Hogwarts: I'm a model wizard

Chapter 872 An innocent passerby

In the eyes of most wizards, the dark wizards wandering in the shadows of Knockturn Alley and Cornwall are not much of a threat.

Because they all have one thing in common, that is, they only stay in fixed places. People in Knockturn Alley rarely cross that passage to enter Diagon Alley, and wandering wizards in Cornwall only gather in a port near the Atlantic Ocean.

As long as you don't get close to these places, there won't be any problems.

But is this really the case?

Shotguns can certainly threaten hungry wolves and drive them to a deserted place, but wolves can also choose to bypass the frontal threat and find another way.

For example, they can find foxes and moles and dig a road underground, which can not only bypass the threat of shotguns, but also lead directly to the garden behind.

When Barty Crouch Jr. walked out of the passage and looked at the streets of different styles in front of him, his eyes instantly showed a touch of excitement and madness.

"What a remarkable project." He stuck out his tongue excitedly. "I didn't expect the legend to be true. There is a secret passage from the bottom of Cornwall to Devon."

"It's a pity that we are short-handed, otherwise we wouldn't have waited until a year ago to complete it." Next to him, a wizard with short brown-red hair came over and looked at little Barty Crouch up and down with a scrutinizing look.

The knotted muscles on his arms were like marble, and a scar running through his entire face made him look extremely fierce.

"Barbol Lainis." The other party introduced himself: "The owner of a second-hand black magic shop."

"Barty Crouch... the most loyal servant of the Dark Lord."

Seeing the other party's habit of sticking out his tongue from time to time, Lainis couldn't help but twitched his mouth.

Is this tongue stung by a bee?

Are all British wizards like this?

Especially when he heard the other party's self-introduction, he couldn't help but laughed out loud.

"Oh, oh, oh... I'm so sorry, I couldn't help it." Lennis grinned, revealing his dirty and yellow teeth. "This is the first time I've seen someone call himself a slave, and he's so proud. Is he a cross between your house elves?"

The people following him also laughed unscrupulously.


The hooded wizard took a step forward, but before he could say anything, he suddenly covered his neck and groaned in pain.


The next second, a head hit the ground and rolled to the feet of Barty Crouch Jr.

"Sorry, my men are ignorant. How could they leave such things lying around?" Lennis said expressionlessly, waving his wand and sweeping a skull-shaped necklace away from under the other's feet.

"Are you provoking the Dark Lord?" Barty Crouch Jr. took out his wand with a ferocious expression.

"Even Britain hasn't been unified... Dark Lord? What a ridiculous title." Lennis sneered.

"Avada Kedavra!"

"Avada Kedavra!"

Two green lights collided in the air, forming a larger ball of light.

The battle began in a way that no one expected.

But a moment later, the two of them disconnected their magic at the same time.

"Not bad, some strength." Lanis stared at Barty Crouch Jr., "According to the agreement, the witch named Lestrange should come this time, why did she change people?"

"That waste? She's dead!"

"Really? What a pity." Lanis looked at Barty Crouch Jr.'s hand holding the magic wand, "But I remember that she seemed to have a mark."

Barty Crouch Jr. lifted his sleeves, revealing the Dark Mark on his arm, and a dark green python emerged from the mouth of a skull of the same color, circling and twisting, lifelike.

The python's eyes seemed to have some kind of magic, looking straight at Lanis, making him subconsciously take two steps back.

"Very good." His expression was restrained a little, and he glanced at the Dark Mark again, "As I said before, we are willing to join that...Dark Lord, but according to the agreement, when the Dark Lord clears the British Ministry of Magic, Cornwall and Devon will belong to us.

"In addition, you need to pay us a commission of 30,000 Galleons."

"No problem, the Dark Lord will not treat any servant who follows him unfairly." Little Barty turned his head. Someone next to him immediately reacted and threw a heavy box to the ground.

The box was opened, and it was full of gold Galleons, shining with gold. The intentions of some wizards around immediately became hurried.

"I think you are wrong about one thing." Lanis lay on the box and took a deep breath, then looked at little Barty Crouch, "We are just a cooperative relationship, and we are not house elves."

Little Barty's face became ferocious again, but this time he held back.

"Yes, a cooperative relationship. "He gave a fake smile and made a decision in his heart.

If you are not loyal to the Dark Lord, you will die. But now is not the time. After dealing with the bugs in the Order of the Phoenix, it will be these guys' turn.

He tried to control his expression, but this behavior made Lainishi feel very funny.

