Hogwarts: I'm a model wizard

Chapter 886 Voldemort holds a meeting

Two men suddenly appeared from the void and walked quickly through a narrow alley.

"This will be...hiss...the greatest honor in your life." The taller one said.

"I don't think so." Lenis said without looking back: "But Mr. Crouch, can you stop sticking your tongue out all the time? It's so disgusting."


A cold look flashed in Barty Crouch Jr.'s eyes, "I will consider it...if you can leave alive today."

There is a thorn bush on the left side of the alley, and a neatly trimmed hedge on the right. Turning a corner at the end of the alley, you can see two extraordinary wrought iron gates.

Neither of them stopped, and they walked straight through the wrought iron gate, just like they were crossing Platform 9 at King's Cross Station.

"Such a conspicuous mansion." Lenis looked at the peacock by the pool. "This should be that Malfoy's home. Everyone knows that he is a Death Eater. Aren't you afraid that the Aurors will come looking for you?"

"Why should we be afraid of Aurors?" Barty Crouch Jr. stuck out his tongue, "Also, do you really think this is Lucius Malfoy's house?"

Barty Crouch Jr. sneered twice and walked into the house door first, followed closely by Lenis.

They seemed to have passed through an invisible door again.

The original foyer quickly disappeared as the light distorted, and was replaced by a gorgeous room.

The precious marble floor sparkles, and the tapestries on the walls on both sides are embroidered with exquisite patterns. If you look closer, you will find that the patterns are embroidered with complete unicorn tail hairs, and each one is valuable.

This must still be the Malfoy family, and only he would make his home so extravagant.

But now is not the time to think about that.

When he and Barty Crouch Jr. entered the room, the place was already full of people, all sitting around a long, elegantly decorated table.

The long table was not full, and there were still empty seats, but after they entered, two dementors blocked the door.

"Everyone is here." A clear voice sounded from the head of the table, "Welcome, my loyal servant Barty, you got rid of a nasty bedbug. This is the best news I have heard recently. "

Under the flickering candlelight, the man's face emerged from the shadows. It was hairless and snake-like, with two slender nostrils and a pair of shining red eyes with vertical pupils.

I don't know if the light is too weak or for some other reason. Half of his face is pale and half is dark.

"My pleasure, Master." Barty Crouch Jr. knelt on the ground, his whole face distorted with excitement.

"It's just a matter of sitting back and enjoying the results. It's really an honor."

A strange voice came, which immediately attracted everyone's attention.

"Welcome to you too, our new friend... a warrior who killed the legendary Auror." Voldemort's red eyes seemed to twinkle.

"Welcome to join you. Take a seat. We have been waiting for you for a long time." He pointed to an empty seat on the right side of the long table.

"It's an honor." Lenis knelt on one knee and put his right hand on his chest.

Next to him, Barty Crouch Jr. looked at him blankly.

What's going on?

He was dragging him hard on the road, looking like he didn't care about anyone. He thought this Lenis was a tough guy.

In Little Barty's heart, Lenis would definitely be punished for disrespecting the Dark Lord, and he was ready to watch the excitement.

But what happens now.

You must be so skilled at kneeling here, without any hesitation at all. If you don't know better, you might think you are a senior Death Eater.

Barty Crouch Jr. was speechless for a while, but Lenis didn't even look at him and sat directly in the seat designated by Voldemort.

"First meeting." A hand stretched out from the side.

"Get to know Maurice Oren, we will be colleagues from now on."


The two hands shook briefly and then separated quickly. It seemed a bit perfunctory, but compared to the indifferent people around, this was already pretty good.

"Maybe he's trying to show his kindness." Lenis thought to himself, and at the same time, he scanned the whole place and took note of everyone's appearance.

There are also factions among the Death Eaters. Those old Death Eaters who followed Voldemort sixteen years ago naturally look down on newcomers.

As far as he knew, Oren was a new Death Eater like him, and they probably wanted to join each other.

"Everyone is here," Voldemort said.

"Sorry, Lord Dark Lord." Lenis raised his hand, "You just said, are you all here?"

He looked around and saw that there were still many empty seats at the table.

"Yes." Although he was interrupted, Voldemort was unusually generous today and did not feel annoyed at all. Instead, he patiently explained.

"Here..." He pointed to the nearest empty seat on the left, "The person in this position was once my most loyal servant. Unfortunately, he died in the battle two months ago."

"And Crabbe...Rabastan..." He pointed to a few empty seats slightly further away, "They all died at the hands of the same person. Do you want to know who it is?"

"I don't want to." Lenis blurted out: "But no matter who it is, I am willing to get rid of the guy who is against you for the Dark Lord to express my loyalty."

Voldemort's scarlet eyes stared at him, and after a long time he chuckled, "I have seen your loyalty, you killed that famous Auror."

He looked around and said, "You have done something that so many people have failed to do, which is great.

