Hogwarts: I'm a model wizard

Chapter 859 Go to the Fire Dragon Reserve Again

After a long wait, the magic contract finally met the conditions for effectiveness, emitting a brilliant silver-white light, and the originally blurred pattern became much clearer.

Newt looked at the parchment with some emotion.

"From now on, even if someone sees Norbert, it will not cause you any trouble."

To be honest, he was actually a little envious.

Although everyone now knows that Newt Scamander is the leading magical animal expert in the magic world, he has never obtained a legal dragon-raising certificate.

Perhaps because his reputation when he was young was too loud, the people in the Fire Dragon Sanctuary did not dare to give him such a thing.

As for the Hungarian Horntail in his box, it was just tacitly approved by the Fire Dragon Sanctuary...I don't agree, but I won't check it. You should raise it, and everyone knows it.

In this way, even if the Hungarian Horntail runs out one day and has fun over London, they can find an excuse to fool it.

After all, it is Newt, and this worry is still necessary.

So strictly speaking, Newt is actually illegally raising a dragon, and he can only let it stay in the box.

Unlike Kyle.

It can be said that from now on, even if Kyle puts a fence in front of his house, he can directly release the dragon.

Even if he is seen by Muggles, it is a problem of the Reversal of Incidents Team, and he cannot be punished for the crime of raising dragons illegally.

Of course, it is okay to just raise it, but it is not okay to let the dragon hurt people.

"Are we going to Romania now?" Kyle couldn't help asking... In addition to the dragon eggs, he still has a large amount of Galleons waiting to be recovered.

"Don't worry, we still have to wait for someone." Newt said.

"Waiting for someone? Who."

"Of course... Oh, he's here." Newt looked out the window and said.

Kyle turned his head subconsciously.

"Professor Dumbledore?"

He never thought that Dumbledore, who seemed to have disappeared in the past few days, would appear here.

Dumbledore pushed open the door and walked in.

Kyle looked at him and always felt that something was different, like a different person.

Dumbledore used to be calm and composed... You can tell at a glance that he is a standard powerful old wizard and a reliable Hogwarts headmaster.

But now he looks much more relaxed, and even his robe has been changed to a more comfortable and leisurely style. If he holds a teacup in his hand, he looks like a retired old man.

If someone who doesn't know him sees him, he probably won't associate him with the famous Hogwarts headmaster.

"Newt, Kyle, long time no see." He greeted with a smile, sat down by himself, and took a piece of grapefruit biscuit from the plate and put it in his mouth.

This sense of relaxation completely overturned Kyle's impression of Dumbledore.

So is this the Dumbledore who has untied his knot?

"It tastes good." Dumbledore looked around, "Where's Tina?"

"I went to Ilvermorny." Newt said, "Are you...really okay?"

He also felt that there was something wrong with the Dumbledore in front of him...It can't be said that he was wrong, mainly because he was a little different from the image in his mind.

"Of course it's okay." Dumbledore said with a smile, "It's just that Ariana said I was too tense and should relax appropriately."

"I think what she said makes sense." Dumbledore took another cookie, "I'm over a hundred years old, and it's time to enjoy my retirement life."

Ariana...that's okay.

Kyle muttered in his heart.

He felt that even if Ariana said that the pink Hogwarts looked better, Dumbledore would run over with paint to paint the walls the next day...

Maybe he didn't have to wait until the next day.

"So the person we are waiting for is Professor Dumbledore?" Kyle turned his head and looked at Newt and asked.

"If you want to go to Romania, it's me." Before Newt could say anything, Dumbledore nodded, "Didn't you say you would come to see Newt? Calculating the time, your contract should be effective soon, so I wrote him a letter in advance and asked him to notify me before going to Romania."

"You want to go too? Is it really necessary?" Kyle looked at the two people sitting next to him, a little confused.

He was just going to get two dragon eggs, so why did he mobilize so many people? The last time Dumbledore and Newt Scamander joined forces, it was to deal with Grindelwald.

"Ariana thinks I should go out and complete my plan to travel around the world when I graduated." Dumbledore said.

"Although this time is a bit inappropriate, I think Romania is still okay as the first stop."

Okay, Ariana again.

Kyle shut up, no problem.

"Are we leaving now?" Kyle looked up and looked out the window.

It's not even noon yet, if everything goes well, they should be able to get back before the evening.

"If you are ready, let's go." Dumbledore said.

Several people stood up and walked out the door.

"The house is in your hands, Dobby." Newt said to the house elf who followed him.

