Chapter 502 Professor, be careful!!

When Darren woke up again, he was woken up.

“Let them be quieter, they have already woken up Harry, are they still going to wake up Darren?”

“What the hell is going on? Isn’t it all over already? ”

Of course, there are other voices.

It was Professor McGonagall’s voice.

She shouted loudly, “Why, why did you bring the Dementors to school?” ”

“I don’t think there’s anything wrong with that! Everyone knows what happened today, and it’s understandable that I have such preparation! ”

Fudge’s voice.

“But that Dementor, who kissed Barty Crouch Jr., how could it do that? If only Dumbledore knew…”

“Kiss is kiss, I guess there is no need to come here to me for this matter, right? Fudge said unpleasantly. ”

Then he pushed open the ward door.

“What about Dumbledore? I heard Dumbledore is here! ”

Fudge asked aloud.

“No, he’s not here, get out quickly, minister, don’t disturb the patient’s rest!”

The female doctor said angrily.

Fudge ignored her.

He looked around the ward, and then he saw Harry.

He walked up to Harry.

“Listen, Harry, I think I have to tell you.”

What you experienced tonight is not that the mysterious man was resurrected, but that a group of Death Eaters did it.

They are here to spread this panic… They also slandered some very noble pure-blood wizards.

Like Lucius Malfoy, when he was resting in his own home, he didn’t leave there.

So, it’s just a group of Death Eaters torturing you!

We will catch the Death Eaters as soon as possible to give you justice.”

Harry had just been woken up and didn’t quite know.

But he still said angrily: “That’s Voldemort, you don’t even dare to call his name!” ”

Fudge was so angry by his words that his face contorted.

But he didn’t have time to get angry yet.

Dumbledore had already pushed open the door of the room and entered.

He said with unprecedented seriousness: “Even if Voldemort projected in front of you, you don’t believe that he has returned, so what should you believe?” ”

“Unless he himself appears in front of me!”

Fudge said without thinking.

Then he looked at Dumbledore and said, “I think, Dumbledore should tell everyone that this is all fake, it’s just a bunch of Death Eaters!” ”

“Impossible, I can’t tell anyone, and… Fudge, I think, if you insist on that.

So we parted ways from then on, and I thought you know, my idea was to get rid of that person! ”


Fudge glared.

“What about Darren? Have you ever asked Darren? ”

“No need to ask him, he is just like the projection said, it’s you, it’s you Dumbledore, who trained Harry Potter…

Hmph, anyway, I think Hogwarts, can’t let you mess around like this anymore.

I think Rita Skeeter is right, a principal like you will lead a child like Darren astray! ”

Fudge said angrily, and then he left towards the door of the ward.

But halfway there, though, he threw a bag of gold gallons to Harry.

“This is the prize money for the Triwizard Tournament… No need to tell me who the winner is, you and the Darren brothers will see for themselves! ”

Then he rushed out of the ward.

Dumbledore looked at Mrs. Weasley.

“Yes, no problem!”

Mrs. Weasley said with a trembling voice.

“So, let Arthur start contacting those in the Ministry of Magic who want to fight Voldemort together…”

Bill put on his hat.

“I’ll go, I’ll inform Daddy!”

Dumbledore nodded.

Then he clapped his hands.

A large black dog walked in.

“Now, we’re starting to get to know each other.”

Harry was pleasantly surprised to see that the big black dog turned into Sirius Black.

“I think it’s time for everyone to shake hands and make peace!”

Snape narrowed his eyes.

He watched Sirius raise his wand. Blake raised his wand without showing weakness.

They look like they’re going to fight here.

“Enough, I guess you don’t want to wake up Darren now, do you?”

Dumbledore said angrily.

Blake and Snape glanced at Darren at the same time.

They lowered their wands.

But they still looked at each other without showing any weakness.

“Okay, even if it’s pretended, at this time, you two shake hands! Dumbledore ordered. ”

Both Black and Snape had hideous expressions on their faces.

But they shook hands quietly.

“Even if Wormtail appears in the projection again today, the Ministry of Magic still does not recognize Black’s innocence, Sirius, you have to continue to hide!!”

Dumbledore frowned and said.

Black shook his head.

“I know everything about people like him!”

Dumbledore nodded.

Then he looked at Professor McGonagall.

“Then, Michaelva, you go and tell Hagrid, I want him to show up in my office as soon as possible, and it would be better if Madame Maxime would like to come!”

Professor McGonagall nodded.

She left.

Then Dumbledore looked at Black.

“Sirius, you go contact Remus. Mundungus… Those test seniors! ”

Sirius nodded.

Then he shook Harry’s hand.

Then he turned into a black dog, rubbed on Darren’s body, and immediately opened the door and went out.

Darren opened his eyes as if awakened.

“Darren, are you okay?”

Mrs. Weasley quickly came over and picked him up.

He shook his head slightly.

He said with a smile: “I can’t die, now I’m much more powerful than before.” ”

[Ding, Father +100]

[ding, +100 parent]

[Ding, Father +100]

[Ding… ]

Mrs. Weasley’s eyes turned red instantly.

She wiped her tears without looking over.

Smiled and praised: “Yes, very powerful, you came back alive in his hands, child, I am proud of you…”

She tried to pretend to be happy, but in the end, she choked up more and more, and Darren patted her on the back.

Mrs. Weasley cried loudly.

“Why are you guys?”

She hugged Darren sadly.

Darren coaxed her softly.

It took a long time for her to recover her mood.

During this time, Dumbledore and Snape kept looking at them solemnly.

When Mrs. Weasley stopped crying, Snape looked at Dumbledore.

“I have to go, not again, I’m afraid he may…”


Darren interrupted Snape.

He looked at Snape nervously and said, “Professor, I heard Headmaster Dumbledore say that you are a double agent… Be careful! ”

[ding, +100 parent]

“Hmph, you better let yourself live well… Well! ”

Snape, under Darren’s gaze, finally nodded and spewed a hmm out of his nose.

Then he opened the door of the ward and went out.

Darren looked at Snape’s back as he left, and there was some worry in his eyes.

The plot has changed a bit, and I hope Voldemort doesn’t get too cruel to Snape…

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