Hogwarts: I am Voldemort

Chapter 313 A repentant heart

Students and parents are not the only ones who feel weird.

Even the Death Eaters who successfully escaped from prison were still embarrassed.

They didn't know what to do next and all they were told was to end up back in prison.

There was no specific explanation on how to go back, what they were going to say, and what they were going to do.

Fortunately, the embarrassment did not last long, because Voldemort's voice rang in Dolohov's ears.

"Follow me."

The Dark Lord pointed his wand at his throat, controlling the transmission of sound so that only Dolohov could hear his words.

Dolokhov shuddered excitedly when he heard Voldemort's words, but he quickly calmed down.

"We made mistakes, and for that we..."

Voldemort's voice entered Dolohov's ears continuously, and Dolohov quickly memorized it.

"We made a mistake."

Dolokhov's words made everyone look at him, "And we have already paid twelve years in prison for this."

When he paused, the wizards began to whisper in surprise, guessing what he was going to say.

"Myself and four other Death Eaters were imprisoned for killing Fabian and Gideon Prewett. Twelve years of punishment is not enough for us."

Dolokhov has a sad expression on his ferocious face, but his acting talent is really not that good.

Voldemort asked him to show remorse, but he only showed sadness.

And in the midst of sadness, there is a sense of schadenfreude no matter how you look at it.

But fortunately, no one paid too much attention to his expression.

More people just heard his voice.

But the content of these words still caused the crowd to exclaim "whoop".

"For twelve years, we have been repenting of our mistakes."

"The imprisonment with no end in sight, the happiness that we can no longer have, cannot stop our regret."

"We deserve it, we deserve it."


He suddenly raised his voice, causing the surprised people to raise their heads and look at him.

"These pains should not belong to children, and dementors have no right to get close to children."

"Believe me, I lived with this creature day and night for twelve years, and I know how much damage it can do."

"We deserved it, but the children are innocent."

Dolokhov slowly began to enter the scene, and his ferocious face actually showed a bit of sadness.

And a few drops of crocodile tears flowed from his eyes.


The [Daily Prophet] photographer who was pulled over by Lucius cleverly captured the scene of tears falling.

Next to the photographer, the well-known reporter Rita Skeeter wiped her tears while using her dark green feather stenographic pen to record everything.

While Voldemort sent a message to Dolohov, he approached Rita and took a look at what she recorded:

Dolokhov, who is known for his cruelty, had tears in his eyes. He cried out sadly: We deserve it, but the children are innocent...

Voldemort nodded with satisfaction while retracting his gaze.

He even gave Lucius a thumbs up for this, which made the latter excited.

"Look at us."

Dolohov allowed his tears to flow, and pointed angrily at the Death Eaters behind him, "With our ferocity, I think you can see that we can leave this damn place at any time as long as we want."


The students and parents who had just sympathized with him were once again surprised.

Some excited students even shouted: "Are you going to escape from prison?"

"But we didn't do that, why?"

Dolokhov's words once again calmed everyone down and began to pay attention to his speech.

"Because we must abide by the decisions of the Ministry of Magic, even if those decisions are not necessarily completely correct."

"Twelve years ago, we followed the Dark Lord and revolutionized the wizarding world. We were too radical and hurt many people."

"We need to atone for this and reflect on our mistakes in the boundless darkness where we cannot see the future."

"But not everyone here has killed someone. The lives of Fabian and Gideon are not enough for the five of us to share."

“No one is speaking up for us because too many people don’t want change.”

"But I must take this opportunity today to tell you that living like an ant hiding under the Secrecy Law will not allow the wizarding world to see the future."

"Politics, law, economics, business, magical development, the entire wizarding world has problems on every front."

"If you turn a blind eye to this, we who redeemed ourselves in Azkaban can't say anything about it."

"But one day, the wizarding world collapses out of control like an avalanche..."

Dolokhov's voice became louder and louder. He blushed and shouted with a ferocious face, "None of you here and us are innocent."

The roar seemed to break through the clouds, but in the end it failed to do so.

There was no echo around the ears, so the effect was greatly reduced, but some wizards-especially the children-were still deep in thought.

"We will walk back to Azkaban and continue to repent of our mistakes."

"But please remember, it is not Azkaban that imprisons us, let alone Dementors."

"But our repentant hearts."

After the last roar, Dolohov froze on the spot for a moment.

His expression was a little dull, and everyone didn't understand what he was doing, but he didn't say anything.

After standing like this for a while, he suddenly gritted his teeth and stamped his feet, turned around and walked towards Azkaban.

People saw pain and reluctance in his expression.

Everyone could see how much he didn't want to go back there.

But Dolohov's tall and thin figure still walked towards Azkaban with heavy steps.

The Death Eaters following him, after struggling a few times, also followed his footsteps.


A white light flashed, and the backs of a group of skinny Death Eaters were recorded on the photo.


Sudden applause rang out, everyone was stunned for a moment, and then...

"Pa bang bang..."

More and more people joined in, and the applause was endless at this moment.

Voldemort's face hidden behind the mask showed a smile of success.

In the student team, Percy and Draco looked at each other, and they could see each other's thoughts from each other's eyes.

The tone and way of saying this are really like a teacher.

"Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh..."

More and more figures began to appear around them through portkeys.

Among the first wave of these people, there was a wizard wearing a gorgeous purple wizard robe, white hair, and crescent-shaped glasses.

The first time he arrived, he saw a group of Death Eaters re-entering the castle without being coerced by anyone.

"time to go."

Voldemort raised the corners of his mouth and whispered to the people around him.

Bella raised the door key, and several people put their hands on it one after another.


After a muffled sound, Voldemort and others disappeared.

With Voldemort taking the lead, students and parents are following suit.

More and more people left here without communicating with Dumbledore and Fudge, who had just arrived.

And today's scene will definitely spread this matter in the wizarding world because of the departure of these people.

The lake in the wizarding world will surely make waves as a result.

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