"Don't worry, sir." Dobby stood straight.

"I miss you so much." Newt looked at Dumbledore again, "I remember the last time I worked with you, professor, was fifty years ago."

"Fifty-seven years ago to be precise." Dumbledore smiled, "The two mist butterfly flies that escaped from your box caused a lot of trouble for Columbia."

The Misty Chrysalis looks like a blue butterfly the size of a fist. However, this insect has its own mist spell when flying, and it also changes color according to the surrounding environment. It usually only lives in primeval forests.

But it would be different if the insect appeared in the city.

Imagine how wonderful Muggles' expressions were when they saw a thick, clearly visible, floating and moving colored fog on the street, especially more than fifty years ago.

At that time, in order to clear the memories of those Muggles, the Colombian Ministry of Magic worked overtime for a week, day and night, and their resentment was greater than that of Obscurus.

"Yes, it's one. Only one escaped." Newt corrected hesitantly: "And it escaped after feeling the breath of the surrounding female butterfly flies."

Dumbledore raised his eyebrows but said nothing.

This is the amazing thing about Newt. He never takes the initiative to release the magical animals in his box, but they always run out for various reasons.

So there's a reason why he's not popular.

When Newt decided to retire, it took a lot of effort from Dumbledore to get the then Minister of Magic to allow him to settle in Dorset.

"Okay, let's go quickly." Dumbledore said, he picked up a branch and made it into a door key.

Kyle and Newt walked over and held the branches.

"Get ready, let's go..."

As soon as Dumbledore finished speaking, the three of them were pulled away by a sudden suction force and disappeared.

In a moment of spinning, Kyle quickly fell to the ground again.


There were shouts in the ears, it was a few strong dragon keepers, holding wands to surround the three of them.

Until the next second...

"Mr. Scamander!"

"Headmaster Dumbledore!"

The leading dragon keeper quickly put down his wand, "I'm sorry, I didn't recognize you two just now."

"It's okay, I should have told you guys in advance." Newt shook his head and asked, "Is Droles here? I have something to do with him."

"Yes, the captain is in the incubation room, observing a nest of dragon eggs that are about to hatch." The dragon breeder said, "Please come with me, he will be very happy to see you two."

This person subconsciously ignored Kyle, but this is normal.

Although Kyle came once, it was a long time ago, and it was Charlie who was responsible for receiving him at that time.

Now that Charlie has resigned and returned to England, these people will naturally not be the assistant who followed Newt.

But Kyle didn't care either. What he cared about was what the man just said.

In the incubation room, the dragon eggs were about to break out of their shells... It seemed that he had arrived at just the right time.

The dragon keeper took them through twists and turns in the reserve and passed at least three checkpoints before stopping in front of a huge cave.

From a long distance away, Kyle felt a wave of heat coming towards his face, and now it felt even more like he was standing in the crater of a volcano that was about to erupt.

"This is the incubation room." Newt explained: "All fire dragons that hatch dragon eggs will be moved here to avoid being targeted by people with malicious intentions."

"That's right." The dragon keeper then noticed Kyle's presence and said, "In addition, moving the dragon eggs here can prevent them from being accidentally trampled by other fire dragons. Those big guys are not good-tempered. , there were fights almost every day.”

"Are there many dragon eggs here?" Kyle asked curiously.

The dragon breeder hesitated for a moment, as if he didn't want to tell Kyle this, until he glanced at Dumbledore and Newt again, and then said: "There are only two nests of dragon eggs here. Originally there were three nests, but the rest The Hungarian Horntail is so aggressive that we really don’t know how to move it.”

"There's no need to move." Newt smiled, "I don't think there will be any trouble with the dragon trying to find the Hungarian Horntail."

"The captain said so too."

While several people were talking, there was an increasingly clear sound of footsteps in the cave, and soon, a person walked out of it.

"team leader!"

"Well, thank you for your hard work. You can go ahead and do your work. Just leave this to me." Drolls said.

He was thinner than Kyle expected, and he didn't look as strong as Charlie, but the scars on his body were no less than his, especially the long scar on the left side of his face, which made him look fierce.

"It's nice to meet you two," Drolls said, "Mr. Scamander, Mr. Dumbledore, and... I guess you must be Kyle. You've grown a lot taller than in previous years. "

"You remember me?" Kyle asked.

"I remember everyone who helped the Fire Dragon Sanctuary, including you," Droles said.