It can be seen that the man in front of him is the same as Lestrange. They are all dark wizards in ivory towers. Although they are powerful, they are only arrogant in their own homes and have never left the house.

Too immature, you can see his thoughts at a glance.

But Lainishi doesn't care. Who doesn't have some little thoughts? Besides, these Galleons are not fake. As long as there is money to be made, nothing else matters...

Lenis gently stroked the Galleons in the box. Just as he was about to put the box away, he saw a wand out of the corner of his eye...a wand that appeared out of thin air.

Without any hesitation, Lenis instinctively rolled to the side...


A magic spell fell on the place where he was before, blowing the box to pieces, and countless gold coins scattered out like rain.

At the same time, Lenis also took out his wand and pointed at an open space behind the Death Eaters.


Along with a dull sound, it seemed like something was burning, and a trace of charred black appeared in the air out of thin air.


A piece of broken wood fell down and rolled twice on the ground. To be precise, it was a prosthetic leg made of wood, with a patch of bright red blood on it.

"Alastor Moody!"

Lenis instantly became furious. As someone who often dealt with Aurors, he immediately recognized that this was Alastor Moody's prosthetic leg. After discovering that the other party had escaped, he immediately pointed his wand at the minibus. Ty Crouch.

"Damn it, you brought Aurors here and killed them!"

"I see it's obviously you who exposed your whereabouts!" Barty Crouch Jr. was about to explode with anger.

Of course he knew how Alastor Moody came here. It could be seen from his position that he had been following his group.

In other words, he didn't fall for Gilman's full set at all, but followed Moben who was connecting with them. Those two idiots were fooled.

But in this situation, he couldn't tell the truth or admit it.

Countless curses exploded in the sky like fireworks.

At the same time, in the woods not far away, Alastor Moody was running limping.

He used the invisibility cloak to follow the Death Eaters before. His original plan was to disguise himself as a Death Eater and kill the wandering wizard named Lenis and cause civil strife in the other party, but he didn't expect the other party's intuition to be so keen.

Also, as a dark wizard who traveled to several countries and whose wanted orders could be compiled into a book, he would have died long ago if he was not sharp.

Now he just hopes to run out of this forest that serves as an isolation zone as soon as possible.

Alastor looked grave.

The Apparition was interrupted just now. Although the body part acted on the prosthetic leg, he also suffered some injuries and was unable to Disapparate for the second time in a short period of time.

I hope the chaos he created can last for a while, at least for him to spread the news.

There are almost more than a hundred people in Lenis's group, plus the secret road leading directly to Devon County. If the Order of the Phoenix doesn't know anything, it will definitely suffer a big loss.

Thinking of this, Moody quickened his pace again.

It's just that one jumping leg is missing. Even if it is temporarily supported by the deformation spell, it is really inconvenient.

Not long after, a curse struck from behind.


The green light hit his back, and Moody exploded.

"Transfiguration!" Barty Crouch Jr. rushed from behind, half of his face was blackened, and he was obviously seriously injured.

"The other party is a legendary Auror, how could he be caught so easily."

Lenis also came over, and the two seemed to have reached an agreement to temporarily cease fighting and give priority to chasing Moody.

"I've sent people to the exit in advance. He can't escape!" Lenis said coldly: "Search separately and send a signal first if you find any clues. He has been hit by a burning curse and can't run far.

"I don't believe that with so many of us, we could let an injured Auror escape!"

At his order, the people following him dispersed immediately. Barty Crouch Jr. waved and the Death Eaters joined them.

Then the two of them each chose a direction and ran away.

Shortly after they left, a piece of mud next to them suddenly shook twice, and then a hand stretched out.

Moody pulled himself out of the ground and leaned against a tree, breathing heavily, his blue magic eyes moving rapidly in his sockets.

He barely escaped, but only temporarily.

Moody knew very well that it would be difficult for him to escape.

After all, this is Lenis' territory, and there are so many of them that it is almost impossible to escape from the roundup of more than a hundred wizards.

If he had an invisibility cloak, he could still give it a try, but his invisibility cloak was broken.

The only way now seems to be to take risks and use phantom.

Although in his current state, he would definitely split up if he used apparation, but if he just teleported his head, there would still be no problem.

As long as the head is transmitted, he can use the characteristic that injuries will not be reflected immediately after splitting to send the news here...

"Hey, Professor Moody, do you need any help?"

A pleasant voice came from behind.

Moody was startled, and the magic eye moved rapidly, feeling like it would pop out of the back of his head in the next second.

The wand in his hand spurted out a stream of red sparks, heading straight for the person behind him.

