Hogwarts: I am Voldemort

Chapter 52 Misunderstood


The first bead in the bracelet breaks, and a curse appears.


Voldemort's consciousness returned from the book, and he immediately breathed rapidly to relieve the pain from his fingers to his heart.

Raising his right hand slightly, the palm of his hand was trembling, as if pain had been exerted there - but the fingers looked the same as before, they were not hurt.

"What a cruel experiment. Wouldn't it be nice to use Legilimency on others?"

Voldemort complained in his heart that he really couldn't understand the world of dog licking.

When his right hand stopped shaking, Voldemort was ready to open Chapter 2 and see what was there, but...

The pages of the book could not be opened at all, as if he had not met the necessary conditions.

"Damn it, you have to feel it all before you can read the next chapter. Is it so cruel?"

Voldemort was angry. He picked up his wand and wanted to remove the magic from the book, but his reason made him stop.

If he does that, it is likely that the contents of the book will also be destroyed, and then he will not get the final contents.

In silence, Voldemort began to think about whether the effort was worth it:

First of all, this book can give him a deeper understanding of the repair spell.

Secondly, at the end of the book, there is a section about soul restoration.

From these two points of view, everything is worth it, but the price is...

Silently putting the handle on the string, all the spells were immediately lifted, and then he took it off and put it in the drawer. He decided to face it all alone.


Another painful journey began.

From broken fingers, to broken arms, to completely shattered thigh bones...

"Mr. Matthews, you are indeed a cruel person..."

Before falling asleep, Voldemort thought this.

"Qi Luo, you don't look in good condition."

Hagrid said with concern, "You don't have to worry about Malfoy. The principal is here, so don't be afraid."

He came to the teacher's desk early in the morning just to comfort Quirrell.

He didn't think this was necessary at first, but now it seemed that it was necessary - this friend was indeed in trouble.

"I'm not afraid, Hagrid, I think I'm fine."

Voldemort answered weakly, but his hand holding the fork kept shaking, which made his words less convincing.

"Oh, my God, what did Malfoy do that day? How dare he do this to you, you are in Gringotts..."

Before Hagrid could finish his words, Professor McGonagall interrupted him.

"Shut up, Hagrid, don't say any more."

After Professor McGonagall scolded Hagrid sternly, she looked at Voldemort with a rare gentle look, "I didn't expect this incident to have such a great impact on you. Quirrell, is there anything I can do?"

Voldemort raised his head helplessly - which made the professors mistakenly think that he was expressing his grievances - his eyes swept across the professors who were looking at him with concern, and he let out a long sigh.

I can't explain it clearly...he thought.

"I guess it's not something I'm afraid of."

Voldemort saw disbelief in the professors' eyes, but he had to find a reason to make it up.

"But I have to be prepared, so I'm studying the blood curse, which may have caused some damage to my body."

As he spoke, he raised his hands - starting from his upper arms, there was a slight tremor.

"Oh, it's a blood curse."

Professor McGonagall sighed helplessly and said, "I asked the principal, but he couldn't solve it. I don't think I have such ability either."

The other professors also shook their heads helplessly, obviously there was nothing they could do.

"How about talking to a vampire?"

Hagrid refused to give up and said, "The principal will definitely be able to influence them, right?"

The professors looked at Hagrid with helplessness in their eyes - this child knew enough about magical creatures, but vampires were not among them.

"I can't, Hagrid."

Dumbledore appeared, which relieved the awkward atmosphere very well. "Blood curses are a private matter, even for vampires."

As he spoke, he looked at Voldemort, who immediately nodded, indicating that this was indeed the case.

"What's more, this is a spell that cannot be solved at all, unless Quirrell and the vampire reach some conditions."

This sentence aroused Hagrid's interest. He looked at Voldemort and his eyes widened. That meant:

To fulfill that condition.

"It's very complicated, Hagrid. Can we talk about this later? I'm hungry." Voldemort said helplessly.

He didn't want to explain too much about the blood curse. Lies couldn't stand scrutiny, so silence was golden.

"Okay, don't disturb Quirrell."

After Dumbledore finished speaking, he looked at Voldemort and said, "Don't worry, the directors cannot change my decision."

Voldemort nodded firmly, showing his trust in Dumbledore - he saw fatigue in Dumbledore's eyebrows, and it seemed that Malfoy had done a good job.

After Dumbledore's assurance, no one bothered him anymore, except Hagrid.

For this reason, Voldemort had to end his breakfast quickly, then pulled Hagrid out of the castle and chatted for a while.

After sending Hagrid away, Voldemort met Hermione again - she asked about Voldemort's condition and expressed concern for his trembling hands.

"I have no problem, Hermione, let's go to class." He answered Hermione.

Today's morning class is for the first and second years of Gryffindor. It is arranged according to the size of the week. His classes on Friday are changing. Otherwise, he would not be able to complete all the classes by himself.

Different from yesterday's theory class, in this class, Voldemort took them to the Forbidden Forest.

Yes, Gryffindor first- and second-year students will be the first to experience the charm of the Maple Leaf Training Ground.

Maple Leafs training ground, in front of Hagrid's hut.

"Truman, you are responsible for getting them in in order."

Voldemort ordered to his assistant, and then looked at Hagrid, "The two of us will go in and be responsible for patrolling the inside of the training ground to prevent the children from being fatally injured."

"Okay Quirrell, I have no problem."

After he finished speaking, he looked at Voldemort's right hand again - although it was no longer shaking, he was still worried.

"I have no problem, Hagrid, it's healed." Voldemort said helplessly.

In fact, it didn't get better. It was just a trembling wave. It was caused by the injury in the forbidden book last night. The pain had already affected his consciousness, and it would probably take a while before he could get better.

"If you encounter any harm, whether fatal or not, call in time, Hagrid and I will be there." Voldemort told the students again.

"No problem, Professor, when do we start?" The little lions were eager to try, and the impatience was written on their faces.


Voldemort didn't waste any time and said directly.

Then there is the grouping. This is very simple. Four people form a group. If the number is not enough, add one or two more people to each group. In short, no less than four people will be fine.

After dividing into groups, Voldemort and Hagrid walked into the training ground first, and then Truman put the students in batches.

"We try to hide it as much as possible so that students don't notice it. We can just observe it from a distance."

After giving Hagrid another instruction, Voldemort himself hung behind the first group of students and walked into the training base on the left side of the training ground.

The Maple Leaf training ground finally opened on the fifth day after school started.

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