraid than Harry Potter of losing the opportunity to enter Hogwarts, which means that he can only enter unreliable private schools under the arrangement of his incompetent uncle and aunt, and become a little bastard who achieves nothing.

For him, being expelled from Hogwarts was a nightmare that haunted him right up to his entrance.

Harry Potter, who looked carefree now, just didn't think of this layer, or was blinded by the magical world of wizards.

And Leonard's words were tantamount to putting Harry Potter's worst worries on the table.

Although this behavior is somewhat immoral, but who cares?

Anyway, Harry Potter couldn't be expelled, as a kid, it's hard to grow up too carefree, and he has to add a little bit of seasoning to his life.

"Will Hogwarts expel students?" Harry Potter asked with a bitter expression.

"To be honest, I'm not too sure. After all, I'm just a student born in a Muggle family. Why don't you ask the person next to you? Ask him if Hogwarts will expel students." Leonard said seriously. "However, it is recommended not to ask too much detail. If you have time, you should practice magic."

He won't talk to death, if it is too embarrassing to be exposed, he will use this ambiguous way of speaking to make the other party think wildly and fall into deep self-doubt.

As for asking Hagrid?

Hagrid is a student expelled from Hogwarts, isn't he the right person to ask?

Seeing that Harry Potter was about to ask Hagrid in a daze, Leonard smiled slightly, said goodbye and walked up the stairs.

It was foreseeable that Harry Potter, the savior, would be quiet for a while, and during this time Leonard only needed to be careful to avoid Quirrell and Voldemort's sight, and he could do things safely.

For example, tonight, he needs to go to Knockturn Alley, meet Midgard, and ask her what she wants for him.

But before that, he had to try the effect of bitter thorns.

Back in the room, Leonard first wrote a letter to Midgard, telling her that he would go to her tonight and ask her to find someone to pick him up, and then hand it over to Gray to send him away.

Then he closed the door and window, took out a flower pot and put it on the ground, and took out a ferocious-looking bitter thorn seed from the bottle.

The seeds of bitter thorns are covered with hard thorns, which should feel prickly when pinched in the hands, but Leonard does not have this feeling, as if the seeds consciously do not want to hurt Leonard.

This was obviously abnormal, Leonard took a piece of paper and tried it, the sharp thorns on the surface of the seed easily cut the paper.

It was really sharp.

But when the seed landed on his hand, its spikes seemed to have no effect.

Will even the seeds of plants avoid harming themselves?

Leonard squeezed the seeds and smiled, activating the talent for optimizing growth.

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