Hogwarts: I am Voldemort

Chapter 554 Changes in MI7

When Death left, he finally did something human.

He took away his own believers, as well as Grindelwald's believers.

If He hadn't done this, there would have been trouble. These damn believers wouldn't listen to Him.

"This is the end of the incident of aliens. Gentlemen and ladies, although the ending is unsatisfactory, fortunately it did not cause the world to collapse."

In the Auditorium of Fort Gunter, Death Eaters and senior officials of the Ministry of Magic gathered together. Voldemort raised his glass and said.

As his words fell, there was applause from below, with some cheers interspersed.

Voldemort pressed down with one hand to stop the continuous applause.

"The next focus is back to how Ma Wu gets along with each other."

With this topic, the auditorium suddenly became a lot heavier. Voldemort also paused briefly to let everyone relax.

"I have to say that the incident of extraterrestrial visitors has played a positive role in the issue of getting along with Muggles. At least Muggles will not naively think that a little boy can solve everything."

Voldemort's words caused a burst of laughter, followed by continuous applause.

Indeed, compared to before the incident with the Extraterrestrial Visitors, the Muggle government is indeed much more honest. It is said that many governments are convening emergency meetings.

I think the next problem of getting along with Ma and Wu will be improved because of this incident.

"Now, let me ask Porches to explain to you the current attitude of local governments towards wizards, as well as the foreseeable future." Voldemort said, reaching out to signal Porches, who was not far away, to come onto the stage.

While inviting Porchis, Voldemort also took the lead in applauding, which caused everyone else to applaud closely.

Porchis came on stage, first thanked Voldemort, and then began to introduce the status of various countries.

"With the end of the extraterrestrial visitor incident, North America has temporarily restored stability. Their government is trying to reconcile with the wizards. Although the conditions are still a bit harsh, it is still a positive signal on a global scale."

It must be said that Bochis has made great progress during this period, and the inciting power of his words has become stronger and stronger.

A simple message made the wizards below cheer for him.

"North America, which is the most opposed to wizards, has made changes. Correspondingly, other countries have also made compromises. At present, the best situation is undoubtedly Britain."

"What's the good news?" one of the Weasley brothers asked, raising his feet below.

"Yes, share it, Mr. Porches, we can't wait to know the answer." The other twin immediately agreed.

"They are trying to disband MI7. Is this good news?" Pochs directly dropped a heavy nuclear bomb, which instantly made the wizards excited.


"MI7 disbanded?"

"Oh my gosh, this is really good news."

The wizards couldn't help but sigh, causing the auditorium to be in chaos for a while.

It wasn't until Voldemort waved his hand that everyone finally became quiet.

"Although there is such news, the think tank adhering to the will of the Dark Lord has analyzed this and it is almost impossible to disband MI7."

Boqisi's words instantly made the wizards confused again.

"This is politics. Children, you don't have to understand the reasons. Just listen quietly." Voldemort stood up and said, and then motioned for Porchis to continue.

"There are many reasons why it cannot be disbanded, but think tanks feel that even if it is not disbanded, MI7 cannot be allowed to fall into the hands of the government or the royal family."

Bochis' words were surprising again, but this time the wizards did not interrupt, but waited quietly.

"We should strive hard to take MI7 into our own hands, and the best way..."

Porges's eyes gave off a different kind of light, and his excitement was palpable, "Let him become one with the Death Eaters, let him continue to exist under the control of the Dark Lord, and let him become a figure who can influence the future of the entire wizarding world." , an army with sufficient combat effectiveness.”


Porches' words caused an exclamation. The wizards were surprised by Porches's thoughts. After being surprised, they all looked at Voldemort.

Voldemort had a thoughtful look on his face. This was the first time he heard this suggestion.

"How likely is it?" Voldemort asked after a brief thought.

"Very big, Your Majesty, although there is no concrete evidence, there are people who have been spreading the news that there is a Grindelwald spy in MI7. It is very likely that it was an insider who broke the news." Porchis said.

"Then try to take control of it."

Voldemort made his decision without hesitation, and then raised his glass, "Let us spend this happy night and start tomorrow to work hard to promote this matter."

His words drew cheers again, and then the music started and the dance officially began.

On this night, Voldemort rarely thought too much and relaxed for a while.

And when he got up the next day and was woken up from bed by Bella, he couldn't wait to deal with the MI7 problem.

If you want to get MI7, it's not as simple as opening your mouth and talking.

MI7 is an important means that Muggles can use to deal with wizards. Neither the royal family nor the Muggle government wants this to happen.

The reason for this possibility stems from the numerous information exposed in the incident of aliens and the power of future wizards.

In other words, what they fear is not the wizard's present, but the future.

But even if it's just that, this chip is already heavy enough.

On this matter, Voldemort was very forceful in the negotiations, and the Muggle government and the royal family had to retreat step by step.

In the end, they were forced by Voldemort's toughness and agreed.

However, they did not hand over everything.

For example, a small number of wizards still do not want to integrate into wizard society, so they choose to leave MI7 and join other government departments, or directly become court wizards of the royal family.

In addition, MI7 will also delete the information about these people.

In other words, these people will no longer exist in the MI7 personnel list and various information obtained by Voldemort.

In addition, the royal family and the Muggle government also requested that MI7 be deprived of military weapons.

Voldemort expressed opposition to this, but in the final reception stage, a large number of weapons were secretly taken away.

However, Voldemort did not trouble the other party over this matter. After all, the weapons left behind were sufficient without launching a large-scale war.

In addition, the considerable amount of information here also made Voldemort quite satisfied.

"The total number of wizards is over 10,000, and the statistics from the Ministry of Magic are not as solid as those from here." Looking at the information in his hand, Voldemort couldn't help but complain.

"There are really too many antiques. I don't like sending children to Hogwarts. Otherwise, it would be easier to find out the number of wizards through Hogwarts statistics." Percy said with regret.

"Let's not talk about it for now. Percy, find all these wizards and have them register with the Ministry of Magic. From now on, the household registration management of wizards will be more stringent." Voldemort said in a tone that could not be refused.

"Yes, Your Majesty." Percy responded with a serious look.

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