Hogwarts: I'm a model wizard

Chapter 796 Going to the Ministry of Magic

Mr. Weasley came back in the early morning. At eight o'clock in the morning, he walked into the kitchen with sleepy eyes and took the sandwich handed over by Bill.

"Dad, didn't you just work overtime yesterday? Why do you have to go to the Ministry so early today?"

"There is no way. The Ministry is really short of manpower recently." Mr. Weasley yawned, "Not only me, but also Chris, Lupin who just got married, and even Cedric who has only been working for less than two years. There is endless work every day."

"But this is too busy." Fred poured him a glass of pumpkin juice, "Will the Ministry of Magic pay you overtime?"

"The Ministry of Magic's money is used to purchase potion materials needed to treat the wounded." Mr. Weasley took a sip of pumpkin juice.

"So, it's a waste of time?"

"You can't say that." Mr. Weasley shook his head, "This is work, not business."

George curled his lips.

Of course, he understood what Mr. Weasley meant, but knowing and accepting are two different things.

Of course, he didn't really do it for that pitiful overtime pay.

Didn't the Ministry of Magic always claim in the Daily Prophet that they had already grasped the movements of the Death Eaters?

Where were the Aurors and strikers when they attacked yesterday... They waited until half an hour later, when everything was settled, before rushing over.

If Kyle hadn't used the Phoenix to rescue them, no one could guarantee how many people would come back alive.

They were nowhere to be seen when they were really needed, but they were very active when they were working. How could it be so easy?

George became more and more angry as he thought about it.

Although he also knew that yesterday's attack was a sudden incident, it was normal that the Ministry of Magic couldn't come... including the people of the Order of the Phoenix and his father.

But he was just unhappy.

Fred was the same, and he also had opinions about Amelia, the new minister.

No one could think of other ways, but they couldn't just use one person.

He remembered clearly that at five in the morning, he and George had just improved the message coin and were ready to go to bed. It was also at that time that they heard the sound of the door opening.

Mr. Weasley came back at that time.

As a result, only three hours have passed now, and he has to go to work again? This is too hasty.

However, Mr. Weasley himself didn't care much. He rubbed his forehead, quickly finished his sandwich, drank a big sip of pumpkin juice, and stood up to go out.

"Wait, Mr. Weasley..." Hermione also quickly finished her breakfast, "Can I go to the Ministry of Magic with you?"

"You want to go too?"

Mr. Weasley stopped, "Hermione, if there is nothing important, I think it's better for you to stay here."

"It's okay, Mr. Weasley." Hermione said, "I'm not Harry or Kyle, and the mysterious man may not know me at all."

"That's right, but..."

"Don't worry, Mr. Weasley, if I encounter danger, I will use Apparition to leave in advance."

Under Hermione's gaze, Mr. Weasley hesitated for a moment, and still nodded and agreed to take her to the Ministry of Magic.

Hermione has always been a very opinionated witch. Mr. Weasley felt that even if he refused, she would go by herself, which would be more dangerous. It would be safer if he was with her.

"Okay then." Mr. Weasley said, "But you must follow me closely. When we get to a safe place, we will Apparate there."

"No problem." Hermione nodded.

Then the two of them left the house, along with Sirius and several other Weasley children.

Bill and Charlie had other tasks. They needed to patrol the surroundings to make sure that no Death Eaters appeared nearby.

Fred and George were going to Diagon Alley. They wanted to reopen the store.

Mrs. Weasley didn't look very happy and kept a straight face.

In fact, since the Death Eaters attacked Diagon Alley, she didn't agree with Fred and George continuing to run their business.

Last time, they were lucky and were not in the store. The Death Eaters could only vent their anger by destroying the store.

But what about next time... What if they go to Diagon Alley again? I'm afraid that it won't be the store that will be destroyed, but the two of them.

So Mrs. Weasley didn't want them to open the store again.

But the Weasley brothers were determined to do so. They didn't want to give up their shop anyway. They had a big fight over breakfast.

Needless to say, the Weasley brothers won the fight. They said, "It's because the Death Eaters have brought shadows to the wizarding world that they want to bring joy to everyone." They successfully made Mrs. Weasley relax and retract her fingers that wanted to twist their ears.

In fact, they did it.

The entire Diagon Alley was bleak and quiet, and only their shop was the busiest.

The colorful signs and Weasley statues could be seen from a long distance. The cheerful music in the shop could be heard half a street away, which seemed out of place and extremely eye-catching.

Everyone who passed by the door would have an illusion, as if Voldemort had not appeared yet.

