"Haha! Madam, I don't know what you are talking about! And I have the right to refuse your interview!"

"Do you want to hide the truth! Jerry Green, I heard that you were still an orphan, tsk tsk! How pitiful! Do you still remember your parents? Do you resent them?"

"Haha! See you next time, ma'am!" Jerry looked at Rita Skeeter, his smile getting brighter and brighter.

Jerry stretched his hand forward, and next to Rita Skeeter, the dark green shorthand quill that had been writing automatically flew into his hand along with the paper full of messy words.

"I can't give this to you!" Rita Skeeter saw this and wanted to come over to snatch it, but Jerry nimbly dodged it.

"Some words cannot be said carelessly, and some things cannot be written carelessly!"

As Jerry's voice fell, flames emerged, and the paper and the quill instantly disappeared into ashes in his hand!

Rita Skeeter looked at Jerry's leaving figure in shock.

In Catherine's private lounge, after Jerry left the hall, he came straight here!

"What makes Your Majesty so angry?"

After Catherine saw Jerry sitting on the sofa in silence, she came to his side and sat down.

"It's just a disgusting bed bug!"

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content!

"Your Majesty, you need my help..."

"No!" Jerry shook his head, smiled at Catherine, and then said decisively, "Go and help me check Rita Skeeter's detailed information. Don't rush to do it yet. You understand me. Do you mean it?"

Hearing this, Catherine paused her hands, and then suddenly said with a bright smile: "I understand, your Majesty, don't worry! I will find out soon!"


While talking, Jerry suddenly sat up from the sofa and looked towards the crack of the door. A small beetle was struggling to crawl into the private lounge.

Really looking for death! Jerry thought to himself.

"Don't move!" Jerry put his hand on Catherine's shoulder, held down the hand that was about to take out the wand, and whispered in her ear.

Not long after, the beetle finally squeezed in through the narrow crack in the door and slowly landed on the table not far from Jerry. Jerry, with his sharp eyesight and quick hands, quickly grabbed an empty glass on the coffee table and placed it over the beetle accurately.

The bottom of the glass was pressed tightly against the table, forming a perfect cage to trap the beetle within.

"Your Majesty, this is Animag..."

"Shh! It's good to know!" Jerry interrupted Catherine, took out his wand, and quickly cast a stun spell on the beetle.


"I'll leave this bug to you! Take your time and give her an unforgettable memory. Just don't kill her!" Jerry said to Catherine.

"Don't worry! Your Majesty, I know what to do!" Catherine smiled softly, and then said cruelly to Rita Skeeter.

Chapter 117 It’s not like the bridesmaids are good people!

"Jerry, where have you been? We've been looking for you for a long time!" Hermione, Harry and others were sitting at the long table. When they saw Jerry, they waved to him and asked loudly.

"I'm off to get rid of the pests!"

"Pests? Isn't your Slytherin lounge underground? How could bugs fly in?" Harry looked behind Jerry in the direction of the Slytherin lounge, scratched his head, and asked in confusion, "Did you say The pest is Malfoy? Then he is!"

Jerry smiled and shook his head, then pointed at Malfoy, who was walking towards him behind him.

"Potter, are you talking about yourself? That's true! Look at those people lying in the infirmary, none of them have anything to do with you! Colin's mud..."

The word mudblood almost blurted out subconsciously. Malfoy was so scared that he quickly covered his mouth. Then he glanced at Jerry secretly. Seeing that he didn't care about him, he mocked: "I heard that poor Colin is yours." Fans? Tsk! How pitiful. I didn’t expect you, Potter, to be so cruel to your own people!"

Hearing Malfoy's sinister taunt, Harry's face turned red and warm.

Gan! Malfoy, did you kiss Snape? So poisonous!

When Ron heard the other party's sarcastic words, he took out his wand without hesitation, determined to teach him a profound lesson.

Oh shit! Malfoy!

Malfoy's two followers, Goyle and Crabbe, were also unwilling to be outdone and assumed a fighting stance.

The atmosphere is tense and tense, and the situation is about to break out! Even Hermione secretly took out her wand, just in case!

Jerry looked relaxed and watched the tense confrontation between the two sides leisurely. Then she pressed down Hermione's wand and pointed at Snape, who was looking gloomy not far behind.

"I must remind you that although Hogwarts is a magic school, magic is not allowed to be used casually in the halls and corridors! So, do you want to get a confinement?"

Snape glanced at several people and then said coldly.

"Professor Snape, he was the one who provoked me first!" Harry pointed at Malfoy, who was standing next to Snape, still smiling playfully.

"Professor, don't listen to their nonsense, Weasley raised the wand first!"

