Hogwarts: I'm a model wizard

Chapter 903 Snape's little thoughts

It is not embarrassing for young lovers to play role-playing, but the premise is that they are not discovered by others.

If they are seen by acquaintances, it will be different, especially if this acquaintance takes pictures.

Bill has a deep understanding of this.

Is it wrong to dress yourself up as a Christmas gift and come all the way to see your fiancée?

No, it is a kind of sentiment that can enhance feelings.

Is it wrong to kiss your fiancée in the street?

No, this is France, and couples kissing in the street is as normal as seeing a bald middle-aged man in the UK.

But why does he want to go to Azkaban so much?

Bill sat in the potion shop, and the whole person was in a state of half-sleep and half-wakefulness.

Next to him, Kyle and Connor were commenting on a photo.

"Look at this red and gold color combination, a Christmas gift from Gryffindor, oh, it's really thoughtful."

"That ribbon is also very cute and playful." Connor covered her mouth, trying not to laugh.

Can't laugh, the person involved is still here, laughing would be too rude.

But it's really funny.

Connor shrugged her shoulders, trying hard to hold it in.

"Thanks to my foresight and the camera, I was able to capture such a wonderful scene. Mrs. Weasley must like it very much."

Bill lowered his head even more.

He looked at the wand in his hand, hesitating whether to cast a killing curse on himself or on Kyle.

Or he should cast it on Kyle, destroy the photo by the way, and then cast another one on himself, and tell the outside world that Voldemort attacked France.

At least this way he can keep his innocence.

Even if Bill is avant-garde, he doesn't want Mrs. Weasley to see the photo of himself dressed as a Christmas gift.

He will become a laughing stock... a laughing stock for the next fifty years, or even longer.

He can even imagine that Fred and George will put this photo on the window of their store, on promotional posters, and even on every product, and send it all over the world.

Might as well grit his teeth and bury everything here now.

Destroy it, I'm tired.

Bill tightened his wand.

"Enough!" Fleur stood up, quickly snatched the photo, tore it into pieces, and threw it into the fireplace next to him.

Watching the photo gradually turn into ashes, Bill's eyes finally lit up again.

Kyle did not stop him, but waited until it was completely burned, then slowly took out a thick stack of the same photos and asked:

"Do you want more?"

Just kidding, he was already proficient in the copy spell in the first grade, how could he not have a backup.

Fleur rolled her eyes in annoyance.

"You mistook me for Bill yesterday, right?" Kyle asked.

"Yes." Fleur admitted it, there was nothing wrong with admitting it.

Bill wrote that he would come to see her on Christmas, so when Kyle knocked on the door, she subconsciously thought that he had come early, and went to open the door happily.

Unexpectedly, it was Kyle who came to find Connor.

She had just finished a meal of dog food, and she hadn't digested it yet, and he came again, and on Christmas?

This made Fleur very uncomfortable, especially when she knew Bill would come but hadn't arrived yet.

"Tsk... narrow-minded, you made me sleepless last night." Kyle curled his lips and raised the photo in his hand, "Apologize to me now, maybe I can consider letting you go."

"Huh?" Fleur curled her lips.

Will she apologize?

Of course not, she even stood up and hugged Bill's head and sucked again.

Fleur didn't care whether he would send the photo to the Weasley family, or it would be better to send it there, so that Bill, who was socially dead in the UK, could stay in France naturally.

"..." Kyle muttered again and threw the photo into the fireplace.

"Okay, you win."

Of course he would not give this thing to Mrs. Weasley, let alone let Fred and George see it. Bill just came to see his fiancée. Although he played a little, it was not a crime.


Kyle glanced at Connor intentionally or unintentionally, thinking about something in his mind.

Unfortunately, Connor didn't look at him, but was staring at a piece of parchment on the table.

That was what Kyle brought out when he took the photo just now, and it was also one of the reasons why he came here.

"I have never seen this potion formula before, and..."

Connor looked at the content above, "African tree snake skin, unicorn blood... these two materials mixed together, wizards can't bear it at all, you didn't write it randomly."

"This was given to me by Dean Sassia of St. Mungo's." Kyle said.

Connor was stunned for a moment and blinked, "It must be that I don't know enough."

"No, you trust her so much?" Kyle was a little incredible.

He was so serious just now, but he immediately denied his point of view when he heard Sassia's name. This is too straightforward.

"Of course, Dean Sassia is a living legend in the potion world. In my opinion, she is greater than Headmaster Dumbledore."

"Okay." Kyle said.

He had to admit that fans have always had no resistance in front of their idols, and wizards are no exception.

"Actually, you're right. This potion is for dragons."


"Yes." Kyle nodded. "I have five dragons in the Forbidden Forest. Dean Sasia came yesterday and gave me this."

"Wait a minute, what did you say?"

Kyle had just finished speaking, and before Connor said anything, Bill couldn't sit still.

He didn't care about whether he was dead or not, he raised his head and looked at Kyle without blinking, "What did you say you did in the Forbidden Forest just now?"