This excuse successfully convinced everyone.

After they all left, Mrs. Weasley sighed silently.

"I really shouldn't listen to them." She muttered quietly and turned to walk into the room.

At this time, only she, Kyle, and a few children who had not yet graduated were left at home.

Ron and Harry also wanted to go to the Ministry of Magic with Hermione at first, but as soon as they expressed this idea, they were ruthlessly rejected by Mrs. Weasley.

The reason was also very simple, they could not Apparate.

If they encountered danger, Hermione could escape at any time, but if they went there, it would be equivalent to bringing two burdens. At that time, Hermione would have to distract herself to take care of them, which would slow down the escape time.

Mrs. Weasley's words were well-reasoned. Ron grunted for a long time, but he couldn't think of a reason to refute. In the end, he could only turn around and go upstairs in anger to express his dissatisfaction.

But Mrs. Weasley didn't care at all.

"Then, I'll go back to my room too." Five minutes later, Kyle stood up from the chair and said.

"Oh, go quickly." Mrs. Weasley said with a smile, "There's nothing to do today. I'll call you when lunch is ready."

"Thank you." Kyle said.

He went back to his room along the stairs. As soon as he entered the door, a golden-red figure rushed over.

Kyle seemed to have known it for a long time. He reached out and grabbed Fox's claws, and then disappeared into the room.

When he appeared again, he was already in the fireplace corridor of the Ministry of Magic, behind a wizard. His feet softened and he knocked the man out of the fireplace.

"Oh, Merlin's beard!" The other party was startled by the sudden movement and turned to look at Kyle, "Who are you, what's going on?"

"Of course I came to the Ministry of Magic through the Floo Network." Kyle rubbed his head and said impatiently: "What are you doing? Wait a little longer, and the next person will be here."

Hearing Kyle's words, his staggering steps, and the action of rubbing his head, the man hurriedly said: "Sorry, I may have been distracted."

"Nothing, just pay attention next time." Kyle took out a sour exploding candy and stuffed it into his mouth, "It's best not to stay in the fireplace of the Ministry of Magic. There are many people coming and going here."

"Ah, I know." The other party said.

"Kyle, I'm here." Hermione's voice came from not far away.

She had been waiting here since she followed Mr. Weasley here, and ran over immediately after seeing Kyle.

"Let's talk while we walk." Kyle took her to the elevator.

"Why did you come out of the fireplace?" Hermione asked in confusion.

Kyle looked back and said in a low voice: "It's not easy to arouse suspicion."

"But that's a fireplace, what if..."

"Nothing." Kyle shook his head and said, "The fireplace in the Ministry of Magic is different from other places. It is usually extinguished. Only when wizards come here will the flames unique to the flight network be ignited. There is no need to worry at all."

"Is that so?"

"Of course."

As they talked, the two had already arrived next to the elevator, where many people were already waiting.

"Oh, Kyle, I was wondering when I could see you." An old wizard greeted the two and said, "I remember you have graduated."

"Yes." Kyle said, "I was busy with other things before and didn't have time to come to work."

"I heard everything." The old wizard said, "You and Scamander went to the Black Forest, which is a dangerous place."

"No matter how dangerous it is, it is not as dangerous as Godric's Hollow yesterday." Another witch came over.

"You have such a good relationship with Auror Remus, you must have attended his wedding."

"Of course." Kyle said.

"I heard that there were seventy Death Eaters there at that time."

"That's right, but I don't know the exact number." Kyle said, "I was rescued at that time, and I don't know what happened afterwards."

Kyle knew these people in the Ministry of Magic too well, and naturally knew what they wanted to ask, so he simply blocked their words in advance.

Sure enough, after hearing that Kyle didn't know what happened, the witch showed obvious disappointment on her face.

"Ah... Dumbledore saved you. I heard it from Lupin."

Just at this moment, the elevator arrived. Others swarmed in, while Kyle stayed outside to wait for the next one.

A few minutes later, they finally waited for an elevator with fewer people. With them were three wizards holding documents.

"Kyle, it's nice to see you." One of them said, "But you came at a bad time. There are too many things in the Ministry recently. I haven't slept for two days."

As he said, he pointed to the dark circles under his eyes.

"I can't help it. I also want to be lazy, but the new Minister doesn't agree." Kyle shrugged.

"That's true."

The elevator quickly reached the sixth floor, and the three wizards walked out together.

"Let's talk next time, Kyle."

"Who is he?" Hermione asked when the door closed again.

"Watson, from the Broomstick Management and Control Bureau, we discussed together how to modify the Firebolt." Kyle said casually.

