Hogwarts: I'm a model wizard

Chapter 814 Beauxbatons

Fleur looked angry when she left, but she was actually quite happy...happy for Connor.

At least Kyle's performance just now was rated 80% by her. Even though he was right next to her, his eyes never left Kangna.

This is already very rare.

At least in terms of beauty, Fleur can be said to be quite confident and looks down on everyone equally.

She does have the capital. Veela's bloodline is just like the Elder Wand, unreasonably strong.

When she was in the store just now, she didn't suppress her innate charm ability at all, but she was still ignored by Kyle.

Although she felt a little frustrated in her heart, she was more happy for Kangna.

Because besides her sister, Gabrielle Delacour, Connor was kind of her best friend...even though they didn't get along very long.

Although Fleur is very famous in France, a famous Beauxbatons alumnus, and a Triwizard Champion, she actually doesn't have many friends.

Being half Veela gave her amazing beauty, but it also took away her power to make friends.

Although she had countless suitors when she was in school, almost all of those boys had their own purposes, most of them were motivated by sex, and the rest were because of the Delacour family, or both.

The Delacour family is somewhat well-known in France, and they are very close to Ms. Maxime, so naturally many people want to make friends with them.

In addition to these, most of the girls were more jealous than friendly towards her.

The cautious and sensitive nature of the Veela bloodline allows her to more clearly detect the malice hidden in the other party's heart.

After more experiences, her interest in making friends naturally faded away, so she usually stayed alone in school... at least until those people gathered around her.

Fleur wandered aimlessly on the street for more than ten minutes. In order not to attract too many people's attention, she simply walked into a bookstore and read in the corner to pass the time.

She didn't know how long it took, but she found that the light in front of her was blocked.

"I've been looking for you for a long time, why are you here?" Kangna stood in front of her and glanced down at the cover of the book in her hand.

"Magic Travel Notes of Moon Mountain"

"Why didn't I know you like to read this type of book?"

"I don't like it," Fleur said, stuffing the book back on the shelf next to her, "but it's better than interrupting your conversation."

"Yes, I have some eyesight." Kyle nodded, "It's worth my time and effort to research hair conditioner for you..."

Fleur wanted to hit someone again, but this was outside after all, and she had to maintain her Delacour image.

"Shut up." Kangna lightly stepped on Kyle.

"We want to go outside for a walk, and you should come with us," she said.

"Going for a walk outside?" Furong blinked, thinking she heard wrongly.

Doesn't Kyle know how he got here? Illegal entry. If you are discovered, you will be arrested!

Just chat in the house, and go outside... Are you afraid that you are not conspicuous enough?

"Do not worry."

Kyle knew what Fleur was thinking without having to guess, and immediately said: "The Aurors can't catch me. Besides, I'm not one of those dangerous dark wizards with high reputations, and no one will be watching me as long as I'm not on the street. Promote it loudly and that’s fine.”

"Besides, it's rare for me to come to France. I always have to walk around, so I treat it as a vacation."

"Ha, you can do whatever you want." Seeing that the two of them had agreed on the same idea, Furong didn't bother to persuade her.

Anyway, even if Kyle is captured by the Aurors, the Delacour family's abilities can still be used to fish him out, but if that doesn't work, there's still Ms. Maxime.

As Kyle himself said, his popularity is really not that great.

Maybe his name is very famous in the UK, but this is France. Who knows who Kyle is. If it hadn't been for the Triwizard Tournament, she wouldn't have known that there was such a person.

It's not difficult to catch such an "ordinary" wizard. The most you can do is pay a large sum of galleons.

Of course, the Galleons were definitely not paid for by her... Kyle had money.

"Where do you want to go?" Several people walked out of the bookstore. Fleur immediately put on a wide sun hat and hid her face under the brim.

"The first stop must be Beauxbatons." Kyle said without hesitation.

Going to France without going to Beauxbatons is like going to England and not eating fish and chips. You are missing out on the most unique thing.

"I'm discerning. Ms. Maxim happened to tell me about you a few days ago. We can go and see her together." Fleur nodded.

"Please wait a moment." She looked around and walked into a shop.

"What did she do?" Kyle asked curiously.

Connor shook her head.

Even though she has been in France for so long, she doesn’t know much about everything around her than Kyle. She only knows that the sign of the shop where Fleur went in says...Mrs. Seril’s travel essentials?

Anyway, that’s probably what it means.

But they didn't wait long, only about five minutes later, Fleur came out, and at the same time she had an extra carpet in her hand.