"Raising a dragon, what's the big deal."

"Listen to yourself, what are you talking about!" Bill blurted out: "It's understandable to brag appropriately when chasing a girl, but you can't go too far, five dragons... Charlie didn't take care of five dragons at the same time when he worked in the reserve!"

"It's not clear in one or two sentences, you will know when you go to Hogwarts when you have time." Kyle said.

"Oh, by the way..." He looked at Connor again, "The headmaster of Hogwarts is no longer Dumbledore, but Professor McGonagall. In addition, after Christmas, I will be the professor of ancient runes."


"What did you say?"

Except Bill, the two witches looked over at almost the same time.

"Why, you didn't know?" Kyle asked in confusion, looking at Fleur. "Ms. Maxime also attended the inauguration ceremony of the new headmaster. Didn't she tell you?"

"No." Fleur shook her head. "In fact, we have rarely contacted each other recently."

Then she thought of something and turned to glare at Bill. "Such a big thing, why didn't you tell me in the letter?"

"This..." Bill felt a little wronged.

Fleur is a Frenchman, why should she care about the change of the headmaster of Hogwarts?

Besides, why did they add Dumbledore's name to their letter?

But looking at Fleur's eyes, Bill still didn't say what was in his heart.

In addition, he was a little confused now. He knew that the headmaster of Hogwarts had changed, but what about Kyle, the professor of ancient runes?

No one told him.

And the five-headed dragon before.

He just thought about it. Kyle is not a person who likes to brag, and with the relationship between him and Connor, there is no need to use such a clumsy lie to show himself.

This is probably true.

But because he thought it was true, it was even more incredible.

How could a wizard raise a dragon? Even Gringotts only dared to raise one secretly.

Maybe he did it secretly. If he was discovered, he would be sent to Azkaban.

Bill stood up nervously and closed the curtains of the store.

"Don't be so nervous." Kyle waved his hand and roughly recounted the course of events.

The key point was the process of Professor McGonagall becoming the headmaster.

Because the time converter involved too many things, it was impossible to explain it in one or two sentences, and it was not suitable for Fleur to know. Kyle directly pushed it to Newt and Dumbledore, saying that it was with their help that he got the legal certificate for raising a dragon.

It's not that he didn't trust Fleur. With her relationship with Bill, she was considered one of his own.

But this was related to some of Dumbledore's secrets, which was somewhat inconvenient.

But even so, it was enough to surprise people.

Connor opened her mouth, as if she was listening to a fairy tale, and her expression was very cute.

And Fleur… I don’t know if it’s an illusion, but Kyle always feels that she has a tendency to regress.

It’s just raising some dragons, is it that serious?

What a fuss.

“I didn’t expect that I missed so many things.” Connor looked a little melancholy.

“You…” Kyle glanced at her, as if he wanted to say something.

“Forget it, Professor McGonagall is also very good as the headmaster,” Connor suddenly said, taking the initiative to change the subject.

“I haven’t congratulated you yet. After Christmas, you should be the youngest professor in Hogwarts.”

“Well… I think so.” Kyle nodded.

“Tsk.” Fleur on the side suddenly rolled her eyes, but didn’t say anything, just vented and hugged Bill and took a bite.

“Hey.” Bill said dissatisfiedly: “I didn’t feel any emotion from your kiss, as if I was an apple.”

“That’s also a sweet apple.” Fleur said with a smile, feeling much better.

Kyle smacked his lips, and suddenly felt a little full… Is this how Fleur felt before?

Sure enough, her anger was not without reason.

But the strange thing is, why can he still be fed dog food with Kanna next to him.

He also wants to be an apple.

"Kanna..." Kyle turned his head.

"Do you have unicorn blood?"


"Unicorn blood." Kanna repeated again, "I have the two rarest materials here, African tree snake skin, but I almost never use unicorn blood. You should have it."

"Ah, I have it." Kyle took out a bottle, and there was silver blood in it, like melted silver Sickle.

As for why Kyle had this thing... Hagrid gave it to him.

He just told Hagrid to pay attention and collect some blood if a unicorn was injured.

Kyle really just said it casually. Unicorns are magical animals with a characteristic that no creature will be hostile to them, even the most aggressive tree wasps.

In addition, they themselves are not fragile creatures, and usually they will hardly be hurt.

So Kyle originally planned to go to Diagon Alley to buy it.

Although unicorn blood contains a magical curse of immortality, once it flows out of the wound, the curse will disappear within a few seconds. Therefore, it is not a prohibited trade product and can be used in many potions.

For example, one of the essential materials for the most famous Elixir of Fortune is unicorn blood.

Of course, the price of this stuff is really expensive, almost ten times that of dragon blood, and it's not that easy to buy.

But Kyle didn't expect that Hagrid would get him a bottle that night, and it was quite a lot.

According to Hagrid, unicorns rarely attack each other, except around Christmas, when they are looking for mates.

