"People at the Ministry believe that Hagrid has recently released a creature that will harm students. They have taken him to Azkaban."

"But that was a long, long time ago," Aragog said angrily. "It's been many years, but I still remember it clearly. They kicked Hagrid out of school because of this. They thought I was the monster hiding in the so-called Chamber of Secrets, thinking that Hagrid had opened the Chamber of Secrets and released me."

"Me!" Aragog said, his claws clicking angrily, "I was not born in this castle, but came from a distant country, and I have never attacked anyone."

"Then do you know what the culprit is? Because whatever it is, it has come back to attack people."

The clicking sounds became louder, the rustling sounds became denser, and the spiders seemed to be gathering around.

"We will not reveal its name!" said Aragog excitedly. "It is an ancient creature that we spiders fear deeply. I never even revealed the name of that terrible creature to Hagrid, although he repeatedly Asked me."

"Then we won't disturb your rest, let's go now." Harry didn't want to continue this topic, and he leaned behind Jerry, especially when the spiders were approaching from all directions.

"Go?" Aragog said slowly, "I don't think so."

"My children have received my orders not to harm Hagrid. But I can't stop them from tasting the fresh human flesh that comes to their door automatically.

Goodbye, Hagrid's friend. "

After Aragog finished speaking, the spiders around him rushed towards Jerry and the others impatiently.


Mr. Jerry is kind-hearted, so of course he will not kill them all. These Acromantulas are precious, and they will have to come back to get their venom in the future! The approaching spider was knocked away by his spell, and all eight legs were cut off simultaneously.

Mr. Weasley's car rumbled down the slope, its headlights flashing and its horn blaring. With a screeching sound, the car stopped in front of the three Harrys, and the doors flew open.

"Bring on Fang!" Harry shouted, getting into the front seat. Ron grabbed the barking hound, threw it into the back seat, and then quickly got into the car with Neville.

"Jerry, leave them alone, get in the car first!" Harry looked at the excited Jerry and shouted.

"Don't worry about me, let's go first!"

"No, we can't leave you alone, we are here to help you!"

help me? Jerry looked at the three of them speechlessly, wondering if he had any clues in his mind! Can you weigh your own strength before speaking?

"You don't have to help me, just leave first. Don't forget that I can fly!" Jerry felt a little distressed when he saw the spider that was hit by a car and flew out, falling to the ground motionless.

"Fly?" Harry and the others looked at each other. Finally, Ron pointed at the flock of frightened birds in the sky and then remembered that Jerry could indeed fly.

Then the car's engine roared, and they galloped up the slope, rampaging through the woods, and left the place.

After seeing Harry and the others leave, Jerry looked at the Acromantulas that were still charging towards him. A scarlet light appeared in his eyes. He waved the wand in his hand, and the scattered branches on the ground and the surrounding spider webs quickly twisted. Transformed into slender poisonous snakes and rushed towards the Acromantula.

Soon, those huge spiders, including Aragog, were covered with slender poisonous snakes, which was terrifying. The spider's struggle became in vain. Their eight spider legs were unable to move and were unable to break free from the entanglement of the venomous snake.

Jerry checked among the spiders and saw that some of the "spiders" that had been caught in the web broke free from their restraints, and then used the Divine Edge Shadowless Curse to cut off its legs. In this way, it learned to behave under Jerry's spell and no longer struggled to run around.

And the effect was very good. After seeing Jerry's cruel methods, the spiders around them all stopped struggling! It’s so fucking scary!

They were afraid that if they struggled for a while longer, Jerry would become impatient and might just cut their heads off. Their intuition tells them that this smiling little wizard can do it!

This chapter is not over, please click on the next page to continue reading!

Is the school spirit of Hogwarts so strong now?

Jerry stepped on Aragog's head, glanced around, and nodded with satisfaction.

"Don't worry, everyone, I am Hagrid's friend, and you are also Hagrid's friends, so in this way, we should be considered friends, right?"

After Jerry finished speaking, he saw that the spiders around him didn't react at all. This was obviously not giving him face! He raised his foot and kicked Aragog hard in one eye.

"Ah! Yes, yes! We are all friends, good friends!" Aragog screamed in pain, and then said yes repeatedly. Seeing this, the other spiders around him quickly responded.

"That's right!" Jerry smiled, and his tone became gentle and friendly, "Don't worry, I'm a good person!"

