Hogwarts: I Became the Third Dark Lord

Chapter 45: Victory belongs to Hufflepuff

Wentworth looked up stiffly, and saw that Snape was in front of him, looking at him with a gloomy face, and behind Snape, many Slytherin Academy students were full of faces. Furious, Wentworth even saw that someone was slowly pulling out a wand.

At this time, Wentworth regretted the action just now. It was just because he didn't want to be surrounded by other people when he was dueling with Kassandra, so he whispered those words in Kassandra's ear. .

But who would have thought that Cassandra would faint at this time! This time, Wentworth himself can't tell!

"Professor Snape, I am your student too!"

Wentworth said awkwardly.

Fortunately, there were enough professors on the scene, and Dumbledore was in charge, which made Wentworth return to the Hufflepuff students.

On the way Hufflepuff happily walked to the common room, people kept asking:

"Wentworth, what did you say to Cassandra? You made her dizzy?"

Wentworth explained helplessly:

"It's muddy! Professor Ilona and Professor Flitwick both said that Cassandra fainted because the magic power in her body was exhausted! What does it have to do with me?"

"Then why is she so lucky to faint right after you finished talking to her? You must have said something to stimulate her!"

"I think you want me to die!"

A group of people went back to the Hufflepuff common room talking and laughing.

In the countless years that followed, countless wizards wanted to find out what Wentworth, who was called the third-generation Dark Lord, told Cassandra, but the client never answered the question.

But there is no doubt that when Grindelwald's name swept Europe and the United States again, Cassandra always stood by his side, so that the European and American Ministry of Magic called her the Queen of the Dark Night!

When Wentworth, Cedric and the others returned to the Hufflepuff common room, as soon as the door was opened, everyone was surprised to find that the common room at this time was completely new, with countless snacks and desserts scattered everywhere. in the lounge.

"Are we too excited to go the wrong way? To the Hogwarts kitchen?"

As a prefect, Greene stared at the scene in front of him dumbfounded. After all, after five years of schooling, this was the first time he saw this scene in his common room.

At this moment, the dean of Hufflepuff, Professor Sprout came in, clapped his hands and said:

"Children, what are you still doing? Of course there is a party on such a memorable night!"

Hearing what Professor Sprout said, the Hufflepuffs who instantly understood, burst into a burst of enthusiastic cheers, swarmed over, and began to look for their favorite desserts.

I saw Green holding a pile of cockroaches in one hand and a toffee in the other, and his mouth was still stuffed, and he asked inarticulately:

"Dean, when did you prepare these things?"

And Professor Sprout said with a smile on his face:

"The moment you stepped onto the duel, Green, I understood your plan, and I knew at that time that victory must belong to Hufflepuff, so I quietly instructed the house elves to start preparing these Dessert!"

Hearing Professor Sprout say this, Green immediately asked with a smile:

"President, am I handsome?!"

Professor Sprout also said with a smile on his face:

"Of course, you're all handsome! Especially our little Wentworth! Fortunately, you came to Hufflepuff instead of Ravenclaw!"

Hearing Professor Sprout say this, Wentworth accepted the compliment with a rude smile, although Wentworth felt that there was nothing to be proud of. He could only say that Hogwarts was still a folk custom. Simple.

And Cedric asked from the side:

"Professor Sprout, what if, I mean if, we lost?"

Professor Sprout said nonchalantly:

"I think, then you all need a dessert party!"

Immediately, Hufflepuff's common room was filled with laughter and laughter.

At this moment, an uninvited guest suddenly came to Hufflepuff's common room. It was none other than Slytherin's dean, Professor Snape.

As soon as Professor Snape came in, he was stunned when he saw the scene, and then his face became even more gloomy, but he still frowned and walked over to Professor Sprout.

"Professor Sprout, you know, Kassandra is out of mana and needs to rest for a few days, I want to configure some potions for her to speed up her recovery, but I've run out of some herbs, I want to ask You, do you have any..."

As Professor Snape spoke, he walked out of the Hufflepuff common room with Professor Sprout, his voice getting farther and farther, until it was hard to hear, but compared to Snape, Sprout was more audible. The smile on the professor's face was so striking even in the dark.

"Perhaps, compared with us, Professor Sprout, who has served as the dean of Hufflepuff for half his life, is even happier than us with this victory tonight."

Greene said with a blank expression while eating the pile of cockroaches in his hand~www.NovelMTL.com~.

When Green finished eating the last bit of dessert in his hand, he placed his hands heavily on Wentworth's shoulders, and said earnestly:

"Wentworth, if possible, lead us to win the Academy Cup, an honor that Hufflepuff has not received for many years!"

When Cedric saw this, he was afraid that his friend would be under too much pressure, so he hurriedly said from the side:

"Hey, Prefect Green, isn't this your responsibility?"

But Green said helplessly:

"Isn't my ability limited! Besides, don't call me prefect, I'm Wentworth's lick-dog now."

Wentworth, on the other hand, looked closely at Green's eyes and said slowly:

"Can you take your claws off my shoulders and stop wiping your hands with my clothes?!"

Green smiled awkwardly, took his hand and patted it.

"Don't care about these little things Wentworth, you are a wizard destined to do big things!"

Wentworth and Cedric rolled their eyes at the same time.

And just after the excitement, when the rest of the Hufflepuffs returned to their dormitories to rest, Wentworth quietly slipped out of the room.

Wentworth was frightened along the way, for fear of encountering Filch, although Wentworth knew that Filch was probably still cleaning the Defence Against the Dark Arts classroom at Hogwarts at this time.

After a careful journey along the way, Wentworth went all the way up, and finally came to the eighth floor of Hogwarts Castle, stopped in front of a tapestry painted with giant monsters, carefully observed the surroundings, and determined that no one found, Wen Trevors breathed a sigh of relief.

Then, turning around, Wentworth faced the wall opposite the tapestry.

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