Hogwarts: I am Voldemort

Chapter 402 Magic Starry Sky

"Dumbledore is still more powerful."

"This is also the reason why You-Know-Who is afraid of Dumbledore."

"The sun will shine again on Wizarding England, and it seems we are too anxious."

Seeing the iron man transformed by Voldemort being suppressed on the battlefield, the oppressive atmosphere in the stadium seats was instantly relieved.

People began to talk as if Voldemort's defeat was imminent.

But is this really the ending?

At least it seemed that Voldemort had no chance of coming back.

This became even more obvious after Dumbledore turned the third hoop into an iron man.

It was a shorter and thinner Iron Man, but it was flexible beyond imagination, and a pair of iron wings on its back could even allow it to soar in the air for a short time.

"Excellent, Albus, your imagination completely surpasses my imagination. Where did you get this inspiration?"

There was no trace of nervousness on Voldemort's face. He even clapped his hands as he watched his three Iron Men lose one after another, and had time to praise Dumbledore.

"Fox, Voldemort, you know that we spend the longest time with our pets, don't we?" Dumbledore asked.

Voldemort nodded in agreement, because since he had Phoenix, he had indeed spent the longest time with Phoenix.

Because during the long night, no one was with him, but Phoenix was always there.

"Are you practicing transfiguration?"

Dumbledore asked curiously. He obviously didn't think Voldemort was about to lose.

After all, transfiguration has never been Voldemort's strongest suit.

"Transfiguration Porto, Albus, I am practicing this thing. If it is to practice transfiguration, I think I will try the method you mentioned and learn carving." Voldemort shook his head and denied it, and gave his own reasons.

"Oh, but I think you're trying to drain my magic, right?"

Dumbledore smiled cunningly, and said "I have seen through you" in his blue eyes, "But if it is just a battle of this magnitude, it will not consume much of my magic power."

Voldemort nodded and glanced at the battlefield between the two.

The decline of the three handsome but impractical Iron Man is fully revealed. He really can no longer count on these three things.

Looking slightly to the lower left corner, Voldemort lit up the golden finger he had not used for a long time:

Lin Zuo moment.

For a moment, Voldemort felt a slight change in his magic power.


A throat-cutting curse was thrown into the sky by him, but the curse did not disappear in the sky, but stayed not far above his head.

"what is that?"

"Can a magic spell be used to hover? I've never heard of it."

"I heard from children that their former Dark Arts Defense Professor had this ability."

The wizards were talking a lot, making the entire stadium buzz.

Dumbledore was not in a hurry to attack. He waved his wand, and the three iron men who had defeated Voldemort's Iron Man stopped obediently.

"If you don't attack, Albus, with the blessing of the Elder Wand, how many spells do you think I can prepare in advance?" Voldemort said, swinging the wand and casting spells one after another.

Albus twitched the corners of his mouth, showing a fake smile, and then fixed his gaze on Voldemort's head.

There, colorful magic spells condensed into wisps of light floating.

They are like stars of different colors, flickering and bright, so beautiful and breathtaking.

"I have never seen such beautiful magic. Voldemort, you are a magic genius. Do you know it?" Dumbledore said in a low voice.

Voldemort smiled, not bothering to answer this nervous question.

"Maybe you should fly, I mean..."

Dumbledore paused and said hesitantly, "You have more advantages if you do this in the sky, and of course, it is more beautiful."

Voldemort frowned.

He is fighting. Although both of them are still serious at the moment, he is not a peacock with his tail open.

"This may be the last time I use magic in front of so many people. Voldemort, I know that if you dare to ask me to come, you will be sure of victory, right?" Dumbledore asked.

Voldemort pursed his lips and said nothing.

"Then respect me and let me die in beautiful magic, Voldemort, just like a funeral, okay?" Albus added with a smile, "I like gorgeous things, you know."

Voldemort rolled his eyes, but still obeyed Dumbledore's choice and slowly flew into the sky.

As he rose, the magic also flew higher, dotting the sky like countless clear stars.

"The magical starry sky is such a magnificent scene."

Dumbledore sighed, holding his wand upside down and pointing it at the ground.


The stadium began to shake, and wizards held on to the handles of their seats in surprise, trying to see what Dumbledore was doing.

The grass and trees tumbled, and soon a big hand made of stone broke out of the ground, and then latched onto the ground.

Immediately afterwards, there was an even more violent shock, and slowly, a thick stone man crawled out of the grass.

"Boom boom boom~~"

It shook off the grass roots and broken soil on its body, making a loud noise, and then looked at the sky with its stone head.

Wizards marveled at the giant stone giant, but that wasn't all Dumbledore did.

Not long after, another hand stretched out from the soil. The previous stone giant lowered his head, took this hand and pulled out his companion.




A full seven stone giants appeared, and Dumbledore slowly took back his wand.

Tiredness flashed in his eyes and his body was shaking slightly, which was a physical reaction after exerting too much force.


The deformation ripples shot out, and the three Iron Men, plus Voldemort's three Iron Men who were limp on the ground, instantly stood up, and then leaped high into the sky.

People couldn't figure out what Dumbledore was doing, and Voldemort was wasting no time in setting up more magic.

"Swish swish~~"

The six iron men suddenly exploded, shooting out countless javelins and landing in front of the six stone giants.

The only stone giant without a javelin in front of him had already arrived in front of Dumbledore with heavy steps.

Its existence is obvious, and it actually protects Dumbledore's safety.

"Come on, Voldemort, show me your magic."

Dumbledore shouted loudly, with a strong fighting spirit in his voice.

Voldemort nodded. Although magic was still bursting out of the Elder Wand, he still waved his left hand.

Seven or eight curses fell like meteors and hit Dumbledore, but the latter just looked up and watched with his hands behind his back.

It wasn't until the curse was less than three meters away from him that the stone giant beside him turned around to protect him.

"Dong dong dong..."

The curse fell on the stone giant, like a hammer on a war drum, making a muffled sound.

When the remaining six stone giants heard this voice, they seemed to have received the command to start the war.

They all picked up the agile javelins, stretched their arms and leaned back in a unified movement.


"Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh..."

Six spears pierced the sky and rushed straight towards Voldemort.

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