Hagrid looked at Tom over and over again, shook his head and said: "Jerry, I'm sorry, I don't know what kind of bird this is. It has a body like a crow, but its eyes are not the same, and even if it is a crow with the blood of magical animals, , and definitely not as smart as Tom."

Chapter 21 Potions Class

Hearing Hagrid's words, Jerry was also a little surprised. He originally thought that Tom was just a relatively rare bird species, but now it seems that Tom's origin and species are both problematic.

Alas, Jerry is used to it, after all, there are too many mysteries around him.

"Jerry, if you don't mind, I can write a letter to Professor Newt Scamander and he will definitely know!"

Hermione heard Hagrid's words and said excitedly: "Oh my God, Hagrid, is that Professor Newt Scamander, the expert on the protection of magical creatures?"

Harry and Ron were a little confused as to why Hermione was so excited. Ron asked, "Is he famous?"

After Hermione glared at him, she explained: "Can you go back and look at your first-grade textbook? If you had read it, you wouldn't have asked such a stupid question. The book "Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them" is the New York Times textbook. Written by Professor T. Scamander.”

Harry, Ron, Neville: "..."

Jerry: "Thank you so much, Hagrid. Do you want me to take Tom to take a picture and send it to Professor Newt Scamander with the letter?"

Hagrid shook his hand and said, "Don't bother, Jerry. I'll just tell Scamander about Tom's characteristics in the letter. He will definitely know about it. Believe me Jerry, maybe Scamander will be able to help you." Will come to Hogwarts to find you."

"Gah!" Tom broke free from Hagrid's hand, pecked him a few times, spread his wings and fluttered twice, and stood on Jerry's shoulders again.

Jerry knocked Tom on the head and cursed: "Damn it, Tom, you've gained weight again. My shoulders can hardly bear your weight."

Time came to the evening, and after bidding farewell to Hagrid, several people returned to Hogwarts. Jerry did not give Tom to Hermione this time because he decided to lose weight for Tom, so he took it back to his dormitory and said This is Tom's first time here, but judging from the way it flies around, he should be able to get used to it.

The time came to Friday this week, and today was a "dangerous" day for both Jerry and Harry, because there was Potions class in the morning.

Bad news, the Potions professor is Snape, good news, Harry Potter is here too.

After getting up early and freshening up, Jerry took Tom to the dining hall, took breakfast from Hermione, and started eating.

Hermione glanced at the time and urged Jerry: "Jerry, hurry up and hurry up. Snape's class is in the morning, so don't be late!"

After hearing Hermione's words, Jerry nodded, then looked at the oatmeal in the bowl. He really didn't have much appetite. After a few bites, he dragged Hermione to the classroom.

The Potions class is held in an underground classroom. The walls of the classroom are covered with various animal specimens soaked in solutions. Next to it stands a huge storage cabinet, which stores the things that students may have learned during the process of making potions. Various raw materials used.

In front of the desk in the classroom is a blackboard, which contains the materials and detailed steps required for students to prepare potions.

However, this classroom is not as warm and comfortable as the main castle building. It exudes a slightly cold atmosphere, making people feel even colder than the castle above. Especially in winter, the cold is so biting that the breath you exhale can even condense into clouds of white mist.

After the two jogged all the way to the classroom, Jerry looked around. Before Snape arrived, Harry, Ron, and Neville were already in their seats. Jerry took a look and nodded. , the location chosen was good, right under Snape's nose.

Jerry did not go to Harry, but took Hermione to find a small corner to the side, sat down, and tried to reduce his presence as much as possible.

Hermione was a little confused. Last time you told us that Snape would not harm students, and you also made a lot of nonsense. Why are you taking his class now?

"Why is Jerry sitting in this position? Aren't there two empty seats next to Harry?"

"Hermione, trust me, you'll know after class."

Although Hermione was a little skeptical, she still believed Jerry and sat down in her seat, because in her impression, no matter what happened, Jerry was always right.

Jerry and Hermione hadn't chatted for long before Snape walked quickly into the classroom, the sleeves of his black wizard robes flying up with his steps.

After standing on the podium, Snape's sharp, keen, and intimidating eyes, which seemed to be able to see through other people's hearts at a glance, glanced around, and the classroom fell silent instantly.

