Hogwarts: I am Voldemort

Chapter 377 Monopoly and Patents

No one answered the questions raised by Voldemort, everyone was silent and did not dare to speak.

Shoot the first bird.

Everyone understands this truth, so everyone chooses to remain silent.

Voldemort rubbed his hand twice on the cane, and Phoenix on his shoulder flapped his wings twice.

In the silence, such sounds are particularly intriguing.

"Dear Lord Dark Lord."

The head of the Welfare family couldn't bear the silence and stood up. He bowed slightly to Voldemort and said, "It's not that we don't want to choose. It's just that we have to hide from the world because of the rules of the family."

Voldemort turned to look at him. Because the distance was too close and the other person was standing, he looked up.

This frightened the head of the Welfare family and hurriedly bowed his body, not daring to show off.

Voldemort smiled and waved his hand, indicating that he did not need to be so cautious.

"That's what you said the last time I came to visit, Mr. Foley."

Voldemort stood up with his cane, not only to prevent himself from looking up to the other party, but also to prevent the other party from remaining half-bowed.

"I can't say that you are making excuses. I still insist on 'respecting every pureblood' just like I did more than ten years ago."

Mr. Foley nodded gratefully, and other pure-blood family representatives who did not want to join the Death Eaters or get too close to Voldemort also sighed.

But this tone was obviously a bit premature.

“But times are changing, my friends, and things are no longer what we originally envisioned.”

Voldemort said it very sincerely, but even if it was sincere, this was still a turning point.

A turning point that made many people's hearts lift.

"I have experienced failures due to my rashness and uneven distribution of benefits."

On both sides of the long table, many people looked at Voldemort in confusion.

They can understand impulse, but not the uneven distribution of benefits.

"Mr. Foley, we all know that your family has many special potion formulas, but you hide them very well, don't you?"

Voldemort's words made Mr. Foley's eyes widen in horror.

That was the source of his family's wealth, and if Voldemort had his eye on this, he really didn't know what to do.

"Mr. Aibo, your family has the secret method of growing a large number of common herbs, but it is kept secret, right?"

This time it was Mr. Abbot's turn to be nervous next to Mr. Foley.

"Flint family, there are several shops in Diagon Alley under your family's name, right?"

The patriarch of the Flint family, whose descendants have been in the Snake House for generations, forced a smile at Voldemort.

"I don't want to go into details one by one, but you and I both know that every pure-blood family has its own unique source of income. Muggles call this...monopoly."

After Voldemort finished speaking, he glanced at everyone with serious eyes, but most of them were a little confused.


Is there any problem with this?


Lucius Malfoy coughed twice, attracted everyone's attention and said, "In the Muggle world, it is illegal to obtain huge profits through monopoly methods, because it has a great impact on the economy."

"So the Dark Lord is planning to promote such a bill?" Mr. Foley asked in surprise.

Everyone else looked at Voldemort, waiting for his answer.

It's really because each of them has some similar industries. If Voldemort forcibly promotes them, it will be a huge blow to them.

And if they object...

If Muggle wizards, who are regarded as outsiders in the wizarding world, have such thoughts because they cannot understand the terror of Voldemort, it is understandable.

But as pure-blood wizards, they knew very well how powerful Voldemort was.

Put it this way.

If Voldemort did not focus on power, but focused on magical research, then he was destined to be a dark wizard who would go down in the history of magic.

And even if he didn't do this, he still leads the contemporary wizarding world in black magic.

Everyone knows that Grindelwald is powerful, but no one thinks that Grindelwald has the personal strength to rival Voldemort.

A simple example can explain everything.

When Grindelwald was walking in the wizarding world, the Ministry of Magic in many countries arrested him.

But no Ministry of Magic, or an organization like the Aurors, had ever tried to capture Voldemort.

It’s not that I don’t want to, it’s that I don’t dare.

For ordinary wizards, they will not use more harmful magic unless necessary, let alone talk about black magic.

For Voldemort, he did not use black magic except the death curse unless necessary.

Other wizards battled, and spells of various colors flew.

Voldemort fights, green is the eternal theme.

Facing such a person, the pure-blood wizards present did not dare to express it excessively, no matter how much dissatisfaction and resentment they had in their hearts.

Even if you are miserable, you must still show enough courtesy.

"I have no intention of fully promoting this bill in the wizarding world of England, but in some special areas, such as the herbal supply controlled by the Abbot family..."

Voldemort paused slightly and turned his gaze to the extremely nervous Patriarch of the Abbot family.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Abbott, once the war starts, these are war resources, and I have to put some thought into them."

"Oh, yes, Dark Lord, that's how it should be."

Mr. Abbott stumbled in reply, and stood up nervously and asked, "But can't we provide special supplies to your Death Eaters like we did before?"

Voldemort grinned and said: "I'm afraid not, Mr. Abbott, because this war may be longer... longer."

Voldemort's words made Mr. Abbot sit slumped in his chair, but he quickly looked for help at his companions beside him.

If everyone can reach an agreement, they may not be able to resist Voldemort.

It's a pity that no one responded directly to his gaze. After all, the knife hadn't fallen on his neck yet.

"Lord Dark Lord, do you have any needs for my secret recipe?" Mr. Foley asked after thinking for a moment.

"For some special ones, I need you to make them semi-public - that is, open to the Death Eaters, not to the entire wizarding world - as for the others, they still only belong to you."

The answer given by Voldemort made Mr. Foley breathe a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, they don't have to be as miserable as the Aibo family.

This thought made him couldn't help but glance at the head of the Aibo family, and this glance met the other person's eyes for help.

"Lord Dark Lord..."

The head of the Welfare family hesitated for a moment, but decided to help the head of the Aibo family, so he asked Voldemort, "Is there any way to solve the problem of the Aibo family? After all, that is the survival of their family."

"Of course, just like the Potter family's patent, they can obtain this patent while sharing this method."

After Voldemort finished speaking, he smiled again and said, "Of course, the premise is that there must be a Death Eater in their family."

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