Hogwarts: I'm a model wizard

Chapter 881: An Ordinary Alchemist

France, Nico's old house.

Kyle slept almost all day and night, and finally woke up in the early morning of the third day.

As soon as he opened his eyes, he saw a house elf holding a bottle filled with potion and preparing to pour it into his mouth.

"Oh, you're awake." A familiar voice came from the side.

Nicolas Flamel came over with small steps holding a book, "I saw someone breaking into my library yesterday, and I guessed it was you.

"How do you feel? What Tata is holding is a vitality tonic. Drink it. It will be good for you."

"Ah, thank you." Kyle took the potion and poured it into his mouth without hesitation.

A warm current surged down his throat to his limbs, regaining some strength, and his originally groggy brain suddenly became much clearer.

"You're welcome, it's just a bottle of vitality tonic." Nico said with a smile.

"It's not just the potion." Kyle shook his head and picked up the scrapped door key that he had placed next to him. "Thanks to it, I was able to escape...Nico, did you already know that I would be there in He The Hidili Islands are hunted by Voldemort."

"What..." Nico was stunned for a moment, then shook his head repeatedly, "Of course not, you think too much of my magical power. I am just an alchemist, how can I know what will happen in six or seven years?"

"But I remember, you have a crystal ball." Kyle blinked.

Everyone who knows Nico knows that he has a special crystal ball and the success rate of predictions is almost 100%.

"You said that." Nico said with a smile: "That crystal ball was a work jointly completed by seven of the most famous diviners and me three hundred years ago, but it can only predict things related to me, and it can also predict things that are related to me. Only certain things that are happening can be predicted.

"We first met six years ago. This is beyond the prediction range of the crystal ball."

"Huh?" Kyle was a little confused.

"No, then when you gave me the door key, why did you say that I would be able to use it sooner or later.

"I was almost killed by Voldemort this time. I only escaped with this portkey. It just happened to be right."


After Nico was silent for a moment, he said: "Actually, I didn't think much about it. I just think that your personality is a little out of touch, very different from Albus, and your actions and thoughts are unpredictable.

"According to my experience, people like you are usually not honest children. Giving you the door key is just a whim to give you a way to save your life, nothing more."

"Out of character?" Kyle pointed at himself, "Me?"

"Hmm?" Nico raised his eyebrows and teased: "A normal person would not think of stuffing her into his own magical zoo when he saw the little girl from the Delacour family for the first time.

"Although she does have Veela blood, it is only a quarter. She is more of a wizard, not a magical animal."

"Uh..." Kyle was speechless for a moment.

Well, he did have this thought when he first met Fleur, but he always thought that he hid it well and no one knew about it.


"Don't worry, Olim doesn't know about this, and neither does the little girl from the Delacour family." Nico seemed to have guessed what Kyle wanted to say, and explained with a smile.

"This is just my personal guess, it is the unique experience of the old wizard."

"That's good." Kyle breathed a sigh of relief.

Ms. Maxim didn't care, but Fleur was now very close to Connor and even lived together. If she knew that he had once put her in the same category as magical beasts, she didn't know what to say to Connor.

It's terrible.

It's better not to know.

Seeing Kyle's frightened look, Nick laughed even more wickedly...happily.

"Now it seems that my experience is quite accurate, that is, you used the door key later than I thought."

"It's too late!"

"I heard about the things you did from Albus." Nico glanced at Kyle meaningfully, "I thought that Voldemort should go to you after he was resurrected."

Not to mention anything else, it was impossible for Voldemort to let go of the three Horcruxes that Kyle brought over, not to mention that he had pried away Voldemort's identity and token...the basilisk.

This is already unrelenting hatred.

"Perhaps you should thank that kid named Harry Potter. He helped you share a lot of hatred."

"Harry..." Kyle touched his chin.

That's true. After all, before this, Voldemort's attention had always been on Harry, the savior, and he only glanced at himself occasionally.

Think again about the things you have done.

In his second year, he repeatedly jumped on Voldemort's head and threatened him to hand over the method of making Horcruxes.

Third grade... Oh, third grade is a diary. Strictly speaking, the protagonist is Tom Riddle, which has nothing to do with the current Voldemort.

In the fourth grade, he threw his servant Wormtail into Azkaban. In the fifth grade, he made a big fuss about the resurrection ceremony. In the sixth grade, he was dragged directly from the darkness to the light...

Each of these things was provoking Voldemort, but his eyes were still fixed on the savior.

