Hogwarts: I'm a model wizard

Chapter 894: Collusion

"You must have sent those newspapers to Gringotts on purpose."

After leaving the Ministry of Magic, Chris asked with interest: "If I guess correctly, then it is not the original content, but a temporary piece."

"Ah, you see?" Kyle smiled, "It was all done by Rita Skeeter. She said that she had wanted to publish a separate issue of the newspaper for a long time, and this time it was just an opportunity.

"However, it seems that her professional level is not very good."

"Yes, the content is too monotonous. Not only me, Scrimgeour also noticed it."

Chris said, "If the goblin can keep his composure, when the owl delivers the real Daily Prophet, he will probably find that he has been deceived."

"They can't hold their breath." Kyle shrugged.

Goblins look down on wizards, and naturally they also look down on wizards' newspapers. Even if they read them every day, it is just to get the necessary information.

Expect them to know as much about the Daily Prophet as Chris and Scrimgeour?

it's out of the question.

So after seeing the familiar newspapers, layout, and fonts, the goblins didn't suspect that the "Daily Prophet" was fake at all.

"That's great." Chris couldn't help but smile: "But if you let the goblin suffer such a big loss, Gringotts probably won't welcome you."

"It doesn't matter." Kyle said, "I have all the money in my own hands anyway, and I don't need Gringotts..."

"Oh, I almost forgot." Kyle slapped his forehead, then took out a ruby ​​from his pocket and shook it.

Chris looked at it with some confusion, not understanding what this meant.

However, before he could ask, a black shadow in front of him rushed over with a whoosh and hugged Kyle's hand suddenly.

When Chris saw the black shadow clearly, he couldn't help but said: "Sniff?"

"Hmm." Kyle lifted Xiu Xiu up by the scruff of his neck, then stuffed the ruby ​​turned into a stone into the inner pocket on its belly, and at the same time took out his own box from inside.

Chris's eye twitched.

He seemed to understand the truth of the matter.

"You said you lost Galleons, could it be that..."

"Ah, nothing is missing, it's all in here." Kyle opened the box, and the pile of golden light almost blinded Chris.

But before he could take a closer look, Xiuxiu rushed out impatiently, grabbing the gold coins and stuffing them into his inner pocket.

Kyle had no intention of stopping it, so he took it as a reward.

On the way to St. Mungo's, he took the opportunity to release Niffler with the box.

This magical animal can slip into any crack. Aurors and goblins can't find it even if they dig three feet into the ground.

After a while, the little guy stuffed all the Galleons, and then sat on the ground with a happy face, feeling dizzy, as if he had drunk too much.

This... Chris smacked his lips and frowned: "You cheat on fairies so much, aren't you afraid that they will retaliate against you?"

"Don't be afraid, they can't know anyway." Kyle said matter-of-factly: "And I'm targeting the goblins."

"Because of their attitude?" Chris asked.

"Yeah." Kyle nodded.

"Oren's transformation spell is not very clever. I could see it almost at a glance, but the goblin didn't see it.

"This may be due to their negligence, or it may be due to other reasons, but I don't believe they are innocent."

"You mean, goblins and Death Eaters..."

"Probably not." Kyle shook his head, "The mysterious man looks down on goblins. In his opinion, no matter they are goblins, house elves, or werewolves, they are no different from livestock, not even slaves.

"Just like Fenrir Greyback, a werewolf leader, he is considered an important figure no matter what, but he doesn't even have the Dark Mark. This proves that the mysterious man doesn't take them seriously at all. The goblins should be the same. Mysterious People don’t even bother to recruit them.”

"And the goblins are not stupid either." Kyle continued: "They know very well that the best choice is to remain neutral. No matter who wins, Gringotts will not be affected."

"But their attitudes and thoughts are different." Kyle narrowed his eyes, "The goblins probably want the mysterious man to win."

"Because Death Eaters don't follow the rules?" Chris asked.

