Hermione, who just couldn't wait and was full of interest, suddenly changed the subject and pulled Jerry back to Hogwarts Castle.

Damn it! Why is it different from what Parvati and the others said! It was obviously going well at the beginning! Hermione cursed depressedly in her mind.

"Huh?" Jerry scratched his head with a puzzled expression on his face.

Alas, what a pity! I have prepared my own chili, cumin, and barbecue ingredients!

Chapter 131 I am too ignorant!


Jerry resolutely rejected all the girls' Valentine's Day invitations at the dinner party and returned to his Slytherin dormitory. Lying on the soft and comfortable bed, his thoughts began to swirl, thinking over and over what Catherine had mentioned during the day.

The good news is that the apostolic organization is not as monolithic from top to bottom as I and others think, without any weaknesses.

The higher-ups of the apostles also had differences and conflicts.

The bad news is that the disagreements and conflicts are directed at him!

In fact, whether it is the third bishop mentioned today, the Ferris family, or even everyone including Catherine Ferris, Jerry does not have high trust in them. Who makes him a suspicious person by nature? !

There is nothing you can do about it, you are such a fool, who told you apostles to choose him!

Jerry is also a Slytherin snake, and he is extremely controlling. His ambition does not allow him to be willing to become a cowardly master, a puppet that can be manipulated and controlled by others at will!

Jerry lay on the bed, looked at the ceiling and sighed.

It’s so hard for me, I’m under a lot of pressure lately!

The matter between Voldemort and the Basilisk has not been resolved yet, and now a man named Flory has appeared. What a troubled time!

Early the next morning, as soon as Jerry entered the hall, he saw Ron at the long table, excitedly feeding his pet rat Scabbers and talking to Neville.

"Can you please take your mouse off the table? It's too dirty!" Hermione looked at the mouse feasting on the table with disgust, and then leaned closer to Jerry.

"Banban is not dirty! Poor Banban, he must be starving these days!"

"When did your pet mouse come back?" Jerry asked casually, lowering his head to eat his breakfast.

"I found it in the Gryffindor common room this morning. Poor Scabbers was lying in the corner like that. There was a wound on his chest caused by something I don't know. Fortunately, the wound is almost healed!"

Is it almost healed? Jerry muttered in his mind.

He didn't know what method Voldemort used, whether it was healing magic or stealing medicinal materials such as white essence, to heal the wounds caused by the Shadowless Curse on Peter Pettigrew so quickly, but this was not the case. good.

Although Jerry and Voldemort had several conflicts, as mentioned before, their current goals are actually the same.

Peter Pettigrew, as an important pawn in Voldemort's resurrection, cannot die now!

The most important thing is that Jerry has offended Voldemort too hard these few times. Although he has the protection of Dumbledore and Grindelwald, he is still worried that Voldemort will come against him.

Therefore, after much thought, for the sake of his own future safety, Jerry still felt that he had to strike first and trick Voldemort again before he was resurrected!

The resurrection spell requires the bones of the father, the flesh of the servant, and the blood of the enemy. However, Jerry didn't know if the current Voldemort had obtained his father's bones. It was unrealistic for him to tamper with the bones, so the only choices left to him were the flesh of his servants and the blood of his enemies.

As the enemy of Voldemort, Harry is closest to Jerry, but he is protected by magic left by his parents before their death, so it is difficult for Jerry to do anything.

But Peter Pettigrew is different. He is Voldemort's servant and does not have any powerful protective magic, so he is a perfect candidate!

Grindelwald's notebook records a kind of magic called necromancy. He combined several magic spells such as resurrection spell and quick healing to create a dark spell. Magical animals resurrected by necromancy will obey him. The command.

At the beginning, Grindelwald used necromancy to resurrect the Kirin, trying to achieve his goal by showing others that the Kirin was kneeling to him. Unfortunately, his old friend Dumbledore exposed it!

