"But Mr. Green, you won't say it, will you?"

Before Jerry could refute, Voldemort continued: "Mr. Green, since we last met, I have discovered that you and I are actually the same kind of people, ambitious and talented. But the only difference between us now is that I am More powerful than you!"

"So! Voldemort, what do you want to say?"

"Join the Death Eaters!"

After hearing Voldemort's words, Jerry was a little doubtful. Voldemort wouldn't split his soul and lose his brain, right?

After smiling disdainfully, Jerry said: "Mr. Voldemort, you don't think that our apostles are some inferior organization, do you?"

"No, no, no, Mr. Green, of course I know how powerful the apostles are, but with your talent, it won't take long for you to become the strongest, and by then you will be willing to succumb to those old men in your organization! "

"When the time comes, as long as you and I cooperate..."

After hearing Voldemort's words to lie to children, Jerry fell into deep thought. Of course he wasn't thinking about Voldemort's pie. No matter how good you are, Voldemort, you are worthy of dividing the magical world with me!

"Mr. Voldemort, be realistic and tell me what you have to do with me first!"

"I need a soul regenerating potion!"

Sure enough, Voldemort had so much foreshadowing, and it turned out he wanted something. Hearing Voldemort's words, Jerry secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and then said, "Okay, but the soul-regenerating potion is not free. What can you give us?"

"How about a blood curse?"

Hearing Voldemort's words, although Jerry wanted to agree immediately, complete the transaction and leave quickly, he still pretended to be very troubled. After thinking for a while, he said: "Okay, but pay first and bring the Blood Curse." !”

Voldemort took out a piece of brown parchment from Quirrell's desk drawer and handed it to Jerry.

Chapter 58 Special Jerry

Jerry took the parchment, examined it carefully, and put it into his coat pocket.

"Mr. Voldemort, I think you may need to wait a few more days. The soul-generating potion is not easy to get!"

Although Jerry himself didn't know what he was talking about, seeing that Voldemort actually agreed with Jerry's statement after making up some things in his own mind made him finally feel relieved.

"Then I'll leave first. I'll let you know when the potion arrives!"

After hearing Jerry's words, Voldemort said: "Then I wish us a happy cooperation!"

“Happy to work with!”

After sending Jerry away, Quirrell said in confusion: "Master, I don't understand. There are other apostles in the academy. Why should we take risks to find Jerry Green!"

Voldemort said in a hoarse voice: "The apostle organization is too powerful. Even if I succeed in resurrecting, I may not be able to defeat them. However, the existence of Jerry Green gives me hope. An apostle who is not loyal to the organization is so useful." !”

"In the next few days until the soul regenerating potion arrives, you should go to the Forbidden Forest to hunt unicorns first!"

"As you command, Master!"

After coming out of the Defense Against the Dark Arts office, Jerry came to a deserted corner, took off his disguise, and gasped for air.

Thanks to the person who told Voldemort that he was an apostle, in order to repay him, Jerry went to Dumbledore's office to report Voldemort!

Take out the Marauder's Map, find Dumbledore's location, and quickly walk towards him.

"Principal Dumbledore, I have something to ask you!"

After seeing that the visitor was Jerry, Dumbledore smiled kindly and said, "Child, what do you want from me?"

"I think I should go to your office and talk."

After seeing Jerry's serious expression, Dumbledore took him to the office.

After sitting Jerry down, Dumbledore asked, "What happened?"

"Quirrell just came to find me!"

"I saw Voldemort too!"

Jerry didn't hide anything and told Dumbledore what had just happened in Quirrell's office.

"Jerry, what do you think?"

Hearing Dumbledore's words, Jerry was a little stunned for a moment. What do you mean, what do I think?

Oh Voldemort! It's on the back of Quirrell's head, and you're not going to kill him?

If you feel you can't do it alone, isn't there Grindelwald? With the abilities of both of you, if you encounter Voldemort who is still alive now, you won't be able to pin him to the ground and hammer him!

Seeing Dumbledore smiling kindly at him, Jerry suddenly had a bad feeling.

"Could it be that you told Voldemort the news that I am an apostle?"

Hearing Jerry's words, Dumbledore shook his head.

Jerry was also relieved. He thought it was Dumbledore plotting against him again!

"Gellert told Voldemort!"

Jerry: "..."

"Aren't you two afraid that I'm in danger?"

"Don't worry, Jerry, Voldemort will not take action against you at the moment, let alone the apostles!"

"Besides, haven't you been practicing magic spells crazily these days! But be careful next time, Li Huo is not easy to control!"

Good guy! I asked why Dumbledore gave Grindelwald's notebook to him, when it turned out to be waiting for him here!

"Mr. Dumbledore, what do you two want to do? You don't really want me to be an undercover agent, do you? I'm only in the first year!"