"Yes." Kyle said, "Death Eaters are brutal, arrogant and domineering, and more importantly, they hate Muggles. When the Muggle Protection Act becomes useless, it will be easier for goblins to make money."

"You think a lot." Chris glanced at Kyle, "This is the work of the Ministry of Magic."

"It's just a part of it. It's a reason that can be put on the surface." Kyle spread his hands.

"What about the other part?" Chris asked with interest: "What's the reason why it can't be shown?"

"Making trouble for goblins." Kyle didn't hide it, "This time it's me. If it were another wizard, would I be silenced by the Death Eaters after I lost my use value?

"Besides, I've encountered so many things when withdrawing money, and it's all over without any benefit at all? Impossible, these six thousand Galleons should be regarded as a benefit fee.

"My move is very expensive, the goblin won't suffer."

Six thousand Galleons and you still don’t suffer a loss?

Chris raised his eyebrows. To be honest, even if he invited Dumbledore, it wouldn't cost so much money.

Donating two thousand galleons to Hogwarts... Dumbledore would never refuse a trip.

"Besides these, I just can't stand them torturing dragons." Kyle whispered, "You didn't see how miserable that Ironbelly looked. There wasn't a single good scale on his body. He was the largest dragon, but he was frightened by the sound of a piece of iron.

"If Hagrid was there, he would tear those goblins apart and stuff them into the cracks of the rocks."

Chris's expression quickly turned cold.

Although he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, he could imagine the torture that Ironbelly had suffered just by listening to Kyle's description.

As Newt's student and the director of the Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures, Chris also felt disgusted with the behavior of goblins.

On this point, he and Kyle had surprisingly the same opinion.

Six thousand Galleons... is less.

"How is the dragon now..."

"I don't know." Kyle said, "but it should be sent to Romania by the dragon breeder soon. Later, I will donate 600 Galleons to the Dragon Sanctuary. I hope it can recover."

"Only 600 Galleons? "Chris raised his eyebrows, "You made six thousand."

"Six hundred Galleons is not enough?" Kyle turned his head in disbelief, "This is equivalent to your three months' salary as a director, more than enough to treat a fire dragon."

Chris was speechless.

It seems to be true.

And after being reminded by Kyle, he suddenly remembered an important thing.

The Galleons in the box, plus the compensation from the goblins... Kyle suddenly had twelve thousand Galleons.

Ten thousand, two thousand?

This number is a bit wrong.

His monthly salary is only more than two hundred Galleons, and it has only increased so much after he became the director.

As a result, his son's savings are actually his fifty months' salary?

Chris felt a little dizzy and felt like he was dreaming.

"Where did you get so much money?" He couldn't help asking.

"It's a long story, and it can't be explained in one or two sentences." Kyle said, "Anyway, it was all obtained through legitimate means, Professor Dumbledore can testify. "

"Well... okay."

After hearing Kyle mention Dumbledore, Chris stopped asking and tried to accept the fact that Kyle was richer than him.

No, I still can't accept it!

Chris sighed, mainly because the contrast was too obvious.

When he just graduated, he was not poor, but he didn't have many gold coins on his body, and he had to be careful to buy a gift for Diana.

Kyle, on the other hand, had more savings than him just after graduation.

It was really more than him... Although Chris didn't calculate his savings carefully, it was at most just over 10,000 Galleons.

Diana's might be more. As we all know, the treatment of the Unspeakables is the best in the Ministry of Magic, and the salary is more than twice his.

But the problem is that Kyle just graduated, which inevitably makes Chris feel a little frustrated.

Kyle didn't know what Chris was thinking. Seeing that he didn't say anything and followed him farther and farther, he couldn't help asking: "Dad, it's not time to get off work yet. Is it appropriate for you to leave like this?"

"Ah? "Chris came back to his senses, "Oh, it's okay, the work in the Hesperidian Islands is not easy, I am on vacation today."

