Hogwarts: I'm a model wizard

Chapter 803: Holding the Hand

"Why is there only so little?"

When Kyle found Bones with the finished product, he heard this question.

"Minister Bones, there are so many people in the Ministry of Magic, you can't let me make all their ID cards."

"Didn't I ask Cedric to help you?" Bones raised his head from a pile of documents and pushed his glasses on his nose. "If it's not enough, I can give you another helper. How about the Weasley children? I remember they are also one of your gang... um, partners."

"You have a good memory, but this is not the scope of our transaction." Kyle shook his head and insisted: "My job is just to deal with the communication items used by the Aurors, or the magic signal in the ID card."

"As for the rest... Strictly speaking, this is the work of the Ministry of Magic, and it shouldn't be done by me, and it can't be done by me. After all, I am no longer a member of the Ministry of Magic. If there is a flaw in the ID card after a while, it will be troublesome to solve it. You can't call me over again and again."

In fact, what Kyle made in more than three hours can only be regarded as a semi-finished product. If the Ministry of Magic really wants to use it as an ID card, it needs to have a series of arrangements that can determine the identity, including name magic.

Although this job is not difficult, it is very tedious, and you need to be familiar with everyone in the Ministry of Magic.

Kyle doesn't know how many people there are here, but there must be hundreds of them, and he doesn't want to take on troublesome work.

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Ron has been complaining about the hard work at home these days. He feels tired just listening to it... This thing is enough to listen to, there is no need to experience it in person.

"In that case... Well, I will find someone else for this matter."

Bones thought about it and seemed to think it made sense. Coupled with Kyle's insistence, she didn't say anything.

"Then our cooperation this time."

"It's a preliminary agreement." Bones said with a smile. She put the documents at hand aside, then took out a box and opened the lock.

It was full of golden Galleons.

"You came here for this, right?" Bones pushed the box to Kyle, "One thousand eight hundred Galleons, it's yours."

Kyle liked Bones's decisive character, especially when it came to paying.

Another large sum of Galleons came in, which could be used to decorate Norbert's nest... Kyle put the box away with a smile.

"Don't you want to count it?"

"No need." Kyle waved his hand, "I believe Minister Bones will not make mistakes in such a small matter."

That said, but in fact Kyle just thought it was troublesome to count the money.

Besides, he didn't have to do this job himself.

In a place where Bones couldn't see, a furry little thing had twisted its body and crawled into the box through the gap next to the lock.

That gap couldn't even fit a piece of paper, but Sniff got in. It looked like a flounder lying on the Galleons, waving its two short hands quickly, digging the gold coins into its inner pocket.

A moment later. There was only one flat Sniff left in the originally heavy box.

After digging out all the gold coins, its body became round again with a puff, as if someone had blown it. Then it lay comfortably in the corner, patting its belly and looking satisfied.

Suddenly, a bright light appeared on the top of the box, and then a big hand reached in and picked up the Sniff.

"You're really quick."

Kyle had left the minister's office and stood alone in the elevator.

He brought the Sniff in front of him, looked at its flapping legs and asked, "How many are there in total?"

The Sniff squeaked twice.

"The number is correct." Kyle nodded, then threw the Sniff into the sky and opened his box as it fell.

The little guy fell straight in.

Kyle snapped the box shut and turned the lock twice quickly.

Anti-Sniffer device, this little thing can get in through any crack, no matter how narrow it is, even the tightly sealed safe deposit vault in the Muggle bank can't stop it.

To stop it, you must use specific magic.

The Gringotts vault and Newt's box also have this function.

It's just that Gringotts is for theft prevention, while Newt is for peace of mind.

Catching more than ten sniffers a day, not to mention Newt who is already a hundred years old, even when he was young, he couldn't stand it.

Kyle didn't go back to the hall directly, but went to the Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures first.

"The information about the Kelpie you want is on the third shelf on the left."

"The report sent by Dean is on the table."

"Cedric? Cedric hasn't been in the Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures these two days."

"How do I know where he went? Can't you ask him yourself?"

"Don't move, that's not the place to put the report..."

When Kyle went over, there was a group of people busy inside, many people coming in and out, looking very busy.

Ron was among them. It was obvious that he had gradually gotten used to the work here and was doing a good job.

Kyle stood at the door for five minutes, but no one noticed him.