Jerry paused for a moment, and then continued: "As your good friend, I am asking you to borrow something. I believe you will lend it to me without reservation, right?"

"Of course, of course!" The spiders around agreed, as long as Jerry didn't borrow his life from them!

"You are indeed my good friend. It's so touching!" As he said this, Jerry took out a small bag containing the Invisible Extension Spell, then kept taking out reagent bottles from it, and then waved his wand to make these bottles float. Next to the mouthparts of each spider.

"I need a lot of Acromantula venom, so I'll trouble you all next!"

After hearing Jerry's words, many spiders breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, fortunately, they only need venom! But Jerry's next words frightened them out of their wits.

"Don't worry, I won't kill them all! But the ten people who provided the least amount of venom... you can only say goodbye to this world. After all, as a friend, you have less venom than other spiders. Obviously you don’t regard me as a true friend!”

Acromantula:! ? Dumbledore, look at him! Where are you? Help!

"Hurry up, I'm in a hurry!" Jerry said with a smile to the tearful spiders around him, "Crying counts as time!"

Chapter 141 Sneak Attack

"Hey hey hey!"

In a depression deep in the Forbidden Forest, a group of huge Acromantulas were gathered together. In the middle stood a cute, well-dressed, poor little wizard who looked weak and helpless.

They look cunning and cruel, with their long fangs exposed in ferocious smiles that make people shudder.

If any other wizards happened to pass by here and see this scene, they would be frightened to the point where their hearts would beat violently.

The poor child must be frightened by these terrifying and ferocious monsters in front of him!

They will not hesitate to take out their wands and prepare to fight these evil and terrifying Acromantulas and save the poor, helpless, frightened little wizard.

It's a pity that no wizards will pass by here now, and those Acromantulas are surrounding Jerry Green. Not only does he not have a trace of fear on his face, but he grins, waves his wand, and emits strange sounds from time to time. laughter!

"This is about to be released!"

Jerry held the bag of the Traceless Extension Spell in his left hand and waved his wand in his right hand. The reagent bottle containing Acromantula venom floated in the air and flew into his pocket quickly and orderly.

Jerry was not short of gold Galleons, especially after the bitch Andre exchanged the things he "borrowed" from the French Ministry of Magic into Galleons before he came back from France.

But who would think that he has too much money?

Acromantula venom has always been in short supply on the market, with demand exceeding supply. And the venom Jerry collected tonight is even more precious. These venoms are secreted when the giant spiders feel fear and depression, and contain their curse and resentment. Because of this, these venoms are more powerful, so they are the best materials whether used for alchemy or preparing potions.

Jerry glanced at it and nodded with satisfaction. Except for a few spiders that were desperately producing venom during the involution and are now frothing at the mouth and falling to the ground unconscious, the other Acromantulas followed Jerry's gaze and huddled on the ground, not daring to do anything. action.

The several charred marks on the ground were also left by ten Acromantulas not long ago. In Jerry's fierce fire, they didn't even leave any bones or dregs behind, leaving only traces of blackened burns.

Jerry is a reasonable person. He always says one thing and ten things, no one is more and no one is less.

The Acromantulas did not dare to get angry or speak out about Jerry's contempt and cruelty, because just now Jerry took another spider's body away on the grounds that an Acromantula looked at him with resentment in its eyes. Some of the legs were shaved off.

They also don't know how Jerry can see resentment in so many spider eyes even though he is a human!

It wasn't until the Acromantulas saw Jerry sitting on the legless spider, cleaning the mud on his shoes with the newly cut spider legs that were still making a "squeaking" sound that they reacted.

Damn, are you a devil?

Who taught you to shine shoes like this? Are you really a student taught at Hogwarts?

How cruel!

The moon was sparse, and Jerry left the hollow under the tearful eyes of the Acromantula. With a smile on his lips, he trotted along, moving lightly through the forest.

Thanks to the generosity of the Acromantula "old cousins", Jerry got a lot of high-quality venom tonight, enough to wash Professor Snape's hair several times!

Wow! The biting cold wind whizzed through the forest, and the branches swayed with the wind, making a crisp sound.

Jerry's steps suddenly stopped and he glanced around alertly. The Forbidden Forest at Hogwarts is unique and home to many magical creatures. No matter what season it is, even if it is covered with heavy snow, you can always hear a few birds chirping. However, at this moment, there was silence around Jerry, except for the rustle of branches swaying in the wind and his breathing and heartbeat, there was no other sound.