"I'm wondering if I'm usually too kind, which is why their work efficiency is so... low!"

Wherever Voldemort looked, everyone lowered their heads subconsciously, not daring to look into his eyes.

Fortunately, Voldemort did not continue this topic.

"How about it, do you have any interesting news?"

"Master, Bones went to Hogwarts to find Dumbledore. They reached an agreement to cancel the Order of the Phoenix and let the previous people join the Aurors."

The people around him suddenly became interested and looked at the speaker curiously.

"What a surprise, Severus." Voldemort looked at Snape with interest, "They just met in the morning, and now you get the news, good, good."

"It seems like I shouldn't have doubted you before. How about it? Does your leg still hurt?" Voldemort asked with concern.

But this impossible tone scared Snape into a cold sweat.

He touched his right leg, and there was a hideous scar under his robe, which was left by Voldemort a few months ago.

There is no reason, no evidence, just simple doubts about his loyalty, or... temptation.

"This is what I should do, Master." Snape tried to maintain his expression.

"This is an opportunity for us." Another Death Eater said impatiently: "Maybe we can use a few old friends in the Ministry of Magic to eliminate those annoying guys in one fell swoop."

"And when we take action again, we don't have to worry about someone suddenly breaking in and disrupting the situation. Dumbledore is really confused and made such a stupid decision."

The man became more and more excited as he talked, and did not notice at all that the Death Eaters sitting around him were calmly adjusting their chairs and moving as far away from him as possible.

"What you said makes sense." Voldemort also looked ugly, "But can I understand that if the people from the Order of the Phoenix don't join the Aurors, there will be nothing you can do."

The Death Eater who spoke suddenly woke up, his mouth opened, but no sound came out.

Although this is true, if you say it, it is equivalent to admitting your incompetence.

What Death Eaters fear most is to be deemed incompetent by Voldemort... No wonder those people would suddenly stay away from them, for fear of being splashed with blood later.

Listening to the sounds coming from the darkness from time to time, he felt his heart beating rapidly. He wanted to say something to explain, but there was someone faster than him.

"Of course not, Lord Dark Lord." Lenis said: "Then it is difficult to kill people from the Order of the Phoenix? I think it is very simple."

His words deserved to be slapped, almost like a slap in everyone's face, but surprisingly, there was no one around to refute.

There was no other way. He had just killed Alastor Moody, one of the main members of the Order of the Phoenix, and his record could be checked.

"Yeah, just a few bugs." Oren, who was next to him, followed closely. "If I encounter them, they won't be able to escape."

The others glanced up.

This cannot be refuted. Although he has no record, his mission completion rate is ridiculously high. Less than two years after joining the Death Eaters, he is already on an equal footing with Barty Crouch Jr. and others.

However, once someone took the initiative, others began to express their opinions.

Regardless of whether you can do it or not, at least you have to have the attitude.

There was a buzz in the room, and the Death Eater who had just spoken stood there, feeling his hands and feet were cold and his whole body trembling.

The people around him moved their positions again.

If nothing else goes wrong, this person will probably not survive. The Dark Lord suffered a big loss in the Heshidry Islands this time, and he will definitely find someone to vent his anger on.

Isn't this ready-made?

No one spoke for him, some just added insult to injury.

This is not difficult to understand...

Someone must bear the wrath of the Dark Lord. If he doesn't die, he may die.

Now that someone is willing to die, it's too late for them to be happy. If they sit farther away, they can save themselves blood when the Dark Lord's little pet eats.

But what everyone didn't expect was that the Dark Lord actually let him go.

"I don't want to hear similar words again." Voldemort waved his hand and asked the other party to sit down.


People around were confused.

Why is this a little different from the Dark Lord in their memories?

The caring tone just now, and now he generously let go of the person who said the wrong thing... If the Dark Mark on his arm hadn't been aching, they would have even suspected that the Dark Lord in front of them was someone else pretending to be him.

It was so weird that no one knew what to say and just sat there blankly.

"Continue." Voldemort narrowed his eyes, "If you have any other news, please tell me."

"It doesn't matter. You can talk about anything. We have plenty of time today."


Everyone, look at me and I look at you. Because they don't know what Voldemort means, no one dares to speak first.

It wasn't until Voldemort became obviously impatient that Oren took the initiative and said, "If it's a report... I recruited a group of pure-blood wizards in Yorkshire.

"Not famous, but he hates Muggles. He has been wandering in the gray area for generations and is good at making cursed dark magic items."

"Okay, not bad." Voldemort nodded with satisfaction.

Being a pure-blood and hating Muggles, these two things already meet the requirements to become a Death Eater, not to mention being good at making cursed dark magic items.

I don't know where Oren found this talent. Although it is not as good as Barty Crouch's mission of more than 100 wandering wizards, it is also a small surprise.

More importantly, no requirements were made.

