Hogwarts: I'm a model wizard

Chapter 828: Battle in the Forest

Although Nurmengard looks huge from the outside, just like the kind of vampire castle built on a cliff described in Muggle textbooks, it is only when you get inside that you realize that there is really not much space here.

Even the entrance at the bottom is about the same as an ordinary classroom. A staircase can take up one third of it. When you reach the top, it becomes even smaller. The only thing that keeps Grindelwald company is that bare thin blanket. .

It can be seen that there should have been a sheet before, but it has been torn up now.

Kyle hesitated for a long time, perhaps because Grindelwald's appearance was really embarrassing, so he took out a few pieces of parchment and placed them on the ground. After thinking about it, he took out another bottle of ink.

"You should need this too."

Even the letter paper in this place must be replaced by sheets, and there must be no ink. When Grindelwald wrote a letter, he would most likely smear blood on the sheets.

As for how he sent the letter, Kyle didn't know, and he didn't want to know.

"Aha, thank you." Grindelwald grinned.

"You're welcome," Kyle said. He paused. "If you do anything unnecessary..."

"Are you going to kill me?" Grindelwald seemed to have heard some interesting joke and laughed. "I have heard this kind of thing many times... Different people, at different times, have Said the same thing to me.

"But you are the bravest one. Those people before, they didn't even dare to stay in front of me for one more minute, even if I didn't even have a wand."

"No, you misunderstood, I will not find a way to kill you." Kyle shook his head.

As if he didn't expect Kyle to say this, Grindelwald moved his body and said, "So you are going to let me go?"

"So be it." Kyle said, "You are a problem and I don't want to touch you for the time being, but if you use the things I gave you to escape, I can't just sit idly by and pretend nothing happened."

"So, what do you want to do?" Grindelwald asked with interest, as if he was looking forward to what kind of interesting answer Kyle could give him.

"I will deal with Professor Dumbledore." Kyle said calmly, "Once you leave here, I will send him to another 'Nurmengard' so that you will never be able to meet each other or even communicate. Not even ”

"Ha, haha..." Grindelwald laughed twice, laughing until he fell back on the blanket. "Your idea... is much more difficult than killing me."

"No, no, it may be difficult for others, but it's different for me." Kyle stretched out his hand and used magic to reveal a golden line.

"Oh...contract magic?" Grindelwald raised his eyebrows, "What do you want to express?"

"On the other side of the contract is Professor Dumbledore."

Inexplicably, the person in front of him seemed a little angry, clutching the blanket tightly.

However, he didn't care and continued to say calmly, "And this contract magic once saved his life. If I were shameless and asked him to give his life back, do you think Professor Dumbledore would agree with his character?" ?"

"You want to kill him?"

Kyle felt that the air around him suddenly became cold, as if there were countless knives pointing their blades at him at the same time.

Moreover, this shouldn't be an illusion...even if the man in front of him is so thin that he only has a skeleton left, even if he doesn't even have a wand.

The Cat Leopard and Poison Leopard, which had been following behind, let out ear-piercing screams at the same time, opened the door and barged in.

"Oh, Poison Leopard, what a dangerous animal." Grindelwald said calmly: "You are very much like another person I know. Like you, he always has all kinds of magical animals around him.

"But do you think they can protect you?"

"I think it's okay." Kyle still maintained his apparent calm, and touched the necks of the cat leopard and the poison leopard, telling them to relax and not be nervous.

"Of course, I will not kill Professor Dumbledore. After all, he is my principal and has taught me many things. I can't do anything to him."

Kyle said, “It’s just that I will take him to a place that is much bigger than here, with sunshine, forests, wide spaces and all kinds of animals.

"It's just that that place cannot communicate with the outside world, and I guarantee that even if someone turns the entire magic world upside down, it will be impossible to find him."

"Then no one can stop me." Grindelwald said, his tone extremely confident. "No one can stop me except Albus."

"As long as it makes you uncomfortable, I don't care." Kyle shrugged, "In the worst case, we all hide in there, just in time for you and Voldemort to bite each other."

"Dog eats dog... this is too much." Grindelwald seemed to suddenly lose interest and lay down on the blanket again. "Okay, you won. It's a terrible threat, but I really just wanted to write a letter. , I didn’t think about doing anything else.”

"I hope so," Kyle said.

Then he was ready to leave.


