Last year, the twins attended this event out of curiosity. Anyway, Jerry watched them walk out vomiting while supporting each other.

When I asked them later, I found out that they had eaten moldy and rotten food at the party! Jerry almost couldn't help but applaud them. These were real Gryffindor students!

"Death anniversary party?" Hermione seemed to be very interested in this event, but after seeing Jerry's resistance, she hesitated, "Jerry, are you really not going to attend? This is the first time I've heard of the death anniversary party!"

Jerry still shook his head, Hermione saw this, thoughtfully, and then rejected Harry!

"Why would someone celebrate the day of their death? It sounds very unlucky!" Ron asked dissatisfiedly, before continuing to immerse himself in his Potions homework.

In the end, among the few people, only Harry, Neville and Ron participated, although Ron was a little reluctant.

Fred and George Weasley were discussing the effects of giving fireworks to a salamander. After Harry saw it, he also extended an invitation to them.

When the twins heard that they were going to a death anniversary party, they immediately shook their heads and waved their hands, indicating that they did not want to participate.

But like Jerry, they did not reveal the true situation of the party to Harry and others.

Before leaving, they winked at Jerry and shook their heads slightly to indicate to him not to tell Harry and the others. Jerry understood, smiled knowingly, and nodded.

After dinner, Jerry whispered in Hermione's ear and asked: "Hermione, aren't you very interested in the death anniversary party? Why didn't you attend just now?"

"Let Harry and the others participate first! If it's interesting, they can also participate next year!" After saying that, he winked at Jerry.

Ouch! Does this little witch have so many thoughts? Jerry thought to himself.

"It's a pity, Hermione, you won't attend this year. If you want to go next year, you will have to attend alone. I guess after Harry and the others come back from the party, they will never want to attend the death anniversary party again in their lives!"

"I knew it!" Hermione patted Jerry's arm and said, "Jerry, if you are so resistant, nothing good will happen!"

Jerry smiled and said: "Let me tell you, last year the Weasley twins participated..."

On the eve of Halloween, the atmosphere in the school is extremely cheerful, and everyone is immersed in the Halloween carnival.

Gorgeous decorations, mysterious pumpkin lanterns, and tempting candies filled the entire campus with a joyful atmosphere.

Except for Harry!

"Okay, I guess I regret it a little!" Harry looked at the lively scene in the hall and said to Ron next to him.

"Once a promise is made, it is hard to keep it back. You promised Nearly Headless Nick to attend his death anniversary party."

Before Ron could speak, the twin brothers appeared from nowhere and answered Harry's question!

"Do you two know about the party?" Ron looked at his two brothers in front of him, and an unpleasant feeling came to his heart.

"Hurry up! The death anniversary party is about to start, hurry up and don't be late!"

Fred and George did not answer Ron's question, but urged them to hurry up.

Seeing this, Harry swallowed and headed to the cold, dark basement with Ron and Neville, who also looked uneasy.

The magic school is different, the decorative bats on the ceiling are actually alive! Jerry thought to himself.

"Good evening, you two!"

After Fred and George "escorted" Harry and the others to the death anniversary party, they came to the hall and greeted Jerry and Hermione.

"What are you doing?" Seeing the excitement of the two of them, Jerry couldn't help but asked curiously.

"We just sent Harry and his friends to attend the death anniversary party. I believe they will have an unforgettable night!"

"Baby Ronnie will definitely understand how much we love him!"

Jerry, Hermione: "..."

The party in the Hogwarts hall was very exciting. Dumbledore also invited a skeleton dance troupe to perform a very... skinny dance for everyone.

"Jerry," Malfoy ran over to the Slytherin table with Goyle and Crabbe, "Have you seen Potter? I searched for him all night and couldn't find him!"

Jerry looked at Malfoy strangely, "What are you looking for him for?"

"I'm not looking for him! I just see that he's not here. Jerry, Potter must be doing something that violates school rules now. As long as I catch him..."

"He is attending the death anniversary party in the basement. Go find him!" Jerry waved his hand impatiently.

"Boss, shall we go find Potter now?" Gower asked after getting the answer.

"Of course, let's go!"


In the dark and cold basement, Malfoy and his team held up their wands, looking for Harry.

"Boss, is this here? Will Jerry Green lie to us? After all, he and the Gryffindor people..."

"Quiet, you idiot!" Malfoy cursed after hearing Goyle's words.

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"Boss, it's getting late. Could it be that we're late? Potter has gone back!" Crabbe looked at the dark and cold environment around him and couldn't help but shudder.

"Okay! Let's let Potter go first and go back!" After Malfoy said that, he turned around and ran out of the basement quickly!

In the corridor, the three people running wildly and running out of the basement gasped for air.

"Potter was lucky this time!" Malfoy said harshly, leaning against the wall. Then he looked up and saw a message written in blood on the wall not far away: The secret room has been opened. Those who are enemies of the heir, beware.