"Let's start the roll call now." Like other professors, Snape took out the list and started the roll call as soon as the class started.

When Snape pointed at Harry, he stopped and said venomously: "Harry Potter, they say you defeated the mysterious man. Now you are famous in Hogwarts, but you don't know your strength and fame." Can it match?"

Hearing Snape's words, all the Slytherin students covered their mouths and laughed.

Harry looked at the Slytherin students next door and regretted sitting so far forward. Now he finally understood why Jerry and Hermione had to sit in an inconspicuous position at the back.

Snape ignored the jeers and continued to name names.

"Jerry Green! Where's the man?"

"Professor, I'm here." Jerry was sure that Snape did it on purpose. In such a big place, it was impossible for him to enter the classroom for so long without seeing him.

Snape continued to say sarcastically: "Isn't this the notorious Jerry Green of Slytherin? Why is he sitting in a small corner?"

"Professor, I think it's very good here."

"Really? It turns out that Jerry Green only dares to hide in the corner!"

The Slytherin students around wanted to laugh like before, but they were intimidated by Jerry's majesty and did not dare to make a sound. After all, Jerry was different from Harry.

They didn't want to offend Jerry and end up lying naked and seriously injured in the common room the next day. It would be too embarrassing.

Snape looked at the Slytherin students who didn't dare to make any sound. He was a little annoyed and cursed in his heart, these losers.

Hermione was a little angry when she heard Snape's words. She felt that as a professor, how could he talk about his students like this? She wanted to refute for Jerry, but was stopped by Jerry when she was about to raise her hands and stand up.

"Hermione, there's no need to be like this. Snape just has a bit of a venomous tongue. Just treat it as a fart."

"I, I know, can you let me go first." In order to stop Hermione, Jerry almost hugged her whole body.

After noticing the two people's posture, Jerry quickly let go of Hermione, and the atmosphere became awkward for a moment.

"Sorry, Hermione, I was a little anxious just now. Are you okay?" Jerry asked sheepishly.

Hermione's face turned red and she lowered her head to flip through the book, avoiding Jerry's sight.

Chapter 22 Vicious Snape

"Hermione, Snape is done talking nonsense and class has started!" Jerry reminded Hermione when he saw that she was still in a daze.

After hearing Jerry's words, Hermione shook her head and stopped her random thoughts. She looked up and saw that Snape had already written the potion ingredients on the blackboard at the front.

"Yeah!" Without looking at Jerry, Hermione just responded to him in a low voice, then picked up a pen and started recording.

"Jerry Green, do you know the questions I asked Mr. Pott just now?" A voice came from behind Jerry and Hermione. Snape appeared behind them at some point and grabbed Jerry's shoulders. asked.

"I'm sorry, Professor, I was distracted just now. Can you ask me again?" Jerry was so focused on Hermione that he didn't even hear what Snape was saying.

"It seems that Mr. Jerry Green doesn't like this class very much. I heard from other professors that you are excellent and you performed very well during class. Why is there something wrong with this class? I don't know, so I just talked to Mr. Pott Just say you don’t know, there’s no shame in it.”

"Professor Snape, I..."

Before Jerry could finish speaking, Snape interrupted him and said, "Okay, okay, I'll give you another chance. If you grind narcissus root into powder and add it to the wormwood infusion, What potion can I get? Do you know?"

"You can get the Water of Life and Death, which is a sleeping pill and very powerful. Am I right?"

Seeing Jerry's confident look, Snape was annoyed and continued to ask: "Where can I find a fecal stone and tell me the difference between Aconitum scaphoides and Aconitum wolfsbane."

"Bezoar has a strong detoxifying effect and can be taken from the stomach of goats. Aconitum navicularis and Aconitum wolfsbane are the same plant, collectively called Aconitum. Professor Snape, am I correct?"

"Sit down. It's just memorizing from the textbook. It's nothing special. One point for Slytherin. As for you, Mr. Potato, because you contradicted the professor, one point will be deducted from Gryffindor."

Upon hearing Snape's words, the Slytherin students cheered.

"Do you all know the answer to the question just now? Why are you so stunned? Why don't you quickly pick up your notes and write them down." Snape's words instantly silenced the originally noisy classroom.

