Hogwarts: I am Voldemort

Chapter 360 There is a beast in the east named Yaizhen

"Ding Dong..."

The bell rang, and Mr. Borgin behind the counter looked up at the door.

An exquisite cane made of whole yew wood was the first to enter the store.

Then the owner of the cane, a young man in his twenties with black hair and black eyes, wearing a gorgeous wizard robe and a monocle in his left eye, entered the store.

"Hello, sir, what may I need?"

Mr. Borgin stood up impatiently, with a golden galleon flashing in his eyes.

"Mr. Borgin, don't you recognize me anymore?"

The young man asked in a clear voice with a cane on his face and a calm smile on his face.

Mr. Bojin was stunned for a moment and looked at the other person's face seriously - he had been paying attention to the other person's luxurious dress before, thinking about this person's worth and how much money he could get from this person.

But now when he looked closely at the other person's face, Mr. Bojin suddenly froze on the spot.

"You...you...you are..."

The answer was ready to come out, but a fishbone turned into panic was stuck in his throat.

"Yes, that's me, Mr. Borgin."

The black-haired young man Voldemort glanced around the store and saw an antique chair, so he walked over briskly and sat down.

"I think I can read people's minds, Mr. Borgin, and for a while, I really did."


Mr. Borgin behind the counter made a loud swallowing sound.

"But until I met you, I realized that my so-called insight was too shallow."

Voldemort said calmly, seemingly not seeing the panic on the other person's face.

"Sir, I mean, Lord Dark Lord, I don't quite understand what you mean." Mr. Borgin said humbly.

"I mean, Mr. Borgin, you showed me what greed is."

After Voldemort said this, he shook his head in dissatisfaction, "Sorry, Mr. Borgin, I think, more accurately, it was you who made me see greed."

Mr. Borgin forced out a stiff smile and said: "Dark Lord, is there any misunderstanding? You know me. When you were with me..."

"Bang, bang, bang."

Voldemort's face suddenly turned cold, and he banged his stick on the ground three times, shocking Mr. Borkin into hastily shutting up.

"Since we are talking about those years, then, Mr. Bojin, who once provided me with a job and thought he was kind to me, I also want to ask you to confirm something that happened many years ago."

"You...please say it."

Mr. Bojin has long lost the arrogance he had three years ago. He is hunched over to show his humility.

"I wonder if you can still recall that in the summer and autumn of 1926 - I'm sorry, I don't know the specific time - a lady sold you an heirloom. This lady's eyes were very distinctive."

Voldemort twisted his body, as if mentioning this lady made him feel slightly uncomfortable.

Mr. Borkin also twisted his body, as if he had remembered something, but his answer was completely the opposite.

"It happened too long ago, Lord Dark Lord, I don't think I can remember it."

He said something he didn't even believe, but couldn't help but prove it, "You know I have a lot of goods coming in and out here every year, so..."

"I'm not specific enough, but I think you know this thing."

Voldemort smiled apologetically, and then pulled out a locket hanging around his neck from his wizard's robes.

"Do you recognize it?"

Mr. Borgin's body shook violently, and the corners of his mouth twitched as he whispered softly: "I have an impression, Lord Dark Lord."

"I want you to help me evaluate its price, for example..." Voldemort said thoughtfully, "Ten gold galleons?"

"Oh no, more... yes, more."

Mr. Borgin answered tremblingly, making several gestures with his hands like cat paws on a cat-teasing stick.

"If it was 1926, maybe ten gold galleons would be enough. You know the price at that time, but today, it is indeed more expensive."

"Salazar Slytherin." Voldemort said suddenly.

"What, my lord?" asked Mr. Borkin.

"I mean, you recognize this as Salazar Slytherin, right?"

Voldemort said seriously, "From your perspective, this is not difficult, is it?"

"Oh, yes, but you know, I can't confirm whether it's true or not, there are so many Knockturn Alleys..."

"Bang! Bang!"

With two powerful strokes of the cane, Mr. Borgin's voice immediately softened and he quickly closed his mouth.

"Ten galleons, Mr. Borgin, that's too little for a pregnant woman with nothing to offer.

"This resulted in her having to give birth to his child in a Muggle orphanage, because only in this way could her child be taken care of."

Voldemort stood up, adjusted his exquisite wizard robes, and put the locket back into his arms.

"Do you know what her child's name is?"

Mr. Borgin shook his head vigorously. Although he already knew the answer, the horrible fish bone was always in his throat, preventing him from opening his mouth.

"Tom Marvolo Riddle, Mr. Borkin, in addition to being greedy, you are also dishonest because you clearly know the answer."

Voldemort said with a gentle smile, which made Mr. Borkin afraid to look up at him out of fear.

"Wu's Orphanage, that was my childhood, unhappy and filled with hatred.

"For many years, I have been looking for the source of all this suffering, and in fact, I found it in my childhood, the man who had the same first and last name as me, Tom Riddle.

"I killed him myself because he was the culprit, wasn't he?"

Mr. Bojin nodded repeatedly and said tremblingly: "Yes, sir, you did the right thing."

"I'm not here to get your approval, Mr. Borgin, but I want to ask you a few questions." Voldemort said.

"Please tell me," said Mr. Bogin.

"Although it is wrong to lack a kind heart, it is not wrong, right?" Voldemort asked.

"Of course, that's immoral, but it doesn't break the law," Mr. Bogin said quickly.

"It's understandable to add insult to injury, right?" Voldemort continued, "After all, business is business."

"Of course Knockturn Alley is full of people like that, you know," Mr. Borkin replied again.

"Then I can generally understand, sir." Voldemort straightened his spine and said, "Please raise your head, sir."


Mr. Borgin did not dare to refuse. He could only raise his head in horror and look up at the Dark Lord in front of him with humble eyes.

"Standing in front of you is a dark wizard who has no moral bottom line, is murderous, and uses black magic more frequently than ordinary magic.

"He wants to ask you one last question."

"You...please speak." Mr. Bojin said almost desperately.

"He turned his anger on you out of anger. Do you think there is a problem with that?" Voldemort asked.


Mr. Borkin swallowed again.

He wanted to say there was a problem, but he didn't dare.

As Voldemort himself said, he is murderous, and this is not just talk.

"Please forgive me..."

"In the far east, there is a mythical beast. His name is Yasu."

Voldemort interrupted him, which made Mr. Borkin somewhat confused.

"Are you saying that you can forgive me if you get one of these magical creatures called Yaju?" Mr. Bojin asked in surprise and surprise.

"Of course not." Voldemort smiled and shook his head, "I want to tell you that a creature like Yaizhen must avenge itself. So, you generally know what I want to say, right?"

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