When Jerry saw the necromancy spell for the first time in his notebook, although he marveled at the power of this spell, he still felt it was a bit "tasteless" because the conditions for casting necromancy were extremely harsh and the price to pay was huge. , unless there is a special need like Grindelwald, it is estimated that no one is willing to use this spell for a magical animal.

However, although Voldemort is not a magical animal, his current state of being neither human nor ghost, and his soul is still unstable, is not as good as a magical animal!

Jerry doesn't need to control Voldemort, he just needs to use necromancy to add something to him when he is resurrected! Without technology, it’s all curses and hard work!

"Scabbers is back. Harry, have you found the mysterious diary you lost?"

"No!" Harry put down the spoon in his hand and shook his head helplessly, "I looked for it in the lounge again this morning, but still couldn't find it."

When Jerry heard Harry's words, he suppressed his surprise and confusion. Voldemort's diary was not returned to Harry's hands! Could it be that he is back in the hands of Ginny Weasley again?

Jerry took a quick glance around the hall and found no sign of Ginny Weasley, which only heightened his suspicion.

It doesn’t make sense! Voldemort left Harry Potter alone and went to find someone else!

"What's wrong Jerry?"

"It's okay, I'm looking at the time on the wall. Eat quickly, class is about to begin!"

The first class this morning is Lockhart’s Defense Against the Dark Arts class. Since yesterday afternoon, no one has seen Lockhart. At the dinner, Lockhart was not seen attending the dinner. He was probably fighting with fans last night. I stayed up all night, but I didn't know if I could make it back this morning.

Jerry used to say that the life and entertainment of wizards were monotonous and boring, but now that he thinks about it, he definitely has limited knowledge!

Wizards have magical powers and things like Polyjuice Potion, potions that can turn into other people, and even Animagus spells that can turn into animals... They must have more fun!

Sure enough, when Jerry and the others walked into the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom, they saw a pale Lockhart with bloodshot eyes and a pale face, drinking a bottle of potion that Jerry had never seen before.

But even with Lockhart's current appearance, it still can't stop him from continuing to brag with the students!

"I think everyone can rest assured! There will be no more trouble." Lockhart stood on the podium, gently touched his nose, blinked again, and said to the students below, "I think The secret room will never be opened again this time. The criminals must have understood that sooner or later I will catch them and bring them to justice. It is only a matter of time. Before I start taking action, they choose to stop now, undoubtedly Smart move..."

Before Lockhart finished speaking, Snape and Professor McGonagall hurried in from outside the classroom.

"Professor Snape, are you and Professor McGonagall here to observe my teaching to students? I must admit that I am indeed talented and have excellent teaching skills. I am also deeply loved by the students. I agree to your request. Got it!"

Snape, McGonagall: "..."

Chapter 132 Just have fun! malfoy

"Oh, 'excellent' Professor Lockhart, didn't you notice that there is someone missing from your class today?" Snape looked at Lockhart and said slyly.

"Really? I must have read and studied too late last night and was too tired to notice it!" Lockhart smiled awkwardly, then glanced around.

After hearing Snape's words, the students in the classroom whispered to each other and started discussing in low voices.

"Malfoy is not in the classroom!" Jerry looked around and immediately found out who was missing. Goyle and Crabbe were both there, but Malfoy was missing.

Soon Harry and the others also discovered that Malfoy was not in the classroom, and then they lowered their heads and said to Ron and Neville, "No wonder the classroom is so quiet today. It turns out that Malfoy didn't come to class!"

Although Slytherin and Gryffindor had classes together, there were not many people in total, and Malfoy was not usually a low-key person. So after a while, everyone found out who the student Snape was talking about less.

Snape ignored the still dazed Lockhart, walked directly to Goyle and Crabbe, and took them away.

"Students, please read the textbook first. I'll be back later!" Lockhart said to everyone in the classroom after reacting, then turned around and walked quickly out of the door.

As Lockhart disappeared, the originally quiet classroom suddenly became noisy and noisy as if it were in Diagon Alley. Everyone was talking loudly about Malfoy, and the scene was once in chaos.

