Chapter 70: Ron? Weasley’s “great feats”.

September 1st, early morning.

Leonard got out of bed early, changed into his normal Muggle clothes, and began to pack his bags. Rolled textbooks, crucibles used many times, dragon skin gloves, neatly folded winter cloaks… Comparing the list, Leonard packed the things he needed to bring into his suitcase.

Today is the day to go to Hogwarts, I don’t know why, Leonard, who thought he would be very excited, had no waves in his heart, and even wanted to violate a few school rules to help him.

Probably before he, the student, entered the ivory tower, he was already defiled with filthy society.

No, who is worried about robbing Gringotts when they are not enrolled? This is no longer being defiled by society, this is standing on the tide of social evil.

The rowing does not rely on oars, it all depends on the waves, and the Dark Lord is estimated to call the insider when he sees it.

A teenager who can command dozens of werewolf wizards in Overturned Alley is now going to be a student in school, and this contrast makes Leonard’s heart particularly complicated.

After packing, Leonard packed the fortified white fresh and normally grown biting kale in a black cloth and put it aside, and then looked out the window.

He wondered if it was time for his owl to come back.

“Goo… Mutter! ”

Sure enough, as soon as the idea came to mind, a gray owl landed on the windowsill and made an affectionate call to Leonard.

“The owl will indeed fly when the owner needs it.”

Leonard took the cage and let Gray get into 9898 is about to go to Hogwarts, where the mountains and rivers are definitely more comfortable than living in the metropolis, when the time comes, you can catch whatever game you want to eat Gray screamed twice, and I don’t know if I understand.

Leonard placed the birdcage next to the suitcase, and when he looked up, he saw Midgard standing in the doorway.

The two-meter-tall body leaned on the door frame, blocking the sunlight outside without noticing.

“Planning to leave so early?”

Midgard asked

“Hogwarts Express leaves at eleven, right?”

“I don’t like to miss time, I’d rather arrive early than late, it’s respect for others and respect for myself.”

Leonard lifted the box and tried it, but fortunately, although it was a little difficult, he could still lift it.

Thanks to the ancient shoots that strengthen his body.

“27, I’ll send you there.”

Midgard said

“How about taking you through the Phantom Migration? Soon, in an instant. ”

“Phantom Migration? I think so. ”

Leonard was interested.

Phantom Mobility is a very convenient magic that can teleport to various places.

It can be used both as a means of transportation and as a fast-moving magic during battle, and two wizards who are good at phantom migration magic are very cool to fight, almost no one can be seen, only black shadows in the sky and brushed magic beams.

Although everyone who learns Phantom Migration says that this thing is not suitable for combat. This magic works well and is worth learning.

After experiencing the door, Leonard really wanted to experience the Apparition Migration, and it is said that this magic is to be experienced first and then learned.


Leonard suddenly remembered something and looked at Midgard with a suspicious expression

“When did you learn the Phantom Migration?”

This magic is not something that can be learned casually, at least with the exception of training at Hogwarts, which requires a lot of tuition to learn elsewhere.

Midgard looked away uncomfortably

“I’ve been learning for a while.”

“How much exactly?”

Leonard saw something wrong in Midgard’s face and asked.

“Three days… Looking for that Lupin to learn, didn’t you say he graduated from Hogwarts? So I learned some magic from him. ”

Midgard coughed dryly

“But don’t worry, I can already use the Phantom Transfiguration Magic very skillfully.”

“You said how many times it was split, when was the last split.”

“······ Thirteen times… Yesterday. ”

“······ Leave! ”

Leonard took the box of birdcages, carried the flower pot on his back and walked away without looking back.

“Huh… Don’t go, I’ll find someone to send you, aren’t you heavy with so much luggage? ”

Midgard shouted from behind. In the end, Leonard still found a werewolf wizard to follow, and Midgard was right, the luggage was really heavy.

The werewolf who helped Leonard carry his luggage was the werewolf guy named Robert who was the last to learn to boil wolf poison. Although the young man is not old, he has a great physique, and Leonard carries a somewhat difficult box in his hand as light as a feather. The two went straight from Overturned Alley to the Muggle Street outside, taking a taxi straight to King’s Cross Station.

“Do you remember the way back?”

Standing in front of the station, Leonard looked at Robert, who was looking for a cart for himself, and asked. He was also really worried that this werewolf boy would be lost in this metropolis because he didn’t go out often.


Robert nodded

“You don’t have to worry about me.”

Although the werewolf boy answered decisively, Leonard was still a little worried.

“I think you’d better take a taxi straight back.”

Leonard handed Robert the only remaining Muggle currency in his pocket, anyway, he didn’t need the pound for a long time.

