Hogwarts: I am Voldemort

Chapter 549 Grindelwald’s Gas Stove

The dark flames in the sky swirled, as if reflecting the flames surrounding Grindelwald on the earth.

"If I'm not wrong, Death, you didn't transfer your main world, right?"

Grindelwald raised the corners of his lips and asked with an evil smile.

The God of Death narrowed his eyes and pursed his lips without answering the other party's question.

"Then I will destroy this world, God of Death. That will definitely hurt you a lot, won't it?"

He asked, pointing his wand to the sky, and in an instant countless figures rushed out from the center of the flame that had not completely disappeared.

"Swish swish~~"

Figures fell like meteors one after another, and then stopped steadily behind Grindelwald.

They are his followers, many of whom are familiar to everyone.

What surprised everyone the most was Hermione, who was standing one step behind Grindelwald.

Compared with the Hermione in this world, the one in front of her looked more mature and her face was colder.

She didn't even look at herself in this world, but looked directly at the God of Death.

"You should retreat further. Grindelwald's fierce fire has time-space characteristics. It is a kind of fire of law."

Death whispered to Voldemort, and finally took the lead to face Grindelwald.

The war is about to break out, and the God of Death still has no desire to communicate.

And "Dumbledore" beside him had already taken out his wand and pointed it at Grindelwald, who was surrounded by fierce fire.

"We retreat."

Voldemort did not act heroic and retreated with his own men, preparing to watch the battle from a distance.

As Voldemort and others retreated, the two sides began to get closer.

Death, "Dumbledore" and Grindelwald, the three of them faced off at the core.

The rest of the people were scattered around them, looking ready to fight.


Unexpectedly, the first one to attack was "Neville". His boomerang slid out in a graceful curve and attacked Grindelwald.


A phoenix composed of fierce fire appeared and swallowed the boomerang directly.

At the same time, a man appeared not far from Grindelwald and began to rush straight towards Neville.

The battle broke out in an instant. Although the core three people did not move, the people around them had already launched their own offensives.

The colorful magic spells made bursts of sound, making everyone watching from a distance feel like they were enjoying a fireworks feast.

Perhaps only those on the battlefield know how dangerous it is.

The battle started for a moment, and the three finally moved.

The first one to take action was the God of Death. The moment he waved his wand, an emerald green light flashed between the sky and the earth.

At that moment, the dark flames were coated with a layer of green light, but it was only for an instant.

Grindelwald just waved his wand gently, and the fierce fire surrounding him immediately rose up, blocking the emerald green light.

"What magic is this?" Percy asked Voldemort in surprise.

"The God of Death uses a magic similar to the Death Curse. Grindelwald's should be a variation of Li Fire." Voldemort frowned and replied.

"Can Li Huo block the Death Curse?" Neville asked in surprise.

"It should be the time characteristics on it that are at work." Voldemort guessed, giving an uncertain answer.

At the same time, he raised his hand and looked at his hand in confusion.

Faintly, green light gathered in his palm, then slowly dispersed.

"Your Majesty, are you okay?" Percy asked, looking at Voldemort's palm.

"It's okay, it's just that this body is affected by the magic of death, and it instinctively wants to gather that spell." Voldemort said after feeling it quietly.

Percy glanced at Death in the distance in surprise.

Although he knew that was Voldemort's future, the two people looked nothing alike.

Voldemort did not tell the Death Eaters about Lin Zuo, so they did not know that the God of Death's appearance was influenced by the time traveler.

"Extinguish the flame that shouldn't exist."

"Dumbledore"'s voice suddenly sounded across the battlefield, and he finally took action.

The wand was not pointed at Grindelwald, but at Li Huo beside him.

In an instant, the rising flames were suppressed, and the green light emitted by the God of Death began to erode the fierce fire again.

"What magic is this?" Hermione came out and asked in surprise.

"The reverse magic of transfiguration makes everything return to its original state."

After all, Voldemort was more knowledgeable and instantly saw the power of "Dumbledore" magic.

Thinking about it, if the enemy was not the powerful Grindelwald, this magic would be enough to extinguish the enemy's spell on the spot.

This is easily seen from the impact on the people fighting nearby.

When "Dumbledore" used magic, those fighting near him lost the ability to use magic spells for a short time.

This is completely different from the terminator, which suppresses a certain band of magic, but essentially returns all magic to its origin.

In other words, everyone in this sky will temporarily lose the ability to talk to the world.

It's a pity that Grindelwald is too strong, and "Dumbledore" did not come in his true form, so it only had a suppressive effect.

"They can't beat Grindelwald."

After a brief moment of thought, Voldemort gave his opinion.

"That's not true..." Lucius said in confusion, "In our world, Grindelwald was defeated by Dumbledore."

Voldemort shook his head, and just as he was about to retort, the battlefield changed again.

"Face your desires, Death, Dumbledore. Don't be fooled by illusions. Let your desires bloom and make you great."

Grindelwald's gas stove suddenly expanded with his charming words.

The originally thick dark black fire became almost transparent due to expansion.

This caused its effectiveness to decrease, but also allowed it to envelope everyone in an instant.

"Dumbledore" glared and froze in place, seeming to be fighting the desires in his heart.

The God of Death frowned in pain, as if he was thinking about something that made him hesitate.

As the two main combat forces stopped, the rest of the people fighting around the three men also slowly stopped their movements.

In an instant, the battlefield turned into a dojo, and everyone seemed to be thinking about something.

Only Grindelwald, accompanied by the singing of the phoenix, slowly walked towards death.

"This...won't mean you lose, right?"

Percy opened his mouth in surprise, the battle ended completely beyond his imagination.

"Prepare for intercontinental apparation. Once the God of Death falls, all we can do is wait for death if we stay here."

Voldemort gave the order without hesitation, while staring at the God of Death.

Although he predicted the defeat of the God of Death, he did not expect that the defeat would be so fast and so complete.

The fierce fire failed to burn the God of Death, but it ignited the desire in the God of Death's heart.

But what exactly is that desire?

What was it that allowed him to stop where he was regardless of life or death?

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