Hogwarts: I am Voldemort

Chapter 338 Blood of Saints

"I will follow your orders, Master."

Bella lowered her head, kissed Voldemort's hand caressing the back of her hand, and then turned to the blood well.

When her face reached the top of the blood well, the strong smell of blood made her startled.

But then she stretched out her hand without hesitation - the one without the long mist rope - and immersed her entire palm in the blood.

Voldemort frowned beside her, but ultimately chose not to say anything.


The blood began to boil, and red water columns rolled out.

They pounced on Bella's arms like thin snakes, and wormed their way into Bella's hands at a speed that caught them both off guard.


Bella let out a cry of pain, her body trembled, and she almost collapsed at the edge of the well.


Voldemort growled, came to Bella's side and said, "If the situation is not right, just give up."

"I...I'm fine, Master."

Bella held back the pain and said, but her entire face had turned pale, and Voldemort couldn't see where she was "okay" anyway.

Looking at the long mist rope at Bella's left wrist, Voldemort was puzzled by the lack of any reaction from it.

"How do you feel?" Voldemort asked in a deep voice.

"Those blood snakes seem to have penetrated into my body. They are devouring my blood."

Bella said tremblingly, her face becoming paler.

Voldemort opened his mouth to ask her to stop, but before he could say anything, several blood-red traces like earthworms appeared on Bella's old face.

The blood snakes had rushed along her arms and under her skin, wandering freely inside.

"Ah sneeze~~"

Bella suddenly raised her head and sneezed. This action seemed a bit abrupt and strange.

"Ah sneeze~~"

She sneezed again, and Voldemort noticed sporadic drops of blood spurting out.


Bella threw her head back, paused for a moment, and sneezed again.

Only this time, what spewed out was no longer sporadic blood drops, but a mouthful of bright red blood mixed with dark brown blood.

"Bella, what's going on?"

Voldemort squatted down and patted Bella's back gently.

"Very comfortable... Ah Zhi... comfortable..."

Bella spat out a mouthful of blood again and said reluctantly.


Voldemort looked at the little red snake slithering through the folds of her face, and felt that everything in front of him was indescribably weird.

He looked at Bella's left wrist again, where the long mist cord was still worn, without any reaction.

"Ah sneeze...A sneeze...A sneeze..."

Bella kept sneezing, and mouthfuls of blood spurted out.

But her face, which had just become pale, became more and more rosy.

At the same time, the wrinkles on her face were quietly disappearing.

After a while, under Voldemort's gaze, her skin became firmer and more delicate, and her whole body's energy also showed a reversal trend.


In the blood well, the sound of blood rolling became louder and louder.

Voldemort noticed that the black blood clots Bella vomited into the blood well were swallowed up by more tiny blood snakes and disappeared.


Just when Voldemort was paying attention to the blood well, Bella suddenly let out a sigh of relief.

"How do you feel?" Voldemort asked her immediately.

"I feel... I feel a lot younger."

Bella stood up and unconsciously pulled her right hand out of the well of blood.


On her right hand, blood flowed from several holes and fell into the blood well, making a strange sound.

At this time, the blood in the blood well was no longer rolling, and there was only a "clatter" sound in the whole room.

The corner of Voldemort's mouth twitched.

Is there really no problem with this blood flow?

"Master, the door is open."

Bella suddenly broke the silence and pointed to the wall opposite the two of them.

There, a narrow door that can accommodate one person has been opened.

"Can you control it so that the blood stops flowing out?"

Voldemort looked away from the narrow door and looked at Bella and asked.

"Master, only in this way will the door be opened."

Bella looked down at her right hand and said, "If I stop the blood of the saints from flowing out, the door will be closed."

"You have no problem with this?" Voldemort asked.

"No problem, Master, I can do this if necessary."

Bella said, and once again put her right hand deep into the pool of blood.


The blood pool rolled again, and the blood began to flow along the hollow in Bella's hand and enter her body.

"What is the blood of saints?" Seeing that Bella was fine for the time being, Voldemort asked curiously.

"The names of these bloods, Master, I knew their names when they flowed into my body."

Bella took out her right hand and held up a small pool of blood, letting it flow into the blood well. "This is blood that can only be used by devout saints."

"To whom?" Voldemort asked.

"You, my master." After Bella finished speaking, she frowned and thought for a moment before adding, "But it only cares about whether I am pious, not who I am pious to."

"What effect does it have?" Voldemort asked, resisting the urge to explore the blood well.

"Sorry, Master, I don't have that information, but I feel..."

Bella said, pulling out the wand with her left hand and silently using a lighting spell.


The light separated from the wand and slowly floated in the room.

"You can use magic." Bella said all the unfinished words.

Voldemort nodded and stared at the blood well for a moment again, resisting the urge to try.

"Please take it with you, Master. I can't accompany you to the next level because I have to knock on this door for you."

Bella shook her left hand, took off the long mist rope, raised it and handed it to Voldemort.

Voldemort silently took the mist rope and put it on his hand. After thinking for a moment, he opened his palm and said, "Give me a drop of the saint's blood, Bella, not too much."

Bella hesitated, but under Voldemort's gaze, she nodded in agreement.

She dipped her left hand into a drop of the saint's blood, and then ejected it into Voldemort's palm.


The drop of blood accurately fell on Voldemort's hand, but it passed through his palm and fell to the ground.

Both of them looked down at the drop of blood, only to see it quickly sinking under the stone slab without leaving any mark on the stone slab.

"There's no feeling, Bella, it doesn't exist in my perception."

Voldemort raised his hand, looked over it twice and then said.

“But in my perception, it’s incredibly real.”

Bella frowned and said doubtfully.

"When you leave for a while, try to collect some. This thing is worth studying."

Voldemort said thoughtfully, then nodded to Bella, turned and walked to the next level - the thought ladder.

The narrow door, which only allowed one person to pass through, fit Voldemort's body shape perfectly, allowing him to pass through without any hindrance.

"I'm waiting for you here, Master." Bella's voice came from behind.

"Okay, Bella." Voldemort said without looking back.

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