Until Fred and George came back from outside.

"Kyle, you dare to come to us!" The two men came over fiercely, raising their arms, as if they wanted to hold Kyle's shoulders from both sides.

This was their most common method. As long as they could hold Kyle's shoulders, he would not be able to run away anyway.

"Don't get me wrong, I'm not here to find you."

Kyle took two steps back skillfully, then turned around to avoid their arms.

"Where's Cedric, is he still here?"

"It is said that he went back three hours ago." Fred raised his arms again, but at the same time answered Kyle's question. "Mr. Diggory said that he was dizzy and it was difficult for him to concentrate on his work."

"Forget it then." Kyle said, naturally moving a small step to the left and walked into the office.

With the door frame blocking him, it would not be so easy for Fred and George to surround him again.

"So what have you and him been doing these past two days?"

"Our business," Kyle said. "Bones asked for confidentiality. You will know tomorrow."

"Can't you just tell us? Why wait until tomorrow?" George looked a little uncomfortable. "There are no outsiders here."

"No, outsiders?" Kyle glanced into the office. There were at least three people looking for things, and two more were waiting for Ron to get them documents.

"Wouldn't it be fine if you just kept your voice down?" Fred said nonchalantly. "As long as you tell us, we will let you go. How about that?"

"Don't forget, the cup is still with us."

This was already an undisguised threat.

Kyle raised his eyebrows and didn't care. "If you like it, take it. It's useless to me anyway."

"Really not?"

"No need." Kyle shook his head. "At least not in the Ministry of Magic. After all, I have a lot of credibility."

"Huh..." Fred sneered. But he didn't ask any more questions.

"So you're here to see Cedric?"

"Then you can go back."

"Just asking by the way." Kyle pointed at Ron in the pile of documents, "I'm really here to see Ron. This morning, Mrs. Weasley asked me to take him back. By the way, finish the work."

"What do you mean?"

"Don't understand?" Kyle spread his hands and said, "Ron doesn't have to come to the Ministry of Magic to work tomorrow. His work will naturally be handed over to others."

I don't know if it was a coincidence or a certain keyword was triggered. As soon as Kyle finished speaking, Ron, who was busy with work, suddenly raised his head and looked over.

"Oh, Kyle, what did you say just now?" He subconsciously threw the things in his hand aside and stumbled over.

"You said, I don't have to come to work tomorrow?"

Kyle never felt that Ron's eyes were so bright, as if he saw a rustic tree protector.

"That's right." Kyle nodded, "I've already told my dad about it at noon today. Now you just need to hand over the work to the next person... Someone should come to help you today. That person is your successor. You need to hand over all the tasks you are doing and have completed to him.

"Yes, it's right there." Ron pointed behind him.

"That's good." Kyle said, "After the work is handed over, go to the Auror's office and cancel the registration information."

"Okay." Ron ran over without looking back, "Wait for me, I'll go to hand over the work now."

"Don't worry, we still have to wait for Hermione, she hasn't come back yet." Kyle said.

But Ron's mind was full of not having to go to work at this time, and he couldn't hear what he said at all.

Kyle shook his head, turned around, and saw two angry faces appear in front of him.

"You just said that Ron doesn't have to go to work tomorrow?"

"Is this true?"

"Of course." Kyle said, "Hogwarts will start school in three days, and he still has to make up homework. "

"What about us?"

Both of them stepped forward at the same time.

Kyle stepped back subconsciously and asked in a low voice: "What do you mean, what happened to you?"

"Don't be stupid." Fred narrowed his eyes.

"Ron and Hermione's work is over, so what about us? When can we leave the Ministry of Magic?"

"Any time is fine, after all, it's time to get off work now."

"I said, don't be stupid!" George cracked his fingers. "We mean that we don't have to come to work tomorrow or the day after tomorrow."

"Why didn't you say so earlier." Kyle turned his head away, "Are you going to school in September?"

"Nonsense, we have graduated for two years."

"That's right." Kyle patted his shoulder, "Since you know you have graduated, why do you have to go to such trouble and ask such a naive question.

"You don't have to go back to school, so of course you have to continue working."

"You!" Fred and George's eyes turned red. At this moment, they really wanted to beat Kyle up, even though they knew that they were no match for Kyle, but they just wanted to beat him up.

