Hogwarts: I am Voldemort

Chapter 279 The body infected by time

Returning to the small building in the backyard of Malfoy Manor, Voldemort did not immediately study the conch of time.

He first picked up the thick book and read it quickly.

Before the sun rose, he finally read the book in a hurry and roughly understood the contents.

The production method of the time converter is very complicated, so complicated that even if you want to imitate it, you will still need to work hard and spend several years to learn and make it.

In addition, the time tide swallowed by the time conch is not strong, so the time converter cannot move forward for too long, nor can it carry things that are too large and have too powerful magic.

Combining these factors, Voldemort completely gave up the idea of ​​making a time turner.

But he didn't gain nothing. There were many high-end alchemy techniques that he could learn from.

And these high-end alchemy skills are still not Voldemort's biggest gain.

What really excited him was the time transformation magic text that appeared in the manual's section on the processing and transformation of time tides.

The magic text was not powerful, and even only had the ability to transform the tide of time, but it allowed Voldemort to see a possibility, the possibility of seizing time.

He couldn't wait to start decomposing the magic text, and he was immersed in this new research.

In the afternoon, Luna and others came to class, only to find that Voldemort was completely immersed in his own world, and had no choice but to leave.

At night, Abu came to Voldemort to say something, but Voldemort turned him away.

No, he didn't refuse at all, because no matter how Abu knocked on the door, Voldemort wouldn't open.

He was completely immersed in the decomposition of the time-transforming magic text and did not want to delay it for a moment.

But as the decomposition progressed, Voldemort felt more and more that this magic text was too weird.

Because it doesn't involve time at all, it is a complete emotional magic text.

Voldemort was not convinced at first, but as his research deepened, he became more and more convinced of his idea.

After staying up like this all night, Voldemort finally disassembled the entire magic text.

Finally, he was sure that this was an emotional magic text.

There is no secret of time in it, nor does it really affect the tide of time.

Although the name of this time-changing magic text is related to time, its most fundamental function is to use emotions to affect the time conch itself.

"Is this thing alive?"

Voldemort picked up the time conch wrapped in time glass in surprise and said incredulously.

After a brief thought, Voldemort directly opened the time glass outside and held the time conch in his hand.

The touch feels very strange, cool, slippery, and has a weird adsorption feeling.

In addition, in Voldemort's opinion, this thing is somewhere between reality and fiction.

It can be seen and touched, but in terms of magical perception, it is intermittent.

"Has it been wandering through time?"

Voldemort murmured, carefully holding the conch of time to watch.

It really looks like a flat conch, with the only hole in its body that is constantly absorbing the tide of time.

Bright colors sprayed, and when Voldemort deliberately knocked an object into the tide, the object entered an endless cycle of tilting and falling backwards.

It wasn't until Voldemort turned the tide elsewhere that he took the things and fell completely.

"Time is truly manipulated. If you can experience it, you will definitely have some insights. But how do you exit after entering?"

Voldemort rubbed his chin and frowned.

He wanted to try, but he was afraid that he would be trapped in the tide of time and unable to extricate himself.

But if you don't take risks, it's hard to gain anything.

After much thought, Voldemort finally decided to give it a try.

A large part of the reason why he dares to take risks comes from the uniqueness of his body.

Unlike ordinary people, his body is made of magic power, which makes it more likely that he will escape the tide of time.

Coupled with careful control, you may not be like the person Crocker said, trapped in it and unable to extricate yourself.

"Senior Abu, Lucius, or... Nott."

After thinking for a while, Voldemort finally chose Old Nott and quickly called him over.

"Use this tide against you?"

Old Nott seemed a little confused, so he couldn't help but confirm with Voldemort again and again.

"Yes, but don't face my upper body. If you feel that I have lost control, move the tide away quickly." Voldemort said firmly.

Old Nott still wanted to persuade him, but Voldemort was determined.

"Then get ready."

As Old Nott said this, he began to slowly hold the conch of time towards Voldemort's lower body, and the tidal light began to attack Voldemort.

When the tide of time really fell on him, Voldemort didn't feel anything special.

But when he tried to move, he suddenly found that his lower body was no longer under control.

It is imprisoned by time, and it should remain motionless in the endless cycle of reincarnation.

"Is it okay?"

Old Nott asked Voldemort.

Voldemort wanted to answer, but found that his upper body was also being restrained, and he could not speak.


Old Nott hurriedly moved the conch of time to keep the tide away from Voldemort.

At that time, the light tide completely disappeared. Voldemort tried to move forward, but his body was still out of control.

He wanted to look down, but he couldn't move his head either.

"How about it?"

After installing the time conch behind the time glass, Old Nott immediately asked Voldemort.

Voldemort tried to open his mouth, but he couldn't.

Calming down, Voldemort was not in a hurry.

If that doesn't work, he can control his soul to leave his body directly, but he won't do that unless necessary.

Every time the body is restored to the silver magic state, it is a huge consumption of that magic power.

But Voldemort didn't panic, but Old Nott was a little anxious.

He circled around Voldemort several times, and finally even found Mr. Abu and his son, but it was of course useless.

The last few people discussed it and decided to invite Crocker to come over and take a look. After all, those people had been studying this thing for a long time.

Voldemort listened, but he didn't want his identity to be exposed to strangers prematurely, so he chose to let his soul leave his body.

He didn't succeed immediately, and it felt like time had a hold on his soul.

But the feeling was very light. The soul wandered for a few times and then left completely.

Several people who were about to leave quickly stopped when they saw Voldemort's soul leaving his body.

And Voldemort didn't let the soul enter anyone's body, he just turned his head and looked at his body.

It still stood there, as if nothing had happened.

Even the slight surprise in his eyes remained intact.

Voldemort thought for a moment before his soul entered his body again.


Voldemort tried to take a step, and actually succeeded.


Old Nott hurriedly stepped forward and asked.

Voldemort tried to speak, but his tongue, which was usually flexible, was now very numb.

He finally nodded to indicate that there was nothing wrong with him, and then focused all his attention on feeling his body.

This feeling is very strange, the body is no longer as real as before, it feels like it has returned to its magical appearance.

It's just that it was imprisoned by time and did not collapse.

But this also filled the body with the power of time, allowing Voldemort to capture them easily.

He even felt that he had the ability to control time.

Please give me some votes~~~I still owe a chapter to my book friends...I’ve been too busy recently, so I’ll try my best to catch up~~~

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