Then he looked at Newt and Dumbledore again and put away his smile, "Please forgive me for being rude, what's the matter with your sudden visit to the Fire Dragon Sanctuary? As far as I know, Britain seems to be in a huge crisis now. Be in trouble.

"If you are here to seek help from the Fire Dragon Sanctuary, I must apologize in advance."

"No, Drolls, you misunderstood." Dumbledore said seriously: "Don't worry, we will solve these troubles ourselves and will not affect the Fire Dragon Sanctuary."

"I'm sorry, Headmaster Dumbledore," Drolls said, "I just don't want the dragon to become a tool of war."

"I also don't want to see dragons on the battlefield." Dumbledore said in deep agreement.

He was very glad that the dragons had been protected. There were dozens of dragons and a large number of dragon breeders. Even Voldemort didn't want to easily provoke this place. Otherwise, with his move to recruit giants, he would never let go of war machines like dragons.

"In that case, let's change places. This is really not a good choice for chatting." DeRoss wiped the sweat from his forehead. Although he often worked in such a high temperature environment, it didn't mean that he liked to chat in such a place.

He took the three of them to an office not far away... It was called an office, but it was actually a stone house, but it didn't leak air.

DeRoss walked in and first drank a pot of water, then turned around and asked: "What's the matter with you two this time?"

"Nothing." Newt said, turning around and pushing Kyle forward, "It's mainly because he has this bill for the dragon protection area."

"Bill?" DeRoss asked in confusion.

He didn't remember that the Fire Dragon Sanctuary owed anyone money.

If someone else said this to him, he would definitely turn around and leave without saying a word to the other person, but the person who said this was Newt Scamander, which was different...

As the most important guest and partner of the Fire Dragon Sanctuary, Newt's contribution here is no less than anyone else, and they also respect each other.

Not to mention that Principal Dumbledore also came with him.

So even if he thought it was impossible, DeRoss still looked at Kyle seriously and said, "Can you show it to me?"

"Of course." Kyle nodded and took out a piece of parchment and handed it over.

The first time he saw the parchment, DeRoss was stunned.

This is true. He is too familiar with the magic contract on it. It is unique to the Fire Dragon Sanctuary, and there is that signature...

Birdman Strick, the first person in charge of the sanctuary.

DeRoss hurriedly took the parchment in his hand and read it carefully, his expression constantly changing.

From doubt to shock, and then to disbelief...

"Is this... a donation certificate?" He raised his head suddenly, his voice trembling slightly, "Merlin's beard, are you the mysterious sponsor?"

He shook his head again, "No, that's not right, the age doesn't match. The reserve received this donation a hundred years ago, but you are less than 20 years old now. If I'm not mistaken, this should be something from your previous generation."

"Is there any problem?" Kyle asked, and did not deny it. Anyway, even if he explained, DeRols probably wouldn't believe it.

"Of course not." DeRols shook his head and said seriously, "In fact, we have been looking for this person. His help to the reserve is immeasurable, but I am more curious, why there is only Mr. Birdman's signature on it."

"Maybe it was a habit at the time." Kyle said, "Anyway, the magic contract can't be faked, right?"

This is naturally not a habit, but Kyle's request. It was 1899, and he couldn't sign his own name.

At that time, although Birdman did not understand his request, since Kyle did not care, he naturally did not care because he wanted to get the donation quickly.

"That's right." DeRoles returned the parchment to Kyle, "If I'm not mistaken, you came here to take the income you deserve."

"Yes." Kyle nodded, "Is it okay?"

"Of course it's okay." DeRoles suddenly laughed, "We have been waiting for nearly a hundred years, but because no one has come to claim it, the money is now deposited in the vault of Gringotts."

"How much is it in total?" Kyle asked curiously.

"Six thousand three hundred and fifty Galleons." DeRoles said.

Kyle raised his eyebrows. It seems that after the development of the Fire Dragon Sanctuary, his income has also increased a bit.

Is six thousand Galleons a lot?

Of course it is a lot. Even if you are the director of the Ministry of Magic Office, it will take six years to save all your salary.

But from another perspective, this amount of money is not that much. For example, in terms of purchasing power, 3,000 Galleons a hundred years ago would be worth at least 10,000 or 20,000 now.

Of course, this is not the case for Kyle. In general, he definitely made money.

Even Dumbledore looked at him with a frown, as he was involved in everything.

My goodness, 3,000 Galleons doubled in the blink of an eye. This money came faster than robbing Gringotts. Why didn't he think of it at the beginning?

What, amnesia?

Okay, it's okay then.

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