Hogwarts: I'm a model wizard

Chapter 824 The Mysterious Silent Man

"Hey, kid, why are you back again!"

On the second floor of the Hog's Head, Aberforth's portrait looked at Kyle standing in front of him and said with dissatisfaction: "You should have remembered that you need to pay for occupying a seat."

"Of course, fifty Galleons, ten times, and Professor Dumbledore will pay for it later." Kyle sighed faintly.

He was kicked out by Professor McGonagall.

If he hadn't pointed out Professor McGonagall's purpose, he might have been able to stay in the school by pretending to be stupid, but the problem was that he pointed it out, and Professor McGonagall also admitted that she didn't want Kyle to stay in the school.

As the real boss of the school, Professor McGonagall didn't want Kyle to stay, even though he found many excuses.

Professor McGonagall even used a secret passage in the school to allow him to leave Hogwarts without alerting anyone... That's why he appeared in the Hog's Head.

Because the exit of the secret passage is here, and the entrance is in the Room of Requirement.

Dumbledore must have told her that...it would allow her to use this secret passage to send students away when Hogwarts was in crisis.

Professor McGonagall's meaning was also very clear. She wanted to use the time-turner to save Dumbledore herself, instead of letting Kyle go.

In order to ensure that this matter could go smoothly, the best way was to get the most critical thing first...the time-turner.

In fact, what Professor McGonagall said to Kyle before was true.

She did go to Nicolas Flamel's manor once when she was young.

At that time, Dumbledore had just become the headmaster of Hogwarts. He was probably happy, so he took advantage of Madam Perenelle's 600th birthday to take a few professors he was more optimistic about to Devonshire to see the world.

In addition to Professor McGonagall, Professor Sprout also went with them.

It turned out that Dumbledore's vision was still good, and the two of them became deans later.

And Professor Flitwick originally had a place for him...but because he had to participate in a duel competition, he had to give up the trip because of time conflicts.

As for Slytherin's headmaster Slughorn... he missed the departure time because he drank too much at the dinner party the day before.

Until now, Slughorn has been so upset every time he thinks of this that he beats his legs. Of course, this does not prevent him from continuing to hold dinner parties and getting drunk at dinner parties.

Of course, Kyle doesn't know these.

The portrait of Aberforth on the second floor was still chattering about something. Kyle glanced at him and asked, "Why didn't you tell me before that there is a secret passage leading to Hogwarts here? If I had known it was so simple, I wouldn't have gone to such great lengths to turn myself into an owl."

"It's useless, even if I told you." There were footsteps and the voice of Aberforth himself behind him.

I don't know when he had come to the second floor and was staring at Kyle.

"The secret passage you just used is one-way. In other words, it can only be opened from Hogwarts. I am just an exit and cannot enter."

"Is that so? I misunderstood." Kyle scratched his hair and prepared to go out.

"Wait a minute." Aberforth suddenly called him from behind.

"What's wrong?" Kyle turned around and asked.

"Your Headmaster Dumbledore, he..." Aberforth opened his mouth hesitantly, then shook his head, "Forget it, nothing, get out of here."

Aberforth turned and walked down the stairs.

"It's really inexplicable." Kyle said.

He came to the window and looked in the direction of the Shrieking Shack.

There was a new store there, an ice cream shop. A middle-aged man with a bald head was sitting next to it. He had no intention of soliciting customers. Even when someone came to the door, he looked indifferent. He scooped a large spoonful and put it on the ice cream cone.

Except for the large portion, it was completely defeated by the ice cream shop in Diagon Alley in other aspects, especially in appearance. The ice cream was neither round nor square, as if it was chewed by a dog.

This person should be Sirius.

It must be said that his hiding job was simply too bad. Even if Kyle knew nothing, he could see that there was something wrong with him at a glance.

Not to mention loving what you do, at least you should be normal. Who would be so perfunctory in making money? It's not difficult to make a good ice cream...

Besides, Kyle looked at the silver coin handed over by the customer, and the corner of his mouth twitched again.

One Sickle, a lump of ice cream bigger than a fist, no wonder there is still business with such a bad service attitude.

But can his shop really make money?

Kyle only looked at it for a while, and he couldn't bear it anymore. After leaving the window, he used Apparition to leave the Hog's Head.


Now Hogwarts is definitely not going to stay, he has to find something for himself, Kyle first went back to St. Catchpole Village.

Chris has gone to work at the Ministry of Magic and is not at home.