And the Potter he was talking about was standing in front of the word in blood.

"Ah~ Potter killed someone!"

The impact of the picture was so great that Malfoy and the two followers were so frightened that they screamed and ran back to the hall!

"Professor, Potter, Potter killed someone!"

The party was still being celebrated in the hall, and the three Malfoys ran to the front of the professor's dining area in terror, screaming loudly.

"Mr. Malfoy, please calm down first! Calm down!" Dumbledore said with a frown, "What happened?"

"Teach...Professor, just front...of the...corridor..."

Dumbledore saw this, glanced at Snape, and led the professors to the corridor where the incident occurred.

Hermione ran up to Jerry, and she was also startled.

"What happened?"

"Let's follow him and take a look first!"

The corridor not far from the toilet where Myrtle was located was already crowded with students. When Jerry and Hermione arrived, Filch was questioning Harry.

His cat, Lady Norris, was petrified, her body stiff, her tail hanging from a burning torch holder on the wall.

All the professors looked serious, but Lockhart was jumping up and down completely unaware of the seriousness of the matter.

"Now, all students go back to their dormitories! The prefects are looking after the students in each house!" Dumbledore said seriously. "Mr. Malfoy, you three come with me to the Headmaster's office. I want to know what's going on."

"Jerry, come with me too! I have something to tell you." Before leaving, Dumbledore told Jerry.

Jerry frowned slightly after hearing Dumbledore's words. He didn't understand what he was looking for. Moreover, one thing he still didn't know was whether Dumbledore, who had Grindelwald, knew about the existence of Horcruxes!

Chapter 97 Cooperation

Night fell, and the lights in the principal's room were brightly lit. Except for Malfoy and Harry, the deans of the four major colleges were all present, and Lockhart also followed.

Everyone looked solemn, except for Lockhart. It could be seen from his expression that he was just here to watch the fun!

"Mr. Malfoy, what happened?"

Dumbledore glanced around and asked after confirming that everyone was present.

"I...after Goyle and I came out of the basement, we saw Potter Jerry standing in the corridor, staring at Filch's petrified cat."

"Professor, what happened in the corridor was really not our fault..." Harry felt a little anxious after hearing Malfoy's words.

"Harry, calm down. There is no evidence that this matter has anything to do with you, but I think you still need to explain to everyone why you didn't appear in the hall tonight!"

"Okay! Professor, Ron and I are going to attend Nick's death anniversary party tonight. Nick, Myrtle, and Peeves can all bear witness for us!"

"After the party, we found the scarlet letter and the petrified Mrs. Norris in the corridor, and then Malfoy ran over!"

"Besides these, is there anything unusual?"

"No!" Harry lowered his head, thought for a moment and said.

Several deans present frowned slightly after looking at Harry's appearance, and they all realized that he was not telling the truth, and Dumbledore did the same.

"Okay, it's getting late. Harry, you and Malfoy should go back first! Go back and get some rest early! So many things happened tonight."

"Mr. Headmaster, Potter..." Malfoy was unwilling to see that Harry had not been punished at all, but before he could finish his words, Snape took him by the back of his collar and threw him out of the headmaster's office. Goyle and Goyle Seeing this, Crabbe swallowed his saliva and quickly rushed out of the principal's office.

After seeing Snape's eyes, Harry and others also left the principal's office obediently.

"He's lying!" Snape spoke first after the two groups left.

"Wait, Severus..." Professor McGonagall interrupted Snape, signaling to him that Jerry was still in the principal's office!

"How about I go back first!" Jerry stood aside and smiled awkwardly. He really couldn't participate in the professors' conversation, and they might not know as much as he did!

"You don't have to worry about Jerry, just pretend he doesn't exist!" Dumbledore shook his head and said.

Except for Snape, several other deans looked at each other with surprise on their faces.

"Professor Sprout, I leave it to you to remove the petrified mandrake!" Dumbledore said to the Herbology Professor.

"Everyone, leave the preparation to me," Lockhart patted his chest, "I must have prepared this potion hundreds of times. In fact, even if I am asleep or sleepwalking, I can prepare Mandrake to revive me. Potion"

Snape stared at Lockhart with disdain on his face and said coldly, "I need to remind you that I am the Potions Professor at Hogwarts."

"Okay everyone, you all should go back and rest! In the next period of time, you will have to work hard and take care of the students in your respective colleges!"

The Headmasters nodded and left the Headmaster's Office with serious expressions, and Lockhart followed them to brag about his experiences.

"He is such a clown! Professor, he is so powerful, why don't we just throw him into the secret room! Maybe the problem will be solved!" Looking at Lockhart's leaving figure, Jerry couldn't help but complain.

"Professor, it was Quirrell last year and Lockhart this year. What can they teach us? Aren't you afraid that everyone will fail the wizarding exam in the end?"

"I have thought about this problem before, but in the end I found that everyone's test scores were pretty good!" Dumbledore smiled and sat down on the sofa.

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