It didn't matter who won or lost, just to vent their anger.

But at this moment, the elevator door opened again.

Mr. Weasley walked out, and from a distance, he saw three people standing at the door.

"Oh, Kyle, I didn't expect you to be here."

"And Fred, George, what are you doing blocking the door? Go aside and don't block the way."

"Okay daddy."

The two of them could only temporarily suppress the anger in their hearts and stood aside reluctantly.

Kyle took the opportunity to jump outside, closely following Mr. Weasley, and raised his eyebrows at them.

"No, I can't help it anymore..." Fred gasped, "I must beat him up!"

"Then I go home and get beaten by my mother again."

"I don't care, I don't believe my mother can beat me to death."

"Then, can we beat Kyle?" George continued to ask.

"Yes!" Fred said, and then added: "As long as we don't use a wand, we can. He can't use the Fire Curse on us."

"That's right." George touched his chin, "At that moment, when Dad wasn't paying attention, we held him down together."

"Okay, let's do it."

The two discussed the battle plan, but when they looked up, they saw Kyle extending a hand.

This is not the point.

The point is, there is a bag in this hand, and the bag is full of gold galleons. A rough estimate is that there are at least more than a hundred gold galleons.

The two of them blinked and were stunned for a moment.

"What are you doing standing there? Just take it," Kyle said.

"Huh?" Fred and George were a little confused.

"That's right, I made the summons coin that you didn't have time to make, and I made a small profit." Kyle explained.

"If you did it, why did you give us money?" Fred asked.

"It was Cedric's decision." Kyle said, "He has been helping me these past few days. Originally, I wanted to give him a share of the hard-earned money, but he didn't ask for it.

"He said that you have been doing your job for him these past few days, so he asked me to hand this over to you."


"Do you want me to take it back?" Kyle pretended to take back the Galleons.


"of course yes!"

With quick eyesight and quick hands, the two of them snatched the bag from Kyle's hand, opened it and counted it carefully.

A total of two hundred galleons, much more than they expected.

"Oh, how can this be so embarrassing?"

"Yeah, we're just working normally, I'm so sorry."

As they said this, the two quickly put the Galleons into their pockets.

"By the way, I just heard that you were discussing holding me down and beating me up?" Kyle said in a long voice: "Now that Mr. Weasley is not here, what a great opportunity."

"What did you say? You must have heard it wrong."

"We are close friends, how could we do such a despicable thing."

"Yes, yes, you must have heard wrong."

The previous battle plans seemed to disappear all of a sudden. The two of them walked over diligently, squeezing shoulders and hitting Kyle's arms, and they were extremely flattering.

But before Kyle could enjoy it for long, Mr. Weasley walked out of the office with an excited Ron.

"Hermione is back. She should be at the door of the Auror's office by now. I'll take you there."

"Okay." Kyle nodded, turned around and followed.

Fred and George walked him diligently to the elevator.

"How did you do it?" After the elevator door closed, Ron couldn't help but ask: "How come their attitude towards you has changed so much all of a sudden."

"Nothing, just a trivial little trick." Kyle smiled.

Again, when it comes to dealing with the Weasley brothers, he can be said to be a handful.

The elevator stopped at the second floor and several people walked out.

Just as Mr. Weasley said, Hermione was already waiting at the door of the Auror's office.

After working on the Muggle Mediation Committee for almost a month, she looked thinner than before.

But unlike Ron, there was no trace of exhaustion in her eyes, and at the same time, there was no sense of joy that "it's finally over."

On the contrary, she seemed to be a little unsatisfied.

"Do I have to finish today? My work improvement plan will be written soon."

After seeing a few people, she immediately greeted them, "School only starts in September, isn't there still three days left? Why is it ending so soon?"

Sure, she really didn't want to finish it.

Ron looked at her like he was looking at a monster.

"There is no rush, Hermione." Mr. Weasley said softly: "You can write whatever you want at home. Besides, school is about to start, so you have to prepare in advance."

"But I've already read all the seventh grade content." Hermione blurted out: "There are still homeworks. They were all finished on the second day of the holiday. I really have nothing to prepare."

Mr. Weasley glanced at Ron subconsciously, then shook his head and looked back. "Then take these few days to relax and don't always think about work. Don't forget, you are still a student."

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