"Where are you going?"

"I don't know, let's go home first, wait for Arthur to get off work and have a drink with him, and then have a good sleep."

"So you are fine now?" Kyle asked.

"I shouldn't, what's wrong?"

"Nothing." Kyle said, "If you are fine, do you want to go to Diagon Alley with me? I opened a store there, aren't you the director? You know a lot of people, if you have the chance, help me introduce a few customers."

"Oh, okay..."

"Wait..." Chris stopped suddenly, with a strange expression, "You opened a store in Diagon Alley?"

"Yes, it's been a while." Kyle said calmly: "It's just that you and mom have been very busy recently, and I can't find a chance to tell you. "

Chris paused for a long time.

It turned out that he had just missed it. In addition to the deposit of more than 10,000 Galleons, Kyle actually had a store!

Did his money come from nowhere?

Chris was a little suspicious.

With the intention of finding out the truth, he followed Kyle to Diagon Alley.


Chris thought of many possibilities. In his opinion, Kyle would at most open a magic item store like the Weasley brothers.

After all, this is what he is best at. When he was still in school, he made a lot of money by selling small things such as maps, and he didn't even need to give pocket money.

But when Chris stepped into the store, he realized that he was wrong.

Especially when he noticed the labels under those things After seeing the price, he was silent for a long time.

Ten Galleons for a ‘grape’, are you sure the price is right?

And a feather pen, what kind of thing is it that costs thirty Galleons... Oh, a thunderbird feather, that's fine.

As an expert in magical creatures, Chris recognized at a glance that the light brown feather came from a thunderbird, and it was the longest feather on the tip of the first pair of wings.

This price is fine... But, this thing is contraband, right? It's so blatantly placed in front of him, the Director of the Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures?

Is this appropriate?

And Mobeak squid ink, even more punishable, there is no need to fine these two together, just report to Azkaban directly.

"Mistakes, mistakes..."

Following Chris' gaze, Kyle quickly stepped forward and took down the price tag below.

"This is not for sale, just for display."

Chris turned his head suspiciously.

"I guarantee that the origin of these things is absolutely clean and not illegal at all." Kyle said confidently.

Chris sneered.

Not illegal?

Unless it was obtained sixty years ago, it is indeed not illegal, but he was not even born at that time, so how could Kyle obtain it.

"Professor Dumbledore can testify." Kyle said, "If you don't believe me, ask him."

"I will." Chris said solemnly.

Even if Kyle is his son, he cannot openly sell prohibited items.

However, he also believed that Kyle must have enough confidence to dare to display those things openly, just like some of the things Kyle had done before, although they were unethical, they would not be illegal.

He is still confident about this.

But then again, where did these things come from? Could it be that Dumbledore gave them to them?

If that's the case, it really doesn't matter.

Given Dumbledore's age, it's normal to have some special inventory.

With some thought, Chris confiscated all five quills and eight bottles of ink on the shelf.

The good name is, evidence.

But Kyle knew in his heart that he would probably never come back with those things... There was no other reason than simply understanding Chris' character.

Forget it, just pay the GG fee.

Kyle sighed and continued to visit the store with Chris.

Fortunately, except for the quill and ink, he didn't put out any other sensitive things. At most, they were just a little bit on the edge. Chris just glanced at them and didn't say anything else.

Five minutes later, he looked at Kyle again and asked, "Tell me the truth, what exactly did you get hold of Professor Dumbledore."

"Huh?" Kyle blinked.

"Don't act stupid with me." Chris said, "If you had no clue, why would he give you so many good things?"

Kyle opened his mouth.

Does co-author Chris think everything here was given by Dumbledore?

Well... okay, it saves him the trouble of explaining. After all, it would be quite troublesome to explain this matter.

"Are there...many people buying these things?"

"Not many." Kyle shook his head. "Because they are not sure of its origin, many people are afraid to buy it for fear of being settled by the Ministry of Magic."