"Why did you buy the rug?"

"I'd say you British wizards are ignorant." Fleur looked disgusted, "What carpet? This is a flying carpet.

"After all, with your identity, you can't apparate or ride in a magic carriage. We can't go to Beauxbatons on a broomstick."

"Follow me." She took the two of them to a fenced area next to Gringotts, opened the floor... and spread the flying carpet on the ground.

"Sit up, what are you waiting for? It will be dark in a little while."

Kyle quickly walked over to sit on the blanket, followed by Connor, who sat next to him.

I don't know what Furong did after that. The flying carpet immediately floated and flew forward quickly.

It was the first time for Kyle to use this kind of transportation. He patted the blanket in front of him. Although he was in mid-air, he still felt like he was sitting on the ground, without any feeling of being suspended in the air.

"It's such a waste of money." Kyle sighed: "I didn't expect that because of our impromptu idea, you even bought a vehicle specially."

"Instead of talking about this, why don't you give me the money to buy the flying carpet." Fleur said without looking back.

"This is a big deal." Kyle turned his head to the side, "It hurts feelings to talk about money, and I can't take this thing with me."

"Can't you take it with you... Oh, by the way, I remember you don't have a flying carpet over there." Fleur in front asked.

"No," Kyle said. "This is my first time on a flying carpet."

In the British Ministry of Magic, flying carpets are prohibited trade contraband. As a good wizard who abides by the law, he certainly has not experienced it.

"You are really weird." Fleur couldn't help but ask: "Why ban this convenient means of transportation? Flying carpets are more comfortable than large flying broomsticks no matter what. In France, this is the most popular means of transportation. tool."

"This is an oversight." Kyle thought for a while, "Carpets were registered as Muggle crafts long ago, and it is prohibited to apply magic to them."

"So as long as this thing flies over the UK, it is illegal, and the process of changing a bill is too cumbersome. It is just a means of transportation, maybe the ministers don't think it is necessary."

"Tsk." Fleur smacked her lips, but said nothing more.

Just like Britain has a special floo network, France seems to have a path for flying carpets. No Muggle looked up at them along the way.

Although Kyle felt that the speed of the flying carpet was not very good, it only took them an hour to reach the Pyrenees Mountains, which is far away from Paris.

This is also where Beauxbatons was founded, just like its other name, the Magic Garden located in the mountains.

Fleur drove the flying carpet forward, flying over the mountain peaks, through the thick clouds, and from the edge to the middle of the mountains.

Finally the flying carpet stopped on the highest mountain nearby.

"We're here." Fleur looked a little proud and pointed forward, "That's Beauxbatons."

Following the direction of her finger, Kyle saw a huge manor surrounded by mountains.

Yes, Beauxbatons itself is like a strangely shaped mountain.

This is the largest place he has ever seen, bigger than Hogwarts... of course, provided that the Forbidden Forest is not included.

"How do you feel?" Fleur asked.

"Better than Hogwarts," Kyle said.

It's true, the magical part of Hogwarts is all inside. From the outside, it looks like an old castle, and it's even a little eerie when there's no light at night.

But Beauxbatons is much more majestic. At first glance, it is a large area of ​​dazzling gold and blue, and the shape of the building is more elegant.

Especially the huge fountain in front of the castle, it was the most magnificent fountain he had ever seen. The water column could shoot out nearly fifty feet high, and then the water column would spread out evenly from different heights, forming seven layers of huge circular water curtains. .

Even the colors of these water curtains are different. There are seven colors in total, like a spherical rainbow. Around it, there are three flying Pegasus, which are also made of water.

Compared with it, the one in the Ministry of Magic is like a faucet installed backwards. Not only is it unoriginal, it also doesn’t look good.

"Everyone who sees Beauxbatons for the first time thinks so," Fleur said with a smile. "Come on, I'll take you in."

"Is it okay now?" Kyle asked: "You have graduated, and we are not from this school yet."

"Of course others can't, but you can." Fleur said, "If you want, you can become an official professor of Beauxbatons tomorrow."

"It's really tempting." Kyle said with a smile, "If Hogwarts is occupied by a mysterious person one day, I will consider this proposal."

"What a decisive rejection." Fleur said. She naturally heard what Kyle meant, but she didn't care.

She had graduated anyway, and it was Ms. Maxim who wanted to poach Kyle.

"Follow me, don't make a mistake, or I have to find you." Furong, who was standing on the top of the mountain, took a step forward. She suddenly fell rapidly, then disappeared into a cloud.

