"You should go to Ravenclaw, Jerry!" Harry complained, and everyone else nodded.

After Neville heard that Jerry was going to give the first piece of work to him, he was moved and said to Jerry: "Thank you, Jerry."

After saying that, Neville took the wooden box from Jerry. When he opened it, he found a silver-white bracelet. Then he picked up the bracelet and put it on his wrist.

Jerry quickly stopped him, and then said to him: "Neville, don't wear it now. Wear it again after you return to the dormitory. You also need to inject magic into it once a month. You don't need to remember this. When the magic power is almost used up, the bracelet will Automatic reminder.”

After hearing Jerry's words, Neville nodded silently, his eyes full of deep gratitude, and then put the wooden box into the pocket of his coat, which seemed to be more bulging as a result.

After seeing Jerry and Neville finish their conversation, Harry quickly came over to Jerry and said, "Jerry, you know what we found on the fourth floor, a huge three-headed dog! And..."

Before Harry could finish what he said, Hermione interrupted him angrily, and then said angrily to Harry: "That's enough, Harry, this matter has nothing to do with Jerry, don't bring him into it! "

When Ron and Neville saw the little witch getting angry, they retracted their heads in fear. Harry saw Hermione's angry expression and didn't mention the topic again.

Jerry was on the side to comfort Hermione, who was a little angry, and then the few of them finished their breakfast in this atmosphere and went to class.

In fact, Jerry wanted to say that he knew about it, and even went to see it out of curiosity a few times during night outings, but Hermione's reaction made him swallow his words.

In the morning, there was Defense Against the Dark Arts class. Jerry and Hermione did not sit at the front like other classes, but chose a seat at the back.

"If you are accidentally bitten by a werewolf..."

At the front of the classroom, accompanied by a pungent and unpleasant smell of garlic, Quirrell stood there stuttering and reading the textbook. Jerry was a little suspicious that Quirrell also had to bear some responsibility for Voldemort's noselessness!

In the Defense Against the Dark Arts class, Professor Quirrell paid almost no attention to the students sitting in the classroom, which gradually made many students bolder, especially the Slytherin students.

In today's class, Malfoy even crumpled paper into balls the size of marbles and threw them at Quirrell when he turned around. Several paper balls even hit the back of Quirrell's head.

Jerry gasped from behind and sighed, Malfoy, you are really brave. If your father Lucius knew that you dared to throw small paper balls at Voldemort, he would probably be scared to the point of peeing.

"M-Malfoy, how can you throw paper balls at the professor? S-Slytherin will deduct one point."

When Malfoy saw that he had been discovered by Quirrell, he was not afraid at all. Just kidding, I am very brave!

"Professor Quirrell, your class is too boring. This is a Defense Against the Dark Arts class. You have to tell us about dark magic, right?" Malfoy continued to speak to Quirrell in a arrogant tone.

Hearing Malfoy's words, the entire classroom immediately boiled, especially the Slytherin students. They shouted excitedly on their seats, demanding to learn dark magic.

"No, no, dark magic is too, too dangerous. I can't teach you, otherwise the Ministry of Magic will get in trouble with me."

Malfoy became even more excited when he heard Quirrell's words. He patted his chest and said confidently to Quirrell: "Don't worry, Professor Quirrell, do you know who my father is? My father is Lucius Malfoy. He You're on good terms with the Minister of Magic, you'll be fine."

Seeing that the noise in the classroom was getting louder and louder, Quirrell raised his voice slightly and said to the students below: "Please, please be quiet for a moment. I, I want to ask you a question!"

Seeing that Quirrell seemed to have something to say, everyone calmed down a little and prepared to listen to his speech.

"Don't you all want to learn black magic? Then I will ask you a question to see if any of my classmates can answer me. Can anyone tell me the spell of the Death Curse?"

As soon as Quirrell finished speaking, the noisy classroom suddenly fell into silence.

It was as if all sounds were sealed at this moment, leaving only Quirrell's faint words echoing in the air.

Chapter 29 Quirrell’s Invitation

Seeing that the classroom suddenly became quiet, Quirrell asked again: "Can no one answer my question?"

"Malfoy, I noticed that you seem to be very interested in dark magic. So, now, can you try to answer the question I just asked?"

Hearing Quirrell's question, Malfoy couldn't help but feel nervous.

He swallowed, shook his head, and sat down silently.

Malfoy's arrogance and arrogance suddenly disappeared, replaced by fear. He lowered his head, not even daring to make eye contact with Professor Quirrell.

"It seems that no one knows the answer to the question!" Quirrell glanced at the expressions of the Slytherin students, and there seemed to be a little disappointment in his tone.

Just when Jerry also chose to pretend to be deaf and dumb, a figure accompanied by the pungent smell of garlic appeared next to his desk.

"Jerry Green, can you tell me the answer?"

Seeing Quirrell standing next to him, Jerry knew something was wrong. The other party was coming for him.

Jerry felt a little depressed. The savior Harry Potter was sitting in the front row. Why didn't they go to Harry, but to themselves?

Not to mention that Dumbledore was spying on him, why is Quirrell coming after him now?

Why, Quirrell, you big-eyed guy with thick eyebrows are also ready to rebel?

Jerry stood up, frowned and said, "Avada chewing a big melon?"

"Yes, well done, classmate Jerry Green. Five points for Slytherin!" Hearing Jerry's answer, Quirrell said with inexplicable excitement.

Not a single student in the classroom cheered for Professor Quirrell's move to give Jerry extra points. Not even the Slytherin students had any reaction, and the entire classroom fell into silence.

Almost all the little wizards looked at Jerry with fearful eyes.

