"Can you lend him to me for a while? I have something I want to ask him for help with."

Rozier was a little surprised and couldn't imagine what Jerry could do with the traitor, but one thing she was sure of was that falling into Jerry's hands would definitely not be a good thing.

So Rozier nodded and agreed.

"Thank you so much! Please take him to the alchemy room!"

"Sure enough!" Rozier thought to himself, "I understand Mr. Green, and I will ask someone to send him there."

The next day, when the first ray of sunshine in the morning had not completely dispelled the silence of the night, there was already movement in the manor.

Rozier informed Jerry last night that Vincent Martin had made arrangements for him, so Jerry couldn't wait to come to the alchemy room early in the morning.

"Mr. Martin, I haven't seen you for more than ten days, why don't you look good?"

As soon as Jerry entered the alchemy room, he saw Vincent Martin being tightly tied with rough ropes and hanging from the central stone pillar.

The majesty and air he once had have long since disappeared, replaced by a suit of tattered clothes and wounds all over his body, some new, some old, obviously from long-term torture.

Vincent Martin's originally plump body has become emaciated, and his skin has lost its original luster, showing a dull gray color. His eyes were sunken deeply, full of pain and despair.

"Help...save me! Please...please!"

Seeing the other party's painful pleading, Jerry couldn't help but feel a trace of pity in his heart.

well! I am indeed too kind!

"Don't worry, Mr. Martin, as long as you survive the next period of time, I will spare your life!"

"No...no, Jerry, please!"

Jerry ignored the other party's pleas, walked to the table, and opened the Forbidden Alchemy. It read clearly: Human body magic organ transformation!

Magic, this mysterious and powerful force, is the cornerstone and source of all spells. It is invisible and qualityless, but it can give life and vitality to all things and create countless amazing miracles.

Jerry is still too young and does not have enough magic power in his body, so after seeing the human body modification experiments in "Forbidden Alchemy", his first reaction was whether he could transform a magic power storage organ!

But Jerry himself didn't dare to experiment on his own body, so he had no choice but to give in to Vincent Martin.

This experiment requires using human body organs as containers, injecting magic power, and then controlling it to change the physiological structure of the human body, thereby obtaining more powerful power and magical abilities.

This approach not only violates ethics and law, but also involves huge risks and uncertainties.

How evil! But it’s just right for Jerry!

One month later, it was the hot month of August. The sun hung high in the sky, casting scorching rays of sunlight. Heat waves rolled in, and the earth seemed to be scorching hot.

"Failed again?"

In the alchemy room, Jerry looked at Vincent Martin who was lying on the ground with too much air in and out, and muttered to himself with some disappointment.

Jerry gave up on the human body magic organ modification experiment ten days ago because it was impossible for him to achieve it at this stage.

Jerry discovered that if only one organ was modified, the experimental subject would not live long at all, because there was no coordination between the magic organ and the ordinary organ. Unless the experimental body is completely transformed from top to bottom, inside and out.

Let’s not talk about the difficulty of the transformation. Even if the transformation can be successful, Jerry probably won’t have many people willing to accept it!

Not to mention that the current technology does not meet the requirements, so the plan can only be shelved temporarily.

If you have the opportunity to wander around Knockturn Alley in the future, you might meet a kind-hearted dark wizard with a "dedication spirit" who is willing to become Jerry's experimental subject.

Over the past few days, Jerry has been deeply exploring his newfound, magical abilities derived from his bloodline.

Since the last time he met Catherine, Jerry was shocked to realize that he could control and even disrupt the magic in her body.

At that time, he thought that this might be due to the mark on Catherine's wrist, which had some kind of effect.

However, after several days of continuous experiments, he began to notice some unusual signs.

When he succeeded in torturing Vincent Martin until he was extremely weak, Jerry was surprised to find that he could also disrupt the magic in Vincent's body.

Of course, compared to Catherine, this level of confusion can be said to be very, very small. If it weren't for Jerry's unusual magic perception ability, he would not be able to detect it at all.

My dear, there is more to come after this chapter. Please click on the next page to continue reading. There will be more exciting chapters later!

Jerry is still not sure whether the ability brought by this bloodline will become more powerful as the level of awakening deepens.

If it is really what he thinks, then this ability is very terrifying.

Jerry even had a feeling that if this ability was powerful enough, he could directly absorb the magic power from other wizards and turn them into Muggles!

So scary!

Jerry glanced at Vincent Martin who was lying on the ground. He was so weak that he couldn't even cry out. How pitiful!

Rozier had told him in advance that they no longer needed this traitor, and they could just let Jerry drain him of his remaining value and deal with it on his own.

well! Mr. Jerry has a kind heart and doesn’t see anyone suffering, so let’s give him a ride!

Jerry rubbed his right thumb between his middle finger and index finger twice, and then blue flames burst out.

Jerry then flicked the flame, and it instantly turned into a ferocious fire snake. Like a demon emerging from the abyss, it pounced on Vincent Martin with its claws and fangs, and swallowed up his entire body in a moment. The figure curled up on the ground quickly disappeared without a trace, leaving only some faint gray traces on the ground.

