"You don't need to know so much, you just need to know that he is the person chosen by Lord Grindelwald!"

Chapter 75 Fleur Delacour

Place Furstenberg is a small square located in the 6th arrondissement of Paris. It may seem inconspicuous, but the headquarters of the French Ministry of Magic is located underground in this square.

When a staff member of the Ministry of Magic stands in the Wallace Fountain in the center of the square and coughs twice, the surrounding tree roots will rise out of the ground, forming a birdcage elevator around the visitors, leading to the underground Ministry of Magic headquarters.

In the Muggle cafe not far from the square, after Jerry entered, he cast a Muggle expulsion spell on himself and sat there for a whole day. Through the glass, I observed the staff coming and going at the entrance to the Ministry of Magic outside.

Jerry also saw the target person, Vincent Martin, but this old guy was too timid. As long as he left the Ministry of Magic, he would be followed by three or four Aurors.

Jerry had been secretly observing him here for three days, but he didn't notice any time when he was alone! Every time he appears, there must be a group of people behind him!

Jerry has no chance of making a sneak attack!

Are you going to sneak into the Ministry of Magic and take action?

The idea flashed through Jerry's mind, but he quickly rejected it.

Even if he could successfully deal with the old guy Vincent Martin, he would have nowhere to escape. The French Ministry of Magic prohibits the use of the Disapparation Spell, and Jerry doesn't want to put himself in danger for a Vincent Martin.

In the past three days, Jerry also thought of other crooked ideas, such as poisoning, but he rejected them all. Poison is easy to deal with, but now it is difficult for Jerry to even get close to the target, let alone poison him. .

Last night, Jerry, as Black Wing, secretly met with the person in charge of the apostles in Paris, France, and also learned that the French Ministry of Magic had its own people lurking inside. It would not be impossible if the apostles were allowed to do the poisoning work!

The Wiccan Party also gave Jerry a headache. Although they respected him, it was entirely because of Grindelwald.

If Jerry chooses to use his identity to exert pressure, although it will allow them to do things for him, this is completely different from Jerry's original intention.

Jerry's ultimate goal in coming to Paris this time is the Wiccan Party! Even if they can't let them treat themselves like Grindelwald this time, they must sincerely recognize and respect themselves instead of respecting their own identity!

At noon, Jerry was about to leave, when a girl with silvery hair and blue eyes, who looked a few years older than Jerry, followed a young lady who looked somewhat similar to her. Went into this store.

Jerry instantly noticed the magic fluctuations emanating from them, and it was obvious that they were also wizards.

After looking up at the two of them, Jerry was a little dazed, and then his body instinctively sent out a warning signal, which instantly made him wake up.

Veela blood?

The other party also noticed Jerry, but they were obviously surprised by Jerry's reaction.

"Hello, little brother, let me introduce myself, Fleur Delacour. This is my aunt next to me." Fleur Delacour walked over and introduced herself, "Are you a wizard too?"

Little brother?

What is this name? This was the first time someone called Jerry that. At Hogwarts, even the senior female hooligans from Slytherin had to respectfully call Jerry Mr. Green when they saw him!

After saying that, Fleur actually wanted to reach out and pinch Jerry's cheek. Jerry hates such a boundless witch!

"Jerry Green, Hogwarts student." Jerry said after dodging the opponent's dirty hands.

Originally, he was going to use Neville's name, but Jerry recognized the other person, Fleur Delacour, the representative of Beauxbatons Academy of Magic in the Triwizard Tournament.

"Fleur Delacour, Beauxbatons Academy of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Are you a young wizard from England? Why did you come to France?"

"I'm just traveling to France with my grandfather!"

"Interesting, how did you do it just now?" Fleur asked curiously, "I have Veela blood, but you were not affected?"

When Furong was in school, all the male classmates would be influenced by her bloodline, and then they would look at her and smile like stupid donkeys. This was the first time she met peers who were not influenced by her bloodline. !

Jerry: "..."

Of course it’s because I am an ambitious young man with ideals and ambitions. How could I be addicted to beauty!

The two hadn't chatted for a while when a young man came in from outside and started chatting with Furong's aunt with a smile on his face.

Looks familiar, but not sure, let’s take another look! Jerry looked at the other party's flattering look and thought to himself.

"My aunt and I are going to visit the Ministry of Magic later. Do you want to go with us?" It was so difficult for her to meet such a person of the opposite sex who was not affected by her own blood. How could she let it go so easily?

Jerry was a little surprised when he heard Fleur's words. The French Ministry of Magic still has such a service? Do you charge admission fees?

"Did you see the man talking next to my aunt?" Fleur pointed to the young man who had just come in and said, "He is an Auror from the Ministry of Magic, and he is chasing my aunt! We will follow him to visit the Ministry of Magic later."

It’s really like giving a pillow when you feel sleepy! No wonder Jerry looked familiar to him, he turned out to be the big brother of Feiyangyang!

Seeing Fleur staring at his face, expecting and even eager to give it a try, Jerry sighed secretly. It seemed that he had to sacrifice something today.

I'm doing this all to complete the mission!

"Can I go in and visit too?" Jerry said with an "innocent" look.

"Of course, I'll go talk to my aunt!" After saying that, she pulled Jerry towards her aunt.

"Auntie, this is my friend. Can he join us later?"

"Can this be done, Rose?" Aunt Furong asked the young man.

"Of course!" Young Ross glanced at Jerry and realized he was a little brat. He didn't pay much attention. He could still burn down the Ministry of Magic!

