Hogwarts: I'm a model wizard

Chapter 820 The Effect of Phoenix Potion

The process of persuading the civet cat was very easy. Kyle just asked a question and promised that he could have dried meat every day. Shaqir jumped on his shoulder without looking back. The whole process was smooth and there was no pause at all.

Lockneil's mouth twitched when he watched from behind.

Although he had already agreed, he still felt a little nervous after seeing the scene in front of him. Even if Shaqir hesitated for a moment... people who didn't know would think that it was raised by Kyle.

So Lockneil simply closed the door and turned a blind eye.

On the other side, Kyle, who had a new partner, also happily returned to the magic fountain and found Connor, who was sitting on a chair by the fountain and writing something.

"What are you writing?" He walked over and asked.

"Some potion combinations that may be useful." Connor put away the parchment, "Have you finished talking?"

"Yeah." Kyle smiled unconsciously, "I have to say, this time is really a great harvest."

He briefly recounted what happened in the afternoon, and Connor was also surprised.

"That's a civet cat, a rare magical animal unique to France. So I gave it to you?"

"I lent it to me." Kyle corrected, "You have to return it later."

"That's also surprising." Connor said, "Although I haven't been in France for a long time, I have heard about the status of civet cats in France... The bar next to Gringotts is called the Civet Bar.

"But this magical animal only appears in the Ministry of Magic, and ordinary wizards are forbidden to keep it. It seems that this Lockneil is also a very remarkable professor."

"Yes." Kyle said, "Without some real skills, it is impossible to be invited by the people of the Romanian Fire Dragon Reserve."

"Fire Dragon Reserve?"

"Ah, that was a few years ago." Kyle explained: "Before our fourth grade started, it was also the first time I met Professor Lockneil." Kyle said casually.

Connor nodded and followed Kyle to the restaurant.

The dinner was not as luxurious and formal as the first day, but it was also very rich.

"It's really France. "Kanna took a bite of the beef wrapped in bread, "Even if they are both steaks, I feel that they taste better than the ones in Hogwarts. I have gained weight in the past two days."

Kyle stared at his plate, without saying anything, and without expressing any opinion...he heard nothing.

Because he had something on his mind, he did not stay here for too long. After hurriedly eating a few ham sandwiches, he trotted all the way to the door of the alchemy classroom.

Because the classes for the past two days were postponed, and today was Saturday, there was no one in the corridor in front of the alchemy classroom.

When Kyle rushed over, the door here was still locked. There was a light on the door, which was flashing red light, exactly the same as when he came out three days ago.

Because he didn't know the exact time, Kyle didn't go back, but leaned on the railing, took out a book and started reading.

As time passed slowly, the sounds of playfulness and fighting around became smaller and smaller, and disappeared completely at a certain moment, and the alchemy elevator was no longer working.

The empty corridor immediately fell into an eerie silence, with only the humming sound of the wind blowing through the corridor and the faint ticking sound of the red light flashing on the wall.

Kyle closed the book in his hand and glanced at the time.

Before he knew it, it was already eleven o'clock in the evening.

No wonder it was so quiet around. After all, even Beauxbatons would not allow students to wander around the school at this time.

Kyle moved his stiff arms and looked at the door of the alchemy classroom again... It was still closed.

Maybe Professor Victor meant that it would take three days, not that it could be completed on the third day,

Kyle thought to himself.

Just as he was hesitating whether to go back first and come back tomorrow morning, the door was suddenly opened from the inside.

Professor Victor walked out.

"You're here, I was just wondering whether I should call you." His voice was a little weak.

After working for three consecutive days, it was not certain that it would be good even with the support of magic, but looking at Professor Victor, it seemed that he had gotten used to this level of work.

"Would you like to eat something first? "Kyle asked.

"Don't worry, it's just three days, the vitality potion you drank before is enough. "Victor waved his hand, "Come in with me, you still have a lot of things to do later."

Kyle followed him into the classroom, and as soon as he came in, Victor picked up the golden pocket watch on the table and put it in his hand.

The cracks on it have all disappeared, and the originally dim color has regained its brightness.

"I helped draw the framework of the magic rune, which took a little longer." Victor took off the strange gloves, carefully put them in a metal box, and put the long glasses on the table.

"When you give it to Nico, it should save some time."

"Thank you." Kyle said sincerely.

"No need." Victor waved his hand, "Since the things have been sent to me, it means that someone wants my help, and I can't just turn a blind eye.