Jerry waved his hand, and the cleaning spell cleared away the dust. Magic! How convenient!

After handling everything, Jerry came to the garden of the manor and basked in the blazing August sun.

There are too many things to do in the underworld during this time, so let’s enjoy some sunshine!

Early the next morning, Jerry, who was about to go to Paris to buy a gift for Hermione, was stopped by Rozier.

"Mr. Green, someone is looking for you!"

"Looking for me? Who is looking for me?"

I don’t have many friends in France! Could it be that Grindelwald is here again? It doesn’t look like Rozier’s face is cold!

"Dumbledore is looking for you!"

Jerry nodded, knowing in his heart, so it was like this, no wonder Rozier's face was so ugly, it turned out to be a love rival!

When Jerry stepped into the living room on the first floor, there were already many people inside.

In the hall, on one side sat the members of the Wiccan Party with serious expressions, their eyes showing nervousness and vigilance; on the other side, Dumbledore was smiling, seeming to soothe the atmosphere with his calmness and calmness. .

The originally tense atmosphere was somewhat relieved after Jerry's appearance.

"You guys go out first! I want to talk to Principal Dumbledore alone." Jerry felt the vague tension and conflict in the hall, and he decided to take action.

Jerry's words were clear and decisive, leaving no opportunity for the Umbra Party to refute.

The members of the Wu Cui Party looked at each other, then nodded silently and left the hall one by one.

"Jerry, you have gained a lot in France this summer!" Dumbledore said in surprise as he looked at the members of the Wiccan Party who still obeyed Jerry's orders and left the hall even though Grindelwald was not present.

It seems that Garrett was right, Jerry is indeed better than he thought! This was achieved in such a short period of time.

"Professor Dumbledore, why are you here?"

"Jerry, summer vacation is almost over, and you have to prepare for the next school year!" As he said, Dumbledore took out a letter from his pocket and handed it to him.

"Your letter from the second year of Hogwarts, I didn't ask the owl to send it to you, I brought it to you directly. By the way, there is also this, the third-class Order of Merlin, I also brought it to you."

After Jerry took the envelope and a small gift box from Dumbledore, he opened the gift box and saw a golden medal inside.

"Jerry, it's not easy for you to win the Order of Merlin at your age."

Jerry smiled, put the medal aside, and opened the letter from Hogwarts. It contained the items needed for the second grade and the Defense Against the Dark Arts textbook, Lockhart's complete set of books.

"Professor Dumbledore, why did you choose this... idiot to be your Defense Against the Dark Arts professor?"

Jerry asked doubtfully, holding the envelope.

Although it is a consumable, this consumable is obviously an unqualified scumbag!

"Jerry, although Lockhart is not the best choice, it is not as bad as you said!"

After hearing what the other party said, Jerry became even more confused. With Dumbledore's "cunning" level, how could he not see Lockhart's disguise?

So Jerry asked tentatively: "Professor, is there no one except Lockhart to apply for this position this year?"

Dumbledore didn't answer, just blinked at Jerry.

Jerry: "..."

Chapter 82 It’s hard to help you with this little money!

"I'm going to pack my bags right now. Please wait for me for a moment."

"No, kid, you don't have to worry!" When Dumbledore saw Jerry getting up to pack his luggage, he waved his hand and quickly stopped him, "I'll pick you up tomorrow, and I'll go to the French Ministry of Magic later. Woolen cloth!"

Jerry's heart sank. Could it be because of the Black Wing incident? Jerry thought to himself.

Grindelwald once mentioned to Jerry that Dumbledore knew part of France, but he imitated his old friend Dumbledore as the Riddler. He liked to make secrets and did not tell himself which part of France Dumbledore knew!

"Is it because of what happened at the French Ministry of Magic recently?" Jerry finally decided to test it carefully.

"Yes! I heard that the French Ministry of Magic was attacked by dark wizards, and I happened to be coming to France, so Fudge asked me to help him come over and have a look!"

Jerry observed attentively, trying to catch any unusual traces in Dumbledore's tone and expression.

But the old man's expression remained the same, as if he really didn't know anything about it.

"Okay..." Jerry whispered, feeling helpless. It is really difficult to fight with these two hundred-year-olds!

"What's wrong, Jerry? Is there anything else?"

"No, I just didn't expect British wizards to be so concerned about French affairs." Jerry responded lightly, covering up the past skillfully.

"Actually, the UK has always been very concerned about France, well...especially this kind of thing!"

On August night, the heat and silence are intertwined, the sky is dotted with stars, the moon is bright and clear, and the breeze brings a faint scent of flowers and vegetation.

After Dumbledore left, Jerry went to the magical streets of France and bought a gift for Hermione. Then he returned to his room and wrote a letter to Fleur to say goodbye.

Sure enough, Jerry received three replies one after another in the afternoon, asking when Jerry would come to France again, and even came to the UK to see Jerry during the holidays!

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