Looking at Quirrell's performance in front of him, Jerry seriously doubted that it was Voldemort who controlled Quirrell's body now.

After class, Jerry had just packed up his textbooks and was about to leave the classroom with Hermione. When he stood up, he noticed the change in the attitude of the people around him towards him. Now everyone seemed to be deliberately avoiding him.

Harry and Ron came to them. Ron said hesitantly: "Jerry, you'd better not say those words in public in the future. It's too scary!"

Jerry felt that they were making too much fuss. He didn't know how to use the Death Curse, and he didn't hold a wand. He just recited the spell once.

But after Jerry saw the nervous and frightened reactions of the people around him, he still nodded and agreed.

Hermione said: "It's all Professor Quirrell's fault. How could he ask such terrible questions like this? The Dark Arts class should learn some knowledge about defense and combat against Dark Arts, instead of discussing these scary and disturbing topics!"

Just when several people were complaining about Quirrell, a Slytherin student suddenly came over and interrupted their conversation: "Jerry, Professor Quirrell asked you to come to his office. He has something to ask you."

Jerry suddenly had an ominous premonition in his heart. He didn't know what Quirrell or Voldemort was looking for.

After bidding farewell to Hermione and the others, Jerry handed Hermione his textbooks, and the two agreed to meet in the library.

Then, he walked along the stairs to Professor Quirrell's office door.

Jerry felt a little uneasy, not knowing what was waiting for him.

After knocking on the door and entering, what you see is the large desk in the center of the office. The table is piled with various magic books and scrolls. Some of the books look very old and their covers have turned yellow.

One side of the office is a huge window, inlaid with ancient stained glass, depicting some mysterious magical patterns.

In the other corner of the office, there was a huge bookshelf filled with thick magic books. Jerry didn't dare to look at it because he was afraid of seeing books he shouldn't see.

"Welcome, welcome Mr. Green! Come sit down and let's talk."

Now Quirrell no longer behaves submissively in class, and even his stuttering has disappeared.

"Professor Quirrell, I wonder what you want from me?"

Quirrell replied: "It's nothing. Didn't you say a magic spell during class? I'm afraid you may have some psychological burden, so I want to comfort you."

Is the Dark Lord afraid that Jerry will be tempted by black magic, so he comes to provide him with psychological counseling? Is this a new hell joke?

"Professor Quirrell, I'm actually fine. It doesn't have much impact. It's just that my friends are still waiting for me. Can I go back first?"

Quirrell ignored Jerry's words, but continued: "You have ability, talent, and most importantly, ambition. Jerry, I really admire you. Do you want to see real black magic?"

Before Jerry could answer, Quirrell took out his wand and pointed it at a mouse on the corner of the table.

"Avada Kedavra! (Avada Kedavra)"

A green light spurted out from the tip of the wand, like a poisonous snake, quickly penetrated the air and hit the target.

The mouse's body was instantly enveloped in the light, and then, with a scream, it stopped moving, leaving only a faint green light flickering in the air around its body.

Ding! Avada Kedavra Lv1, 76.5%

Seeing that Jerry was a little stunned, Quirrell also cast a death curse on the other poor mouse.

Ding! Avada Kedavra Lv2, 1.65%

Fuck, what is a black magic talent that goes beyond human limits? (tactical fallback)

Jerry was frightened by this sudden scene and took several steps back. He was frightened by the Death Curse, but more importantly, he was afraid of a showdown between Voldemort and him, and Jerry might not be able to get out of this office.

Jerry quickly stopped Quirrell's next move and said, "Professor, how could you use the Unforgivable Curse in front of the first graders?"

Seeing Jerry's panic, Quirrell said: "Jerry, you are different from them. You are more talented and better than them. Excellent students will always get some preference from their teachers, right?"

Wiping the sweat from his forehead, Jerry thought to himself: "If Dumbledore hears this, will he be treated as an accomplice of Voldemort?"

Quirrell took out a piece of parchment from the drawer, handed it to Jerry and said: "There is my warrant on it. With it, you can enter the restricted book area of ​​the library. Go in and have a look! Believe me, you will have a lot of success. Harvested."

After receiving the warrant, Jerry said goodbye to Quirrell and left his office.

After Jerry walked out of the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom, he found that his back was soaked with cold sweat.

He walked quickly to the end of the corridor, wanting to leave this thrilling place as soon as possible. This morning's experience was really exciting.

Chapter 30 For the greater good!

Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom, in Quirrell's office.

Quirrell said: "Master, I really don't understand why you want to take this risk? Is that little wizard so important?"

A hoarse voice came from the back of Quirrell's head and cursed at Quirrell: "Idiot, do you think Dumbledore doesn't doubt you?"

"As for Jerry Green, he looks modest and elegant. However, it is like a veil that covers his ambition, but the pride and tyranny in his eyes cannot be hidden. His desire for power will make him stand out in the future. Be our friends, not our enemies!”

Hearing Voldemort's words, Quirrell was still a little worried and said: "But Jerry G..."

"Shut up you idiot, you dare question me!"

Then wails and screams came from Quirrell's office.

After leaving Quirrell's office, Jerry ran all the way to the library. Before he could enter, he saw Hermione and Snape in the corridor outside the library.

Jerry thought it was Snape who was causing trouble for Hermione. After running over quickly, he stood in front of Hermione and said to Snape: "Professor, what can I do?"

Before Snape could speak, Hermione behind Jerry tugged at the corner of his clothes and whispered to Jerry in his ear: "Jerry, Professor Snape is here to see you!"

Snape ignored the two men's little actions in front of him, and just said to Jerry with a cold face: "Follow me, someone is looking for you!", and then turned and left.

After Jerry and Hermione said their apologies, they also caught up with Snape.

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