It wasn't until he saw the basilisk in Godric's Hollow last time that he made room for Kyle in his heart for the first time.

It seems that Harry is really a good person, and he has bought himself enough time to grow.

I have to thank Harry...

Kyle thought, why not bring him some candy next time he goes to Hogwarts, he remembers that Harry likes sweets.

"Get up quickly, Tata has prepared food." Nico interrupted Kyle's random thoughts, "I guess you should be hungry too."


It would have been better if he didn't say it, but when Nico said that, Kyle's stomach was immediately unhappy.

After sleeping for a day and a night, he was indeed hungry.

While the two were talking, the house elf Tata came in with seven or eight plates from nowhere, looking like he was performing acrobatics.

The aroma of fried pork chops and roasted beef legs almost made Kyle drool.

"Then I won't be polite." Kyle stood up and began to stuff food into his mouth, while taking the time to ask about the situation in the Hessidia Islands.

"I don't know." Nico said very straightforwardly: "I don't care about Voldemort and Death Eaters. Most of these things were told to me by Albus.

"But the Hesperidian Black Dragon has not appeared in other places. I think it should have been solved."

"That's good." Kyle stuffed another piece of fried potato into his mouth and washed it down with pumpkin juice.

"Nico..." After eating and drinking, Kyle blinked his eyes and said shyly: "Do you have any extra portkeys?"

"I'm afraid I'll disappoint you." Nico said, "The one I gave you was made with the last piece of Philosopher's Stone fragment, and it has all been used up."

"No extra Philosopher's Stone?" Kyle asked unwillingly.

The main thing is that the thing is really easy to use, there is no limit, regardless of distance, and you can instantly return to a safe house by consuming a little bit of magic power. It's simply killing and robbing... It's simply the best choice to save your life.

"Extra Philosopher's Stone? "Nico raised his head and looked at Kyle with a complicated look, "Are you overestimating me a little bit? I'm just an ordinary alchemist who has lived a little longer.

"It's a miracle that I can help you make the second piece."

"Okay." Kyle sighed faintly.

What a pity.

"But..." Nico paused suddenly, and then said slowly: "You can try to do it yourself. I remember that you have a good relationship with Albus's phoenix. When it reborn next time, you will have the materials."


Kyle's eyes lit up.

Yes, the most important material of the Philosopher's Stone is the ashes left after the phoenix reborn. He really has a way with this thing.

"How should I do it?"

"You asked the right person." Nico smiled slightly and took out a piece of parchment, "The process is all on it, you can take a good look."

Kyle subconsciously lowered his head.

It was just a very ordinary piece of parchment, similar to a page of a book, but when he saw the content on it clearly, his mind suddenly buzzed.

He seemed to see a universe.

Various magic runes, magic formulas, and symbols were stacked on each other to form a huge pattern, and then countless patterns formed another formula, infinitely superimposed, as if there was no end.

God knows how this small piece of parchment can contain so much content.

Kyle felt that if these contents were taken out one by one, they would definitely fill the library.

Just a glance, Kyle's head hurt. It's like... just like Ron wrote a hundred ancient runes homework assignments in a row.

Fortunately, Nico blocked the parchment with his hand in time.

"It doesn't matter." He said with a smile: "The production process of things like the Philosopher's Stone is indeed a little difficult, you can take your time to read it."

"Is it a little... difficult?" Kyle stretched out his thumb and index finger.

Wizards are also popular with the universe between fingers, right?

"Anyway, the normal nirvana time of the phoenix is ​​150 years, so this period of time should be enough." Nico said, "When I tried to make the Philosopher's Stone, it only took more than 100 years. I believe you can do it too."

"This..." Kyle smacked his lips.

Thinking carefully, Nico had originally worked it out from scratch, and now all the processes are laid out, the difficulty can almost be said to have dropped sharply.


Kyle took another look at the parchment.

He found that he didn't seem to want the Philosopher's Stone that much. Even if he didn't have the door key, he still had Fawkes.

The phoenix could still take him around, and it was simpler and more efficient.

"Nico..." Kyle changed the subject and said, "Did you try all these by yourself?"

"Not really." Nico shook his head, "Actually, I referred to the Emerald Record."

"Is it the Emerald Record I was thinking of?" Kyle asked in disbelief.

"If there is no second alchemy book with this name, this should be it."

Nico said calmly. He looked at Kyle with shining eyes, "But, collect your thoughts for now. That book has some kind of consciousness. After I made the Philosopher's Stone, it disappeared inexplicably and has not appeared in all these years."


