Hogwarts: I, The Strongest Dark Lord In History!

093. Signing Event, Quarrel, Fight! (Kneeling To Customize!)

【Gilderoy·Lockhart, signed autobiography "I Can Be Magic" for sale Time:...】

Above the Lihen Bookstore, there is an incomparably huge slogan floating.

Every character has a body shape similar to that of an adult.

This ensures that all wizards in Diagon Alley can see it.

Judging by the overcrowded appearance of the bookstore, this slogan should have made a lot of contributions.

"Sorry, excuse me!"

Most of the bookstores are women, and most of them are housewives.

They are all loyal fans of Gilderoy.

"Oh Merlin!"

Hermione tapped her forehead suddenly.

Then he lowered his head.

Lucas looked over curiously, and saw the Grangers standing in the front row at a glance.

The two seemed very interested in Gilderoy Lockhart's book.

Hearing the laughter beside her, Hermione looked at her boyfriend angrily.

"My dear, you have to admit that Gilderoy is very popular among middle-aged people.

"Lucas, I saw Mr. Weasley, I'll go first, thank you for your help.

Harry said suddenly at this moment.

Watching the savior classmate squeeze into the crowd.

Lucas always felt that he hadn't seen each other for a while, and the other party became more impetuous than before.

Lucas took Hermione and Qiu Zhang up to the second floor.

Crowded compared to the first floor.

The space on the second floor seemed much empty.

"You guys are here, come here quickly, you can see more clearly from here."

Della Ke didn't know when he appeared on the second floor.

He was standing directly above Gilderoy's signing table.

Several people chatted a few words while leaning against the railing.

A commotion was heard from below.

"Out of the way, this is a photo shoot for the Daily Prophet.

A short reporter yelled into the crowd.

Gilderoy turned to look at the camera, frowning suddenly.

A few seconds passed.

He suddenly realized: "Merlin, isn't this Harry Potter!"

The crowd followed Gilderoy's gaze.

Immediately noticed our savior classmate.

Harry was still a little embarrassed at the moment.

Although the glasses and clothes are sorted by Lucas.

But there's still a lot of Black's chimney ashes on his face.

Ron didn't see his friend's distress.

He excitedly pushed Harry and said, "Gilderoy wants to take a photo with you, hurry up my good friend."

He said this very loudly.

It seemed that he wanted to tell everyone that he was a good friend of Harry Potter.


The crowd began to murmur, and some gave Ron envious looks.

The second floor of the bookstore.

Della frowned and said, "What does he use Harry for? A tool to show off to others?"

Whether it's Lucas or Hermione and Qiu Zhang.

They all understand who the "he" Della Coe refers to is.

Watching Ron Weasley smug is really annoying.

Facing Gilderoy's invitation.

Harry bit the bullet, and walked towards the other party under everyone's gaze.

The flash on the magic camera stung his eyes.

In order to avoid the flash, Harry couldn't help but look up.

I happened to see Lucas and Della on the second floor.


Harry felt like a monkey in a zoo.

His cheeks suddenly felt hot.

"Hey, Lucas, Della Coya!"

Everyone followed Harry's gaze to the second floor.

When seeing two elegant teenagers.

The crowd's discussion became more intense.

"Sir Lucas Grindelwald.

"Merlin, I still remember the unprecedented grand occasion some time ago."

"But, why did Mr. Grindelwald come to Lihen Bookstore? Doesn't he own a bookstore?"

Lucas has been in the limelight recently in the British wizarding world.

Just as expected.

The young appearance had an unexpected chemical reaction with the behind-the-scenes bosses of 15 shops.

Even after so long.

People still talk about it after dinner.

Especially after learning about the generous treatment of the Saints Investment Group.

Now many people want to go to seek a job.

"Good morning everyone, today is Mr. Lockhart's signing event, please support us."

Gilderoy Lockhart was a little unhappy at first.

Think Lucas upstaged himself by showing up.

But after hearing what the other party said, a confident smile appeared on his face again.

"Thank you for coming Mr. Grindelwald, would you like to take a group photo?"

"Sorry, I have other things to do, wish your autobiography Continental."

After Lucas finished speaking, he left the railing on the second floor.

Because he had noticed that Mr. Malfoy appeared at the door of the bookstore.

If there is no accident.

He'll be messing with the Weasleys in a bit.

Lucius Malfoy did have such thoughts at the moment.

For the black leather diary in his hand.

He hadn't made up his mind what to do with it.

Wanted to give it to Dumbledore, but was afraid of being blamed by Voldemort.

But just now.

He learned from Lucas that the Weasley family had also come to Diagon Alley.

Malfoy had been feuding with Weasley for a long time.

So Lucius Malfoy immediately had a good plan for what to do with the diary.

If successful.

Arthur Weasley's days ahead may not be easy.

Come to think of it, the head of the Misuse of Muggle Artifacts Division at the Ministry of Magic.

The main person in charge of this surprise inspection.

What would happen if black magic hazards appeared in his home?

