Hogwarts: I'm a model wizard

Chapter 866: Surprise or not

After listening outside the door for a while, Kyle roughly understood why Narcissa and Snape were here.

Narcissa wanted Draco Malfoy to return to Hogwarts, or to get Dumbledore's protection.

All wizards knew that the headmaster was always unusually tolerant when facing his students. As long as he did not do anything beyond the bottom line, he would give the other party a way out.

For example, what Draco Malfoy did before, if it were another headmaster, just the act of letting the Death Eaters into Hogwarts would be enough to die ten times.

But Dumbledore not only did not kill Draco, but even saved his life when the tower attic was completely devoured by the Fiendfyre, and only gave him a painless expulsion punishment afterwards.

Narcissa and Lucius were also fortunate for this, fortunate that their opponents were kind enough.

But now the situation seems to have changed. There is a ruthless person among their enemies, a variable who killed seventy Death Eaters in less than an hour.

Moreover, even the most ruthless Death Eaters had never had such a terrible record.

So they panicked.

If Draco met that Kyle, he would most likely follow in Bellatrix's footsteps. After all, in the Death Eaters' camp, where Draco would go and what missions he would do were not decided by them.

With Voldemort's character, Draco would face that Kyle sooner or later.

The only way they could think of to keep Draco alive was to stuff him back into the school and let him regain Dumbledore's protection.

So Narcissa found Snape, the dean of Hogwarts, and wanted to take a backdoor.


After thinking through all this, Kyle narrowed his eyes.

This matter made him seem like a villain who did all kinds of evil, but there was no blood debt in his magic, and it was as clean as a blank sheet of paper.

That Narcissa Malfoy actually slandered him like this.

This made Kyle a little unhappy. He touched the lock of the box and hesitated whether to let the leopard come out to breathe and cheer up the people in the room.

"Maybe you should thank Kyle..."

At this time, Snape's words in the telescopic ear made Kyle dispel a certain idea.

"The Dark Lord has long been dissatisfied with Lucius, who has made several big mistakes. If it weren't for Bella's self-willed decision this time, you might have been abandoned long ago."

Being abandoned by the Dark Lord means losing value. Generally speaking, such Death Eaters have only two outcomes: welcoming a killing curse or doing an impossible task.

For example, before letting Draco Malfoy assassinate Dumbledore.

Success is the best.

If it fails, it just happens that Dumbledore can kill Draco Malfoy. While punishing Lucius, it is also good to disgust Dumbledore.

But he didn't expect Dumbledore to be so generous and actually let go of the culprit who attacked the school.

But Voldemort didn't care much. He didn't even bother to look at the life and death of such an ant. The only thing he wanted was to let Draco assassinate a few more times.

Dumbledore's softness was actually beneficial to him.

But later, the incident of Godric's Hollow happened. Voldemort was still a handy tool. Bellatrix died and the Death Eaters suffered heavy losses. This temporarily gave up the idea of ​​letting Draco continue to die.

He needed someone to help him do things. Although Lucius Malfoy made frequent mistakes, he could barely make do with it under the premise of losing his handy tool.

"It may sound a bit unpleasant to say this, but your sister saved your life... with her own life." Snape said slowly.

Narcissa cried even louder.

"I... I know... but I... really have no other choice."

"Severus... Draco is your godson... please... save him..."

Narcissa's voice was intermittent, as if she might faint at any time, and even Kyle outside the door felt a little bit sorry for her.

He hesitated whether to open the door and tell her that he didn't really want to kill Draco Malfoy, but considering Narcissa's current state, Kyle felt that she might not really want to see his face.

"There may be a way, but it is definitely not to let Draco return to Hogwarts."

Snape was a little impatient, "His identity is basically known to everyone. Even if Dumbledore agrees, do you think other parents will let a Death Eater stay in school?"

"In that case, why did you let me come here!"

Compared with the crying Narcissa, the young and energetic Draco did not give Snape much face, and said angrily: "You let me come here just to tell me in person that I am dead?"

"Ha, my dear dean, you are really kind."

"Don't be like this...Draco...Don't be like this..." Narcissa tried to comfort the already angry Draco, but with little effect.

"Mom, can't you see it? He is just laughing at us!

"Let's go. Even if I am killed by Kyle when I walk out of this door, I don't need his help."

Then there was a sound of footsteps.

"Stop!" Snape said coldly.