"You know so many people."

"That's normal." Kyle said, "To put it bluntly, the assistant minister's job is to deal with other departments. After doing it many times, you will become familiar with it."

"Where are we going?"

"The third floor." Kyle said.

"To find Mr. Weasley?"

"No, Mr. Weasley's office is on the second floor, and we need to go to another department." Kyle thought for a while, "How about your confusion spell."

"Okay, it's okay." Hermione said, "The Confusion Curse is for seventh grade. I reviewed it in advance."

"That's no problem, but I think if it were you, you wouldn't be able to use this spell."

Soon, the elevator stopped.

"The third level, the Department of Magical Accidents and Disasters, includes the accident reversal team, the memory cancellation command and the Muggle Issues Mediation Committee."

Listening to the sound on the elevator, Hermione suddenly thought of something.

"Are you going to take me to the Muggle Mediation Committee?"

"That's it." Kyle walked out of the elevator, "Don't you always think they have no effect? ​​The most direct way is to experience it yourself."

Kyle stepped out of the elevator. Hermione followed quickly.

This floor looks busier than the sixth floor. Everyone is walking in a hurry, and the corridors are filled with various documents and sundries.

Kyle took her all the way to the innermost part, through a heavy oak door, and into a messy and noisy open area divided into many small compartments.

They walked to the door of a small cubicle on the far left, with a sign hanging crookedly on it: Muggle Mediation Committee.

Just at this time, a middle-aged wizard ran out from inside.

"Wait a minute, Pelrod." Kyle called him.

"Sorry, Kyle, I don't have time now." The wizard turned around and said: "Mrs. Akaba had a quarrel with her neighbor again about the garden. I must rush over before she uses magic. Her The Oblivion Charm is just terrible."

"Don't worry, I've brought you a helper."


Kyle nudged Hermione.

Only then did Hermione react, "My name is Hermione, Hermione Granger."

Perode gave a strange look, "Are you sure this girl wants to work here?"

Then he looked at Hermione again, "I must tell you in advance, the salary here is not high."

"It's not a job, it's a volunteer, and it doesn't require a salary." Kyle said, "She wanted to experience life one month before school started, so I brought her here."

"Are you sure?" Perode asked again, his voice even stranger.

"I'm sure of it!" said Hermione.

"Okay then, come with me."

Perhaps because of Kyle's reputation, or because he was too busy, Perrod didn't say anything. He didn't even check Hermione's identity. He just agreed and took her towards the elevator.

Hermione glanced back at Kyle.

"Go ahead." Kyle waved his hand, "It's best to resolve it once and for all. The old lady and her neighbor have had several conflicts. I'm optimistic about you."

Hermione just went to work in a daze without even entering the office door.

After the elevator door closed again, Kyle peeked into the office.

There was an older wizard inside, arranging the parchment on the table.

He glanced up at Kyle. "I heard everything. You found a new staff member for us?"

"Just a volunteer, I will leave after Hogwarts starts." Kyle walked in and barely found a place to stand in the small office.

"And my ambition is not here, but on the second floor."

"Legal Enforcement Division?"


"It's okay, as long as I can help."

The old wizard continued to sort out the parchment while cursing and muttering, "Those Death Eaters can really cause trouble for people, and those idiots actually dug traps in the Muggle community, and some even made a swamp out of it. They thought they were Didn’t the neighbors find anything?”

"There's nothing we can do, everyone is scared."

"But our workload has doubled." The old wizard said angrily: "By the way, what are the abilities of the student you brought."

"The results are the first in the grade."

The old wizard then looked up at Kyle and said, "It seems like she does have a chance to go to the second floor."

"Okay." He stood up, took out a bag and threw it to Kyle.

"What's this."

"The reward for helping." The old wizard said, "The salary here is not high to begin with, and it is even less before joining the job. It is only twenty galleons a month, but it is better than nothing."

"Is there any reward?" Kyle was stunned for a moment.

"It didn't exist before, but yesterday Hogwarts donated a large amount of herbs to St. Mungo's, which saved the Ministry of Magic a lot of money.

"Bones wants to expand the size of the Ministry of Magic to deal with the increasing number of Death Eaters, and with so much work there has to be someone to do it, and it can't be done without money."

"Is that so?" Kyle frowned, "Isn't she worried about Death Eaters sneaking in?"

"So this is a risky move. I didn't expect that she would be so courageous." The old wizard said, "By the way, every newcomer must register information. Don't forget to ask the girl to make up for it."

"where to?"

"Auror office."

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