Ms. Huo Qi looked around the audience, nodded with satisfaction, and then said: "Now, please stretch out your right hand, place it on the handle of the broomstick, and then say with me: 'Get up!'"

Everyone followed Ms. Huo Qi’s request and shouted: “Get up!”

Several students' broomsticks flew quickly into their hands after hearing the shouting, including Harry's, while other brooms, such as Hermione's, just rolled on the spot.

Only Jerry and Neville's broomsticks showed no reaction.

Everyone tried several more times, and almost everyone succeeded. Even Neville's broom vibrated slightly, but Jerry's broom remained unresponsive.

It seems that Jerry doesn't like Broomstick, and Broomstick doesn't seem to like him either. I hope Jerry's broom can fly smoothly when it takes off later.

Chapter 25 Marauder’s Map

"Mr. Green, time is precious, don't waste it anymore. You two, pick up the broom and continue the next lesson with us." Ms. Hooch shook her head helplessly after looking at Jerry and Neville. explain.

Jerry felt a little embarrassed and couldn't help but scratch his hair. Ever since he came into contact with magic, he had always performed well in any course and had never encountered such a situation.

He began to wonder if he had picked up the wrong broom. It was just an ordinary broom, not a magic broom.

Ms. Huo Qi picked up the whistle hanging on her chest, looked at the students who were all ready and said: "Everyone, pay attention to the sound of my whistle. When I blow the whistle, you must kick your legs quickly to lift yourself off the ground. Remember Be sure to push hard, make sure you hold the broom firmly, rise slowly, and then let..."

Before Ms. Huo Qi finished speaking, Neville was so nervous that he kicked the ground hard and rode his broomstick high into the sky. The speed is getting faster and faster, soaring into the sky.

"Come back, kid!" Ms. Hooch shouted anxiously, but the broom still rose straight up. Neville looked at the ground with a pale face and quickly moved away from him, his mouth wide open, gasping for breath, and then slipped off the broom. .

"Arresto Momentum"

At the critical moment, Jerry took out his wand and saved Neville's life.

Ms. Huo Qi on the side was also frightened by Neville. She walked closer and found no fractures after checking. She was just too frightened and fainted.

After Ms. Huo Qi breathed a sigh of relief, she said to Jerry: "Well done! Mr. Green, five points for Slytherin!"

The Slytherin students cheered when they heard Ms. Hooch's words. They don't necessarily like Jerry, but they definitely like to see their college score points.

Hearing Slytherin's cheers, the Gryffindor students did not cynicize this time. After all, Jerry saved students from their own house.

"I want to take this child to the hospital immediately. No one of you is allowed to act without authorization! Everyone put the broomstick back to its place. If I find someone else holding it when I come back, then he will not be able to step into the hospital again. Gate to Gwarts.”

After saying that, Ms. Huo Qi carried Neville to the school infirmary.

Seeing Ms. Hooch walking away, Malfoy began to laugh loudly: "Did you all see what he looked like, that stupid guy?"

The Slytherin students standing next to him also echoed his ridicule.

The relationship between the two houses, which seemed to have eased just now, was broken due to Malfoy's ridicule, and the students on both sides began to mock each other again.

Jerry didn't want to get involved in these disputes. He took Hermione's hand and sat down on the grass nearby. When the Slytherin students saw Jerry leave the crowd and sit far away, they became bolder and taunted him even more vigorously.

Hermione saw the mutual taunts between the two sides becoming more and more intense, with Parvati Patil and Pansy's spit almost spraying into each other's faces. She said worriedly: "Jerry, are they going to fight? "

"Don't worry, the two colleges have been arguing for so many years, and there has never been a fight between the two sides. At most, they only sneak attacks on each other in private."

"But I'm still a little worried. If there's a fight, will Harry and Parvati be expelled?"

Jerry said: "The Slytherins would taunt the dogs on the roadside when they saw them. If they could really fight, these people would have been beaten to death long ago."

Malfoy snatched Neville's memory ball, quickly mounted his broomstick and got off the ground. In order to regain the memory ball, Harry is also ready to jump on the broom and chase Malfoy.

Seeing this situation, Hermione could no longer sit back and ignore it. She quickly rushed forward and warned Harry seriously.

Jerry didn't want to care about them and just let them make trouble. Nothing would happen in Hogwarts anyway, so he sat down, picked up a spell book and started reading seriously.

"Jerry, Harry was taken away by Professor McGonagall? Will he be expelled?" Hermione ran to Jerry and asked anxiously.

"Don't worry, unless Dumbledore jumps from the Astronomy Tower and falls to his death, Harry will definitely be fine."

"What, you're going to be Gryffindor's Seeker?" Ron said with a shocked look on his face.

At dinner time, Harry told them about Professor McGonagall's visit to him.

After listening, Ron suddenly felt that the pie in his hand no longer tasted good.

Jerry ignored the conversations of several people and took advantage of dinner time to find the Weasley twins.

"Hi, George, Fred, good evening, I have something to do with you!" Jerry knew that the two brothers had the Marauder's Map and wanted to borrow it from them.

Seeing that Jerry was hesitant to speak, the Weasley twins looked at each other and understood immediately. They smiled and led Jerry to the bottom of the stairs at the corner.

George winked and asked, "Jerry, what do you want from us? Do you want some prank props, or do you want to do some prank and need our help?"

"Do you have any props that can help you avoid being caught by Filch when traveling at night?"

After hearing Jerry's words, the two brothers cheered, and then carried Jerry to the corridor outside the door.

