Hogwarts: I am Voldemort

Chapter 492 Devouring the Life-Destroying Wave Picture

Porto was not powerful, but Voldemort was not panicked.

He didn't panic, partly because there was no such emotion in the darkest place.

Another part of the reason is his confidence in infinitely enhanced abilities.

The so-called infinite enhancement is just a perception of his. Whether it is infinitely stronger or not, he is not entirely sure.

But in the few times he used it, there was no limit to the process of slowly increasing the strength of a spell with this additional ability.

In other words, theoretically, as long as he is given enough time to be in this state, with the life-saving wave in his hands, he may have the ability to cover the entire earth.

Of course, the premise is to destroy the elimination wave.

Thinking of this, Voldemort looked up at the dilapidated Sky City. Although it was in tatters, it was still running.

"Dark Lord, stop attacking and prepare to surrender is your best choice. Fight with all your might..."

Seeing that Voldemort's magic lost its previous power, the enemy began to scream again.

At the same time, they also launched a counterattack, hoping to drive back Voldemort who was guarding the bridge.

Faced with the speeding bow and arrow, Voldemort did not choose hard steel.

Darkness covering the soul does not mean that Voldemort has lost his mind.

In fact, in this state, Voldemort was more rational than before.

Retreat, you can retreat.

But step back step by step, where is the way out?

Walking back along the wooden bridge, Voldemort looked at the City in the Sky again.

If he couldn't be destroyed, Voldemort didn't have the ability to destroy everything.

The [Darkest Hour] seemed to be controlled by the cessation and strangled the throat of fate. As he couldn't breathe, the obscure darkness rioted and began to bite back Voldemort's soul.

In the dark eyes, evil is constantly growing.

Reason is still there, but the desire to destroy everything and destroy everything can no longer be suppressed.


Voldemort turned around sharply, ignoring the arrows behind him, and accelerated his retreat.

The enemy only thought that they had won, and accelerated together with the retreating Voldemort, frantically regaining the previously lost territory.

The people on the bell tower were also shocked to see this scene.

The hope that had just been ignited before was like being extinguished by a basin of cold water and became gone.

However, Voldemort, who ran to the center of Fountain Square, did not retreat. Instead, he stood where the fountain statues originally belonged. Those statues had been turned into puppets by transfiguration and were also broken in the battle.

Everyone, including the enemy, looked at Voldemort sitting on the statue in shock, wondering what he was doing.

Do you want to pretend to be a sculpture?

While everyone was stunned, someone suddenly pointed at Voldemort and screamed.

There, a silvery, condensed magic light actually emitted.

"That is a magical tunnel. It cannot be sealed and destroyed like the earth."

The temporary commander roared, and the enemy began a mad arrow charge, trying to drive Voldemort back.

But Voldemort waved his wand, raised an iron armor spell directly in front of him, and then pointed the Elder Wand at his open mouth without hesitation.


In an instant, both the enemy and our own people screamed in surprise.

Just because this scene happened not long ago.

Same movements, same gestures, even the same wand.

I just don’t know if the curse is the same.

"Korean Potu."

Voldemort recited his own curse, which was different from Dumbledore's, but more vicious.

Green light suddenly lit up and surged out into Voldemort's mouth.

"Gudu, Gudu..."

The Adam's apple moves up and down, accompanied by a swallowing sound.

Unlike Dumbledore who devoured Porto the first time, Voldemort devoured the repaired Porto while he was still in Quirrell's body.

Therefore, he is more experienced with Devouring Potu and can better utilize its power.

But, is this really feasible?

As Potato continued to pour into Voldemort's body, his soul roared in the darkness.

There seemed to be an invisible force occupying and devouring his soul.

The life-seeking wave picture is indeed not as easy to swallow as other wave pictures.

But in the darkest moment, Voldemort had no fear at all. The only thing he wanted was destruction.

Destroy the enemy, destroy the world, even destroy yourself.

"Gudu, Gudu..."

The swallowing didn't stop, and my soul was surrounded by a swelling feeling.

It seemed that the physical body could no longer withstand such force, and hair began to fall off.

Slowly, a head of hair and those invisible hairs disappeared.

Next came the skin, which cracked open little by little, and bright red blood oozed out, accompanied by a faint green light.

The reason wants to stop, but the dark heart doesn't want to stop.

During the struggle, Voldemort released the Death Eater Hodel from the Memory World.


As soon as Hodel appeared, he let out a strange chirp and then enveloped Voldemort.

The tall Hodel directly enveloped Voldemort in his body.

But his body, which was originally between reality and reality, became extremely void, as if a layer of gauze was wrapped around Voldemort's body.

The flesh cracked and the bones disintegrated, all of this was seen by people.

Countless people were trembling, as if they had been transported into Voldemort's spiritual world, feeling the pain of their flesh being broken every inch.

Finally, the body completely disintegrated, leaving a pool of blood and bone fragments on the fountain table.

Voldemort's consciousness has been completely integrated into Hodel's body.

The two seemed to merge into one at this moment.


Voldemort made a strange tone and looked down at his hands.

Nothingness was like a hand full of sores, giving him an unreal feeling.

He touched this hand with his other hand. It felt as soft as jelly, and it was difficult to apply force.

"You...what are you?"

The enemy at the front was only ten meters away from Voldemort. He hid behind a large shield and asked in horror.

Voldemort raised his head and glanced at the other person, who immediately froze in place as if dead.

The teammates next to him pushed him in confusion, and the man immediately fell to the ground, as if dead.


The teammate who pushed him looked surprised and asked himself.

"not yet."

Voldemort spoke, his voice erratic, like an echo, "It's just petrified."

He said, trying to move forward.

But his feet didn't touch the ground at all. Rather than walking, he was floating.

And the illusory tattered cloak behind him was also swaying in the wind, looking extremely real.


Although he was floating, his speed was extremely fast, and he was in front of the fallen person in an instant.

He lowered his head slightly and made an inhaling sound, and then a wisp of dark shadows was sucked out of the man's head.


Voldemort looked up to the sky and let out a long breath, as if feeling the taste of his soul.

"It sure tastes like hot cheese."

The erratic sound can be heard extremely clearly, whether it is the enemy in the distance or one of our own people on the bell tower.

This strange scene made many people tremble with fear.

"Is...is it the Dementor's Kiss?"

The approaching enemy asked in horror. He wanted to turn around and run away, but his legs were trembling.

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