Lucius feels excited just thinking about it now.

"Lucius Uncle, why are you standing here?"

Hear Lucas' voice behind him.

Mr. Malfoy immediately suppressed his smile.

"Well, it's nothing, I'm just observing, if our bookstore also holds a signing event like this, will it attract so many people?"

Although he knew that the other party was pretending.

But Lucas is still willing to cooperate.

at this time.

Harry had already had his picture taken with Gilderoy Lockhart.

Wait until after the camera's shutter is pressed.

Lockhart politely "chucked" him off.

Harry looked at the complete set of Lockhart books in his hand and smiled wryly.

"Oh, Harry, you've got a complete set of books signed by Lockhart."

Looking at Ron with envious eyes.

Harry sent the book to the other party's arms: "Since you like it, I will give it to you, and I will buy it myself.

"Really, is it okay?"

Seeing Harry nod, Ron immediately smiled joyfully.

If it wasn't for the location not being allowed, he would have wanted to shout a few words loudly.

"Poor Weasley, are you so happy to just get a set of signed books?"

The characteristic Malfoy tone caught the attention of the Weasleys.

Harry watched Dellako approaching from a distance, and immediately greeted each other.

"Della Ke, long time no see."

"It's been a long time indeed, the famous Mr. Harry Potter."

Looking at strange friends.

There was confusion in Harry's eyes.

Before he could ask the other party what was going on.

I saw Mr. Malfoy walking behind Dellako.

Mr. Malfoy who had treated him very well in Malfoy Manor.

It was as if he didn't know him at the moment.

Harry turned to look at Ron, ready to complain to him.

But they saw that the Weasley family was looking at Malfoy and his son warily.

Harry instantly understood the reason for Della Cole's and Mr. Malfoy's change of attitude.

They probably don't want to be caught between the two.

At this time Arthur · Weasley came from afar.

"Lucius?" Mr. Weasley called out the name of the man in front of him coldly.

Mr. Malfoy sneered slightly.

"I heard that you are very busy recently, busy searching everywhere. You work so hard, why didn't the Ministry of Magic give you an extra salary?"

After speaking, he came to the Weasley family.

Reach for a few second-hand books from Ginny Weasley's cauldron.

"々`What a poor child, who is clearly a freshman in the first grade, but has to use these old books.

Mr. Malfoy opened it casually and looked at it.

Then throw the book back into the crucible.

No one noticed that there was a black-covered diary among the lost books.

And Lucas, who has been paying attention to it all the time, has a bright spot in his eyes.

Finally it appeared, Riddle's diary.

"Hey, Arthur Weasley, what's the use of being the scum of wizards if you can't even get enough food and clothing to live on?"

Mr. Malfoy was about to leave after speaking.

What he had to do was done.

After careful consideration, he decided to put the diary on the Weasley family's youngest daughter.

If found out, Arthur · Weasley will have no good fruit to eat.

If you can't find out, you can bring the diary into Hogwarts smoothly.

In this way, Dumbledore must be able to detect the strong dark magic atmosphere in the diary.

All he needs to do now is to leave as soon as possible.

As long as you walk out of the store, the diary has nothing to do with you.

Lucius Malfoy silently praised his shrewdness in his heart.


Someone didn't want him to.

Lucas pointed a veiled finger at Mr Malfoy.

Give him a "Leg Lock Curse"

Mr. Malfoy, who was about to leave, suddenly stood up straight with his legs together.

Due to inertia, he fell directly towards Arthur Weasley.

Wait until Lucas lifts the spell.

Mr. Weasley had already picked up the cauldron and hit Malfoy.

"Oh Dad, come on, hit him!"

"Hit (King's) him, Daddy!"

Fred and George stood aside and cheered loudly for their father.

Mrs. Weasley screamed to stop the two.

The bookstore is already crowded.

The crowd wanted to avoid the two of them again, so several bookshelves were pushed down between pushing and shoving.

The ongoing Gilderoy Lockhart signing event was also forced to stop.

Looking at the two wrestling together in the distance.

Gilderoy's face was as black as the bottom of a pot.

"Don't hit it, book, be careful with the book, everyone, please pay attention to your feet..."

The shouts of bookstore clerks, the sound of booing and cheering.

The lively discussions were mixed together.

Let Lihen Bookstore become more lively.

It even attracted a lot of onlookers from outside.

Lucas put his arms around his chest, looked at the two wrestling together and said: "Mr. Malfoy is really great, for our bookstore, he actually ended up disrupting the situation himself.

Hermione gave him an annoyed look.

She just saw the county.

Obviously Lucas used the leg-lock spell.

Of course, she won't say it.

After all, Malfoy and the Weasleys had nothing to do with her.

"Dad, Mom, come to my side, don't stand too close.

Hermione hurriedly called her parents to her side.

At this moment, a loud voice suddenly came from the door: "Everyone, please make way!"

The familiar voice broke into Harry's ears.

He seemed to see a savior, and immediately said to the person who came.

"Hagrid! Help separate them!".

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