Then he patted his chest and agreed. My own goddess has spoken, so of course I can't let her down.

Even if you tell him now that the other person is the child of his goddess, he...he can do it!

"Sure enough!" Looking at Ross's appearance, Jerry was secretly happy.

"Sir, are you really an Auror? That's amazing!" Jerry looked at Ross, and then said in a deliberately admiring tone, "My dream when I was a child was to become an Auror who fights evil and eliminates dark wizards when I grow up. The Righteous Auror!"

Hearing Jerry's rainbow fart, especially in front of his goddess, Ross raised his chest and raised his head, and said quite proudly: "Of course, but it's not easy to become an Auror..."

As he spoke, he secretly observed Aunt Furong's expression. After seeing her smile at him, she became even more excited, and her eyes towards Jerry became more cordial.

Chapter 76 Do you want to die or live?

Jerry and others followed Ross into the domed main hall of the Ministry of Magic headquarters. The vaulted ceiling was painted with constellation patterns.

The constellation patterns on the ceiling of the main hall are all in the shape of magical animals, including the horned beast, the invisible beast, the moongazer, the bird snake, the fire dragon, the motler rat, the sniffer, the hippogriff, and the color-changing conch.

The walls here are made of Art Nouveau glass and green steel frames. Behind one of the walls is a heavy bronze reception desk, while in the middle of the room are rows of gold and green filing cabinets, each drawer individually numbered.

As soon as a few people came in, the receptionist in the main hall came over and asked them the purpose of their visit.

After Ross chatted with the receptionist for a few words, the few people were released and entered the internal work area.

The Wiccan Party and the apostles had actually handed over the internal structure diagram of the French Ministry of Magic to Jerry a long time ago, so he knew the division of labor on each floor, but now that he had the opportunity to come in and visit in person, he would not let it go.

The Department of Mysteries is located at the bottom of the basement of the Ministry of Magic, and above it are the offices of the Aurors.

Portraits of characters hang in the corridors here. When an intruder is detected, they will turn into the intruder's avatar, and an alarm will sound in the corridor.

It’s not easy! Jerry sighed secretly in his heart.

"This is where our Aurors usually work!"

Jerry followed Ross to the Auror's office, carefully observing the surroundings with an expression of yearning, admiration and adoration on his face.

"Ross, who are these?"

"Let me introduce to you, this is Vincent Martin, Head of the Auror Office of our Ministry of Magic."

After seeing the pot-bellied Vincent Martin, Ross quickly said, "He is the pride of our French Ministry of Magic Aurors!"

After meeting the target person, Jerry felt a little pity. It would be better if he was not in the Ministry of Magic at this time.

"Sir, I saw you in the newspaper a few days ago!" Although he wanted to bite the opponent, Jerry still pretended to admire him and said, "The newspaper said you are a hero!"

Seeing the admiration in Jerry's eyes, Vincent Martin burst out laughing without any precautions. Maybe he felt that he was in the Ministry of Magic or that he was too young and would not pose any threat to him!

"Sir, is it really difficult to be an Auror?"

"Being an Auror, especially an excellent Auror, is not easy. It requires not only strong strength, but also loyalty and fearless courage, especially the courage to sacrifice!" Vincent Martin talked to everyone. And Tan, talking about various kinds of chicken soup.

That said, no wonder you took the position of Director Auror just five years after your surrender!

Of course, while Jerry was listening to the other person's chicken soup, he would also say a few words of praise from time to time. Even later, Jerry and Vincent Martin cooperated more and more tacitly.

"Jerry, I am very optimistic about you. I believe you will become an excellent Auror in the future!" Vincent Martin patted Jerry on the shoulder, his eyes filled with admiration.

"After you graduate, don't go to the British Ministry of Magic. Come directly to France and find me. I will take you there myself!"

"Thank you so much, Mr. Martin! You will be my idol from now on, and I will definitely inspire me to become an Auror like you!"

In the evening, Jerry and the others returned to the hall after visiting the French Ministry of Magic.

"Jerry, when I get back, I will write to you via owl. Remember to reply when the time comes!"

Looking at Jerry's leaving figure, Fleur said loudly.

"What's wrong! Baby, have you fallen in love with this little wizard?" Aunt Furong stood aside and said teasingly.

"No, I'm just a little curious!" Fleur shook her head and said, "Auntie, do I always think he is weird? And he is not affected by the Veela bloodline at all!"

"What's so strange about this? You can tell by looking at his eyes that that little guy must have some special bloodline!"

As night falls, the stars in the sky twinkle with faint light, and the moon hangs high in the sky, casting a silvery glow.

In a luxurious room in St. Manor, Jerry carefully preserved a few white hairs.

This is Vincent Martin’s hair, and it’s Jerry’s biggest achievement today.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

There was a knock on the door.

Jerry stood up and opened the door. Ms. Rozier was standing at the door holding a package.

"Here are the materials you asked for," Rozier said after handing the things to Jerry. "There is a room for alchemy and potion preparation at the back of the manor. If you need it, you can go there to work."

"I know Mrs. Rosier, and there is one more thing. Please help me ask other people, Vincent Martin, are you going to die or live?" Jerry said with a smile, as if he was saying something. Easy, nothing important.

Rozier glanced at Jerry in surprise, "It doesn't matter, as long as you can complete the task."

After saying that, he turned around and left.

In the living room on the first floor, Abernathy and others saw Rozier walking in and asked, "That little guy has been sitting in front of the Magic Department for three days. Did he say anything?"

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