"Now the Potions class continues. Your task today is to prepare a potion to treat boils. This kind of potion is very simple to prepare. You only need..."

Although Snape's words were a bit venomous, it was undeniable that he was definitely a master in potions. Jerry watched him explain and demonstrate in front of him, and his movements and operations were all fluent.

"Now put down your quills, work in pairs, and start configuring according to the steps I told you. I want to check it before get out of class ends."

Jerry and Hermione were in a group. The two did not communicate much. Hermione weighed dried nettles, while Jerry crushed the snake's fangs. The two had a clear division of labor. They quickly prepared all the medicinal materials and began to prepare potions in the crucible. .

"Simon, put down your wand, and you idiots who don't listen, put down your textbooks and follow the steps on my blackboard. And Harry, has your brain been eaten by a troll? You missed something. Magic potion.”

"Mr. Weasley, the troll will shake his head pitifully at you when he sees your brain. Use your eyes to take a good look at what I wrote on the blackboard!"

All the students in the Potions classroom took action. Snape also walked down from the podium and wandered back and forth among the student desks, criticizing wherever he went. Especially Harry, who was given special attention. Nep walked to Harry's cauldron, criticized and ridiculed him, left, and then came back not long after.

Of course, Jerry's cauldron was often inspected by Snape, and sometimes he would pick it up and look at it. Then Snape left a generic potion and never came back.

It seemed that his talent in Potions was not enough for Snape, but the way Jerry looked at Snape, it seemed that taking his class would be enough.

Just when Jerry was somewhat grateful that Snape didn't cause trouble for him anymore, he heard a "bang", and then a plume of acidic green smoke appeared in the potions classroom.

Neville accidentally boiled Seamus' cauldron into a twisted object. Not a drop of the potion inside was left, and all of it spilled on the stone floor, leaving a burnt mark and a pungent smell. Permeated the entire classroom.

Not only did the potion leave irreparable holes in the students' shoes, it also soaked Neville's entire body in the potion.

After hearing only a few "sibilant" sounds, the classroom was filled with exclamations one after another, and the whole class quickly jumped on the stools. The moment the cauldron tipped over, red and swollen boils began to appear all over Neville's body, causing him to cry loudly in pain.

"Idiot!" Snape cursed, then used the wand in his hand to clean up the spilled potion on the ground.

Looking at Neville, who had red and swollen boils all over his body, Snape asked, "Did you put the porcupine quill in the cauldron while it was still being heated?"

Regardless of Neville's answer, Snape sternly said to Seamus next to him: "Send him to the school infirmary quickly!"

Then Snape said to Harry Ron who was not far away: "Potter, I remember you are not friends, why don't you stop him, don't you know this will be dangerous?"

Harry wanted to defend himself, but Snape didn't give him a chance and told him directly that Gryffindor would deduct another point for his behavior.

Harry was a little angry, but luckily Ron pulled him aside, otherwise the Gryffindor students would find out tonight that their house points had been wiped out. Snape would definitely be able to do this.

An hour later, when get out of class was about to end, Snape looked at the potions prepared by Jerry and Hermione, and gave Slytherin and Gryffindor one point each with a blank expression.

After class, Harry and Ron, who were depressed, came to Jerry and the others. Seeing Hermione looking a little distracted, Harry asked curiously: "Hermione, what's wrong with you? Didn't you already add one point to Gryffindor?" Yet?"

Ron said from the side: "You used to be the most active in raising your hands in class. Why haven't you been so active in this class? You didn't respond when Snape asked questions. You must be afraid of Snape too!" "

Hermione said nothing, glared at Ron, and left with a red face holding a few books.

"Hey, I didn't say anything, did I? Jerry, did you have a fight?" Ron asked Jerry doubtfully.

Jerry didn't say much to the two of them. After saying goodbye, he caught up with Hermione.

"Harry, what happened to them both today?"

"I don't know either."

"get out of class is over, what are you two doing here? Do you want to stay and clean the classroom?" Snape's voice suddenly appeared behind Harry and Ron, who were so frightened that they picked up their books and ran away.

Snape ignored them, but looked at Jerry and Hermione with a thoughtful expression. The sharpness and coldness in his eyes gradually faded away, replaced by a deep tenderness.

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