Chapter 565 I won’t do this!!

Sure enough, Darren changed back half an hour later.

Everyone except Ginny, who showed a regretful expression, breathed a sigh of relief.

Because turning Darren into a little fox made them feel as if a joke had come on Dumbledore.

After Mr. Weasley said a bunch of irrelevant questions to Harry and them, he blasted them out.

Darren was left in the ward.

Although Dumbledore asked him not to participate in the Order of the Phoenix for the time being, he did not leave, and no one urged him to leave.

They had acquiesced, and Darren could listen to these things.

As Darren sat there, he spotted Fred’s telescopic ears. Moody, they didn’t use a shielding spell.

He is also useless.

He thinks it may be Moody’s deliberate indulgence. It may have been Dumbledore’s instruction.

Wanted Harry to know something.

But it didn’t matter, he just had to pretend he didn’t know. He listened to Mr. Weasley describe the scene.

Finally, Moody said: “The plan should indeed be implemented, after all, Potter has now seen the world through the eyes of the mysterious snake…

Potter obviously doesn’t know what that means, but I think you all understand.

This means that there is a good chance that Voldemort will wake up from inside Potter’s body, and I think you should keep an eye on all of this.

We all understand that if Voldemort wakes up from Potter’s mind, the first thing he wants to do is kill you! ”

Moody looked at Darren worriedly. Darren showed a bitter expression.

“I know, I have this realization, and the ones we planned are not for him.”

“Yes, yes, in addition, the mysterious man is still looking for a weapon, a weapon that can…”

Moody whispered.

He lowered his voice even lower.

So low that only a few of them could hear Darren.

After that, he said softly: “So be it! Darren, you stay safe, the mysterious man probably wants to kill you the most, because he hates you the most. ”

Even if he wakes up in Potter’s body for a day, he will find a way to kill you, and I think you should be vigilant against Potter.

Dumbledore was already far from Potter…


“I can’t do it!”

Darren whispered.

Then he raised his voice and said again: “I can’t do it, I really can’t do it, that’s Gogao… I’d rather be killed by Voldemort than let him know that I’m guarding against him, I won’t guard against him, I won’t make my brother’s heart uncomfortable! ”

[Ding, Father +100]

[Ding, Father +100]

[Ding, Father +100]

[Ding… ]

Darren once again received the Holy Father value. Then he pushed the door open. There was no one outside the door.

But he knew that Harry was listening secretly not far away. So he stood in place and lowered his hair and sobbed a few times.

He whispered, “Why is it my brother?” Why not me? ”

[Ding, Father +100]

[Ding, Father +100]

[Ding, Father +100]

[Ding… ]。

Harry felt dirty and disgusting.

The moment he knew that Voldemort was likely to wake up from inside him, he suddenly had this thought.

No wonder Dumbledore never looked him in the eye again. No wonder he is always protected by so many people. They are not protecting him, but others. And Darren.

Darren guessed too.

He just didn’t say that he was still so defenseless by his side every day, risking Voldemort possessing his body at any time and being killed by Voldemort.

When he listened to Darren’s low sobs standing in the doorway with his telescopic ears, his only thought was that it was really terrifying for him to live.

He brought so much danger to Darren, and also made Darren scolded as a fool with madmen because of his situation.

Now he may even be killed by Voldemort. What the hell is he alive for?

He even felt that the snake biting Mr. Weasley last night was actually done by Voldemort to control him.

Voldemort woke up inside his body, and then Voldemort controlled him to the place where Mr. Weasley was.

Voldemort controlled him and bit Mr. Weasley. It’s all doable.

Although the time is short, for a wizard like Voldemort, isn’t it very easy to transfer the position?

Harry thought angrily.

He can’t stay here anymore.

If he stays here, it is likely that Darren will be injured, and it is also likely that the secrets of the Order of the Phoenix will be discovered by others.

He didn’t even dare to look into the eyes of those around him now.

He felt that now everyone knew that he could become Voldemort’s weapon to hurt Darren.

“Brother, how are you?”

On the subway, Darren looked at Harry’s reluctant appearance and asked with a worried expression.

Harry didn’t dare to look at him. He muttered well. Then bowed his head.

He was worried, worried that Darren would be killed by Voldemort.

Thinking that if Voldemort controlled him to appear in front of Darren, Darren might not dare to be ruthless because it was him.

That would allow Voldemort to control him to bite Darren’s throat. Harry didn’t even dare to think any further.

His body was constantly shaking.

He didn’t even know how he got back to Grimmauld Place.

Anyway, as soon as he returned to Grimmauld Place, he rushed into his room.

He excused himself to take a good rest, when in fact, he was planning to leave.

He packed everything up, he was going to get out of here overnight, and he definitely couldn’t let Darren get hurt.

“Where to go?

Harry didn’t dare to think about it, but he might only have one place to go. His aunt’s house, isn’t it?

But just as he was thinking about it, a voice interrupted his thoughts, and it seemed that Darren had guessed correctly, and he told Dumbledore.

You may have overheard Moody, they were all talking, and he thought you should be cranky and ready to leave. ”

Harry was taken aback. He looked over. It’s Phineas.

It is also the character in the portrait of the headmaster in Dumbledore’s office. He was showing a mocking expression.

When Harry found out it was him, he broke the jar and said, “So what do you want me to do?” I can only leave, I can’t let Darren get hurt, he has already suffered a lot because of me! ”

“Very touching brotherhood, but I think if he knew, he would not agree to you leaving like this!”

“That’s why I want to leave now, Darren is too simple and kind, he doesn’t care about his life and death, I can’t not care about his life!”

Harry roared angrily.

“What are you yelling at me, I just sighed, but Dumbledore asked me to bring you a message, do you listen?”

Harry froze.

He looked at Phineas and said, “You say. ”

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