Before Jerry could recover from his confusion, he heard the system prompt: Ding! Unknown bloodline awakening (0.01%).

It wasn't until he heard the system's beep that Jerry woke up from a dream and realized his current situation.

Jerry looked up and saw that the sky was covered with dark clouds and thunder and lightning, as if they were about to swallow up the whole world. He ignored the pouring rain above his head and immediately got up to look for the mysterious stone tablet.

However, what he didn't expect was that the stone tablet that trapped him had disappeared, leaving no trace behind, as if it had never appeared.

After searching in the heavy rain to no avail, Jerry, whose vision was somewhat blurred by the rain, could only give up temporarily and reluctantly retreated to the ruins nearby.

Jerry found a collapsed stone pillar in the corner of the ruins and sat under it to avoid the storm.

Looking at the prompts on the system interface, Jerry scratched his head and carefully recalled the memories of his previous life. He was full of doubts. Is there any special bloodline in the Grindelwald family?

Before Jerry could figure out the bloodline thing, he looked down at the water at his feet and was suddenly shocked and speechless by his own reflection.

The golden hair that was as bright and lustrous as gold, and the sky-blue eyes as clear as the blue sea and sky, have completely disappeared.

Instead, there was a head of jet-black hair as deep as night, and dark red eyes as mysterious as gems.

Hiss, this is not going to change!

With this darkened image, how can Jerry maintain his persona of a considerate, gentle, brave, and righteous sunshine boy!

System, your TM is a bit too extreme!

Jerry was so frightened by the change in appearance that he quickly groped around on his body. It was okay, okay...

[Host: Jerry Green

Occupation: Wizard

Bloodline: Unknown (0.01%)

Inventory: Developing Potion (1 bottle), Charged Stun Gun, Aragog's Venom (3 pints), Abby's Golf Club...

Talents (up to 10):

Charms: 8 (gifted)

Potions: 7 (regarded as a gift)

Polymorph: 10 (Chosen One)

Divination: 1 (time is good, time is not good)

Black magic: 11 (Dementors will tremble when they see you!!!)]

The system interface has no changes except for one more bloodline, and the same goes for the talents. Except for the transformation skill that I added, there is no increase in any talents.

In terms of magic spells, there are no changes except that the big melon is thriving and growing steadily.

After Jerry finished the inspection, he sighed. Apart from the change in appearance, Jerry didn't feel any other changes.

This piece of shit has an unknown bloodline, has awakened into loneliness, and given himself a darkened image, and he doesn’t even have the talent for black magic!

Jerry sensed that the mysterious ring was still hidden on the middle finger of his left hand. After thinking about it, the ring appeared on the middle finger.

After taking off the ring and holding it in his hand, Jerry murmured: "Ring! Ring, when can you send me back?"

As soon as he finished speaking, there was a "whoosh" sound, and Jerry's figure disappeared from the island and appeared in the corner of the orphanage.

After Jerry glanced at the surrounding environment, he said in shock: "Come back?"

He didn't expect that the mysterious ring could be used in this way!

"Go to Hermione's house!" Jerry tried again, but this time there was no response from the mysterious ring.

Could it be because he had never been to Hermione's house, Jerry thought to himself.

"Go to platform 9?" Jerry tried again, but the ring still didn't respond.

"Go back to the island!"

In an instant, Jerry's figure disappeared and reappeared on the top of the island.

Jerry understood the function of this ring. Although it didn't allow him to go anywhere as he thought, it was not bad. This isolated island can be used as his secret base in the future.

Jerry had just returned to the orphanage in London. Although the time was short, Jerry was still aware of changes in his body.

The temperature in London is now below zero, and I am even wet from the rain, but there was no chill at all just now.

Is this full resistance when bloodline is awakened?

Jerry, who returned to the orphanage, quickly ran back to his room and saw grandma feeding Tom. After a moment of confusion, he immediately recovered and said loudly: "Mammy, I'm back!".

Hearing Jerry's voice, grandma turned around and saw Jerry, who had changed his appearance, all wet and looking a little embarrassed. She said distressedly: "Jerry, poor child, where have you been for so many days? Everyone is worried. died!"

"Quick, drink a cup of hot tea first, then take a hot bath, and I'll get you some clothes!"

Jerry looked at the skilled and busy grandma and asked, "Mammy, has anyone come to see me in the past few days when I was away?"

"Your principal has come to see you, Jerry, but you are late for the start of school!"

"There was also a little girl who came to see you, but left angrily. Jerry, you have to explain it to her when you see her again!"

Seeing the extremely familiar scene in front of him, Jerry felt a little dazed for a moment. This was really... so interesting!

Grandma also seemed to notice something strange about Jerry. She looked at Jerry who was standing still and asked, "What's wrong? Jerry!"

Hearing Mammy's words, Jerry sighed and pretended to be a little regretful and said: "Mammy, I think I broke my appointment!"

