"Haha! Jerry Green, don't think that I don't know that you diluted the soul-regenerating potion with an unknown liquid! Hand over the remaining potion!"

"Tsk, tsk! That's the holy water of the Ganges that I came here especially for you!"

"Stop talking nonsense and give me back my potion!" The hoarse voice seemed a little angry.

TM bullies honest people, right?

"No, Mr. Riddle, do you understand the rules? Didn't I tell you that the potion has been given to you and our transaction has been completed! At most, I will sacrifice my rest time today to provide you with after-sales service! "

"As for the remaining potion, of course he wants it...yes...ah, yes, "kickback"! How can anyone not take the kickback! If you don't take it, the worst I can do is take it for you!"

Chapter 126 I will definitely come back!

"Kickbacks" are the same thing for you and me. Riddle, you are already so old anyway, why don't you just give it to me? Who told me I was still a child!

"Shut up! Hiss! (Kill him!)"

Voldemort's anger was completely ignited. The first half of the sentence was spoken to Jerry in normal language, and the second half was in snake language. It was obvious to whom he was speaking.

Beside the black lake, a "gurgling" sound was heard, and a huge creature climbed up from the bottom of the water. It was the basilisk in the secret room!

"I actually brought the basilisk!"

Jerry was so frightened that he quickly closed his eyes, then carefully sensed the magic power of the basilisk and avoided its attack.


The tip of the wand instantly released an invisible force, like a silent and sharp blade, slashing towards the basilisk.

The sound of flesh and blood being separated did not appear. Instead, there was a "stab" sound, like the sound of a sword striking an iron plate.

"Damn it!" Jerry cursed secretly. The Shadowless Curse would only work if it was aimed at the basilisk's eyes or released into its mouth.

"Jerry, stop struggling, your magic spell has no effect on it! Just hand over the soul-creating potion, and I'll make the basilisk stop!"

At this time, Jerry had no time to pay attention to Voldemort's words. The basilisk's constant attacks left him no time to think!

"It's useless, it's useless!" Hoarse voices kept coming from all directions, trying to disturb Jerry.

There is nothing you can do, animals in the Forbidden Forest, please wish yourselves good luck! Jerry thought to himself, and then held the wand in his hand tightly.

"Protego Diabolica (Fire Shield)"

As Jerry raised his arm lightly, the wand in his hand drew an elegant arc in front of him.

In an instant, a dark blue magic energy ring expanded grandly under his feet.

Accompanied by a low buzzing sound, the blue fire spurted out from the energy ring like a violent beast. The flames surged and rose, completely covering Jerry.

As the fierce fire rose, a huge blue fire dragon gradually condensed and took shape at the top of the flame. Its fiery body hovered in the air, making low roars!

"Hiss! (Hurry up and stop him!)" Voldemort, who was hiding aside, saw the terrifying fire dragon in the sky. For a long time, he couldn't believe that this was a spell cast by a second-year wizard, and then decisively ordered to the basilisk.

Unfortunately, before the basilisk could get close to Jerry, his body was scorched black due to the scorching heat, and he had to retreat.

"Finally found a flaw!" Although Jerry did not open his eyes, he had been sensing the magic around him. Just now, Voldemort finally showed a trace of magic fluctuation, which also allowed Jerry to lock the opponent's position.

The purpose of the magic spell of using fire shield to protect yourself is not the basilisk, otherwise it would not be summoning a fire dragon!

After all, the basilisk is full of treasures and has a lot of magic materials he needs. It would be a pity to burn it on fire.

Jerry's real purpose is to use the fire shield to protect himself and spread the fire controlled by him around, forcing Voldemort and his henchmen to show up.


Invisible power was released from the tip of the wand and rushed towards a big tree not far away!

The big trees were all chopped down, and the people hiding in the shadows behind the trees let out a painful groan!

A short figure appeared, holding an old diary in his hand, curled up on the ground, struggling in pain!

"Peter, you idiot exposed our location!"

"Master...save...save me!"

"Hiss! (Take us away!)" Voldemort said to the basilisk unwillingly.

Then the basilisk took Peter Pettigrew by the collar and rushed toward the Black Lake.

"Jerry, this matter is not over yet. Wait, I will definitely come back!"

"Haha!" Jerry smiled, of course you have to come back, otherwise who will be the sacrifice for me!

"Your Majesty, are you okay? You really scared me to death just now!"

"It's okay!" After Jerry waited for the basilisk to leave, he finally opened his eyes and checked the injuries on his body. Fortunately, they were just scratches. Just go back and apply some medicine!

