"Muggle new student?"

"Yes, sir."

"The maximum loan for freshmen is one hundred galleons per semester. Give me your admission letter."

"Sir, can I exchange pounds for galleons?"

"Only freshmen can apply, and the number is limited."

Forget it, Jerry was originally planning to exchange pounds for galleons in the future.

Jerry handed his admission notice to the goblin, and soon the notice was handed to Jerry along with a bag of galleons.

"You can go out now, Mr. Green."

Um, are goblins so efficient?

Jerry counted the Galleons in his hand and left the counter after making sure there was nothing wrong.

"Professor, it's done. I didn't expect goblins to be so efficient."

"Of course, people who deal with money are efficient."

"Where do we go next, Professor?"

"Mrs. Malkin's Robe Shop, right next door to Flourish and Blotts Bookstore."

Diagon Alley is actually not very big, and after a while the two of them arrived at the robe shop.

"Welcome to Madam Malkin's Robe Shop." The speaker was a short, fat witch.

"It's Professor Dumbledore. Why are you the one bringing the students to buy school supplies this year?"

"When you get older, you want to walk around outside. I don't have much to do recently, so I came to help Professor McGonagall."

"Is this this year's new student? Please wait a moment, little one, I'll come over right away to measure you."

"Yes, ma'am," Jerry replied gentlemanly.

In addition to Jerry, there are three students in the robe shop, two boys and one girl. They are about the same age as Jerry and should also be freshmen this year.

From the looks of them, you can tell that they are from a pure-blood family. They just have pride written all over their faces. Several of them have black hair, so they must not be Malfoy or the others.

Speaking of which, Jerry has been in Diagon Alley for a while, and he hasn't met an important character yet.

Chapter 4 Magic Wand

"It's your turn, kid." A short, fat witch said to Jerry with a big smile.

"Okay, ma'am."

Mrs. Malkin didn't use her wand. With a wave of her right hand, the tape measure flew towards Jerry automatically as if it were alive, measuring his body shape and clothing size.

The whole process didn't take much time, about fifteen minutes. After it was over, Mrs. Malkin asked them to buy other items first and then come back to get the ready-made clothes.

Flourish and Blotts Bookstore is right next door to Madam Malkin's Robe Shop. The bookshelves here are filled with books, even to the ceiling. Among them are leather-bound books as huge as paving stones, and small silver-bound books as compact as postage stamps. There are also books with countless strange symbols printed on them, as well as wordless heavenly books with nothing written in them.

Some books are even weirder. When Jerry comes near, he will roar loudly, which is so weird.

Jerry shopped at Flourish and Blotts Bookstore several times. In addition to buying all the textbooks, he also bought a copy of "Hogwarts: A History of the School." I have almost forgotten the plot of the original work, and I plan to go back and read it to reminisce.

"Cough, cough, cough, what kind of strange smell is this, so pungent?"

After Jerry and Dumbledore left the bookstore, they were going to buy dry pots. As soon as they entered the Patches Crucible shop, they were choked by a pungent smell.

"Are the freshmen here to buy a crucible? The potion is being boiled in the backyard, and the smell is a bit strong." A middle-aged man behind the counter said to them.

Jerry couldn't stand the smell. After buying something, he quickly pulled Dumbledore out.

"Professor, do all potions smell so bad?"

"Of course not. Some potions even smell different to different people. Jerry, you are in the first grade this year and you have a potion class. The professor is a potion master. Study with him and you will like this class. of."

Understand, what Dumbledore means is not that the potion is not good, but that the person who made the potion just now is not good.

Jerry nodded thoughtfully, remembering that his first year Potions teacher was Snape.

I took a look at my Potions talent. There should be nothing wrong with it. The system said I was gifted. If it doesn't work, just pretend to be dead in class. Anyway, all of Snape's firepower this time is on Harry.

The owner of Partridge's Crucible Shop saw that they had more stuff and lent them a small cart. Under his introduction, Jerry and Dumbledore came to the Eela Owl Shop.

Jerry shopped around but didn't buy anything. He was really short of money and planned to save some money. Dumbledore said that the school had an owl that sent letters.

After spending another half day shopping in Diagon Alley, I almost bought everything I needed to buy. Now Jerry only needed a magic wand.

Jerry followed Dumbledore to Ollivander's Wand Shop, well, the largest arms store in the British wizarding world.

Ollivander's Wand Shop is a building with an antique charm. The store is not big. As soon as you push the door and enter, you will see the counter. Standing behind it is the owner of this shop, Ollivander, who is a professional wand maker.

"good afternoon!"

"Good afternoon, sir, I'm here to buy a wand."

