"one two three!"

As the numbers fell, the two raised their wands over their shoulders almost simultaneously.

Jerry didn't even recite the disarming spell, but suddenly saw a dazzling red light flashing from the tip of his wand. At the same time, Lockhart flew away from the stage in an instant as if being hit by a strong wind, and was hit hard. on the wall, then slid down and curled up on the floor.

At this moment, the whole place was silent, eyes fixed on Jerry.

Is Jerry Green too strong or Lockhart too weak? At this moment, this question appeared in the minds of all students present.

The Slytherin students looked at everyone present with contempt!

Look at you two, you two have never seen the world, it’s just a small scene!

"Is Jerry that strong? Lockhart is still a professor after all!" Ron and Neville looked at Hermione and asked.

"I don't know either! I just know that he is very powerful!"

"Harry, do you know? Didn't you deal with the mysterious man with him last semester?"

"At that time...I fainted! I don't know what happened!"

Everyone: "..."

hiss! Jerry also gasped, he was startled just now, but luckily he restrained his magic power in time, otherwise Lockhart might really have to go to the infirmary and lie down all night!

"Professor Lockhart, are you okay?"

Jerry looked at Lockhart, who was lying on the ground motionless for a long time, and asked worriedly.

"No...it's okay!" Lockhart said vaguely after he stood up slowly while holding on to the wall.

After sorting out his clothes, Lockhart said to everyone: "The wrong operation I just demonstrated was deliberate. I hope everyone can learn something from it. As for Jerry, I hope you don't get hurt because of it." Mind you, I have actually seen through your intention just now."

He paused, looked around at the people present, and continued: "Actually, I think letting them see it with their own eyes is sometimes more meaningful than simply preaching. This will not only help them understand more intuitively what we do Everything can also make them understand that some things are not as simple as imagined. Therefore, I decided to let them see the follow-up development of this 'mistake'..."

"Professor, your nose is bleeding!"

Lockhart heard this, touched under his nose, and then waved his hand, "Oh! It's okay. I'm currently studying a magic related to the nose. Nosebleeds are normal!"

"Professor, your nose is still bleeding, and it's getting more and more bleeding!"

"It's okay, it's just a little blood. Just treat it as promoting blood circulation!" Lockhart covered his nose and said, "Jerry, let's demonstrate it next time! Professor Snape, I'll leave this to you for the time being. If you get any blood on it, My expensive coat is here, I’ll change it and I’ll come right back!”

After saying that, without waiting for anyone to react, he ran towards the infirmary!

"Wait a minute, professor, you're running in the wrong direction! The infirmary is over there..."

Chapter 114 Make the Wu Cui Party great again!

As Lockhart left, the students from the surrounding colleges became excited!

The cheers and shouts shook the sky.

Among all the students, the Slytherin students looked at Jerry with the most complicated eyes.

Although Jerry is their own Slytherin, they also admit that Jerry is powerful, but why the hell don't you play according to the routine!

The second year is already halfway over, and you don’t want to win over us pure-blood nobles, serve as Slytherin prefects, and then serve as student council president, and establish your own organization after graduation?

You are also from an orphanage and have extraordinary talents. Why are you different from others!

What about your ambitions as a Slytherin?

The key is how did you end up hanging out with Gryffindor people?

If Jerry knew what they were thinking, he would scoff!

You bunch of insects are worthy of my win over! Then I can't "make money on my knees!", it's too chilling!

When Voldemort was young, he was also a "young man with three qualities" who needed black magic for his character, black magic for his qualities, and black magic for his cultivation!

He can also be called a decent man, a man who poops in the latrine with his face facing outward!

What now? Humans are not human, ghosts are not ghosts!

Look at the Wiccan Party, they are elegant and refined; look at you Death Eaters... what the hell are you?

I, Jerry Green, still need to win over you?

At worst, I'll go home and inherit the family business!

He had already thought of the slogan, and it was called "Make the Umchu Party great again!"

Make Alliance Great Again (MAGA!)

Nothing wrong!

"Everyone be quiet!" Snape raised his wand to signal everyone to quiet down.

Jerry shrugged at him and then spread his hands!

Old bat, I have completed your mission!

Snape ignored Jerry and instead stared at the surrounding students with a murderous expression.

After a while, everyone chose to close their mouths and became quiet due to the pressure from Snape's eyes.

"The demonstration is over! Professor Lockhart has something to leave, and I will temporarily take his place!"

When Harry heard this, he quickly lowered his head, fearing that Snape would see him, and then slowly retreated back into the crowd.