"Draco Malfoy must have also been attacked by the heir of the Chamber of Secrets! He is a pure blood of Slytherin, how terrifying!"

"Could it really be Harry Potter? After all, nothing happened to so many Slytherin students. Only Malfoy, who offended him, did."

"Who knows, maybe Malfoy just overslept, or simply didn't want to attend Lockhart's class!"

"Jerry, do you think Malfoy will..." Hermione asked worriedly, hearing the discussions among the students around her.

"There should be nothing wrong with Malfoy!" Jerry said thoughtfully. Although Snape's steps were hurried just now, Jerry did not detect any worry or anxiety in his tone and demeanor.

The same goes for Professor McGonagall!

"If...if Malfoy were pure blood, he would be attacked. Then Jerry, your situation must be the most dangerous! Although you are a member of the Dumbledore family, others don't know it! Many students in Slytherin are already discriminatory. Half-blood, Jerry, you’re not even half-blood in their eyes.”

"Or... or Jerry, come back to the Gryffindor common room with me tonight! Don't get me wrong, I mean you can stay in Harry's dormitory temporarily until Principal Dumbledore and the others catch the mastermind behind the scenes. You go back to your dormitory."

"Don't worry, Hermione! Don't worry about my safety. This is Hogwarts, and Dumbledore is taking care of you!" Jerry looked at Hermione who was blushing slightly, gently held her nervous hand, and whispered comfort. .

Until the end of get out of class, no one saw Lockhart. If he hadn't known that his office was in the classroom, Jerry would have thought that this guy had run away!

After class, Harry, Ron and Neville picked up their books and ran to Jerry and Hermione, asking about Malfoy.

"I don't know, I haven't seen Malfoy this morning." Jerry shook his head.

"Isn't he also petrified? The Malfoy family is a pure-blood family!" Neville stood aside and said with some fear.

"If something really happened to Malfoy, he must be in the infirmary now. Just go and see him and find out!"

"Forget it!" Harry heard that he was going to see Malfoy in the infirmary, and shook his head in disgust, "I think it's better for him to be petrified, so that no one will always come to bother me after this semester. !”

Many students who stayed in the classroom around them pricked up their ears and listened quietly to the conversation of Jerry and the others. When they heard Harry's words, the suspicion in their eyes became more intense.

"You don't think I did it, do you?" Harry noticed the tense and weird atmosphere around him and said loudly after Ron's reminder.

The students in the classroom shook their heads one after another, and then quickly left as if encountering a savage beast. Soon, only a few of them were left in the classroom.

"Why does everyone doubt me? I obviously didn't do anything!" Harry was very depressed when he saw everyone panicking. It was really Snape who was sitting in the classroom.

"Where are you going, Jerry?" Harry asked after seeing Jerry packing his things and preparing to leave, "You and Hermione study a lot, please help us come up with an idea on what to do!"

"I'm going to the infirmary to see how Malfoy is doing and whether he's been petrified!"

"Huh?" Harry looked at Jerry in surprise, not expecting him to visit Malfoy.

"Then why don't you go visit Malfoy?"

"Forget it, Jerry, you go ahead! I'm afraid that if I laugh out loud when I see Malfoy being petrified, then everyone will really misunderstand me!"

Jerry: "..."

In the infirmary, when Jerry walked in, he saw Malfoy sitting on the hospital bed, his head wrapped in a white bandage, dancing and gesticulating with Goyle and Crabbe.

"Jerry, why are you here?"

Malfoy and his two little followers looked at each other, then looked at Jerry standing not far away with puzzled expressions, and asked curiously.

"I'm just curious, how did you get injured?"

"This... I just accidentally fell and got hurt!"

My dear, there is more to come after this chapter. Please click on the next page to continue reading. There will be more exciting chapters later!

Seeing Malfoy hesitating, Jerry frowned slightly. Could it be related to Voldemort's Horcrux?

"I ask again, how did you get injured?"

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