This is very worry-free.

"Then let me talk about it." Lannis looked around and took the initiative to say: "The secret passage from the port to Devonshire is ready. If necessary, we can create a surprise for the Ministry of Magic at any time."

"Very good." Voldemort continued to nod.

Another good news.

Now they are basically on the surface. Once they do something, they will be found by the Aurors in no time.

If these more than 100 wandering wizards are used well, they can definitely catch the Ministry of Magic off guard. It is a trump card of not too small.

Voldemort tapped the table with his finger, his expression did not change at all, and he could not see his mood.

"Go on." He said calmly: "Come one by one, Goyle, let's start with you."

A sturdy Death Eater raised his head and stammered: "I... I cast a spell on a dog and let it chase and bite Muggles... Does this count?"

"Next time you should just kill the Muggle directly." Voldemort said coldly, "Go on."

Seeing that Goyle's outrageous answer was not punished, the others were relieved and reported their work one after another.

If there is no suitable one, look for it in the future, and if you can't find it, make it up.

Voldemort was unusually generous today, and didn't even scold them, as if he was really listening to his subordinates' reports.

Time passed little by little.

One hour, two hours...


Lenis seemed to have sat for too long and couldn't help moving his body.

Voldemort's eyes immediately swept over and stared at his face, but moved away after a moment.

Oren on the side raised his eyebrows.

I don't know if it was an illusion, but he seemed to vaguely see the throat of his colleague next to him move just now.

Oren seemed to have discovered something interesting, and the corners of his mouth curled up slightly, but he quickly regained his composure.

At this time, everyone had finished speaking, and they sat there looking at each other, not knowing what to do.

Usually, this kind of meeting would have ended long ago, but Voldemort seemed to be particularly patient today, and had no intention of ending the meeting at all.

They didn't dare to ask or say anything, so they could only continue to sit.

"Go on, I like to listen to stories." Voldemort spoke again.

There was no way, everyone could only continue to look forward.

After another few hours, everyone felt dry mouth.

"Very good." Voldemort suddenly stood up, walked out of the room quickly in the puzzled eyes of everyone, and took away the Dementors blocking the door.

What does this mean.

Everyone was confused, but from the current situation, the meeting seemed to be... over?

It should be, the Dark Lord has left, what are they doing here.

So, everyone left one after another.

Oren stood up and patted Lennis next to him in a friendly manner.

"It's rare to see a new face, and he's not a loser. Do you want to go for a drink?"

His words immediately aroused the anger of the crowd, and all the Death Eaters who had not yet left looked over.

"Why, aren't you losers?" Oren spread his hands provocatively.

"Be proud as you want." A Death Eater said coldly: "The Dark Lord knows who is his most loyal servant. One day, I will let you taste the taste of the Cruciatus Curse."

"I'm looking forward to it, Jugson." Oren said nonchalantly: "In addition, I think my Cruciatus Curse is also very good. Do you want to try it?"

"Humph, wait and see!"

The other party left angrily.

"Hey, friend." Oren patted Lanis again, "Seriously, do you want to go for a drink, how about the Leaky Cauldron? I really like the expressions of those strikers when they recognize me."

Lianis did not answer him, but just shook his head.

"We will be colleagues on the same boat from now on, don't you even want to talk to me?" Oren's smile became more obvious, "How unkind."


Lenis seemed to find him a bit annoying, frowned, and snorted.

He didn't even wait for Barty Crouch Jr. who came with him, and left the room directly, walked quickly across the courtyard, and disappeared behind the wrought iron gate.

In a moment, Oren was the only one left in the room.

He didn't leave in a hurry, but walked to where Lenis was just now, reached out and touched the chair he had sat on thoughtfully, his eyes flickering.

Very strange, too strange.

Judging from Lenis's performance at the beginning, he was not a taciturn person, and he was also happy to mock other Death Eaters.

He just brought up the topic, but the other party's performance was very strange, as if he became introverted all of a sudden.

"It's really interesting." Oren stroked the exquisitely crafted chair.

Why did he suddenly stop talking, didn't he want to say... or was he trying to cover up something?

If so, what was he trying to hide?

The smell?

If he ate something with a strong smell or drank some kind of potion, it would inevitably leave some smell, and it would be easy for people to detect it when he spoke.

But this statement was a bit forced, because no one had eaten or drunk anything just now.

After all, Voldemort was there, and his face became more gloomy as time went by. Being stared at by him, no one dared to do anything extra. Even if they were thirsty from talking about work, they could only bear it.

Unless... he could eat something without opening his mouth.

This was possible.

In addition to the taste, there was another more obvious thing that would be exposed as soon as he opened his mouth.

Oren walked to a large gilded mirror and whispered, "Am I overthinking it? Maybe, maybe he really just doesn't like to talk..."

As he spoke, two rows of teeth were faintly visible in the dim light.


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