Kyle sat on the sofa, poured himself a cup of black tea, and began to think about what happened recently.

For some reason, he didn't worry that the time converter would be taken by Professor McGonagall first, even if she had made all the preparations.

Kyle always felt that the whole thing was a bit too coincidental. And Nico, he seemed to know something, and what was the use of the "juice" he drank...

Kyle thought so, but because he had stayed up all night yesterday, he suddenly returned home and relaxed, and his consciousness gradually blurred, and finally he fell asleep on the sofa.

Kyle slept very deeply and did not wake up until noon.

Although it was only a few hours, he felt like he had slept for a whole day, and all the fatigue was swept away, but his arm was a little numb, as if it was crushed by a car.

Kyle turned his head and struggled to pick up the chubby catkin lying on his arm. After throwing it aside, he stood up and moved his numb arm.

Chris hadn't come back yet, so Kyle found a few slices of bread and sandwiched a few slices of roast ham to make a sandwich, which was considered lunch.

He really missed the days in Beauxbatons now. No matter what else he said, at least the food there was really good.

Kyle finished his sandwich and walked outside.

He decided to go to the Ministry of Magic.

Because he had a feeling in his heart that this time the task of returning to the past to save Dumbledore would definitely fall on him, no matter how well Professor McGonagall arranged it.

But he still remembered that no matter whether it was Godric Gryffindor or Salazar Slytherin. They all told him not to touch the time turner.

But now because of Dumbledore's matter, he might have to use the time turner once.

In this case, Kyle wanted to find a professional to ask.

And the first person he thought of was Diana who worked in the Department of Mysteries.

Currently, all the existing time turners are kept in the Department of Mysteries. No one knows them better than the Unspeakables. Maybe she can give him some advice.

Go as soon as you say go.

After Kyle dressed up, he went directly to the Weasley family next door.

After rejecting Mrs. Weasley's kindness to stay for lunch for the third time, Kyle finally succeeded in entering the fireplace and came to the Ministry of Magic with the help of the Floo Network.

When he arrived at the Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures, Chris was just about to go out, and the two ran into each other in the corridor.

"Kyle..." Chris looked a little surprised, "What are you doing in the Ministry?"

"Dad." Kyle asked directly, "I have something to ask Mom, can I go to the Department of Mysteries?"

"The Department of Mysteries... I'm afraid that's not possible." Chris frowned, "Is it something important?"

"It's related to something I might do later." Kyle said, "It's quite important."

"Then you'd better think of other ways in advance." Chris shook his head, "The door to the Department of Mysteries has been locked since a long time ago, and no one can open it except the Unspeakable."

"You can't do it either?"

"Even the Minister of Magic can't do it." Chris shook his head and said, "The Department of Mysteries is independent of the Ministry of Magic, and it can even be said that they are unrelated. They just happen to work in the same place.

"So, when the door is locked, only the Unspeakable can open it. "

"Is that so?" Kyle was a little disappointed.

"But... it's not completely impossible. "Chris thought for a moment and said, "I remember that they left a silent person outside to better understand the outside movements. If you can find that person, you can ask him to help pass the message.

"Your mother gets along well with other silent people. If you reveal your identity, they should be willing to help."

"Is that person... in the Ministry of Magic?" Kyle asked.

"I don't know." Chris shook his head. "No one knows where the silent person is, and no one even knows whether he is a man or a woman. The other party's existence is completely confidential."

"However, you should have met that person before."

"On the night of Lupin's wedding!" Kyle blurted out.

That night, after Kyle picked up the others from the Hog's Head, he met Chris who came to check the situation, and the silent person wearing a black hood beside him.

According to Chris, the man came to help Diana check the situation. After seeing that he was intact and not injured, he disappeared again.

This is also the only time Kyle has met a silent person other than Diana in recent years, so he remembers it very clearly.

"Yes, that's the man." Chris nodded. "I met him in the lobby of the Ministry of Magic. If he... let's call him that for now, if he didn't come to the Ministry of Magic to find me on purpose, it means he was here.

"After all, if the Unspoken Man of the Department of Mysteries wants to know more information, the Ministry of Magic is the best choice.

"You can try your luck. Go to the lobby first, and then take the elevator to the ninth floor where the Department of Mysteries is located. As long as you repeat it a few more times, you may be able to attract the other party's attention."

After saying that, Chris glanced at the elevator that had just come down, hurried over, and Kyle followed him up.