"Kanna, don't move for now. Let Kyle jump first. I'll pick you up later." Fleur's voice grew smaller and smaller in the air.

In fact, she didn't need to remind her. Seeing this scene, Kangna's face turned pale and she subconsciously took two steps back.

Although she also knew that this was some kind of magic that entered Beauxbatons, just like the pillar on Platform 9.

But I know that jumping from such a high place is still a bit difficult to accept.

With such an exciting entrance, is Beauxbatons really a serious school?

Besides, she didn't enter this way last time.

Just when Connor was hesitant, she felt her hand being grabbed.

"It's okay, Fleur did it on purpose." Kyle comforted her softly.

"On purpose?"

"Well, it's just a large magical illusion, a device to protect Beauxbatons, and even the place where we are standing is not a mountain."

Kyle pulled Connor and walked a few steps to the left, then walked around a pine tree and stopped in front of a boulder.

"That's it." Kyle said, "Go forward."

Connor subconsciously took a step forward.

Then she saw that everything around her had changed. The originally bare top of the mountain turned into two huge stone pillars full of statues. She was standing between the two stone pillars, which was the middle of the gate of Beauxbatons.

"Kyle, have you been to Beauxbatons before?" Fleur's questioning voice came from not far away.

"No." Kyle also appeared beside Connor.

"Then how do you know the right way?"

"Although I haven't been here, I have read many books on alchemy, and I have also been to Nico's manor."

Kyle walked forward and patted the eyes of the thunderbird statue on the pillar. It was a dazzling sapphire.

"A very classic protective alchemical item. There is this at the entrance of Nico's manor. With the magic runes on the body, it can hide everything within the range." Kyle said lightly.

In fact, there is the same setting at the entrance of Nico's manor.

The eyes of the two fire dragon statues are also this kind of alchemical gems, and the scales on their bodies are also specially designed magic runes.

Anyone who breaks in without Nico's consent will be lost in a fog.

From the perspective of an observer, they are just spinning in place, and then they are crushed by two alchemical fire dragons.

This one is not that advanced.

Kyle touched the pattern on the thunderbird's wings... It's just a basic protective magic rune. Judging from the magic power flowing on it, it is not enough to make the thunderbird statue move.

"Tsk..." Fleur curled her lips in dissatisfaction, "How come you, a student of Hogwarts, know so much about alchemy."

"It's good to have many skills." Kyle said with a smile, "Isn't this useful?"

"Don't show off."

The carefully thought out revenge plan was easily discovered by Kyle, which made Fleur very unhappy, and she turned around and walked forward.

"You really have to follow me closely this time." She said, "Beauxbatons is not like Hogwarts, there is only one administrator who can't do magic. If they find out, they will expel you."

"So you won't be expelled if you follow me?" Kyle asked.

"Of course." Fleur said, "If you are found following me, you will definitely not be expelled, but will be taken to the Ministry of Magic for illegally trespassing Beauxbatons."

Kyle's expression froze, "It's better to be expelled."

"I know." Fleur said nonchalantly, "So I'm going to take you to a road that few people know about, which can lead directly to Ms. Maxime's office."

She walked to the front of the fountain and jumped in without hesitation.

After learning from the previous lesson, Kanna looked at Kyle subconsciously.

"This time it's real, not a magic illusion." Kyle shrugged.

"Did you see it?" Kanna asked.

"No." Kyle said, "This fountain itself is a large alchemical item. Even if there are some gadgets in it, I can't find it."

"Then how can you be so sure?"

"Because Furong didn't let me jump first this time." Kyle said casually: "Since she didn't remind you, it means there is no risk here, so there is no problem at all."

After that, Kyle jumped in, and several colorful fish under the fountain were frightened and quickly scattered.

The water drops falling from the sky fell on his body, icy and cold, but Kyle did not fall into the water.

The fountain was empty, and he seemed to pass directly through the water and landed in a passage.

The passage was surrounded by clean marble, and several pieces emitted bright light, illuminating the passage very brightly.

Looking up, there was a shimmering water surface, like a pool of water turning over. Kyle stretched out his hand and easily touched the water.

But they were on top, very calm. Even the water droplets that Kyle accidentally brought down would float up after a while and merge back into the water.

"This is the magic secret passage." Kyle couldn't help but sigh.

For a moment, he felt that Hogwarts was really inferior. Not only was its appearance inferior to Beauxbatons, but even its secret passage was not as good as others' magic.

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