"Thunderbolt explosion!" A frivolous and arrogant voice sounded behind Jerry, and then a loud roar shook the air, and the explosion caused a burst of smoke and dust to rise.

Damn it, you don’t follow martial ethics and attack from behind!

"It seems that the task is completed!" The voice sounded again, but the tone became more frivolous, "Florry, the Bishop is very disappointed with you. It took you so long for such a simple task!"

As soon as he finished speaking, three figures appeared in the moonlight. The middle-aged man at the head was none other than Flory. He had messy short hair, a resolute face, and a tall build. He was wearing only a short-sleeved shirt in the biting cold wind.

On the left side of his face, there was a hideous scar extending from his face to his neck, which was shocking. What was even more frightening was that his left ear had obviously been attacked by a curse. The entire ear was completely melted like butter encountering flames.

Next to Flory stood two young figures, about twenty years old. One of them was holding a wand. It was obvious that the spell just came from his hand.

They are different from the unkempt Flory. Their hair is obviously carefully taken care of, their makeup is exquisite, and their clothes are also very elegant. Both of them wore a black coat. Although the styles were different, the corners were decorated with gray and silver-white lines, embroidered with thorns and roses, and their chests were uniformly embroidered with bright and eye-catching red silk threads. A sign belonging to the apostles,

"Okay, hurry up, the bishop is already impatient with waiting!" Another young figure frowned, waved his hand and said in disgust, "You shouldn't be too heavy-handed and kill the target directly. Come on! The bishop wants to live!"

"Don't worry, I'm sensible and won't take that kid's life! But Flory, you are so useless. Such a weak, low-born Mudblood wizard actually wants us to do it ourselves!"

The two obviously didn't take Jerry seriously.

Flory didn't care about the sarcasm in the two people's words. His face remained expressionless, making it impossible to peek into his emotions. However, when he looked at the two of them, his eyes became colder. Of course he wouldn't take the two men's ridicule to heart, because in his heart, they were already dead. Who would care about a dead person?

“Avada Kedavra”

Following an angry voice, a green light erupted from the smoke. This ray of light was as fast as lightning, mixed with dust, and accurately hit the young apostle who had just spoken.

Obviously the other party did not expect that Jerry would still be able to resist after being hit by their explosive spell. Moreover, the power of this life-killing curse is beyond their imagination... No, it should be cognition!

The apostle, who had just sounded frivolous and extremely proud, had no time to react. After being hit by Avada's big melon, he did not die immediately. Instead, he was drowned by the green light, and his blood and flesh were all stripped away in pain. Finally, In the blink of an eye, the bones and soul were wiped out!

Chapter 142 Blood Curse Orc


The other apostle was also startled by the sudden change, lost his mind, and subconsciously took a step back. He held the wand in his hand tightly, his eyes fixed on Jerry who was shrouded in dust, and the arrogance and disdain on his face were replaced by horror.

The companion who was joking with him just now disappeared in front of his eyes the next moment. The separation of blood and flesh, the pain and fear in the companion's eyes, and the death of the soul, scenes repeatedly appeared in front of his eyes, lingering.

It was not that he had never used the Death Curse before, but this kind of Death Curse that annihilated both body and soul was obviously beyond his knowledge.

Flory looked at the panicked apostle beside him, with a sneer in his heart. Is this the so-called apostle elite?

The atmosphere in the forest became extremely tense, the air seemed to be frozen, and even the cold wind stopped blowing. There was silence all around, only each other's breathing could be heard clearly.

As time passed, the smoke gradually dissipated, and the young apostle held up his wand and looked around anxiously for Jerry.

Suddenly, as if he was alert to something, he looked up suddenly and saw a thin black figure. He was standing on a high branch at some point, holding the trunk of the tree with his left hand and holding the Elder Wand in his right hand, looking down from a high position. Look at them.

Jerry's back was facing the moon. Flory and the apostle below could not see Jerry's appearance clearly. They could only see a strange black figure. His eyes were lit up in the dark night, exuding a scarlet, devouring light. of light.

Looking at Jerry's eyes, including Flory's, the magic power in the body began to become uncontrollably active and restless. Uneasiness, terror, anger, despair... and other negative emotions came to mind one after another.

"What the hell are you!"

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