He was indeed quite interested in what Malfoy said. If it was a "Mudblood" or something like that, he would go to him to settle the score tomorrow... no, tonight.

Malfoy was speaking ill of him behind his back. The worst he could do was close his eyes and teach him a lesson, unable to see his misery. It would be a draw between the two parties, which was reasonable!

"Dobby can't say it, Dobby can't say it! Bad Dobby!"

"Stop! Stop! Stop!" Jerry quickly stopped Dobby from banging his head on the ground. "Answer my other questions first. What's the matter with following me for so long?"

Jerry didn't like Dobby, but he definitely didn't dislike him.

"Sir, Harry Potter, he is in danger now!"

"Then you go find Harry Potter! Why are you following me?"

"He doesn't believe me, Potter doesn't believe Dobby!"

Jerry was really impatient with the noise, "This is Hogwarts, and with Professor Dumbledore here, he won't be in danger!"

"Sir, what I said is true! Harry Potter is really in danger! Dobby is so useless!" Dobby thought Jerry didn't believe it, so he banged his head on the ground!

"Stop first, let me tell you something! Harry and the others will probably need your help within the next month, so just give them a hand!"

Dobby is of course useful. Among the medicinal materials required for the polyjuice potion, the bicorn horns and dried African tree snake skin strips are only available in Snape's personal collection. Dobby can just steal them when the time comes.

"Really? Harry Potter needs Dobby's help!"

"He will need your help! But you can't tell anyone about the Room of Requirement tonight, including Harry! Otherwise I will definitely kill you!"

"Don't worry, Mr. Green, Dobby won't tell anyone!"

Jerry nodded and waved his hand to lift the thunder barrier.

"Thank you, Mr. Green. If you need anything, please let Dobby know. Dobby will do his best to complete it!"

"No, you go back first! Just don't disturb me!"

"Goodbye, Mr. Green!" After saying that, he left the Room of Requirement.

"How rare are house elves who yearn for freedom!" Jerry murmured to himself.

Jerry remembered that Dobby's death had a great impact on Harry. Harry learned Occlumency only after Dobby died.

Chapter 101 Too big, too fragrant!

In the morning light of early winter, the first day of November arrives quietly. The breeze was gentle and cool, and Hogwarts Castle was looming in the light morning mist.

"is that true?"

"Really, they've all been sent to the school infirmary!"

"It's terrible, will we..."

After getting up and washing up and coming to the hall, Jerry frowned slightly and found that the atmosphere here was extremely tense. Almost everyone looked hasty and lowered their heads, whispering. There was an uneasy feeling in the air.

"Jerry, this way!"

"What happened? What happened to everyone?" Jerry came to Hermione and pointed to the nervous students around him.

"Ron's sister Ginny was attacked this morning. Ron and Harry rushed to the infirmary!" Hermione said with the same uneasy tone.

"Are you sure this is Ron's sister, Ginny Weasley?"

Jerry knew that Hogwarts would definitely be uneasy during this period, but he didn't expect that Ginny Weasley would be attacked. Was it the basilisk? Is Voldemort crazy?

"How's the situation? Are you petrified too?"

"I don't know," Hermione shook her head, "I heard she fell into a coma!"

Could it be the apostles who did it! Jerry thought to himself.

Voldemort needed the help of Ginny Weasley to resurrect him. Logically speaking, nothing would happen to her now. Moreover, since there was no death or petrification, it was probably not the fault of the basilisk.

"Let's go to the infirmary and see Ginny too!"

Jerry nodded and agreed. He also wanted to find out what happened.

"Wait a minute, I forgot my things in the dormitory, and I have to go back first. Hermione, go to the infirmary first! I'll be there right away!"

Jerry, who originally planned to go to the infirmary with Hermione, turned around and saw Catherine appearing in the hall, and immediately realized that things were not that simple.

Catherine rarely moved around the castle, let alone appeared in a crowded hall.

"Okay! Jerry, I'll leave first. I'll wait for you in the infirmary!"

After sending Hermione away, Jerry gave Catherine a look, indicating that he would meet her in the private lounge, and left the hall.

"Why are you so anxious to see me? Did it happen this morning?" Jerry asked impatiently as soon as he entered the private lounge.

"Yes, Your Majesty! Ginny Weasley was attacked by a basilisk this morning!"

"Basilisk? Are you mistaken?" Jerry looked at her in disbelief, "You mean Voldemort did it? How is this possible!"

"Your Majesty, it's not Voldemort. The Horcrux is still in the hands of Ginny Weasley. At present, we don't know why the Basilisk acted without permission."

"Your Majesty, do you think it could be...after all, apart from you and Voldemort, he is the only one with the ability to speak Parseltongue." Catherine said, looking at Jerry who was deep in thought on the sofa.