Robert obediently took the change, pushed the cart and planned to send Leonard into the station.

“Don’t bother, you go back.”

Leonard stopped Robert

“I’ll just go in by myself.”

There are many people outside the station, and it will be troublesome to be seen with a werewolf wizard in the station, especially near platform nine and three-quarters.

If nothing else, although Leonard has been wearing a robe when he is in the overturned alley, but the height and body type are there, if someone finds a person of similar size mixed with a werewolf, won’t he expose himself?

Although doing so may hurt Robert’s young mind, this kind of unnecessary attention should be avoided.

“Okay, then Mr. William, goodbye.”

Robert’s serious face showed no trace of loss, and before leaving, Midgard had said that he would obey Leonard’s words one hundred percent, even if he did not have Midgard’s instructions.

In their werewolf wizarding circle, everyone who knows Leonard thinks that Leonard is smarter than all of them. They just have to be obedient.

Watching Robert leave, Leonard collected his mood and tried to get rid of the character of the bully in Overturned Alley, treating Zisan as a normal student.

But you can’t behave too strangely in school, muffled development is king.

King’s Cross was the terminus of the large railway opened in 1852, and platforms 9 to 11 were built later.

Because of planning problems, compared to platforms 1 to 8, the platform buildings here are perfunctory everywhere. Anyway, there is neither the style of English architecture nor the simplicity of modern architecture, in short, it is very crotch-pulling. Leonard stood on the flyover, looking at the platform below, his eyes wandering.

Soon to go to Hogwarts, Leonard’s thinking is a little scattered, and all kinds of messy thoughts are running around in his head.

He thought of the plot story that took place at Hogwarts, thought of the unknown ruins that I don’t know if it was located in Hogwarts, and thought of the protagonist group of Harry Potter.

Oh yes, of course, the Forbidden Forest, which is full of materials.

It’s Leonard’s future botanical garden and where you can get Fantastic Beasts material.

“It’s a little busy after arriving at school, strength training can be dispensed with, but endurance and agility training can not be less, to find the right place to plant magical plants, academic studies can not be left behind…”

Leonard has listed his plans in a table based on importance.

“And the protagonist group…..”

Harry Potter Leonard, who thought of the chatter, frowned slightly.

In any case, the encounter with Harry Potter was a foregone conclusion, and Leonard could not convince himself to speak ill of a kind person, and the friendship seemed to be formed.

At this time, it is somewhat unrealistic to want to put aside the relationship, with Harry Potter’s personality, even if he makes new friends, he can’t forget his first friend.

He will definitely come to himself with all kinds of things that he thinks are interesting, such as Gobu stones, wizard chess, etc. But Leonard also doesn’t want to always have an idle savior dangling in front of him.

Even if he came to bother him, Leonard hoped that he would come up with decent questions or magical knowledge to disturb him. So the question is, how to make Harry Potter such a reassuring savior?

Leonard felt the answer was on the horizon.

That is to prevent some people who are willing to fall and do not want to learn to influence Harry Potter.

Here is a criticism of a red-haired teenager.

Judging from the mental journey of Harry Potter’s admission, Harry Potter was actually worried about whether he could stay at Hogwarts at the beginning, and it was precisely because of this that Leonard almost made him stupid after he put this problem in front of him.

However, such a good savior quickly degenerated after officially contacting Hogwarts, almost becoming a rotten king who only knew how to eat talent.

All this is thanks to a certain red-haired teenager.

Once again, I would like to criticize the red-haired boy, Ron Weasley, who is from a pure-blood family.

Ron Weasley has a good personality, and he grew up in the care of his brother, but he is still kind, cheerful and optimistic. I have to admit that this is a very suitable person for Harry Potter’s first friend as a novice dating person.

But that’s about it.

Unfortunately, this friend can no longer provide any quality influence other than personality. Look what he did with the Savior?

Hey when others learn!

Harry, let’s play wizarding chess.

When others go to the library to charge one by one, there are really people who will go to the library to study, Harry, let’s go, let’s play wizard chess, right?

Others are fighting for final exams – don’t worry Harry, there are still weeks before the exams, let’s play wizard chess, right?

Harry Potter also used the Disarming Charm to face Voldemort against Bo when it came to the final battle, and Ron Weasley “contributed”. He also encouraged Harry Potter to go on night duelings with others, and often instilled some passable thinking.

As for jealousy, this kind of child’s temperament is a little unmentionable.

In comparison, the reliable Hermione Granger is much cuter, although this girl is not very good at making friends, but her positive, studious spirit is very suitable for this savior to learn.

It’s just that this studious girl does not have a strong heart and is easily disturbed by the outside world, and as a result, it was picked up by Ron Weasley by chance.