In order to show their strength, unicorns will also drive away their competitors.

He happened to encounter an injured unicorn yesterday. Its front leg was penetrated and it bled a lot.

And he also said that there might be more in the near future, and if necessary, he could help get more.

"How do you know I have unicorn blood?" Kyle asked curiously.

"Here." Kangna pointed to an inconspicuous mark on the parchment.

"Not only do I know that you have unicorn blood, I also know that you have brewed this kind of magic potion." She picked up the parchment and smelled it. "The crucible exploded, right?"

"You know all this?" Kyle was a little surprised.

His cauldron did explode, mainly because when he poured the unicorn's blood, the whole pot of potion boiled and collapsed everywhere, twice in a row.

"African tree snake skin and unicorn blood will conflict when put together, just like the Clear Water Curse and the Explosive Curse. If you put them directly, it will of course explode the crucible."

Kangna said, "You should mix the unicorn blood into the ginger root powder to act as a buffer."

"But... Dean Sasia didn't say anything."

"Isn't this common sense?" Kang Na said matter-of-factly.

Kyle opened his mouth and stopped talking.

He felt that when he was in school, his potion scores were pretty good, and he was not on par with Kangna. Why did the gap become so big not long after he graduated?

"Leave it to me." Kangna put away the parchment naturally.

"Give me that one too." She pointed to the unicorn blood in Kyle's hand, "It's a waste of you holding it."

"Okay." Kyle obediently handed over the bottle in his hand.

"Ha!" Furong laughed happily next to her.

It was the first time she saw Kyle deflated.

So what if you are the winner of the Triwizard Tournament? Didn’t the pot explode when you were making the potion?

Her potions never exploded.

Kyle naturally heard Fleur's sarcasm, but didn't care.

The Potions class at Beauxbatons is just like the Care of Magical Creatures class at Hogwarts. Several grades combined cannot make up a hundred students.

She knows shit about potions.

"By the way, I also have something to give you." At this time, Kangna suddenly said.

She walked to the shelf not far away, found a bag and put it on the table.

Kyle opened it and saw that it was full of gold galleons, probably more than a hundred.

"I'm not short of money." Kyle returned the bag to Kangna. "I also opened a shop in Diagon Alley. Although I usually don't have many customers, my income is still considerable."

"You don't even have any customers, but you still earn a decent amount of money." Furong said in a long voice, "You don't mean to earn a galleon by being handsome."

Kyle ignored her and just pushed the bag forward, "You can keep it, I really don't need it."

"But it was originally given to you." Connor said, "Uncle Severus sent this some time ago, and he said it was some kind of compensation.

"I don't know why the compensation for you was sent to me, and you won't let me tell you. But since you are here, just take it."

Kyle looked at Connor and then at the bag of galleons.

He finally came to his senses.

The last time Snape went to his shop because of Malfoy's incident, he broke an ebony shelf.

The compensation agreed between the two was one hundred and fifty galleons.

Snape later insisted that he had paid, but Kyle had not received it, and neither had Dobby.

This matter has become a mystery.

He then sent Galleon to Kangna.

Kyle remembered that he said at the time that his money was Connor's money. He originally wanted to stimulate Snape, but unexpectedly, he used it now and paid the compensation directly to Connor.

Thinking of this, Kyle took the bag in his hand.

"If that's the case, then I'll accept it!"

"Is this bag yours? Professor Snape sent it here."

"It belongs to my uncle." Kangna said. She glanced at Kyle suspiciously, "You're not planning any bad ideas again."

"No, of course not, how could it be?" Kyle immediately denied, "I am now Professor Snape's colleague, how could I have bad ideas for him? You are overthinking!"

"It better be." Connor sighed.

She didn't even mention Snape a moment ago, and Kyle just didn't mention it.

She regretted giving Kyle the bag.

"Forget it." Kangna shook her head. She was in France anyway, and what happened to those two men was none of her business.

The few chatted for a while, and Fleur was curious about how Kyle could become a professor at Hogwarts at such a young age.

There has never been such a young professor in Beauxbatons.

Kyle didn't know what to say about this, except that it was Dumbledore's and the current principal's decision.

While several people were chatting, Kangna would always glance at the parchment on the table from time to time.

Because it was a potion formula from Sassia, after getting the key ingredients, she couldn't wait to try it.

And this mood became more and more urgent. Even if Kyle, who she had been thinking about day and night, was right next to her, she couldn't calm down completely.

"Sorry, you guys chat first."

After a few minutes, Kanna couldn't help it anymore. She stood up and walked to the basement with parchment and unicorn blood.

"Wait a minute, I'll go too."

Kyle wanted to go and see, but Kanna didn't seem to hear him at all. After entering the basement, she closed the door.

The solid door almost hit Kyle in the face.

"Hey..." The half-blooded veela laughed again behind him.

"Are you so free?" Kyle said unhappily, "Eat your apple."

"What do you care about me!" Furong glared at him provocatively.


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