"It can't be him. Harry Potter's Parselmouth ability is not as good as mine, and he can't command the Basilisk at all!" Jerry shook his head, "Besides the three of us, there are other Parselmouth abilities. Does it exist?"

"Absolutely not. Voldemort is the last descendant of the Gaunt family."

"Don't act without permission. Dumbledore should be in the infirmary now. I'll go find him to confirm some things. I'll come to you tonight!" Jerry said after a moment.

"Catherine understands!"

In the school infirmary, when Jerry came in, there were already many people inside. In addition to Dumbledore and several deans, the four Weasley brothers also stood aside with worried faces.

"How's it going?" Jerry came in and patted Hermione on the shoulder from behind.

"Madam Pomfrey said nothing is wrong. She was just frightened and passed out. It won't take long for her to wake up!"

"It's okay!" Jerry said comforting words, but he was a little surprised. He didn't expect that he was attacked by the basilisk and didn't get hurt at all.

Could it be that Voldemort commanded the basilisk to scare Ginny Weasley on purpose? Jerry thought to himself.

If it is true, Lao Fu! Don't blame me for despising you, you are just like Brother Dao biting a lighter, and you have no job!

"Get out, all of you, don't let so many people gather around here. The patient needs to rest now."

Madam Pomfrey walked in with the potion and rushed people out.

"Hermione, you go back with them first, I have something to do with Professor Dumbledore!"

Hermione nodded and agreed. She knew Jerry's relationship with Dumbledore, so now he should ask Ginny about it.

"I'm here, Jerry!"

"Did you know I was looking for you?" Jerry asked, looking at Dumbledore by the wall.

"Sometimes it's easy to guess your thoughts," Dumbledore shrugged and said with a smile, "You are more curious than anyone else! Let's go to the principal's office to talk. This is not the place to talk!"

Jerry did not refute, but followed his footsteps to the principal's office.

"This attack is different from the last one!" Dumbledore said as soon as he entered the principal's office.

"No, it's all the basilisk's doing."

After hearing Jerry's words, Dumbledore's expression instantly became solemn. He dropped his previous relaxed attitude and looked at Jerry with serious eyes.

"Look what I'm doing! I didn't do it!"

what does it mean! Am I such a cruel person? Jerry groaned inwardly.

Dumbledore: "..."

Judging from Dumbledore's expression, he should also know that the Horcrux is in Ginny's hands. He is really generous and not afraid of anything happening!

"I'm not doubting you! According to you, apart from Voldemort's Horcrux in Ginny's hand, the only one who has the ability to do it is... Harry!"

My dear, there is more to come after this chapter. Please click on the next page to continue reading. There will be more exciting chapters later!

"No, although Harry sometimes looks like the young Voldemort, there are some things that Harry has that Voldemort does not!" Dumbledore shook his head.

Ah, yes, yes! Compared with Harry, Voldemort indeed has neither a nose nor eyebrows nor hair!

"Jerry, are you sure it wasn't the apostle who did this?"

"I just asked before I came here, it wasn't them!"

Dumbledore sat on the sofa, sighed and became silent.

When Jerry looked at Dumbledore, he knew that he couldn't get any useful information. If he knew that he could also speak Parseltongue, he wouldn't be suspicious!

Let’s change the subject! Otherwise...Jerry, you said you don't know Parseltongue!

"Professor, the basilisk is too dangerous. Sooner or later something will happen in Hogwarts. Why don't you just destroy it?"

"Not yet, and the basilisk is Harry's mission. You don't have to worry about it, Jerry. You just need to pay attention to the Horcruxes."

Jerry really couldn't figure out what was going on in this old man's head!

"Professor, I don't understand. Is Harry that important? Now that we know the Horcruxes, Voldemort shouldn't be difficult for you and Grindelwald to deal with!"

"Jerry, as long as you are here, I won't worry even if Voldemort is resurrected. It's just an apostle... Jerry, do you know that before you, there were two existences similar to you?"

"I know," Jerry said with a frown, "Catherine already told me!"

"But the problem is that the apostles didn't record them. No one knows who they were, what they did, and what happened to them in the end!"

Jerry has been thinking about this. The last time he asked Catherine, she claimed to have told Jerry everything she knew, and judging from her performance, it didn't look like she was lying.

But according to what she said, people from the Ferris family have been serving as archbishops since the birth of the apostolic organization, so even if there is no record, her family should know something more or less.

So either Catherine lied to him, or there is something wrong with Kevin Ferris or these bishops!

But the piece of bread was too big and too fragrant to hold up to the apostles. Who wouldn’t want to eat it?

Moreover, everyone in the organization is full of talents and they speak well!

Chapter 102 It must be Malfoy!

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