However, Leonard also understands that it is difficult for him to stop others from making any kind of friends, and sometimes, a person needs a brotherly [fox dog friend] like Ro Ren Weasley.

When the self falls, pulling the people next to you to fall together will give people a sense of peace of mind.

Feeling this, Leonard suddenly felt like smoking, but unfortunately he was still a little fart and couldn’t buy cigarettes. These are even more melancholy.

“Hello, does the child need help?”

Perhaps because his mind wandered here for too long, Leonard’s abnormality caused Leonard, a patrolling guard, to look back at the clock on the platform, not too early or late.

However, twenty minutes passed when his mind wandered.

“Sorry, I just lost my mind.”

Leonard glanced at his pocket watch and said calmly.

“Are you alone? What platform is your car? ”

The guard asked.

Leonard glanced at his ticket, looked at the nine and three-quarters words on it, and smiled. How is it possible to say this station number to the exit?

“I’m on platform nine, right in front of this, thank you for your inquiry.”

Leonard said politely.

“Sorry, I should go.”

Leonard said goodbye to the enthusiastic guard and pushed the cart down the overpass towards Platform Nine.

Then he stopped in front of a certain pillar on platform nine.

This is the third pillar located between platforms 9 and 10, and before arriving here, a lone child, pushing a cart of luggage and carrying an owl, was still very noticeable here.

However, after arriving near this pillar, the surrounding gaze is obviously much less, not that there are fewer people, but when the gaze turns to the vicinity of the pillar, the eyes will be in a trance, and then naturally shift their gaze.

There should be a faint expulsion spell here, which has no effect on keeping Muggles away, just diverting attention.

And Leonard noticed that there was not only the third pillar here, but more than one pillar had the effect of diverting attention from platform eight.

It seems that this King’s 177 Cross Station has more than one magic platform of nine and three-quarters platforms, and travels to various parts of Europe through the platform of the Buji.

I just don’t know how these magic platforms with normal platforms as their origin come together.

“Probably the Traceless Extension Charm…” Then count the timetable to make sure the trains don’t bump into each other when they leave, and it’s not right…”

Leonard questioned his speculation.

Trains are not airplanes, they require long railroad tracks.

How do railroad tracks hide in the Traceless Extension Charm? Aren’t you afraid that you won’t be able to drive out of London for half a day?

If there were no Traceless Extension Charms, a large Muggle Expulsion Charm would be needed to stop Muggles from finding the extra railroad tracks. This also doesn’t seem very realistic.

Leonard remembers traveling through the previous Leaky Cauldron to collect information about the Leaky Cauldron, when dozens of wizards worked together to hide the door of the Leaky Cauldron with a Muggle banishment charm in order to prevent the Leaky Cauldron Bar from being demolished.

And this kind of large-scale railroad track, it is too difficult to hide permanently.

“That relic seems to have such an effect, it is based on Gringotts? No, that door should only be a symbolic door, in fact some kind of transfer, and the real location of the ruins is definitely not in Gringotts. ”

Otherwise, with the movement caused by that stone statue, I am afraid that Gringotts will collapse several vaults.

“The wizarding world is truly magical, full of mysterious knowledge waiting to be explored.”

With such an exclamation, Leonard pushed the cart towards the pillar.

He is not a child, there is no need to rush over with his eyes closed at this time, at this time he should open his eyes and take a good look at how these nine and three-quarters platforms are stuffed into this column.

The wall seemed to be illusory without any obstacles, and the surrounding area was dark, as if it was really stuffed into the wall, as long as a glimmer of light was revealed in front of it.

Leonard counted his steps and slowly walked forward.

The point of light grew larger and larger, and finally the sound of a whistle suddenly became clear.

Leonard squinted and saw a small station that was far from the style of King’s Cross Station, with only an old steam train stopping on the tracks next to the platform.

“This is platform nine and three-quarters?”

Leonard raised his head and looked at the sky, judging from the shape of the clouds in the sky and the position of the sun, he should still be on platform nine at King’s Cross Station.

The location hasn’t changed, but everything around has changed.

This is platform nine and three-quarters, a magic platform between platform nine and platform ten, and a place where platform nine overlaps at the same point in space but does not interfere with each other.

It’s like another world.

“Hello, please leave my luggage and go to the platform to check the tickets.”

A conductor in a scarlet uniform came over and said politely.

“Thank you.”

Leonard nodded and watched the conductor push his cart into the luggage compartment at the rear and walk towards the carriage.

“Welcome aboard the Hogwarts Express.”

The ticket inspector took the ticket in Leonard’s hand and smiled slightly.

Leonard nodded in response and officially stepped on the train to Hogwarts.

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