Author: Hate Sugar-Free Coke 55


Reporter: "Excuse me, Mr. Green, people from the Ministry of Magic call you the most terrifying, evil, and powerful Dark Lord in history. What do you think?" Green: "These are slanders and slanders against me by the Ministry of Magic. They They are just jealous of my talent." Greene "I advise these officials of the Ministry of Magic to behave themselves, reflect carefully, and not to make such mistakes again in the future, to be clever, ah, uh... The magic world should value peace, practice martial ethics, and not engage in quarrels. ." Reporter: "Mr. Green, why did the Dementor...

Chapter 1 Notice from the Orphanage

"Headmaster Dumbledore, this is this year's freshman admission list."

"Thank you for your hard work, Professor McGonagall." said the slender old man with white hair as white as snow.

"Harry is also on the freshman list this year..."

"Don't worry, Professor McGonagall, I asked Hagrid and he will pick up Harry. Do you want a pile of cockroaches?"

Professor McGonagall shook her head and turned to leave the principal's office.

"Wait, Professor McGonagall..."

Dumbledore stopped McGonagall, picked up the list of new students, and said with some hesitation: "I will go to this child myself..."

1991, London, England.

Winstanley Road, Elizabeth Orphanage, the boy frowned and sat on a chair in the yard.

Jerry Green was in a bad mood because recently there was a child in the same hospital, John, who always wanted to cause trouble for him because of his age.

"Humph, here we go again~" Jerry sneered, looked at the tall figure approaching him, got up and went to the grove behind the orphanage.

"Hey, boy, is this the place you chose to be beaten? Or are you ready to kneel down and beg me for mercy because there is no one here?" After that, he laughed.

Jerry didn't talk to him, took out the bamboo stick hidden behind his back, and before John could react, he whipped his right leg hard.

"Ah, Fuck~" Obviously he didn't expect that the seemingly gentle Jerry would sneak attack and be so cruel.

John held his right leg in pain with both hands and wailed on the ground.

Very good, this way you won't be able to escape later, Jerry looked at him with cold eyes.

"Fake, what do you want to do?" At this time, John looked at Jerry beside him, with a hint of panic in his eyes.

"Don't be afraid, I won't do anything to you, I just want to reason with you." After saying that, he showed a warm smile, then knelt down and slapped John hard on the face.

John looked at Jerry who was smiling at himself and hitting him at the same time. He was so frightened that he lowered his head and did not dare to say a word. He regretted provoking him.

Jerry grabbed John's hair, pulled him back, made him raise his head, looked at himself, and asked, "I'm curious, there are so many people in the orphanage, why do you bother me?"

"I, I just brag to others, saying that I am the boss and I can bully others at will."

As soon as Jerry heard this, he knew he was lying, so he let go of him and stood up.

When John thought he had escaped, a foot stepped hard on the back of his right hand.

"My patience is limited, you have to think carefully before answering."

"Ah, what I tell is all the truth, you believe me!"

The force on Jerry's foot increased a little more, and he moved it back and forth on the back of his hand. John's face turned pale in pain.

"I said, I said, I just saw that you were unhappy and wanted to teach you a lesson."

Truth and lies are not important to Jerry, John's fear is important to him.

Jerry looked at the painful John and asked, "Is today's lesson okay?" His voice was so warm and kind.

"Jerry, I was wrong, please let me go."

Looking at John's expression, Jerry knew that he had achieved his goal, and John was scared. There is no way, in a place like an orphanage, people can't stand firmly!

Of course Jerry will forgive him, after all, he is still just a child! !

He released the foot on John's right hand and kicked him hard in the stomach.

"Ouch..." John curled up on the ground in pain.

He raised his foot and rubbed it on John's clothes. After wiping off the blood on the sole of his shoe, he said goodbye to John with a smile.

What Jerry didn't know was that an old man who looked very old and had white hair was standing in the corner watching everything.

"Jerry, are you not hurt? I heard that John followed you into the woods?"

As soon as Jerry came out of the woods, a beautiful girl ran towards Jerry, looking slightly worried.

Although the question the girl asked was a bit strange, Jerry answered her politely.

"It's okay, I just talked some sense into John, and now he understands that he was wrong."