"Hurry up and deal with these flames first! Otherwise, the professors will arrive later!" Jerry removed the fire shield. Without the blessing of magic power, the fire dragon also dissipated, and then looked at the fire dragon that was still going on. Said the sporadic flames spreading outward.

"Your Majesty, leave it to me! Finite Incantatem"

Soon, all remaining flames were extinguished.

"Your Majesty, let's go back first!"

Jerry checked it over and made sure it was OK, then he and Catherine left the scene.

Not long after the two left, several professors from Hogwarts arrived in a hurry.

"It looks like there was a big battle here!" Snape said, looking at the marks scorched by the fire on the ground.

"Albus, could it be Voldemort!"

"Don't worry, Minerva!"

Dumbledore frowned slightly as he looked at the familiar traces of spells on the scene.

"Severus, come with me!" Dumbledore patted Snape on the shoulder and whispered after walking around the scene.

"This, this is..." Snape followed Dumbledore to the big tree chopped down by the Shadowless Curse, and froze on the spot.

"Did you teach him the curse you invented?"

Snape looked at Dumbledore, and after a moment of silence, nodded.

"I didn't expect Severus that you would teach the Shadowless Curse to Jerry! But it seems that he mastered it well. Jerry won tonight!" Dumbledore pointed to the blood stains around the big tree and said.

In the private lounge, as soon as Jerry came in, he was pushed down on the sofa by Catherine.

"No need to bother, it's just a scratch!" Jerry said after watching Catherine run over holding a large medical kit.

"Your Majesty, let's take care of the wound first! Be careful to leave any scars!"

"Is that white essence you're holding in your hand?" Jerry said after looking at the bottle in Catherine's hand.

I just have a scratch, so just use white essence! What a luxury!

Catherine lightly sprinkled the white essence on his wound, and a stream of light green smoke immediately rose up.

After the smoke dissipated, the original wound seemed to have healed for several days, and the surface was covered with a new layer of skin.

"Your Majesty, I'm afraid Voldemort won't let it go!" Catherine asked, looking at Jerry who was getting dressed after applying the medicine.

"Don't worry, just think of it as a night to accompany him to stretch his muscles, so that he won't always worry about things he shouldn't be thinking about! And it won't be long before Dumbledore's Phoenix Fawkes has fully recovered. By then, the basilisk will be very interested in me. Basically there is no threat at all!"

"As for Voldemort...he is still not resurrected after all. Horcruxes are really limited in what they can do!"

Chapter 127 I admit that I am gambling!

"You are hurt?"

Early the next morning, Jerry was cornered in the Slytherin common room by Snape. When other students passing by saw Snape's ugly expression, they quickly moved away and did not dare to get close.

"Professor Snape, why do you ask that?" Jerry lowered his head and glanced at himself. There was no sign of injury! The wound healed last night in Catherine's private lounge!

"Do you think I have no nose?" Snape glared at Jerry, "I can't smell the scent of white essence!"

Jerry: "..."

Forgot that Snape is not the "shock wave" potion master like Lockhart!

"I'm curious, what kind of injury did you suffer last night? You used the white fresh essence!"

"Would you believe me if I said it was just a scratch?"

"Haha!" Snape sneered, "As long as you don't die in Hogwarts and cause us trouble! Principal Dumbledore is looking for you, the password is: pile of cockroaches!"

After saying that, he turned around and left the lounge.

Jerry looked at Snape's back and sighed.

The world is evil and people’s hearts are not ancient! For an honest and reliable person like me, no one would believe the truth!

"Professor, are you looking for me?"

In the principal's office, after Jerry knocked on the door and entered, he looked at Dumbledore who was busy at his desk early in the morning and asked.

"Sorry Jerry, I called you here so early. Please sit on the sofa for a while. I'll be right back!"

Jerry nodded, but instead of sitting quietly and waiting for Dumbledore to complete his official duties, he came to Phoenix Fawkes.

At this time, Fox's body had grown a lot, and he no longer looked as ugly as when he had just completed Nirvana. The bright feathers on his body had grown back.

Jerry touched the phoenix's feathers. It was warm and comfortable, and felt as smooth as silk. It is definitely a good hand warmer in winter!

"The phoenix is ​​a very magical animal. Even in the hot summer, you won't feel hot when you touch its feathers!" After Dumbledore finished his official duties, he came to Jerry and saw him hugging Fox. Then, he smiled.

"It's really amazing!"

Among magical animals, the phoenix can deal damage, resist damage, and produce milk. It is definitely the top of the pyramid!

"Come and sit down! Jerry, you should know why I came to you! Don't you have anything to say?"

"Of course!" Jerry said after putting down Fox: "Voldemort asked me to duel last night the night before yesterday!"

Dumbledore: "..."

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