"Jerry, you are so humble. The first graders are not as good as you!"

After seeing Jerry's resistance, Dumbledore explained: "Don't worry, Jerry, we are not asking you to work as an undercover Death Eater, but to work as an undercover agent in the Apostles' organization!"

Whether it was a Death Eater or an apostle, Jerry was very resistant. I came to Hogwarts to learn magic, not to play 007.

"Mr. Dumbledore, may I refuse?"

"Of course, but I hope you can understand, Jerry, that even if you refuse now, you won't be able to escape in the future. The apostles will never give up!"

After hearing Dumbledore's words, Jerry fell into deep thought. He also understood that the Apostles' organization was still there and he could not escape at all.

"What benefits can you provide me? Mr. Principal!"

As if he had expected Jerry to ask this question, Dumbledore said with a smile: "Gellert and I can make you a promise. We will not interfere with your choices in the future, and of course we will not stop you."

After speaking, Dumbledore took another book from the nearby bookshelf and placed it in front of Jerry.

"You no longer need to trick Harry into looking for it in the Restricted Book Zone. The book you want is right here. If you want it, you can take it away at any time."

Looking at Dumbledore's series of actions, Jerry asked with some confusion: "Mr. Dumbledore, can you tell me why you all come to me? Am I that special?"

"Child, you are very special, not only to me and Gellert, but also to the apostles. You have been exposed to magic for a while, so you should have discovered that you are different!"

After hearing Dumbledore's words, Jerry nodded thoughtfully.

"Jerry, there is another important reason why Gellert and I chose you. You may not have discovered it yourself. No one can use Legilimency on you, not even me!"

"How is this possible? I have never learned Occlumency!" Jerry said with some surprise.

Jerry also thought that he was special. After all, his talent for black magic exceeded human limits. But he had never heard of anyone being a natural master of Occlumency, and the system interface did not show that he knew this magic.

Is it because of the system?

"Don't be surprised, this is your talent too, isn't it?"

"Sorry, Mr. Dumbledore, I need to think about it!"

After hearing what Jerry said, Dumbledore said: "Don't worry too much. No matter what your final answer is, as long as Gellert and I are here, you will not be harmed."

"Sir, there are many apostles in Hogwarts now, including Trevor Shacklebolt. Why don't you arrest them and torture them?"

Dumbledore shook his head and said, "It's useless. The apostles all have special brain protection magic."

"Is it the same as mine?"

"No, Jerry, Gellert and I have been studying this magic for a long time and have never found any records about this magic, but we see the shadow of this magic in you!"

"The brain protection magic of the apostles is actually more like a simplified version of your talent!"

"This may be one of the reasons why the apostles value you!"

Hiss, the more Jerry listened to Dumbledore's words, the more horrified he became. If he really went to lurk, would he have been pulled onto the operating table by the apostle on the first day and had his body sliced ​​for study?

Chapter 59 Why are you kneeling before I even start?

"Principal Dumbledore, your plan is really thorough. Do I have any other options now? I have already agreed to the soul-regenerating potion for Voldemort! Do you have such a potion?" Jerry looked at the old bee in front of him. , old fox Dumbledore, with a hint of irritation in his tone.

Jerry felt very unhappy with the calculations of these two old men, as if he was being played by them.

But Jerry also knew that what Dumbledore said was true.

The apostles would not let him go easily, so even if Dumbledore didn't say anything, Jerry would take the initiative to contact them soon.

In addition to this reason, Jerry also had another important reason for contacting the apostles, which was to borrow their power and get rid of Dumbledore's surveillance.

Jerry feels like a prisoner under surveillance, being controlled by others all the time. This feeling made him very unhappy. He wanted to be free and control his own destiny.

Regardless of Dumbledore's reasons, Jerry still couldn't accept the feeling of being watched.

Dumbledore also saw Jerry's annoyance, and then said: "Of course there is a choice. As long as you don't agree, Jerry, I will contact Gellert and find a way to deal with Voldemort!"

"Humph!" After hearing Dumbledore's words, Jerry snorted coldly, turned around and left the principal's office.

After Jerry left, Gellert Grindelwald appeared and said to Dumbledore: "Albus, Jerry seems to be very dissatisfied with your plan!"

"But there is no more suitable person in the world than him, is there?"

After hearing Dumbledore's words, Gellert sighed and said, "Yes!"

"Gellert, what I'm most worried about now is what if Jerry really joins the apostle's organization? You and I promised him not to interfere or stop him!" Dumbledore's voice revealed a deep feeling. Deep worry.

"Don't worry, Albus, the future tells me that Jerry is still the same Jerry we know, and that's enough!"

"Besides, I will never let your tragedy and mine... happen to Jerry again!"

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