Grindelwald stopped him again, "You should have seen Wenda and the others on your way here."

"If you are referring to the people who followed you sixty years ago, I have indeed seen them." Kyle said, "Right at the entrance of the forest, there are twelve of them in total, and they are all too old to die."

"It's not following, it's cooperation...Forget it, you probably don't want to hear this." Grindelwald said, "For the sake of giving me the letter paper, let me give you a piece of advice. When you go out later, they will Catch you and find out how to get in here."

"I know." Kyle nodded, "They have been following me since I arrived."

"Can you detect them?" Grindelwald was a little surprised. "It's not that I look down on you, but even sixty years ago, Wenda was one of the leading wizards, and she has experienced countless battles. I don't think she will be there for you." Expose yourself."

"But we are not alone in this forest." Kyle said, vaguely answering Grindelwald's question.

"Okay, it's not important." Grindelwald grinned, showing his dirty teeth, "It doesn't matter if you discovered it, this is your first test. If you want to save Albus, you must show your due strength……

"Oh, by the way, because of the work of Nicoléme and Albus, Apparition is prohibited within a radius of twenty miles here. Don't even think about escaping with a fire dragon, they will kill your dragon."

"But you don't have to worry. As long as you bring her here when the time comes, I will naturally save your life. This is the reward of the ink."

"Can't I kill them?" Kyle raised his eyebrows, "Although it's a bit boastful to say this, my strength is quite good, and I have even won the Triwizard Tournament."

"Kill Wenda? That's a good idea." Grindelwald sneered, "A wizard's wand will not become dull with time, but will only become sharper. If you can do it, go ahead and give it a try."

After that, Grindelwald stopped talking, carefully dipped some ink on his hand, and stared at the parchment in a daze, as if thinking about what to write.

Kyle also left the room, followed the stairs back to the entrance, opened the door and walked out.

After arriving outside, he paused slightly, and a Billywig flew over unsteadily and landed on Kyle's shoulder, making a slight squeaking sound.

"Can we only see nine people?" Kyle frowned, "Forget it, it doesn't matter."

He couldn't figure out why Nico couldn't just give him a door key near Nurmengard, so that he wouldn't have to face the trouble later.


Kyle sighed helplessly, turned to look at the tower behind him again, took out the Firebolt, and jumped off the cliff.

If the fire dragon can't do it, then the broomstick will be fine. Kyle doesn't believe they can be faster than the firebolt...

Just as he was thinking about it, a dazzling green light suddenly shot up into the sky from below. The dazzling magic spell was like a meteor from below, illuminating half of the forest.

Kyle had only seen this level of death curse in Voldemort.

He cursed inwardly, but had to stop the broom.

Because the direction of the curse was not far in front of him, it was a warning. If he didn't stop, it was uncertain where the next death curse would land.

Kyle could only turn around and fall back to the ground.

He jumped off the broom, and before he could stand still, a group of people gathered around him... the same people he saw at the entrance to the forest, many of them were here.

"We meet again, this... graduate of Beauxbatons." The witch came over.

She changed into a blue robe that was many years out of date, and pulled her hair into a round bun.

"Oh no, I should call you a graduate of Hogwarts. Beauxbatons cannot produce students like you."

"How do you know?" Kyle asked.

"Because I graduated from Beauxbatons." The witch straightened her clothes, "But I don't see any familiar feeling in you."

"Well, I should have said Durmstrang." Kyle shook his head in annoyance.

"In fact, we also have students from Durmstrang here." Another older wizard said: "Boy, how dare you lie to us."

His whole body was stooped, and he felt that he could not even walk steadily, but his hand was holding his wand firmly.

"You said that, didn't you also lie to me?" Kyle said with a smile: "Fellow Magical Zoology Scholars, do you know how many legs a cat and leopard have?"

"Nonsense, of course it has four legs." The man blurted out.

"Idiot, it's Rokujo."

"Who are you kidding? Spiders only have six legs."

"Spiders are eight."

Looking at the quarrels, the corners of Kyle's mouth twitched unconsciously. Unexpectedly, these people were quite happy.

"Shut up." The witch scolded, ending the farce: "Okay, we are even, now let's get down to business, can you please tell me how to enter that tower. In return, we will How about paying you a huge amount of gold."

"What tower...I don't understand what you are talking about?" Kyle blinked.