After coming out, the two brothers said in unison: "Jerry, we misjudged you. We always thought you were a good kid who abided by school rules. But, great job! Jerry, you have a good vision and found us brothers." "

After speaking, Jerry couldn't tell whether it was George or Fred, and took out a piece of parchment folded into a square shape from his pocket, which looked very worn.

Jerry pretended not to recognize the Marauder's Map and asked them, "What is this?"

After hearing Jerry's question, the two brothers said to Jerry very proudly: "This is the secret of our success!"

"We found this in Filch's office when we were in first grade." After saying that, George took out his wand, pointed at the map and said, "I solemnly swear that I will not do bad things."

In an instant, the fine ink flowing from the tip of George's wand intertwined on the paper like a spider web, criss-crossing until it covered every corner of the parchment, and finally the name and maker of the map appeared.

It's a detailed map of Hogwarts Castle and the surrounding grounds, but most strikingly, it has everyone's real-time location marked on it.

Jerry exclaimed: "Great, George, Fred, you two must lend me the Marauder's Map."

George: "Of course, I'll give it to you now. Remember to return it to me after you use it. There are still many places we haven't visited in Hogwarts. When we finish exploring, I will give you the map."

Fred: "Remember Jerry, when you're done, tap the map with your wand to say the prank is over and the pattern will disappear. And good luck tonight!"

Jerry put away the map, nodded to show that he understood, said goodbye to the two brothers, returned to the long table, and had dinner.

Chapter 26 The Room of Requirement

Early morning, Slytherin lounge.

Jerry opened the Marauder's Map and took a closer look. Snape was in his office, motionless, probably mixing potions.

Dumbledore was the complete opposite of Snape, walking around the principal's office not knowing what he was doing! Filch is in the Gryffindor area.

OK! Safe, let’s go!

Jerry walked carefully through the Slytherin common room, trying not to make any noise, deftly avoiding the decorations and furniture in the room to avoid any possible noise.

After passing through the stone door of the lounge, Jerry quickly unfolded the map in his hand and followed the pre-planned route to the eighth floor of Hogwarts Castle. He had been coveting the Room of Requirement for a long time.

After Jerry arrived on the eighth floor, he found the opposite side of the tapestry where the troll beat Barnabas stupidly. He walked back and forth in the corridor, thinking silently: "I want to find a place where I can practice magic spells."

After three attempts, the texture of the wall began to change. A deep black magic pattern gradually emerged from the depths of the wall.

The lines spread and intertwine, expanding and deforming in a unique way, gradually forming a magnificent door.

Jerry opened the door and saw a room the size of a basketball court. There were chandeliers hanging on the walls of the room and dark stone tiles on the floor. Whenever he walked around, he would leave a string of crisp echoes on the stone tiles.

In the center of the room, there were several dummies commonly seen in Charms classes. These dummies have some simple magic attached to them to simulate opponents in actual combat.

When Jerry saw these dummies, he felt a familiar yet novel feeling in his heart.

After Jerry approached a dummy, he tentatively waved his wand to attack. The dummy seemed to be alive and reacted to dodge his attack.

After noticing the dummy's reaction, Jerry smiled. He was satisfied with the practice range.

From now on, this room will be Jerry's private magic practice ground.

Here, Jerry can cast spells to his heart's content and fight dummies to practice and improve his spells.

"I want a place to mix potions."

As Jerry recited it silently three times, the surrounding space began to blur, as if he was walking through a fog.

When the world before Jerry's eyes became clear again, he found himself in a completely different room than before.

The room was obviously much smaller than before, only about one-fifth of its original size. There was only one table inside, but the table was filled with various crucibles, distillers and other potion configuration equipment.

Seeing the changes before his eyes, Jerry fell in love with this Room of Requirement!

Jerry made up his mind to come to this magical Room of Requirement every night to practice the spell. He would secretly work hard and then kill everyone.

"Expecto Patronum"

As the mantra was recited, Jerry felt the air around him begin to tremble, and an invisible force surged out of his body.

A ray of silver light shot out from the tip of the wand, cutting through the darkness and rushing straight into the sky ahead. The light was as dazzling as lightning, illuminating the entire room and making the entire space brighter.

With the continuous output of magic power, two scarlet spots suddenly flashed and appeared in the silvery white light. With a loud cry, Jerry's patron saint descended from the light, majestic and sacred.

"Hoo~ho~" Jerry gasped for air and continuously released the Patronus Charm, the magic power in his body gradually exhausted.

However, when Jerry saw the proficiency of the Patronus Charm gradually increasing on the system panel, he understood that it was all worth it.

Jerry could clearly feel that his strength was constantly improving, and he was becoming more and more proficient in using the Patronus Charm.

As long as it doesn't take long, Jerry's Patronus Charm will be upgraded.

By then, he will be able to understand his patron saint more deeply and know what power and meaning its eyes represent.

After resting for a while, Jerry packed up his things, opened the Marauder's Map, made sure it was safe, and prepared to go back to the dormitory to rest.

When he went down to the fourth floor, there was a sudden "click" sound, which startled Jerry. A door appeared on the wall to his right. The sound that startled him just now was the sound of the door opening.

Seeing this scene, Jerry's first reaction was that someone was trying to harm him.

He quickly picked up the Marauder's Map in his hand and made sure that no one was around. He looked at the location of the principal's office and found that Dumbledore was missing.

"Jerry, are you looking for me?" A voice suddenly came from behind Jerry.

The voice sounded kind and kind, but Jerry broke into a cold sweat.

"Professor Dumbledore, why did you suddenly appear? You scared me to death!"

Dumbledore looked at Jerry's startled look and couldn't help laughing: "Sorry, Jerry, I scared you. I just wanted to play a prank on you, I didn't expect you to be scared. arrive."

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