Seeing Jerry's somewhat disappointed look, Grandma comforted him kindly: "Don't worry, kid. You must explain it to the other party carefully next time you meet. Once you explain the reasons clearly, I believe the other party will forgive you!"

Jerry nodded and stopped talking.

After finishing Jerry's change of clothes, grandma put them on Jerry's table, and then said to him: "Jerry, go take a hot bath first, then come down for dinner, and have a good night's rest tonight." , let’s find a way to go back to school tomorrow!”

After saying that, grandma turned and left the room.

Looking at Grandma's back, Jerry's eyes suddenly turned cold and gloomy.

After quickly closing the door, Jerry ignored the change of clothes next to him. Instead, he came to the window, looked at Tom, then roughly reached out and grabbed its neck, lifted it up, and inspected it carefully.

Chapter 54 Pride

The night before Hogwarts started school, Tom appeared with the mysterious key. This time, the coat box and ring should have been sent by this mysterious force.

What role did the nanny play behind this? Is she still the grandma she knew when she was a child? Or, has it been replaced already?

The other party spends so much thought on themselves, what do they want?

The more Jerry thought about it, the more upset he became. After throwing Tom aside who checked his hand again, he picked up the clothes on the table and went to the bathroom.

If the other side wants to play, Jerry will play with them! I hope they don’t regret it then!

After taking a shower, Tom flew onto Jerry's shoulder, rubbed his head against himself, and let out two aggrieved cries.

Jerry gently stroked Tom's head and said, "When you meet someone who has fed you, fly over and stand on their shoulders. Do you understand?"

After hearing what Jerry said, Tom yelled "Gah! Gah!" twice, as if to show that he understood, and then nuzzled Jerry again.

Jerry sighed, feeling a little pity that he couldn't communicate with Tom. When he turned into a patron saint, he spoke in human language!

"Jerry, have you packed up? You can come down for dinner!"

After hearing Mammy's shouts, Jerry immediately returned to his previous expression and said to Mammy, "Come right away!"

At night, Jerry sat at the table and wrote a letter to Dumbledore. He had a headache and didn't know how to explain his changes!

He probably didn't believe me or him to tell the truth, after all, no one understands Grindelwald better than him!

"Jerry, you have changed a lot during this journey!"

At the table, when he was still having a headache on how to use the art of language to explain to Dumbledore and make him believe that he just dyed his hair, a voice suddenly appeared in Jerry's room, startling him.

"Huh~ Mr. Principal, do you know that you will scare people to death!"

Dumbledore smiled, then looked at Jerry's hair and eyes and said, "Jerry, it's time to go back to school. There are classes tomorrow, and many people are worried about you!"

After Jerry heard this, he did not refuse and nodded in agreement.

After packing up my things, I came to my grandma’s office and said goodbye to her. After all, I was acting!

After entering the office, Jerry said excitedly: "Mommy, the principal is here to pick me up. I have to go back to school!"

Hearing Jerry's words, Grandma showed worry and reluctance, and then said, "Are you leaving tonight? Are you in such a hurry? Why don't Jerry go back to school tomorrow morning?"

"No, mama, I have classes tomorrow and have to leave tonight. You must take care of yourself. I will come back to see you during the holidays!"

After saying goodbye to his mama, Jerry carried his suitcase and followed Dumbledore to the principal's office.

It's so convenient to be able to apparate in Hogwarts! Jerry thought with some envy, and then asked: "Mr. Dumbledore, is only the principal able to apparate in Hogwarts?"

"Except for special exceptions, only the headmaster can apparate in Hogwarts."

"Jerry, don't be envious. With your potential, you might be able to become the principal of Hogwarts in the future!"

After hearing Dumbledore's words, Jerry nodded thoughtfully. After everyone graduates, Hermione will become the Minister of Magic and he will become the principal of Hogwarts. It seems not bad!

By then, the British wizarding world will not be able to cover the sky with one hand!

"Sit down! Jerry, it's still early, we can have a chat! Would you like some dessert? How about a pile of cockroaches?"

After Jerry put down his luggage, he shook his head at Dumbledore and said, "Mr. Principal, at your age, I think it's better to eat less sweets, especially at night."

"Thank you for your concern, Jerry! I also received it as a Christmas gift. I like that brooch very much. It is very beautiful and exquisite!"

Jerry also gave Dumbledore a brooch for Christmas, which was very similar to Grindelwald's, except in a different color.

Um! Couple style!

After the two sat down, Jerry was the first to ask: "Professor Dumbledore, how much do you know about them?"

Dumbledore didn't expect Jerry to be so straightforward. After sighing, he shook his head and said, "Actually, I don't know much!"

"What about grandma?"

Hearing Jerry's question, Dumbledore looked at him in surprise and said with disbelief: "Jerry, you actually found her? Okay! She is indeed the person who stayed in the orphanage across the street."

Although he already had the answer, Jerry still felt a little uncomfortable after hearing Dumbledore's affirmative answer, and then Jerry asked: "I only have one question about Mammy, when did she come to the orphanage! Or? was a lie from the beginning?"

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