Hogwarts: I am Voldemort

Chapter 393 Burrow


Principal room.

"He invited you to the World Cup?"

Professor McGonagall looked at the letter unfolded in Dumbledore's hand and asked loudly in surprise.

"Yes, McGonagall, he also reminded me to bring my wand."

Dumbledore nodded and took out his new wand from his belt.

"What is he going to do, oh my god, it's the Quidditch World Cup."

Mag's voice was sharp, filled with both terror and anger.

Yes, she had every reason to be angry.

Professor Minerva McGonagall is a famous Quidditch fan.

And every Quidditch fan can understand how significant the Quidditch World Cup is.

"Calm down, Mag. I think he will watch the game quietly and then do what he wants to do."

Dumbledore poured a drink for the other party, and arranged the purple rope tied to his beard in the form of a bow, and then said softly, "He is a sports fan, although I don't know when he started to have such a hobby. , but I’m pretty sure of it.”

After hearing Dumbledore's words, Professor McGonagall's expression became a little better, but then she became angry again.

"Albus, you haven't understood the situation at all. I'm worried about you. He asked you to bring a wand. Don't you understand what that means?" McGonagall asked loudly.

Dumbledore's hand that raised the cup was fixed in the air. He blinked twice and said in an extremely weak voice, like a whisper: "I thought you only cared about Quidditch."

It wasn't loud, but just enough for Professor McGonagall to hear.

"Albus~~" Mag's eyes widened and he shouted in a long voice.

"Okay, okay, I know, I will prepare carefully, Minerva, but I'm not sure I can beat him, haha." Dumbledore said with a smile, as if he didn't care about the outcome of this battle.

"No, you have to defeat him, Headmaster, you know, if you fail, then the whole of England..."


Dumbledore took the cup away from his mouth and said, "Not the whole of England, but the whole wizarding world will be frightened by him. He didn't like to go abroad before."

"You mean, he deliberately chose this time?" Mag asked in surprise.

"Of course, after a thrilling Quidditch match, followed by a duel between the two most powerful wizards in the world, this topic is enough to spread to every corner of the wizarding world."

Dumbledore had obviously seen Voldemort's true thoughts. Although he still had a teasing tone when he said this, his expression became serious.

"You will win, for the wizarding world, right?" Mag asked expectantly.

"I think……"

Dumbledore slowly stretched out his intact right hand, "I will try my best, Minerva."


"Bang, bang, bang."

There were three muffled sounds in a row, and Harry, Sirius, and Helen Malfoy fell out of the fireplace one after another.

"Oh my gosh, Sirius, your fireplace needs some work."

The embarrassed Helen Malfoy dusted herself off and stood up from the ground, showing a smile to the surprised Weasley family.

"Helen Malfoy, Sirius' fiancée."

She introduced herself like this, completely unembarrassed by her roll just now.

"Oh, welcome, Helen, just call me Molly, this is the Weasley family, including the traitor, of course."

Mrs. Weasley said to the beautiful Helen while removing the dust from Harry with a duster.

Not far away, Percy adjusted his glasses, but his face did not change due to his mother's words.

The twins beside him made faces at him, while Bill, who was older than Percy, patted his shoulder.

"Welcome, Helen. I didn't expect you to come. We only prepared some simple steaks."

Mr. Weasley also recovered from his surprise, stepped forward to say hello, and pulled Sirius up.

"Oh, I like steak, that sounds good."

Helen said while looking at the Weasley children.




"Fred, or call me George."

"George, but I'm actually Fred."



The Weasley children introduced themselves, and Helen nodded to each one.

By the time Ron arrived, a blush was rising on his freckled cheeks.

Maybe Helen is his type. After all, the Malfoy family is not bad in appearance. In addition, Helen is a middle-aged widow with a very prominent figure, so...

It's so pitiful that Ron has become a judge of the charm of middle-aged women.

"Molly, don't say anything traitorous. Helen supports that...Mr."

Sirius stood up in embarrassment and said with a rather complicated expression.

This made everyone look at him, and then this middle-aged man with a handsome face but a sloppy mess blushed like Ron.

"Okay, let's go eat, everyone is hungry."

Mr. Weasley came out to rescue him, but the way he winked as he approached Sirius was visible to everyone.

Sirius felt that he had been beaten to death by Mr. Weasley, but he glanced at Helen, blushed and said nothing.

This shameless brat from the Black family actually developed feelings for Helen.

Everyone deliberately avoided the topic of factions during dinner, which made the atmosphere quite good.

"Isn't Lupine here?"

Sirius asked Mr. Weasley during the chat after the dinner.

"He said it was too crowded here, but I sent him the tickets." Mr. Weasley said, and then pointed at Percy, "He got a lot of tickets. This brat has more money in the Ministry of Magic than me."

Percy forced a formulaic smile in response. Mrs. Weasley glanced at him dissatisfied not far away, but still had a smile on her lips.

"Hey, Ron, have you contacted Hermione?" Harry asked Ron in a low voice.

"She will go, but not with us, Harry. She will take the core of the Falcons with her."

Percy, who was sitting next to them, heard Harry's question and answered on Ron's behalf.

"There's no need to worry about him, Harry. You broke up with her the day you decided to join the Candlebearers." Ron puffed up his chest and showed fearlessness, "Of course, that includes me."

After he finished speaking, he glanced at Helen with his peripheral vision, only to find that she was arranging Sirius' hair, completely unaware of his words.

This made his puffed-up chest sink instantly, and his whole person became listless.

"You can't say that, Ron, we are still friends." Harry said.

"Well, yes, we are still friends." Ron said listlessly, and then added, "I'm sleepy, go upstairs to sleep, will you go?"

"No, let me talk for a while." Harry said.

Ron nodded, stood up and left the table.

And all this was seen by Percy. He looked at his brother's back with dissatisfaction, but then shook his head, as if he didn't want to care about him anymore.

"Dad, Mum, I think I have to say goodbye. The Ministry of Magic will be very busy during this period, so I won't come over."

As he spoke, he had already stood up and put on his coat, and then said goodbye to Sirius, Harry and others.

Mrs. Weasley still looked angry with him and didn't say anything.

But Mr. Weasley sent the boy out and told him to get some rest.

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