"Albus is one of the few alchemy masters nowadays. It's a pity that he is lost in time."

Kyle was about to say something when Victor shook his head and said:

"Okay, I found some interesting things when I was repairing the time converter this time. I need to study them. You go back first and go find Nico tomorrow."

"I want to go now." Kyle said.

Fox had returned from Devonshire two days ago, and brought Nico's reply. He could go there anytime now.

"Don't worry." Victor said, "Nicol still needs to do some preparations, which will take about five days. Even if you go now, you will still have to wait. Since we are all waiting, isn't it the same wherever we go?"

"Okay then." Kyle nodded.

Victor closed the door again and was eager to try his new idea, but this time, there was no red light on the wall.


Although Victor felt that he could stay here for a while, Kyle insisted on leaving Beauxbatons the next day.

After Ms. Maxime tried to persuade him to stay several times, she didn't insist anymore.

Just like when they came, Fleur still sent them back.

When they walked out of the school gate, she spread the flying carpet on a big stone.

"Come up, where do you want to go next?" Fleur said, "How about going to see the performance of the Elf Dance Company, it's in Bagneres-de-Bigorre, not far away."

"No, you go." Kyle shook his head and said, "I have something to do, and I have to go back to England now."

"Go back now..." Fleur asked in confusion, "Are you in such a hurry?"

Kanna also looked at him.

"I also want to stay for a while, but I heard something from Professor Victor, it's quite urgent, so..."

"It doesn't matter." Kanna chuckled, "It just so happens that I also have a new potion formula that needs to be verified, and I don't want to run around anymore."

She walked forward and hugged Kyle, "Be sure to be safe when you go back."

"You too, if you encounter any trouble, come to Ms. Maxim." Kyle said, "Don't worry about owing favors, you can ask Professor Dumbledore to pay it back later."

Kanna was amused by his words and said unhappily, "Does Professor Dumbledore know what you said?"

"I don't know, but he won't mind." Kyle said.

"Hey, you two are underestimating me." Furong said with a straight face, "This is France. Even if there are any troubles, I can easily solve them."

"Thank you for your help. When you and Bill get married, I will give you a big gift."

"You said it. What if I am not satisfied?" Furong raised her eyebrows. "My standards are very high."

"Then change it until you are satisfied."

Kyle smiled and then stretched out his hand.

Before Furong could react to what he meant, a golden red bird fell from the sky. Kyle grabbed its tail feathers and disappeared with a bang.


Fleur was startled and couldn't help looking up. "Kanna, did you see it just now?"

"Yes, I saw it." Kanna looked at the place where Kyle disappeared and said softly.

"What is that? Could it be a phoenix?"

"It's a phoenix, called Fawkes," Connor said. "Remember? Kyle came to France this way before."

"How convenient." Fleur was a little envious, but not because of the phoenix's talent for Apparition that allowed it to avoid investigation by the Ministry of Magic, but because that magical animal was so beautiful.

The golden-red feathers were like gold in the flames in the sun, and its chirping, although short, was more beautiful than the grandest performance in the magic opera house.

"Do you think I can find a phoenix too?" Fleur looked at Connor with some anticipation.

"Well... I think so." Connor didn't want to break her friend's fantasy, and hesitantly said, "The magic world is so big, there will always be a chance."

"It would be great if I could." Fleur looked in the sky for a while, trying to find the trace of the phoenix, until a few minutes later she had no choice but to give up, and took the flying carpet with Connor and returned to the shopping street.

"What are you going to do next?" she asked.

Kanna thought for a moment and said, "Let's do the same as before."

"But didn't you say you wanted to test a new potion formula?"

"That can be done anytime, no rush."

"But you've already brewed a lot of potions these days." Furong turned back, "I think it's okay to relax a little and do something else."

"Not enough." Kanna shook her head gently, "I think it's better to prepare a little more."


At the same time.

Kyle, who had left Beauxbatons, was also taken to Nico Manor in Devonshire by Fox.

As soon as he landed, the house elf Tata ran over quickly.

"The master asked me to wait for the gentleman here."

"Sorry for bothering you." Kyle patted his dizzy forehead, "Where's Nico?"

"The master is in the alchemy room." Tata said, "I'll take the gentleman there right away."

One person and one elf walked into the manor. I don't know if it was an illusion. Kyle felt that he passed through the huge courtyard very quickly this time.