"I'm sorry, I may not be able to accompany you." Chris said.

"It doesn't matter, I can do it myself." Kyle said, he glanced at Chris, "Why, who's pet magical animal ran out again?"

"It's more troublesome than this." Chris sighed, "I don't know who did what, the black dragons of the Hexagonal Islands have become more and more irritable recently, and several black dragons have even broken into the territory of other dragons and fought with each other."

"Mysterious man?" Kyle asked subconsciously.

When such an unusual thing happened, the first thing he thought of was the mysterious person and his Death Eaters. Even if it wasn't them, he wouldn't feel guilty if he took the blame.

"Probably not..." Chris thought for a while, shook his head and said, "If it is the mysterious man, he should be wooing or threatening the dragon farmers in the Heshidry Islands, asking them to bring fire dragons to join the Death Eaters. To increase his power, just like he did to the giant.

"In fact, Newt has already found out part of the reason. According to him, the black dragon felt the sudden surge of magic power nearby, and then it started to become violent..."

"Strange..." Kyle murmured to himself: "Why does the Heshidry Islands have a magic reaction?"

Black dragons are different from other fire dragons in that they are very sensitive to magic. As long as the wizard uses a magic, even the simplest lighting spell will be regarded as a provocation by them.

Therefore, this kind of fire dragon can only be cared for by specialized dragon farmers for generations in the Heshidry Islands. For the safety of wizards, the use of magic is generally prohibited there.

Kyle couldn't figure out who would be so impatient that he would go to that place to seek death. After all, the magic reaction was too violent. For example, if a large-scale magic was released, it would be possible for dozens of people to be killed. Chased with the black dragon.

There were dozens of fire dragons, and they were the black dragons with the highest magic resistance. Even if Dumbledore encountered them, he would have no choice but to run away.

"Is it okay?" Kyle asked worriedly, "Do you want me to go with you?"

"No need." Chris waved his hand, "Newt has already gone ahead, and Mr. Lima, do you remember him? You two met before at the Romanian Fire Dragon Sanctuary."

""The Monster Book of Monsters"?"

"Yes, that's his work." Chris said, "So you can't help much."

The elevator came to the main hall and the two people walked out.

Chris glanced around and said, "No... I can't recognize who that person was at that time. Maybe if you try a few more times, you can attract the other person's attention."

"Okay." Kyle nodded.

Chris then left in a hurry.

Kyle did as he said and took the elevator to the ninth floor again.

It's still the same place as before, the walls are empty, there are no doors or windowsills.

Kyle came to the end of the corridor. There should have been a black door here, but it was gone now, leaving only a bare wall.

No wonder Chris said no one could get in, there wasn't even a door, so of course they couldn't get in.

Kyle groped around for a while, but still found nothing, and no one came to contact him.

There was no other way, so Kyle could only take the elevator back to the main hall, walk around and then return here.

I repeated this back and forth five times, and finally when I came to the ninth floor for the sixth time, there was one more person here.

A man wearing a black hood who blended in perfectly with the surrounding environment. Kyle was even startled when he first saw him, completely unaware of how he appeared here.

"Are you the Silent Man?" Kyle asked in a low voice, looking at the other person carefully.

He had an idea that maybe this person was Dumbledore pretending to be. After all, his identity as the Silent Man allowed him to hide perfectly without being discovered by anyone.

But soon Kyle was a little disappointed to find that judging from the figure, this person should be a witch, not Dumbledore...

Facing Kyle's inquiry, the other party did not speak and just nodded.

"That's great." Kyle said happily, "You should know me, we met before, at Grimmauld Place."

The other party nodded again, but this time she finally spoke, "You've been here five times, what's the matter?"

Just as Kyle thought, the voice coming from the hood was the witch's voice. It was very hoarse, and he didn't know whether it was like that or was deliberately disguised.

But Kyle didn't care about this. He looked at the other party in confusion, "Did you know that I came five times?"

"I know everyone who comes to the ninth floor." The other person took a step to the left, and the black robe on his body was like water, perfectly blending into the wall.

"Then why didn't you come out?" Kyle couldn't help but said, "You made me run back and forth six times."

"If you could ask if anyone is there, you wouldn't have to make so many trips." The man said, "I thought you were exercising."

"Who knows how to exercise on an elevator..." Kyle muttered quietly.

He was now more certain that this person was not Dumbledore... Dumbledore was not so naughty.

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