But Draco, who was furious, didn't listen to him at all. Kyle saw that the door was opened a crack from the inside and quickly hid to the side.

But the next second, the door was closed again.

There was a messy pulling sound in his ears. It seemed that Snape was pulling Draco back.

"I said, there are no ways, but it's up to you to decide whether you want to do it or not."

"We are willing!" Before Draco could speak, Narcissa said first: "As long as Draco can survive, we are willing to do anything."

"Then let's try it. Find Dumbledore in person without being discovered by the Dark Lord... Wait, Draco, what's in your pocket!"


Kyle panicked.

Could it be that the retractable ears he threw into Draco's pocket were discovered when they were pulling?

Before he could react, the wall next to him was suddenly cut open by an invisible sharp blade. Something flew past his hair and neatly cut a wooden barrel in half.

"Shen Feng Wu Ying...Snape, that's how you play, isn't it?"

Kyle cursed in his heart, but he didn't stop and ran away quickly.

At the same time, the door was opened violently, and Snape ran out with a gloomy face. He looked at the empty streets around him with a sinking face.

"Damn it," he suddenly turned his head and looked at Draco Malfoy aside, "You idiot, you didn't realize that you were being followed!"

"Impossible...this is impossible..." Draco also panicked, "I observed carefully when I came here, no one was following me at all!"

"No one is following, then what is this!" Snape angrily threw the crushed 'ear' in his hand at Draco.

"Eavesdropping props, if I'm not wrong, our conversation just now has been leaked." Snape gritted his teeth, his voice colder than ice, "You'd better pray that the person following you is not a Death Eater, otherwise , we all have to die.”

The last time Snape was so angry was when he saw Connor kissing Kyle.

But the difference was that last time he was just angry and simply wanted to use Shen Feng Wuying to cut Kyle's head, but this time he also had an uncontrollable fear.

If Voldemort knew what they said just now, especially the last sentence, none of the three of them would survive.

Even if he was short of people, Voldemort would not be able to allow people with different intentions to be around him.

Thinking of this, Snape waved his wand suddenly, and a shallow ripple began to spread rapidly around.

Just when it passed a corner, the ripples seemed to pause.

"over there!"

A ray of red light came quickly, but it failed again.

"The invisibility cloak... it's Potter, it must be Potter!" Draco shouted excitedly from the side: "That damn Scarhead..."

But before he could finish his words, he saw Snape's emotionless gaze.

"Potter has an invisibility cloak, I've seen it before." Draco's voice immediately became much softer, "He must be following me."

"Did you switch brains with a troll?" Snape said coldly: "Potter is still taking Transfiguration class at Hogwarts. What makes you think he would come to Knockturn Alley to follow him? you."

Draco was stunned for a moment.

Yes, he was expelled from Hogwarts, but Harry Potter was not. At this time, he should still be in school.

"I'll hold you here. You should go back as quickly as possible now and find a way to contact Lucius!" Snape took a deep breath, "Tell him that if you find anyone who is eager to see the Dark Lord, , even if we have to be punished later, we must kill him at all costs... Maybe this is the only way we can save our lives. "

"What are you still doing? Go quickly!"

Snape roared angrily, finally making Narcissa, who was pale, come to her senses, and pulled Draco and ran into a small alley.

Because of the incident just now, Narcissa was already panicking. In this case, it was impossible for her to apparate. Therefore, if she wanted to contact Lucius, she had to leave here first and go to the nearest Bok Bojin store to use the flying machine. Road Network.

Seeing her actions, Snape cursed in his mind and became even more irritated.

With such pig teammates, it's only a matter of time before he gets dragged down.


Snape glanced at the broken eavesdropping prop on the ground.

Draco's words just now also reminded him.

Potter...no, the other two.

Fred and George... this kind of magic prop is very similar to the style of the two Weasley children.

And Snape still remembered that they opened a joke shop in Diagon Alley, selling all kinds of things that violated school rules.

Snape frowned.

Given the nosy character of the Weasley family, they would definitely do something if they saw Draco Malfoy, the expelled Death Eater, appearing alone in Diagon Alley.

And the most important thing is that it is impossible for Death Eaters to patronize the Weasley family's shop, even to insult Voldemort's GG on their window.

So were they the ones who were being followed just now?

It can only be said that the possibility is very high.

Inexplicably, Snape breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, as long as they are not Death Eaters, things are still under control.

