Hogwarts: My Plants Have Billions Of Evil Points

Chapter 137 Voldemort's Interference

Della Comalfo's death was a nightmare for his family.

Lucius Malfoy borrowed his influence in the Ministry of Magic, prompting the Ministry of Magic to send out professional Aurors to investigate Della Comalfoy's death.

This process was carried out under the eyes of many people. Those Aurors in uniform looked heroic and professional in the eyes of the students, but in the eyes of Leonard, they were a group of laymen.

Probably because magic is so easy to use, these Aurors have a great lack of basic skills such as investigation and search.

It seems to be too euphemistic to say this. To put it bluntly, these people are a group of thugs, or the kind of thugs who are not very advanced.

As far as the way these guys searched for clues, Leonard felt that the plan he had specially drawn up was a bit cheap. The fact that he deliberately made Della Comalfo die without leaving a trace was simply winking at the blind.

However, although their professional ability is not enough, they are still Aurors with professional code of conduct.

After finding no useful clues, these Aurors began to use human relationships as clues to investigate.

That is, to find out if anyone has a bad relationship with Della Comalfort.

It was no mistake to think that this matter fell to Leonard.

However, Leonard had already made preparations. He just showed 820 a regretful expression, and "accidentally" mentioned that he rescued Della Comalfo, and then got away with it.

After all, these simple-brained Auror ideas are also extraordinarily simple.

How could Leonard, who had just saved Della Komalfo, kill him again? In comparison, the conflict between him and Malfoy has been ignored.

But in stark contrast to Leonard's side is Quirinus Quirrell.

He was not treated as well as Leonard. As the chief culprit who brought the troll into Hogwarts, he hadn't been optimistic about the troll and caused it to escape and hurt people.

And the one who hurt was the future heir of the Malfoy family, the only son of Lucius Malfoy!

This series of crimes is enough for him to roll to Azkaban for a while.

"Master...Master, what should I do?" Looking at the Aurors with cold eyes, Quirrell tremblingly communicated with Voldemort in his mind.

Quickly think of a way, otherwise he will go to Azkaban!

Voldemort remained silent. To be honest, he didn't have a particularly good solution. What was even more exasperating was that although the plan failed, he had no reason to blame others.

Because he came up with this plan, but he didn't expect such a big mistake in this plan, which made him not only fail to get the Philosopher's Stone, but also killed the child of his own Death Eaters.

This sounded a little too far-fetched, and Voldemort was stunned for a moment.

"Master? Master!" Without getting a response, Quirrell yelled frantically in his head.

"Shut up, stop arguing there, am I trying to find a way?" Voldemort roared angrily.

"...yes." Quirrell said aggrievedly, looking up at the Auror who was staring at him.

"Mr. Quirrell, please cooperate and admit your fault so that you can get a lighter sentence in the Wizengamot court."

The leading Auror said arrogantly.

Quirrell was silent, his eyes on the Aurors around him.

He wondered how on earth Voldemort would try to get himself out.

Breach? Like last time at Gringotts?

But this is Hogwarts, with Dumbledore in it, and it's not the same as Gringotts.

"Mr. Quirrell, please don't make unnecessary resistance. We all know what happened. Whether you admit it or not, the facts are in front of you.

The Auror said impatiently, "Plead guilty.

Quirrell panicked, but Voldemort's voice rang in his head.

"Tell them you want to see Lucius Malfoy."

"I want to see Lucius Malfoy," Quirrell said.

The Auror was amused "Mr Quirrell, please don't be vexatious.

"Let Lucius Malfoy come to see me, or I won't say a word." Quirrell stated the most arrogant words with the most terrified expression, "I know you have no way to convict me

Otherwise, you would have taken me away long ago, wouldn't you?"

This is what Voldemort said, and Quirrell repeated it word by word, (dbch) the only difference is that Voldemort's voice is cold and majestic, and Quirrell's words seem to be stiff.

Even so, after a few Aurors looked at each other, they decided to let Lucius Malfoy in.

Maybe the other side had confessed after meeting Lucius Malfoy? They could relax a bit, too.

Soon, Lucius Malfoy came in led by several Aurors, he looked at Quirrell sitting on the chair with cold eyes.

"Just say what you have to say." Lucius said coldly, "But I promise that no matter what you say, I will not change my attitude.

Quirrell was silent for a while, and after listening to Voldemort's words, he said, "Let them all go out, I have something to say to you alone."

Lucius gave Quirrell a deep look and nodded.

"You all go out," Lucius said.

"But Mr. Malfoy, you will be in danger." Auror said.

Lucius Malfoy is a friend of the Minister of Magic, and they will be very passive if he gets hurt.

"Don't worry, I'll be fine." Lucius said out. "

"Okay, Mr. Malfoy, if you insist." The leader Auror nodded, exchanged glances with the other Aurors, and walked out of the room one after another.

After a few Aurors left, the indifferent expression on Lucius' face became complicated.

"Lucius, I'm sorry to meet you under these circumstances." Voldemort's voice sounded in the room.

Quirrell stood up, reluctantly took off the hood, and turned his head, revealing a snake face growing on the back of his head.

"Long time no see, Lucius," said Voldemort.

"Yes, master." Lucius revealed in a low voice.

"Looks like you guessed it was me," Voldemort sneered, "then give up your revenge."

"But Master..." Lucius raised his head to retort, but was frightened away by Voldemort's cold eyes.

"Lucius, this is my plan, are you trying to fight against me?" Voldemort said with a sneer, "Quirrell is my insignificant servant, but if he dies, I will be very passive and can only be replaced by a parasite.. ....

"Are you willing to take on this supreme honor?"

Lucius' face was pale and dripping with cold sweat.

"Hmph!" Seeing that Lucius didn't speak, Voldemort continued without any surprise.

"Nobody killed your child on purpose, Lucius, it was an accident, and nothing is unsacrificable in my great cause."

"Yes master, your career is everything." Lucius lowered his head and said something against his will, the anger in his eyes was gradually hidden.

He didn't say that he knew about Voldemort's existence because of Dumbledore's hint.

Dumbledore had already found out about Voldemort, and he must have had a purpose in not breaking through Voldemort's disguise.

Lucius couldn't let go of the resentment that his son died because of the bullshit career that Voldemort talked about, but he knew he was no match for Voldemort.

The only one who can take on Voldemort is Dumbledore!.

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