"It's me, Professor Moody, don't hurt your own people by accident."

"You think you can fool me with this kind of trick?" Moody jumped up from the ground with an ejection. "Kyle will not come to a place like this at this time."

"That's wrong. Why can't I come?" Kyle shrugged, "Why, do you need a ticket for this place?"

Moody didn't answer or even speak. He raised his hand and cast two magic spells.

Kyle originally wanted to repeat his old trick and use the Iron Armor Curse to block it, but it wasn't until he discovered that the second spell was green that he jumped to the side.

"Killing Curse... Professor Moody, you are a bit too much." Kyle patted his chest with lingering fear. He could not guarantee that his silver shield could block the Killing Curse.

"I gave up 30,000 Galleons to save you. 30,000! You used the Killing Curse on me?"

"Prove your identity!" Moody continued to raise his wand.

"You came to Hogwarts in my fifth year." Kyle said, "The first lesson was to learn about the Unforgivable Curses and the Shield Charm."

"This information is not enough, Draco Malfoy also knows it." Moody frowned.

Kyle rubbed his forehead. He said he was Draco Malfoy? This sentence was more excessive than the Killing Curse just now.

"Well, the headquarters of the Order of the Phoenix is ​​at No. 12 Grimmauld Place, the ancestral home of the Black family."

Moody's intact eye suddenly shrank.

"Are you really Kyle?"

"Of course, the Death Eaters can't tell me the headquarters of the Order of the Phoenix."

"But...how did you appear here?"

"Mr. Weasley told me an address, a lighthouse in Devonshire, so I went there to try my luck, but I didn't expect to get something." Kyle said.

He did go to Devonshire according to the address given by Mr. Weasley, and happened to encounter the scene of the Death Eaters' meeting.

"Why didn't I find you!"

"You can follow the Death Eaters with the invisibility cloak, why can't I follow you with the invisibility cloak." Kyle sighed, "In fact, I always thought you had found me, but you just didn't say it. Until you suddenly jumped out just now, I didn't react... Professor Moody, can't your magic eye see through the invisibility cloak?"

"The magic eye can only see through one layer of invisibility cloak..." Moody said after a moment of silence.

He was in the invisibility cloak before, so of course he couldn't see Kyle who was also wearing the invisibility cloak.

"Is that so? Okay." Kyle nodded. "But Professor, when you jumped out just now, you really scared me. I..."

"No, they're back." Moody's magic eye suddenly drilled into the back of his head, and he held the wand tightly. "Go quickly and tell Dumbledore what's going on here!"

"Ah, there's no rush. The main thing is that I don't know where Dumbledore is now."

Compared to the nervous Moody, Kyle was much more relaxed, so relaxed that Moody even thought he had betrayed.

In almost the blink of an eye, more than a dozen people appeared around them.

"I felt something was wrong just now." Lennis walked out of the crowd and stared at Moody fiercely. "You were injured, so you shouldn't be able to run so fast. I didn't expect you to actually hide under our noses."

"You can't run away this time."

"Babol Lennis!" Moody looked at the dozen people around him, and his heart sank to the bottom.

It was too late to run now, and what was more troublesome was that there was another Kyle beside him now.

What is this, buy one get one free?

If the timing wasn't wrong, he really wanted to pull Kyle's ear and ask him why he didn't just leave just now... Whether it was going back to pass on the message or to call for help, it would be more useful than staying here and talking to him so much nonsense.

"Wait, who are you?"

At this time, Lennis finally found Kyle behind Moody.

"An innocent passerby who happened to pass by here." Kyle raised his hands, "Well... well, you guys go ahead and just pretend I don't exist."

"Are you insulting my IQ?" Lennis sneered. "No matter who you are, since you are here, stay and keep Alastor company."

Lennis didn't care about the sudden appearance of Kyle, mainly because the other party was too young. A wizard who looked less than 20 years old was really insignificant to him like a passerby.

He just looked at Moody, his eyes flashing with excitement that he couldn't hide, "It's really exciting. I didn't expect that the legendary Auror who filled half of Azkaban would die in my hands. You didn't expect it, Alastor."

Moody didn't speak, nor did he respond to his ridicule. Instead, he quickly closed his eyes, and even the magic eye went into the back of his head at the same time.

Because Kyle just whispered to him from behind, asking him to close his eyes.

Under normal circumstances, Moody would never do such a suicidal act in a battle, but his body's instinct made him decide to believe Kyle at a certain moment.

Then, Moody vaguely felt something slipping past him, and a cool feeling came from his only remaining leg.


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