"I don't want to waste time." The witch raised her hand, "Maybe the Cruciatus Curse can make you smarter."

"Wait, I said that's it." Kyle quickly raised his hand, "But before that, can you tell me your name? You already know that I am a student of Hogwarts, and I also need to know that you are Who."

"Amara," the witch said.

"I want my real name."

The witch was silent for a moment, "Venda Rozier."

Sure enough, it was her, the famous Black Rose of France, Grindelwald's most loyal follower, and one of the few famous people in Beauxbatons.

"Can you tell me now? I want the answer."

"Of course, after all, we agreed." Kyle nodded, "First, you need to find a photo, a photo of Nurmengard, with the address here. Just take a look and you can push open the door."

"Where's the photo? Give it to me."

"I don't have it." Kyle spread his hands, "How could such an important thing be handed over to me? It's in Nicolas Flamel's hands. You can go to him for it."

The surroundings were quiet for a moment, and then...


Without any hesitation, Wenda Rozier raised his hand and cast a Cruciatus Curse, heading straight for Kyle's position.

Fortunately, he was well prepared and hid behind a thick tree in time.

"Or you can crawl in through the gap at the top of the tower." Kyle shrank himself as far as possible behind the tree and continued, "Although the space is not large, if you can turn yourself into a flea or a wisp of smoke, you can still squeeze in."

In response to Kyle, there were more spells.

This time, not only Wenda Rozier, but everyone else also lost their patience.

The tree where he was hiding was blown off by the spells flying from all directions. Kyle had no choice but to continue looking for another place.

"Don't bother." Rosier's voice came from behind, "There is a simpler way, just take us there... catch him!"

The encirclement began to shrink, but when she spoke, Kyle also found an opportunity.

In the current situation, he had to find a way to rush out first. He chose a somewhat lame wizard as a breakthrough point. Although it was a bit unkind, he couldn't care so much at this time.

Kyle raised his wand directly, and the surrounding trees began to grow wildly. The saplings as thick as wrists became as thick as buckets in the blink of an eye, and the trees that were already adults became like millstones, instantly blocking everyone's sight.

As Kyle's main target, the lame wizard was immediately entangled by the twisted and wriggling branches, and the sharp branches pierced his body like a spear.

As followers of Grindelwald sixty years ago, these wizards were not inexperienced opponents like werewolves. After the initial surprise, they quickly thought of countermeasures.

A cluster of flames burst out from the tip of the wand...

"Be careful." Kyle reminded: "Using the Fiery Curse here will affect Nurmengardry."

Almost subconsciously, the man immediately interrupted his magic.

Kyle also took the opportunity to run past him, snatched his wand without hesitation, and waved his hand at the same time. The thick branches turned into a big mouth full of fangs and bit the opponent's leg fiercely.


"Ah!" The piercing cry of pain echoed in the forest.

"Trang... Damn it!"

The ground under the witch's feet rose and turned into a huge stone rope, tying up all the trees that were still squirming and fixing them firmly in place.

With her help, the others quickly got rid of their restraints and surrounded them.


One of them ran to the wizard whose wand was taken away by Kyle and checked his injuries.

"The leg was broken, bitten off." The man's eyes were red, "This method is cruel enough, is he really a student taught by Dumbledore?"

"What nonsense are you talking about." Another wizard said, "We are enemies, and it's pretty good now. Although this injury looks scary, it can be cured by using bone spirit and other potions. In that situation, he could easily kill Trang."

"He did it on purpose." Wenda Rozier came over.

"Don't forget, there are often volleyballs and chimeras here. Trang's wand was taken away and his leg was broken. If no one is looking after him, he will probably be killed by these beasts."

"But in this way, there will be two fewer people chasing him at once."

"What a smart child... But there is only this chance to save him." Wenda Rozier suddenly laughed, and she turned her fingers slightly, faintly pointing the wand at Trang on the ground.

"No, Amara, Wenda..." The two people next to him blurted out: "Please, we are the only ones left alive. It's been sixty years. Can we just treat him as dead?"

"That's not okay..." Wenda Rozier closed her eyes and said meaningfully, turning the magic wand between her fingers.

"You stay and take care of Trang." She opened her eyes again and looked at the wizard who had just spoken, "Others, come with me to invite our guest back. Don't let him wander around in the dangerous forest alone."


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