"Yes." Nico said, "It was clearly placed next to it, but it disappeared when I turned around, as if it had never appeared."

To be honest, Kyle was indeed very curious about the Emerald Record and wanted to observe it up close.

But who wouldn't want it? That is a treasure that can be called the holy book of alchemy. It is more famous than the three holy vessels. Since the records of wizards began, there are still legends about it.

However, the holy book of alchemy has consciousness and can run by itself... Well, this is reasonable.

"Look at this, it's the same." Nico pushed the parchment again.

"Really give it to me?" Kyle couldn't help asking.

"Why, don't you want it?"

"I want it!" Kyle blurted out.

This is the production process of the Philosopher's Stone. Even if it is like a heavenly book, it is so rare that it is outrageous, but if it is put outside, it will definitely cause a bloody storm.

After getting Nico's affirmative answer, Kyle carefully put the parchment into the box.

In the short term, Kyle doesn't plan to read it. After all, he doesn't have enough alchemy knowledge reserves and he can't understand it.

So Kyle plans to hide it in a safe enough place first.

The sniff is good, but this little thing is too naughty. Maybe it will run away one day. Newt is a lesson learned from the past.

Fire dragons... like to spit fire when they sleep, don't burn the parchment again.

After looking around, Kyle set his sights on the basilisk.

He took a scale off the basilisk, drilled a hole vertically, and used the traceless extension spell to expand the space to a degree large enough to hold a piece of parchment, and then used the permanent sticking spell to put it back on the basilisk.

He chose a good location, relatively close to the inside, so even if the basilisk sheds its skin, it will not be affected at all, it is perfect.

After doing all this, Kyle clapped his hands and walked out of the box.

At this time, the sky outside was completely bright, and the morning sun came in from the window, quiet and peaceful.

Nico sat there, fiddling with a golden airship model.

"Where are you going?" Kyle asked.

He remembered this airship, Nico's means of travel. Perhaps because his bones can no longer withstand the apparition and door keys, Nico usually chooses this method when he goes out.

"Hogwarts," Nico said, and he took out a golden pocket watch. "Remember? I have to give this to you."

"Time Converter?" Kyle knew what the pocket watch was, of course. He had sent it to Professor Victor.

"Is it today?" Kyle was a little surprised.

If he remembered correctly, the day Nico sent the time converter was the day he went back a hundred years ago.

In other words, time completed a closed loop and returned to the right track.

After the surprise, there was a surprise.

"Want to join us?" Nico invited.

"No problem." Kyle said. It just so happened that he also had to go back to inquire about the Hesperidian Islands. Now that he had a ready-made ride, he didn't have to send himself back by owl.

Kyle took a step forward, and he didn't see what Nico did. Everything in front of him suddenly changed a little.

The scene outside the window began to move. Originally, the roof of a certain building could be seen, but in the blink of an eye, it turned into a cloud.

The whole house seemed to be flying in the sky.

Kyle walked to the window and looked down.

They were really flying. From this position, he could even see another old house on the street below.

This reminded Kyle of what Nicole had just said... an ordinary alchemist.

Using the whole house as a means of transportation, this was too ordinary.


The speed of the airship was faster than Kyle had imagined. Just when he was distracted, the streets of Paris disappeared, replaced by a familiar castle.

Hogwarts, here we are?

There was no dizziness, no weightlessness, and no feeling of being dragged to fly. Everything was so natural, as if he had just walked out of the door for two steps, and it was so stable.

Kyle blinked, liked it, wanted it.

When the wandering wizard named Lennis attacked Nicole's manor, this airship could be ranked behind the opera house.

Of course, the premise is that Alastor Moody can spare his life.

"I always feel that you are thinking about something bad." Nicole's voice came from behind.

"How could it be? It must be an illusion." Kyle turned around and showed a standard smile.

"You don't understand the intuition of an old wizard." If Nico was just suspicious just now, now he can be sure that Kyle must be thinking something bad.

But he didn't care, or he was used to it.

It would be strange if Kyle didn't have those messy thoughts one day.

"Will you go to Hogwarts with me?"

"No." Kyle shook his head, "Now the other me hasn't left yet. Before time is completely back on track, it's better for me to separate from him as much as possible."

"There is still some time, do you need me to take you first?"

"No need this time, see you later, Nico." After saying that, Kyle Apparated and disappeared in the room.

He planned to go to the Ministry of Magic first to inquire about the Hessidia Islands, and to go to Tonks in Cornwall to confirm her situation.


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