Hogwarts: My Plants Have Billions Of Evil Points

Chapter 24 Learning Magic From Ollivander

"Hiss... I didn't expect it to be so bright."

Ollivander leaned against the shelf, rubbing his eyes.

Leonard was already prepared, but he was a little dazed.

"I warned you, it's bright," Leonard reminded.

"Well, I was negligent." Ollivander rubbed his eyes, "I hope my vision will not be damaged because of this, let's continue the experiment, and hope that this wand is not only effective for fluorescent spells."

Ollivander opened the shelves again, revealing the target dummy.

"I'm not very good at teaching people magic, so I can only tell you the tricks of magic, and I can only correct you a little bit." Ollivander thought for a while, "I plan to teach you four magics, disarming spell, illusion Charms, Iron Armor Charms, and Restoration Charms."

Disarming Charm is offensive magic, Phantasm Charm is auxiliary magic, Armor Charm is defensive and Restoration Charm is life magic.

Through the effects of these spells, the strengthening effect of the wand can be judged.

Leonard's eyes lit up, these four spells are quite suitable for Leonard, and they are all magics that are only taught in schools after the third grade, and there are no such spells in the elementary standard spells.

"The first is the disarming spell. This spell is a very common spell that does some damage, but its main function is to deprive the enemy of their weapons and subdue the enemy."

"Its spell is to disarm you." Ollivander waved his wand at the dummy. "Watch my movements."

He casts the magic "Expelliarmus!" on the dummy

A red light hit the dummy, knocking the dummy back to the wall, and the wooden stick in the dummy's hand flew into the air, spinning and landed on Ollivander's hand.

"This is the disarming spell, try it." Ollivander said as he put the wand back into the dummy's hand.

Leonard was dumbfounded, "Is this the end of the lesson?"

"Otherwise?" Ollivander asked suspiciously, "Didn't I teach you all the movements and spells? Try it."

Leonard was skeptical, recalling Ollivander's movement, waving his wand and shouting "Disarm."

Nothing happened, and the scene was once very embarrassing.

"Your movements are fine, but there is something wrong with your spell and accent. The spells of modern magic are in Latin. You'd better correct your accent." Ollivander corrected, "Your incantation of the fluorescent spell is just very nice."

Leonard twitched.

I'm really sorry, but he didn't even learn English well. When he recited the spell, he relied on rote transliteration.

"Let's keep trying," Ollivander said.

Leonard nodded, took a deep breath and continued practicing the Disarming Charm.

"Disarm you!"

"No, it's still an accent problem. The tone of your voice has changed out of tune. You need to pay attention to this. The function of the spell is to assist in guiding the magic power. Feeling the change will make it easier for you to learn silent spellcasting in the future."

"Disarm you!"

"The intonation is accurate this time, but you forgot to coordinate with your wand. Each syllable corresponds to a change in the gesture of the wand. The wand is also an important tool for guiding magic power. Finding out the guiding function of the wand will help you learn how to use the magic wand. rod to cast spells."

"Disarm you!"

"Yes, the wand and spells are very proficient, but you have put the cart before the horse. The focus is on the magic power. You pay too much attention to the form of casting spells and forget to guide the magic power. Remember, it is the wizard himself who dominates the magic power, and the wand and spells are just auxiliary."


A morning passed quietly.

Leonard kept practicing swinging his stick and chanting mantras until his mouth was dry and his arms were sore.

Ollivander is indeed not very good at teaching people, and his movements are somewhat deformed unconsciously because of his spellcasting habits.

This is naturally no problem for him, but for beginners, that little mistake will lead to the failure of casting spells.

But Ollivander was very patient and took the trouble to correct some of Leonard's small mistakes, and he was also recalling what the standard moves were like when learning magic.

After failing to cast spells again and again, Leonard learned all his lessons, waved his wand and used the Disarming Charm again.

"Disarm you!"

With the waving of the wand, Leonard felt the magic power surge in his body, pouring out from the top of the wand, all in one go.

A watermelon-sized red light roared towards the dummy holding the magic wand. With a bang, the dummy hit the wall heavily, causing the dust on the ceiling to fall straight down.

At the bull's-eye position on the dummy's chest, a huge crack almost tore the dummy completely, and the fake wand in the dummy's hand flew upside down and inserted into the wall beside Leonard.

Leonard, who was so happy because he successfully cast the spell, got stuck in his throat. The wand just passed Leonard and almost stabbed him in the arm.

The speed of the wand was so fast that Leonard didn't have time to react!

Ollivander also looked at the slowly repaired dummy and the fake wand stuck on the wall with lingering fear, and wiped the cold sweat from his brow.

This is the wall he specially strengthened with magic, and it was pierced so easily.

"Good job." Ollivander's eyes were a little scared, but there was also unstoppable excitement.

It has been confirmed that Leonard's wand can enhance offensive magic!

There is no problem with his guess!

ps: ... Well done, after everyone's efforts, the score of this book has been successfully reduced from 8.3 to 8.2. orz

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