After thinking about this, Snape took another look at the corner that had been blasted by the curse just now. Unfortunately... the moment he realized he had been discovered, the other party escaped, and his curse was a little late.


Snape waved his wand again, and the same ripples began to spread, but nothing was found. It was obvious that the other party had escaped the range of the curse.

"damn it!"

Snape cursed angrily and ran towards Diagon Alley quickly.

No matter what, he had to go to Weasley's Joke Shop to confirm. It would be fine if the people he was following were the Weasley brothers, but if not...

Snape narrowed his eyes and increased his speed again.

At the same time, in another alley, Narcissa was pulling Draco forward in a panic, but the next second, a person appeared in front of her out of thin air.

The other person seemed to be here for a walk, with a kind smile on his face, but when he saw his appearance, Draco's eyes suddenly widened, and his body began to tremble uncontrollably.

"Kai, Kyle..."

"Are you surprised?" Kyle said with a smile, "What a coincidence. Are you coming to Knockturn Alley too?"

Looking at that familiar face, Draco subconsciously recalled the tragic scene he had seen in Godric's Hollow, and cold sweat began to flow from his forehead in an instant.

At this moment, Malfoy really wanted to slap himself hard. He was just talking about it and didn't really want to go out and meet Kyle.

"You want to do..."

The distraught Narcissa was just about to say something when she was struck by a sudden coma spell and lay motionless on the ground.

"Fainted..." Kyle said slowly at this time.


Draco Malfoy's eyes suddenly turned red. At this moment, anger replaced fear. He pulled out his wand and pointed it at Kyle.

"I want to kill you...it has nothing to do with my mother, let him go..."

"Do you think I'm a fool?"

Kyle shrugged, "Although Filch is a squib, he's not stupid enough to let you bring that opal necklace into school, so who brought it there."

"I...I have my own way." Draco frowned and said, "Anyway, I did that all by myself. My mother doesn't know anything. Come on me."

"Okay, I still have to be a little responsible." Kyle smiled and waved his left hand lightly, "But it's better that she doesn't know the next few things... to save her life."

The vines on the left wall began to grow wildly in an instant, becoming as thick as a wrist in the blink of an eye, twisting like a snake, and wrapped around Draco who had not yet reacted.

Then, the vines shrank and Draco was tied tightly to the wall.

"Kyle, what are you going to do? You..."

"Shh, don't talk." Kyle stretched out his wand, pointed at Draco's forehead, and said softly in his frightened eyes.


Draco's eyes began to blur, and the memories in his mind kept flashing like a movie. He could see these, and so could Kyle.

"Is the Dark Lord so angry?"

"Tsk, he is a sincere subordinate after all. He was so ruthless to Bellatrix, and he actually threw it away. What are you trying to do with such a thing?"

"Oh... I didn't expect you to be tortured by the Cruciatus Curse, and you survived. It's really good."

Kyle looked through Draco's memories, trying to find out about Voldemort's next plan.

But I don’t know if it was because Malfoy was too low-level, he didn’t find what he wanted, and after being punished by Voldemort for random reasons, he never saw him again.

Kyle put away his wand.

At this time, Malfoy looked like he had just been fished out of the water, his whole body soaked in cold sweat.

"You...what on earth do you want...to do..."

"It's not what I want to do, it's you." Kyle looked at him, "Do you want to live?"

"You'd better kill me." Draco raised his head with unforgettable hatred in his eyes, "Otherwise I will kill you, I swear I will kill you!"

"I think that in this case, it's better for you to control your emotions. Being so provocative can lead to death." Kyle's hand holding the wand slightly turned and pointed at the unconscious Narcissa.

"Wait...Kyle, I was wrong, I shouldn't have threatened you, I..."

"Everything is forgotten!"

A flash of white light flashed, and Narcissa seemed to move slightly.

"It would be a bad thing if the mysterious person knew that you had seen me. It would be safer if you didn't know anything." Kyle put away his wand, "By the way, what did you just say?"

"I..." Draco was completely confused.

He initially thought Kyle was here to kill them, but now it seems that's not the case.

After all, if he really wanted to do this, he didn't need to do these unnecessary things.

"What do you want to do?"

"Have you finally calmed down?" Kyle nodded. "It's very simple. The mysterious man has been too quiet recently. I want to know what he is planning, so I need a Death Eater to help me deliver the message."

"As a reward." Kyle thought for a while, "How about letting you go back to Hogwarts after this is done. Your mother probably really wants you to go back."

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