But apparently Harry underestimated the attraction of his green eyes to Snape!

"Now, all of you will be divided into groups of two, and then practice the disarming spell just now!"

After saying that, he walked into the crowd and helped the students to pair up.

"I think your dream team should be broken up," Snape said with a smile. "Weasley, you can form a team with Seamus Finnigan. Damn..."

Harry subconsciously moved closer to Neville.

"I don't think so." Snape smiled coldly on his face, "Malfoy, come here. Let's see who is more powerful between you and the famous Poto, and try whether his strength is comparable to his. As famous as you are! As for you, Miss Granger..."

Snape looked behind Malfoy, a tall, strong, stocky Slytherin girl, Burst, who looked like a dominatrix, with a fat chin.


"Professor Snape, Granger is with me!" Jerry interrupted before Snape could finish.

Snape looked at Jerry with a sullen face, then nodded and turned to leave.

"Huh~ Professor Snape's face just now was really scary! Fortunately, Jerry is here!" Hermione patted her chest and let out a long sigh of relief.

Jerry smiled and said nothing.

"Face your partner!" Snape quickly moved through the crowd, and after arranging everyone, returned to the stage carefully prepared by Lockhart, and shouted, "Take a bow!"

"Everyone raise your wands and get ready!" Snape said loudly, "When I count to three, I will cast a spell to disarm the opponent. Remember what I said, it is just a disarming spell to disarm the weapon. I will not Hope there’s an accident.”

"Hermione, we don't need to worry about them. Just cast the disarming spell on me when you are ready. Let me see your spell!"

"Oh well!"

Hermione took a deep breath and pointed her wand at Jerry.


The tip of Hermione's wand burst out with red light, like an arrow ready to be fired, and shot at Jerry quickly. The red light, with the sound of breaking through the air, rushed towards the invisible barrier in front of Jerry at lightning speed.

The moment the red light hit the barrier, there was a "dong" sound, as dull and crisp as morning bells and evening drums. The attack of the curse caused the barrier to create circles of pale white ripples, as if a stone had been thrown into the calm lake surface, and the ripples spread out layer by layer.

"Not bad, the strength is a bit low, continue!" Jerry just stood there without any defensive movements.

He wasn't worried that Hermione could break the barrier, let alone her alone, even with a few more people it would be useless!

The spell in front of Jerry is an armor spell that he found in Grindelwald's notebook and was modified by Grindelwald.

When Grindelwald was disguised as the senior Auror Percival Graves in the United States, he relied on this spell to head-on the Auror of the American Ministry of Magic!

Many Aurors bombarded Grindelwald without breaking the barrier, let alone Hermione now.

"Is this...the armor spell? When did you cast it? Is it a silent spell again?" Hermione stopped and asked curiously after seeing that her spell could not break through Jerry's defense for a long time.

"It's an armor charm! But have you ever learned the disarming charm in private before? I think you were quite proficient in using it just now!"

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"I practiced according to the content in last year's Defense Against the Dark Arts textbook! Are there any questions?"

"The angle of waving the wand is too great. Pull it inward and try again."

"Really!" Hermione raised her wand again, ready to do it again!


The red light appeared again. The power of the spell was not much greater than the first time, but the speed and smoothness of the magic were greatly improved.

"It's true! The spell feels smoother to use!"

"Of course, no matter how I look, my eyes are rulers!" Jerry said confidently.

"Jerry, you are so awesome!"

Others were not as harmonious as Jerry and the others, and Malfoy was even more ungrateful. He attacked Harry in advance before Snape could count to three.

The wand hit Harry hard like a frying pan, hitting him in the head.

What a shame! Is the wand meant for you to use as a baseball bat? Jerry glanced at Malfoy and thought to himself, it was simply not something a noble and elegant wizard could do.

Harry stumbled, then took the opportunity to point his wand at Malfoy.

"Tickling Charm"

A flash of silver struck Malfoy in the stomach, causing him to double over and fall to his knees, paralyzed with laughter.

"Ha! Ha! Ha!" Malfoy laughed desperately, and then finally remembered the correct way to open the wand, pointed the wand at Harry's knee, and said with laughter and breath: "Dancing Feet Spell." "

Harry suddenly found that his legs were twitching uncontrollably, as if dancing a jig, at a dizzying speed. He tried hard to stop, but his body seemed to have a consciousness of its own and kept moving quickly on the floor.

Of the two people, one collapsed on the ground laughing loudly, and the other stood in front of him and kept dancing. The scene was surprisingly "harmonious".

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