"Shut up!" Seeing that the two sides were about to argue again, Snape shouted to stop it. Then he gave Malfoy a stern look and signaled him to leave.

"Goodbye then, Potter!" Malfoy received Snape's signal and said goodbye to Harry in a mocking tone before leaving the hall.

"Pote, you'd better be careful in the next time, I will keep an eye on you!" After Malfoy left with his followers, Snape took a deep look at Harry and warned coldly. After saying a few words, he left the hall.

"Snape is too partial to Malfoy and the others..."

"Yes, it's obviously them..."

Jerry looked at the angry Harrys sitting nearby and shook his head. Of all the people present, he might be the only one who really understood what Snape meant!

The night falls, the stars twinkle, and everything is silent.

After completing the daily spell practice task with the puppet in the Room of Requirement, Jerry returned to the Slytherin lounge, but instead of going back to his dormitory, he went directly to Catherine's room.

"Catherine, where's Rita Skeeter?" Jerry glanced around the room and then asked Catherine.

"Your Majesty, don't worry, please come with me!"

Catherine led Jerry to a closet in the room. She took out her wand and tapped lightly on the closet door. As the door handle rotates, the wardrobe door slowly opens, revealing its internal structure.

There were no clothes in the closet, instead there was a staircase leading down.

A traceless extension spell! Jerry thought to himself.

"Your Majesty, please!"

As the stairs went deeper into the closet, Jerry discovered that this hidden room was surprisingly spacious, covering an area of ​​about fifty square meters.

The interior was completely emptied, without a trace of objects or decorations.

And in this empty room, the only eye-catching thing was Rita Skeeter, who was suspended in mid-air by magic in the center, her flesh and blood already mutilated.

So cruel!

Jerry walked closer and observed the horrific wounds on her face that were still bleeding. He shuddered a little, and then glanced at Catherine in surprise.

It’s not like the bridesmaids are nice people!

I didn't expect that she, who usually seemed gentle and obedient to her words, would be so ruthless!

Is this a contrasting girl? Love it, love it!

"Your Majesty, are you satisfied?" Catherine looked at Rita Skeeter and asked.

"Hmm... not bad!" Jerry touched his nose and smiled, "Are you fainted or dead?"

"Don't worry, your Majesty, Rita Skeeter has fainted! I deliberately avoided dangerous positions when torturing her!" Catherine said, the wand in her hand sent out a long white whip of light, and struck Rita fiercely. ·Skeeter smoked away.

Under the constant whipping of the whip, Rita Skeeter finally woke up from her coma, but she no longer had the strength to make a sound.

"Catherine, stop first! Don't beat me to death!" Jerry stopped Catherine who wanted to continue torturing her. "Have you found the information I asked you to check?"

"Of course!" Catherine said after stopping the wand in her hand, "But Your Majesty, this is not the right place to talk about this. Let's go back to the lounge!"

Jerry nodded, then walked along the stairs and returned to the lounge.

"Your Majesty, here you go! This is Rita Skeeter's information."

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In the private lounge, Catherine picked up a pamphlet from the bookshelf and handed it to Jerry.

"What a pity!" Jerry flipped through the information after taking it, and found in the family column that her parents died young.

"What's wrong, Your Majesty! Is there anything missing?" Catherine noticed Jerry's slightly frowned brows and asked softly.

"It's okay, you did a good job and you are very capable!"

Jerry sighed and closed the document. Now he had a headache about how to deal with Rita Skeeter!

Erase the memory and let her go?

This is definitely not possible. If you forget the pain and fear, then what's the point of catching her and torturing her! It’s better to just kill him!

Control it directly with magic spells? Or threatening Alimagus with her being illegal?

Jerry thought about it and still thought it wouldn't work! It will be a hidden danger sooner or later if you control it and release it, it is easier to just kill it!

"Your Majesty, are you thinking about what to do with Rita Skeeter?"

Jerry nodded, then looked at Catherine and asked, "What do you do?"

"Leave it to me, I will take care of it." Catherine sat next to Jerry, leaned gently on him, and said with a smile, "I will erase her memory of us today and let her return to her original life. At the same time, , use the nightmare spell to turn today's events into her nightmare so that she can never forget it. In this way, she will neither pose a threat to us nor forget the pain and fear of today!"

See, this is called professionalism!

But luckily you are on my side! Jerry looked at the smiling Catherine and thought to himself.

Then I gave her an appreciative look, you still understand my thoughts!

"Alas! Who told me to be kind-hearted? Just do what you say, Catherine!"

Chapter 118 Don’t say anything that is not conducive to unity

In the early morning, Jerry was called to the principal's office by Dumbledore as soon as he got up. Fox was finally about to die!

As soon as he entered the principal's office, Jerry stared at the old Fox standing on a tall gilded perch.

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