But he didn't care about these at this time.

Tata took Kyle into a room on the right side of the hallway, where the golden cup and locket were placed before.

Nico was here, staring at a red crucible with a pot of golden potion, but it was bubbling with blue air.

"I thought you wouldn't come for two days." Nico raised his head, "Didn't Victor tell you that I needed to prepare for a while?"

"Yes." Kyle nodded, "But I think it's better to come as soon as possible, and I can help a little bit by the way."

"Although this may discourage you, Kyle, I can do all these jobs by myself, you really can't help."

"Have you brought the things?" Nico asked with his hand.

"Yes." Kyle quickly took out the time converter with the shell repaired.

"Ah, it's Victor's work." Nico looked up and down and nodded with satisfaction, "Only he can do it so meticulously, it's just like new."

"You can't do it either?"

"It was possible three hundred years ago, but now, he does it better than me." Nico stretched out his hand like a dead branch and tapped the time converter.

The golden shell separated automatically, and the five pointers also separated in order of length and fell neatly on the velvet cushion next to it.

Then, Kyle felt a flash in front of his eyes, and he appeared in the living room.

"Sir, this is what the master prepared for you." Tata stood next to him with a bottle of red potion, as if he had guessed that Kyle would appear here.

"What is this?" Kyle asked.

"Tata doesn't know." The elf said, "The master only told Tata that this would help the sir."

"Uh... okay." Kyle only thought for a moment, then picked up the potion and drank it all.

It tasted good, it was raspberry-flavored, like juice.

But it was definitely not juice. As for what it was, we had to wait for Nico to come out and ask him.

Kyle returned the empty bottle to Tata, who took it and bent over and said, "Then sir, Tata will go to prepare lunch."

"Wait a minute." Kyle called him, "Is Madam Perenelle not here?"

"The hostess went to France to watch the performance of the Elf Dance Troupe, and she will be back in about two weeks." Tata said.

Elf Dance Troupe?

Kyle always felt that this name was very familiar, and he immediately remembered that this was the place recommended by Fleur, and she also said that today was the performance day of the dance troupe.

If he had agreed to Fleur's proposal at that time, maybe he could still see Madam Perenelle there now.

After leaving Beauxbatons, Kyle settled down in Nico Manor again.

But unlike the lively time at school, he was the only one here.

Kyle originally wanted to cultivate a relationship with the civet cat Shaqir, but unfortunately, Shaqir immediately became furious as soon as he let it out. The big blue eyes looked at every corner around nervously, and he was extremely uneasy.

It seemed that there was something terrible around, which had been irritating its nerves.

Kyle felt that this should be some protective magic around the manor, such as the alchemical fire dragon at the door. In a sense, this place is indeed full of dangers.

In order to relax the civet cat, Kyle could only put it back into the box again, the room where he stored his belongings and temporarily rested.

There was no way, there were fire dragons, basilisks, and leopards in his box... These would also make the civet cat with keen perception furious, and only that room would make Shaqir feel a little more at ease.

Anyway, Kyle couldn't use it for the time being, so he gave it to it.


Just like this, a few days passed.

When Kyle was reading a book, he suddenly felt the light dim. When he looked up, he found himself in the alchemy room again.

"Is it done?" He asked, closing the book in his hand.

"Yes, but it's just necessary preparations, not formal repairs." Nico said.

Kyle noticed that the potion in the crucible had changed from gold to dark blue.

Nico took out a small bottle and shook it in front of him.

"Do you remember what this is?"

"The potion that Kanna brought before, the one that can resurrect people?" Kyle asked tentatively.

The effect of this potion was so powerful that he couldn't help but take a second look at it at the time and remembered it clearly.

"Yes, Phoenix potion." Nico opened the bottle and poured the contents into the crucible. The dark blue potion immediately turned gold again and formed a small vortex.

"Originally, the defects of this time converter could not be eliminated, but the appearance of this thing has changed things." Nico sighed: "After all, Mr. Salazar Slytherin wrote the magic runes with the Phoenix Potion."

Nico waved his wand lightly, and the potion in the crucible turned into a golden ribbon, floating to the opened time converter, and automatically formed golden magic runes.

"This process takes some time." Nico looked at Kyle again, "We asked you to come this time because we are still lacking another material to repair the Philosopher's Stone that has completely lost its magic power."

"What is it?" Kyle asked.

"The ashes left after the Phoenix Nirvana."


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