Looking at Jerry, who had brilliant blond hair, extremely handsome face and elegant behavior, the girl blushed slightly and said, "Jerry, you are really a gentleman."

After bidding farewell to the reluctant girl, Jerry returned to the quadruple dormitory.

Jerry Green is a time traveler who traveled to this world a year ago.

Before time travel, he was a college student who was about to graduate, and then he woke up and became a ten-year-old orphan.

But I soon accepted the reality. I was an orphan in my previous life, and I am still an orphan now, and I am more than ten years younger. Thinking about it, I even feel that I have made a profit.

It took half a year to confirm that I didn't have a golden finger, and then I started thinking about my future.

The first thing that comes to mind is definitely making money. The only thing he can think about now is the 2002 World Cup in South Korea, but that is still more than ten years away.

Jerry studied science in his previous life and wanted to publish some theories in advance, but he had no money, no means, and it was unrealistic. After all, I started as an orphan and hadn't even read the book for a few days. How could I know those theories? I was afraid I would be arrested and sliced ​​for study.

Later, I also considered ways to make money from songs, scripts, novels, etc. After all, I am so handsome, and it is not easy to join the European and American entertainment circles.

Jerry thought about it and found that it wouldn't work. He could sing few English songs, and he could only remember the rough plots of scripts and novels. It would be difficult to write them out.

This plan of getting involved in the entertainment industry was classified as a backup plan by Jerry.

Now Jerry can only wait until he grows up a few years, set a small goal first, become the world's top scientist, publish those theories in advance, and let those people live in his shadow. I am Jay Charlotte Ray.

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"Gu~gu~" An owl suddenly flew in from outside the window, dropped a letter on Jerry's head, and stood still on the table, staring at Jerry.

Jerry was a little confused and picked up the wax-sealed letter. It was quite thick. There was a familiar logo on the front of the envelope, and underneath it was written: Do not disturb the sleeping dragon.

Jerry was a little stunned, then he patted his head and remembered, 1991, London, Owl, he had traveled to the world of Harry Potter.


Jerry is now excited and nervous, looking forward to and apprehensive.

After opening the envelope and taking out the letter inside, there were a few lines of beautiful words written on the top piece of paper:

Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

Headmaster: Dumbledore

(Sir Merlin, First Class, Chief Wizard of the Wizengamot, President of the International Federation of Wizards)

Dear Mr. Green:

We are pleased to inform you that you have been admitted to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Attached is a list of required books and equipment. The semester is scheduled to start on September 1st. Please inform us of your reply before July 31st.

your loyal

Minerva McGonagall

Vice Principal (Female)

The following pages contain an introduction to Hogwarts School, as well as a list of books and equipment required for admission.

After answering the letter and feeding the owl some nuts, an electronic sound sounded in Jerry's mind.

Ding, system, start.

Jerry, who was holding the notice and was about to go find the nun at the orphanage, stiffened and froze in place. His late golden finger finally arrived.

Chapter 2 The Liver Emperor’s Life Starting from Hogwarts

[Host: Jerry Green

Occupation: Wizard

Inventory: None

Talents (up to 10):

Charms: 8 (gifted)

Potions: 7 (regarded as a gift)

Transfiguration: 9 (extremely talented)

Divination: 1 (time is good, time is not good)

Black magic: 11 (Dementors will tremble when they see you!!!)

Number of card draws: 0

(Become the most powerful and terrifying Dark Lord!!)]

Looking at his luxurious data panel, Jerry twitched the corner of his mouth. Everything up to this point was considered normal. After all, no time traveler has bad talent.

What's up with black magic? Isn't the maximum only 10? Even if his talent is so high, it's still a little beyond.

Could it be that the system felt that there were limits to being a wizard, so it forcibly mutated him? Jerry was a little lucky now that the system didn't think witches were better.

Jerry felt that the last sentence of the system was a slander and slander against him! !

Jerry has always considered himself an elegant gentleman who is smart, kind and polite.

He is cold and ruthless on the outside, but he is still full of truth, kindness and beauty in his heart! Anyone who has friends with him knows that he is a person who likes to make friends, reason, and can get along with everyone.

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