"Of course, of course, the new student at Hogwarts? What's his name? I need to confirm the list, otherwise the Ministry of Magic will give me trouble."

"Jerry Green, sir."

"Okay, Mr. Green, which arm do you prefer?"

"Right hand."

After asking Ollivander, he started taking various measurements, even Jerry's fingernails.

"Sir, as I get older, these dimensions will also change. Will these data still be correct then?"

"Don't worry, kid, these are all in my calculations." Ollivander said confidently.

"Here, try this one, apple tree, unicorn tail hair, eleven inches. It is most suitable for people with high goals and idealists. It is incompatible with black magic."

Jerry waved, a faint light lit up at the tip of the wand, and then there was no response. Jerry felt that the wand was repulsive to him.

Ollivander took the wand from Jerry's hand and said to himself, "This one isn't for you..." and then started rummaging around again.

"Try this one, black walnut, phoenix tail hair, eleven and a half inches. Black walnut is not as common as ordinary walnut wands. The owner it seeks must have keen intuition and strong insight."

Jerry took the wand. Unlike the previous wand, the tip of this wand burst out with dazzling light after Jerry took it.

"Still not right." Ollivander grabbed the wand again and continued to search.

"Grapevine wood, dragon heartstring, eleven inches. Almost all owners of grapevine wood wands have great ambitions and extraordinary foresight. Try it."

Jerry took the wand in his hand and waved it. With a bang, the tip of the wand emitted a blazing light, blowing up a table in Ollivander's store. Jerry was shocked.

You won’t have to pay for it, Jerry thought to himself.

"He's a picky customer!" Ollivander said excitedly.

"How about trying this one?"

"How about trying this one again?"

Jerry tried more than a dozen wands in a row, and several tables were blown up. Fortunately, he had a repair spell that prevented him from losing money.

Ollivander wiped the sweat from his head and took down a box from the top of the shelf.

"Try this one, the work of my youth, yew, dragon's heartstring, twelve and a half inches. A rare and powerful combination."

"The yew does not choose mediocre or timid masters. It symbolizes death and resurrection, and the owners of yew wands maintain a particularly dark and terrifying reputation in the realm of duels and all curses. This wand The wand is paired with a dragon heartstring..."

Jerry even doubted whether Ollivander had been a dark wizard when he was young. Otherwise, how could you make such a wand that specifically matches a dark wizard.

Also, what do you mean, I, Jerry, look handsome, polite, and have a noble and elegant temperament. At first glance, I don’t match this wand!

Jerry still took the wand from Ollivander's hand. The surface of the wand was smooth and the whole body was purple-red. As soon as he took it, Jerry felt the magic in his body pouring into the wand, like an arm moving his fingers.

Hmm...it matches unexpectedly and works well.

"Great, that's it, the wand chooses its master." Ollivander said excitedly from the side.

"My child, this wand is a bit special. It was a work of mine when I was young. It has been in the shop for decades and has never found its owner. I hope you can use it well." After saying this, Ollivander looked at it deeply. Jerry glanced.

"Are you a little wizard from a wizard family?" Ollivander looked at Jerry's appearance and asked curiously.

"No, I'm from a Muggle orphanage."

Ollivander: "...an orphan with a yew wand..."

Chapter 5 My turn, draw cards

"Maeke, seven galleons."

After paying the money, Jerry asked Ollivander: "Sir, is a wizard only allowed to have one wand? Can I buy a second one?"

Not having a wand in the Harry Potter world is like not having a gun in the old America, so Jerry wanted to buy one more, one for the front and one for the back.

"The Ministry of Magic only allows wizards to possess one wand. You can only buy another wand if the previous one is damaged."

Got it, try to mask yourself and grab one...

After getting the answer, Jerry left the wand shop.

Watching Jerry leave, Ollivander felt a little uneasy and could only pray for Merlin's blessing.

"Professor, I kept you waiting for a long time. I didn't expect it to take so long in the wand shop."

When Jerry came out, he saw Dumbledore sitting on a chair on the side of the street, chatting with someone. Seeing Jerry coming, the man also stood up and left.

"It seems you are quite picky about wands." Dumbledore said with a smile.

"Yes, I chose more than a dozen but nothing was suitable. Fortunately, the last one suited me."

Jerry took out the shopping list, checked that everything was bought, and then returned to Mrs. Malkin's shop. After trying on the ready-made clothes, he found that the size was right and there was no problem before leaving.

After selling everything, it was already noon. Dumbledore invited him to have lunch at the Leaky Cauldron. Although Jerry disliked it, he still accepted it. The food was not good and too sweet, but Dumbledore seemed to like it. of.

After happily eating lunch with the old man, the two left.

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