"Of course." Chris frowned, "How long has your store been open and no one from the Ministry of Magic came to inspect it?"

"Yes, I have."

"Then why is this store still open?"

"Because it was Fred and George who came." Kyle said, "They came a week ago. I asked Dobby to give them fifty galleons each, and they left."


I understand, they are all working together, right?

No wonder Kyle was so keen on sending Fred and George to work at the Ministry of Magic.

Chris' teeth chattered.

But he also understood that the Weasley brothers were not because of the fifty galleons, but they also believed that Kyle would not challenge the Wizarding Laws so openly.

This can be regarded as a tacit understanding between friends.

But the truth was such that he still felt a little awkward.

"I'll tell Arthur about it," Chris said.

The corners of Kyle's mouth turned up slightly, then quickly recovered, pretending not to hear anything.

"In order to solve some unnecessary trouble, I want to get a certificate that I can legally sell these things." Kyle said the purpose of this trip, "It's convenient."

"Okay." Chris didn't hesitate much, "But I have to understand the origin of these things first.

"There is still some time before the Ministry of Magic closes. I will go to Hogwarts. If Professor Dumbledore is willing to vouch for you, I can have the documents ready when I go to work tomorrow."

Chris glanced out of the corner of his eye and suddenly saw a familiar package.

That was the candy he ate when he was in school. It was a classic that had been selling well for nearly a hundred years. However, Honeydukes stopped producing it after changing owners. I didn’t expect to still see it here.

Look at the price... three galleons per box, more than twenty times more.

Chris reached out his hand, took down the box of gummy candies naturally, pinched one and threw it into his mouth.

It still tastes the same as before, it hasn't changed at all.

Chris was a little surprised.

He began to believe Kyle's words. In a sense, it was much more difficult to get this kind of discontinued candy than contraband, not to mention that the taste had not changed at all.

Candies under normal circumstances cannot be preserved for twenty years, not even with magic... and no wizard would do that.

"But I can only issue documents..." Chris pinched another candy and threw it into his mouth, "... Mobik squid ink is a Class C prohibited trade item and requires the signature of the minister to take effect."

"That's no problem."

Kyle wasn't too worried. He had just obtained 30,000 Galleons for the Ministry of Magic. It was just a document. With Dumbledore's guarantee, Amelia Bones should not embarrass him.

In a short time, Chris had finished one box of gummy candies and skillfully picked up the second box.

"By the way, how on earth did you get these things?"

"Bought it in 1899," Kyle said.

"Pfft!" Chris couldn't hold back and laughed out loud, "Forget it if you don't want to say it, I don't have to ask, is it necessary to tell a joke?"

"You don't know?" Kyle looked at him doubtfully.

"Know what?"

"Forget it, it's nothing." Kyle shook his head.

He thought that Chris was too busy to see anyone some time ago, so Professor McGonagall probably didn't have time to tell him this.

"Aren't you going to find Professor Dumbledore? He should tell you." Kyle said.

Strictly speaking, his rescue of Dumbledore was a secret, but Chris was his father after all, and Dumbledore had no reason and could not hide it from him.

When he leaves, he will naturally find out.

"Mysterious... Okay, I'll go now." After Chris finished speaking, he was about to walk out.

But just as he reached the door, he turned back again and took two more buckets of multi-flavored chocolates and three boxes of gummy candies from the shelf.

"That's too much." Kyle looked a little unhappy.

"Get it for your mother." Chris said confidently, "She likes this too."

"Really?" Kyle blinked, "Then you can take them all."

Without any hesitation, Kyle put all the candies on the shelf into a bag and handed it to Chris. "

"Don't eat it secretly." He reminded: "I will ask my mother. If the quantity is wrong, you have to pay the original price."

"Are you serious?" Chris stared, "I'm doing you a favor."

"So." Kyle also looked at him, "I followed the formal process, why should I give you benefits?"

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